
hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Allows for interacting with Splunk Enterprise/Cloud through natural language queries. Supports executing Splunk searches, managing indexes, viewing users, and performing KV store operations.

Splunk MCP (Model Context Protocol) Tool

A FastMCP-based tool for interacting with Splunk Enterprise/Cloud through natural language. This tool provides a set of capabilities for searching Splunk data, managing KV stores, and accessing Splunk resources through an intuitive interface.

Operating Modes

The tool operates in three modes:

  1. SSE Mode (Default)
    • Server-Sent Events based communication
    • Real-time bidirectional interaction
    • Suitable for web-based MCP clients
    • Default mode when no arguments provided
    • Access via /sse endpoint
  2. API Mode
    • RESTful API endpoints
    • Access via /api/v1 endpoint prefix
    • Start with python splunk_mcp.py api
  3. STDIO Mode
    • Standard input/output based communication
    • Compatible with Claude Desktop and other MCP clients
    • Ideal for direct integration with AI assistants
    • Start with python splunk_mcp.py stdio


  • Splunk Search: Execute Splunk searches with natural language queries
  • Index Management: List and inspect Splunk indexes
  • User Management: View and manage Splunk users
  • KV Store Operations: Create, list, and manage KV store collections
  • Async Support: Built with async/await patterns for better performance
  • Detailed Logging: Comprehensive logging with emoji indicators for better visibility
  • SSL Configuration: Flexible SSL verification options for different security requirements
  • Enhanced Debugging: Detailed connection and error logging for troubleshooting
  • Comprehensive Testing: Unit tests covering all major functionality
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling with appropriate status codes
  • SSE Compliance: Fully compliant with MCP SSE specification

Available MCP Tools

The following tools are available via the MCP interface:

Tools Management

  • list_tools
    • Lists all available MCP tools with their descriptions and parameters

Health Check

  • health_check
    • Returns a list of available Splunk apps to verify connectivity
  • ping
    • Simple ping endpoint to verify MCP server is alive

User Management

  • current_user
    • Returns information about the currently authenticated user
  • list_users
    • Returns a list of all users and their roles

Index Management

  • list_indexes
    • Returns a list of all accessible Splunk indexes
  • get_index_info
    • Returns detailed information about a specific index
    • Parameters: index_name (string)
  • indexes_and_sourcetypes
    • Returns a comprehensive list of indexes and their sourcetypes
  • search_splunk
    • Executes a Splunk search query
    • Parameters:
      • search_query (string): Splunk search string
      • earliest_time (string, optional): Start time for search window
      • latest_time (string, optional): End time for search window
      • max_results (integer, optional): Maximum number of results to return
  • list_saved_searches
    • Returns a list of saved searches in the Splunk instance

KV Store

  • list_kvstore_collections
    • Lists all KV store collections
  • create_kvstore_collection
    • Creates a new KV store collection
    • Parameters: collection_name (string)
  • delete_kvstore_collection
    • Deletes an existing KV store collection
    • Parameters: collection_name (string)

SSE Endpoints

When running in SSE mode, the following endpoints are available:

  • /sse: Returns SSE connection information in text/event-stream format
    • Provides metadata about the SSE connection
    • Includes URL for the messages endpoint
    • Provides protocol and capability information
  • /sse/messages: The main SSE stream endpoint
    • Streams system events like heartbeats
    • Maintains persistent connection
    • Sends properly formatted SSE events
  • /sse/health: Health check endpoint for SSE mode
    • Returns status and version information in SSE format

Error Handling

The MCP implementation includes consistent error handling:

  • Invalid search commands or malformed requests
  • Insufficient permissions
  • Resource not found
  • Invalid input validation
  • Unexpected server errors
  • Connection issues with Splunk server

All error responses include a detailed message explaining the error.


