
by kajirita2002

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides tools for interacting with the Honeycomb API, enabling operations such as retrieving, creating, and updating Honeycomb datasets, queries, events, boards, markers, SLOs, and triggers to streamline observability and monitoring workflows.

Honeycomb MCP Server

Read this in Japanese


This server is an interface that uses the Model Context Protocol (MCP) to enable Claude AI to interact with the Honeycomb API.

With this MCP server, Claude AI can perform operations such as retrieving, creating, and updating Honeycomb datasets, queries, events, boards, markers, SLOs, and triggers.

About the Repository

This repository provides a standalone implementation of the Honeycomb MCP server. It integrates Claude AI with Honeycomb to streamline observability and monitoring workflows.



  • Node.js 18 or higher
  • Honeycomb API key


# Install globally npm install -g @kajirita2002/honeycomb-mcp-server # Or use directly with npx npx @kajirita2002/honeycomb-mcp-server

Setting Environment Variables

# Set environment variables export HONEYCOMB_API_KEY="your_honeycomb_api_key"

MCP Configuration Example

If you're using this MCP server, add the following configuration to your mcp_config.json file:

"honeycomb": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@kajirita2002/honeycomb-mcp-server"], "env": { "HONEYCOMB_API_KEY": "your_honeycomb_api_key" } }

Starting the Server

# Start the server npm start

Available Tools

This MCP server provides the following tools:


  1. honeycomb_auth
    • Authenticates with the Honeycomb API
    • Input:
      • apiKey (string, optional): Honeycomb API key (if not provided, uses environment variable)

Dataset Management

  1. honeycomb_datasets_list
    • Lists all available datasets
    • No input parameters required
  2. honeycomb_dataset_get
    • Gets information about a specific dataset
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
  3. honeycomb_datasets_create
    • Creates a new dataset
    • Input:
      • name (string, required): Name of the dataset
      • description (string, optional): Description of the dataset

Column Management

  1. honeycomb_columns_list
    • Lists all columns in a dataset
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset

Query Management

  1. honeycomb_query_create
    • Creates a new query for a dataset
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
      • query (object, required): Query configuration
  2. honeycomb_query_result_create
    • Executes a query and returns the results
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
      • query (object, required): Query configuration

Event Management

  1. honeycomb_event_create
    • Creates a new event in a dataset
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
      • data (object, required): Event data

Board Management

  1. honeycomb_boards_list
    • Lists all boards
    • No input parameters required
  2. honeycomb_board_get
    • Gets information about a specific board
    • Input:
      • boardId (string, required): ID of the board
  3. honeycomb_board_create
    • Creates a new board
    • Input:
      • name (string, required): Name of the board
      • description (string, optional): Description of the board
      • query_ids (array of strings, optional): Query IDs to include in the board
  4. honeycomb_board_update
    • Updates an existing board
    • Input:
      • boardId (string, required): ID of the board to update
      • name (string, optional): New name for the board
      • description (string, optional): New description for the board
      • query_ids (array of strings, optional): New query IDs to include in the board

Marker Management

  1. honeycomb_markers_list
    • Lists all markers for a dataset
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
  2. honeycomb_marker_create
    • Creates a new marker
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
      • message (string, required): Message for the marker
      • type (string, required): Type of the marker
      • start_time (string, required): Start time for the marker
      • end_time (string, optional): End time for the marker
      • url (string, optional): URL associated with the marker
    • Input:
      • datasetSlug (string, required): Slug of the dataset
      • markerId (string, required): ID of the marker to delete

Example Usage

Here's an example of Claude using this MCP server to create a new Honeycomb dataset and add an event:

