mcp-server-prometheusloglmhqAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP server for interacting with Prometheus metrics and data.MITApple
metoro-mcp-server officialmetoro-io-securityAlicense-qualityQuery and interact with kubernetes environments monitored by Metoro. Look at APM, metrics, traces, profiling information with LLMs.MIT
mcp-server-raygun officialMindscapeHQ-securityAlicense-qualityMCP Server for Raygun's API V3 endpoints for interacting with your Crash Reporting and Real User Monitoring applications. This server provides comprehensive access to Raygun's API features through the Model Context Protocol.MITApple
serversmodelcontextprotocol-securityAlicense-qualityThis server provides tools to inspect error reports, stacktraces, and other debugging information from your Sentry account.MIT