  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Poetry for dependency management
  • Splunk Enterprise/Cloud instance
  • Appropriate Splunk credentials with necessary permissions


Option 1: Local Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url> cd splunk-mcp
  1. Install dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
  1. Copy the example environment file and configure your settings:
cp .env.example .env
  1. Update the .env file with your Splunk credentials:

Option 2: Docker Installation

  1. Pull the latest image:
docker pull livehybrid/splunk-mcp:latest
  1. Create your .env file as above or use environment variables directly.
  2. Run using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d

Or using Docker directly:

docker run -i \ --env-file .env \ livehybrid/splunk-mcp


Local Usage

The tool can run in three modes:

  1. SSE mode (default for MCP clients):
# Start in SSE mode (default) poetry run python splunk_mcp.py # or explicitly: poetry run python splunk_mcp.py sse # Use uvicorn directly: SERVER_MODE=api poetry run uvicorn splunk_mcp:app --host --port 8000 --reload
  1. STDIO mode:
poetry run python splunk_mcp.py stdio

Docker Usage

The project supports both the new docker compose (V2) and legacy docker-compose (V1) commands. The examples below use V2 syntax, but both are supported.

  1. SSE Mode (Default):
docker compose up -d mcp
  1. API Mode:
docker compose run --rm mcp python splunk_mcp.py api
  1. STDIO Mode:
docker compose run -i --rm mcp python splunk_mcp.py stdio

Testing with Docker

The project includes a dedicated test environment in Docker:

  1. Run all tests:
./run_tests.sh --docker
  1. Run specific test components:
# Run only the MCP server docker compose up -d mcp # Run only the test container docker compose up test # Run both with test results docker compose up --abort-on-container-exit

Test results will be available in the ./test-results directory.

Docker Development Tips

  1. Building Images:
# Build both images docker compose build # Build specific service docker compose build mcp docker compose build test
  1. Viewing Logs:
# View all logs docker compose logs # Follow specific service logs docker compose logs -f mcp
  1. Debugging:
# Run with debug mode DEBUG=true docker compose up mcp # Access container shell docker compose exec mcp /bin/bash

Note: If you're using Docker Compose V1, replace docker compose with docker-compose in the above commands.

Security Notes

  1. Environment Variables:
  • Never commit .env files
  • Use .env.example as a template
  • Consider using Docker secrets for production
  1. SSL Verification:
  • VERIFY_SSL=true recommended for production
  • Can be disabled for development/testing
  • Configure through environment variables
  1. Port Exposure:
  • Only expose necessary ports
  • Use internal Docker network when possible
  • Consider network security in production

Environment Variables

Configure the following environment variables:

  • SPLUNK_HOST: Your Splunk host address
  • SPLUNK_PORT: Splunk management port (default: 8089)
  • SPLUNK_USERNAME: Your Splunk username
  • SPLUNK_PASSWORD: Your Splunk password
  • SPLUNK_SCHEME: Connection scheme (default: https)
  • VERIFY_SSL: Enable/disable SSL verification (default: true)
  • FASTMCP_LOG_LEVEL: Logging level (default: INFO)
  • SERVER_MODE: Server mode (sse, api, stdio) when using uvicorn

SSL Configuration

The tool provides flexible SSL verification options:

  1. Default (Secure) Mode:
  • Full SSL certificate verification
  • Hostname verification enabled
  • Recommended for production environments
  1. Relaxed Mode:
  • SSL certificate verification disabled
  • Hostname verification disabled
  • Useful for testing or self-signed certificates


The project includes comprehensive test coverage using pytest and end-to-end testing with a custom MCP client:

Running Tests

Basic test execution:

poetry run pytest

With coverage reporting:

poetry run pytest --cov=splunk_mcp

With verbose output:

poetry run pytest -v

End-to-End SSE Testing

The project includes a custom MCP client test script that connects to the live SSE endpoint and tests all tools:

# Test all tools python test_endpoints.py # Test specific tools python test_endpoints.py health_check list_indexes # List all available tools python test_endpoints.py --list

This script acts as an MCP client by:

  1. Connecting to the /sse endpoint to get the messages URL
  2. Sending tool invocations to the messages endpoint
  3. Processing the SSE events to extract tool results
  4. Validating the results against expected formats

This provides real-world testing of the SSE interface as it would be used by an actual MCP client.

