Prometheus MCP Server

by pab1it0

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides access to Prometheus metrics and queries, allowing execution of PromQL queries, metrics discovery and exploration, viewing instant and range query results, and retrieving target information from a Prometheus server.

Prometheus MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for Prometheus.

This provides access to your Prometheus metrics and queries through standardized MCP interfaces, allowing AI assistants to execute PromQL queries and analyze your metrics data.


  • Execute PromQL queries against Prometheus
  • Discover and explore metrics
    • List available metrics
    • Get metadata for specific metrics
    • View instant query results
    • View range query results with different step intervals
  • Authentication support
    • Basic auth from environment variables
    • Bearer token auth from environment variables
  • Docker containerization support
  • Provide interactive tools for AI assistants

The list of tools is configurable, so you can choose which tools you want to make available to the MCP client. This is useful if you don't use certain functionality or if you don't want to take up too much of the context window.


  1. Ensure your Prometheus server is accessible from the environment where you'll run this MCP server.
  2. Configure the environment variables for your Prometheus server, either through a .env file or system environment variables:
# Required: Prometheus configuration PROMETHEUS_URL=http://your-prometheus-server:9090 # Optional: Authentication credentials (if needed) # Choose one of the following authentication methods if required: # For basic auth PROMETHEUS_USERNAME=your_username PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD=your_password # For bearer token auth PROMETHEUS_TOKEN=your_token
  1. Add the server configuration to your client configuration file. For example, for Claude Desktop:
{ "mcpServers": { "prometheus": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "<full path to prometheus-mcp-server directory>", "run", "src/prometheus_mcp_server/" ], "env": { "PROMETHEUS_URL": "http://your-prometheus-server:9090", "PROMETHEUS_USERNAME": "your_username", "PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD": "your_password" } } } }

Note: if you see Error: spawn uv ENOENT in Claude Desktop, you may need to specify the full path to uv or set the environment variable NO_UV=1 in the configuration.

Docker Usage

This project includes Docker support for easy deployment and isolation.

Building the Docker Image

Build the Docker image using:

docker build -t prometheus-mcp-server .

Running with Docker

You can run the server using Docker in several ways:

Using docker run directly:

docker run -it --rm \ -e PROMETHEUS_URL=http://your-prometheus-server:9090 \ -e PROMETHEUS_USERNAME=your_username \ -e PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD=your_password \ prometheus-mcp-server

Using docker-compose:

Create a .env file with your Prometheus credentials and then run:

docker-compose up

Running with Docker in Claude Desktop

To use the containerized server with Claude Desktop, update the configuration to use Docker with the environment variables:

{ "mcpServers": { "prometheus": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "--rm", "-i", "-e", "PROMETHEUS_URL", "-e", "PROMETHEUS_USERNAME", "-e", "PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD", "prometheus-mcp-server" ], "env": { "PROMETHEUS_URL": "http://your-prometheus-server:9090", "PROMETHEUS_USERNAME": "your_username", "PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD": "your_password" } } } }

This configuration passes the environment variables from Claude Desktop to the Docker container by using the -e flag with just the variable name, and providing the actual values in the env object.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any suggestions or improvements.

This project uses uv to manage dependencies. Install uv following the instructions for your platform:

curl -LsSf | sh

You can then create a virtual environment and install the dependencies with:

uv venv source .venv/bin/activate # On Unix/macOS .venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows uv pip install -e .

Project Structure

The project has been organized with a src directory structure:

prometheus-mcp-server/ ├── src/ │ └── prometheus_mcp_server/ │ ├── # Package initialization │ ├── # MCP server implementation │ ├── # Main application logic ├── Dockerfile # Docker configuration ├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration ├── .dockerignore # Docker ignore file ├── pyproject.toml # Project configuration └── # This file


The project includes a comprehensive test suite that ensures functionality and helps prevent regressions.

Run the tests with pytest:

# Install development dependencies uv pip install -e ".[dev]" # Run the tests pytest # Run with coverage report pytest --cov=src --cov-report=term-missing

Tests are organized into:

  • Configuration validation tests
  • Server functionality tests
  • Error handling tests
  • Main application tests

When adding new features, please also add corresponding tests.


execute_queryQueryExecute a PromQL instant query against Prometheus
execute_range_queryQueryExecute a PromQL range query with start time, end time, and step interval
list_metricsDiscoveryList all available metrics in Prometheus
get_metric_metadataDiscoveryGet metadata for a specific metric
get_targetsDiscoveryGet information about all scrape targets



security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Provides access to Prometheus metrics and queries through standardized Model Context Protocol interfaces, allowing AI assistants to execute PromQL queries and analyze metrics data.

  1. Features
    1. Usage
      1. Docker Usage
        1. Building the Docker Image
        2. Running with Docker
        3. Running with Docker in Claude Desktop
      2. Development
        1. Project Structure
          1. Testing
          2. Tools
        2. License