[Claude] Please create a new dataset in Honeycomb called "Application Monitoring" with a description "Monitoring for our production application". [User] I'll help you create a new dataset in Honeycomb. [Claude] I'll create a new dataset for you in Honeycomb. I'll use the honeycomb_datasets_create tool: Input: { "name": "Application Monitoring", "description": "Monitoring for our production application" } The dataset has been created successfully! [Claude] Now, let me add an event to this dataset. I'll create an event with some sample metrics. I'll use the honeycomb_event_create tool: Input: { "datasetSlug": "application-monitoring", "data": { "service": "api-gateway", "duration_ms": 45.2, "status_code": 200, "endpoint": "/users", "method": "GET" } } Event created successfully! You can now see this event in the Honeycomb UI under the Application Monitoring dataset. [Claude] I can also create a query to analyze this data. Let me create a query that shows the average duration by endpoint. I'll use the honeycomb_query_create tool: Input: { "datasetSlug": "application-monitoring", "query": { "calculations": [ { "op": "AVG", "column": "duration_ms" } ], "breakdowns": ["endpoint"], "time_range": 3600 } }

Common Integration Patterns

  1. Observability Automation
    [User] Claude, please help me set up a new SLO for API response times. [Claude] I can help with that. Let me create an SLO to track API response times. I'll use honeycomb_slo_create with these parameters: { "datasetSlug": "production-api", "name": "API Response Time SLO", "description": "Tracks response time for critical API endpoints", "sli": { "alias": "Response Time < 300ms", "conditions": { "column": "duration_ms", "operator": "<", "value": 300 } }, "time_period_days": 30, "target_per_million": 995000 }
  2. Incident Investigation
    [User] We're seeing elevated error rates in production. Can you help investigate? [Claude] I'll help investigate the elevated error rates. Let me query the recent error data. First, I'll use honeycomb_query_result_create: { "datasetSlug": "production", "query": { "calculations": [ { "op": "COUNT" } ], "filters": [ { "column": "status_code", "operator": ">=", "value": 500 } ], "breakdowns": ["service", "endpoint"], "time_range": 3600, "granularity": 60 } }

Creating dataset "Application Monitoring" with the description "Monitoring for our production application"...

[Claude uses honeycomb_datasets_create]

The dataset has been successfully created! Now we can add events to it.

Would you like me to create a sample event in the dataset to test it?

[User] Yes, please add a sample event.

[Claude] I'll add a sample event to the "Application Monitoring" dataset.

[Claude uses honeycomb_event_create]

Success! I've added a sample event to your "Application Monitoring" dataset with the following data: { "service": "api-server", "message": "User login successful", "duration_ms": 45, "status_code": 200, "endpoint": "/api/login", "timestamp": "2025-03-25T14:30:00Z" }

This event represents a successful user login operation that took 45ms to complete.

You can now view this event in your Honeycomb dashboard and start building queries to analyze your data.

## Error Handling This MCP server returns error information in a consistent format. When an error occurs, the following structure is returned: ```json { "error": { "message": "Detailed error description", "code": "ERROR_CODE" } }

Common Error Codes

  • AUTH_ERROR: Authentication failed. Check your API key.
  • NOT_FOUND: The requested resource was not found.
  • INVALID_PARAMETER: One or more parameters are invalid.
  • RATE_LIMIT: Honeycomb API rate limit has been reached.
  • SERVER_ERROR: Internal server error occurred.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Authentication Issues
    • Ensure your HONEYCOMB_API_KEY is set correctly
    • Verify the API key has appropriate permissions
  2. Dataset Not Found
    • Confirm that the dataset slug is correct (check for typos)
    • Make sure the dataset exists in your Honeycomb account
  3. Query Execution Issues
    • Validate that query parameters are formatted correctly
    • Check column names in queries match those in your dataset


Contributions to the Honeycomb MCP server are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:

Development Setup

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone your fork
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/honeycomb-mcp-server.git
  3. Install dependencies
    npm install
  4. Make your changes
  5. Run the build
    npm run build
  6. Test your changes locally

Pull Request Process

  1. Create a feature branch
    git checkout -b feat-your-feature-name
  2. Commit your changes following Conventional Commits format
    git commit -m "feat: add new feature"
  3. Push to your fork
    git push origin feat-your-feature-name
  4. Open a Pull Request

Coding Standards

  • Use TypeScript for all new code
  • Follow the existing code style
  • Add comments for public APIs
  • Write tests for new functionality


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.