Test Structure

The project uses three complementary testing approaches:

  1. MCP Integration Tests (tests/test_api.py):
    • Tests the MCP tools interface through mcp.call_tool()
    • Verifies proper tool registration with FastMCP
    • Ensures correct response format and data structure
    • Validates error handling at the MCP interface level
    • Note: This file should ideally be renamed to test_mcp.py to better reflect its purpose
  2. Direct Function Tests (tests/test_endpoints_pytest.py):
    • Tests Splunk functions directly (bypassing the MCP layer)
    • Provides more comprehensive coverage of function implementation details
    • Tests edge cases, parameter variations, and error handling
    • Includes tests for SSL configuration, connection parameters, and timeouts
    • Uses parameterized testing for efficient test coverage
  3. End-to-End MCP Client Tests (test_endpoints.py):
    • Behaves like a real MCP client connecting to the SSE endpoint
    • Tests the complete flow from connection to tool invocation to response parsing
    • Validates the actual SSE protocol implementation
    • Tests tools with real parameters against the live server
  4. Configuration Tests (tests/test_config.py):
    • Tests for environment variable parsing
    • SSL verification settings
    • Connection parameter validation

Testing Tools

The tests support:

  • Async testing with pytest-asyncio
  • Coverage reporting with pytest-cov
  • Mocking with pytest-mock
  • Parameterized testing
  • Connection timeout testing


Connection Issues

  1. Basic Connectivity:
  • The tool now performs a basic TCP connectivity test
  • Check if port 8089 is accessible
  • Verify network routing and firewalls
  1. SSL Issues:
  • If seeing SSL errors, try setting VERIFY_SSL=false
  • Check certificate validity and trust chain
  • Verify hostname matches certificate
  1. Authentication Issues:
  • Verify Splunk credentials
  • Check user permissions
  • Ensure account is not locked
  1. Debugging:
  • Set FASTMCP_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG for detailed logs
  • Check connection logs for specific error messages
  • Review SSL configuration messages
  1. SSE Connection Issues:
  • Verify SSE endpoint is accessible via /sse
  • Check for proper content-type headers
  • Use browser developer tools to inspect SSE connections

Claude Integration

Claude Desktop Configuration

You can integrate Splunk MCP with Claude Desktop by configuring it to use either SSE or STDIO mode. Add the following configuration to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "splunk": { "command": "poetry", "env": { "SPLUNK_HOST": "your_splunk_host", "SPLUNK_PORT": "8089", "SPLUNK_USERNAME": "your_username", "SPLUNK_PASSWORD": "your_password", "SPLUNK_SCHEME": "https", "VERIFY_SSL": "false" }, "args": ["--directory", "/path/to/splunk-mcp", "run", "splunk_mcp.py", "stdio"] } }

SSE Mode

{ "splunk": { "command": "poetry", "env": { "SPLUNK_HOST": "your_splunk_host", "SPLUNK_PORT": "8089", "SPLUNK_USERNAME": "your_username", "SPLUNK_PASSWORD": "your_password", "SPLUNK_SCHEME": "https", "VERIFY_SSL": "false", "FASTMCP_PORT": "8001", "DEBUG": "true" }, "args": ["--directory", "/path/to/splunk-mcp", "run", "splunk_mcp.py", "sse"] } }

Usage with Claude

Once configured, you can use natural language to interact with Splunk through Claude. Examples:

  1. List available indexes:
What Splunk indexes are available?
  1. Search Splunk data:
Search Splunk for failed login attempts in the last 24 hours
  1. Get system health:
Check the health of the Splunk system
  1. Manage KV stores:
List all KV store collections

The MCP tools will be automatically available to Claude, allowing it to execute these operations through natural language commands.


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  • FastMCP framework
  • Splunk SDK for Python
  • Python-decouple for configuration management
  • SSE Starlette for SSE implementation