
remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Uses .env files for secure API key management, allowing users to store their Whale Alert API credentials safely outside of the codebase.

  • Allows tracking and analysis of whale transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain, including fetching recent large transactions and retrieving detailed transaction information.

  • Enables monitoring of whale activity on the Ethereum network, providing access to real-time data about large transactions with optional filtering by transaction value.

Whale Tracker MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for tracking cryptocurrency whale transactions using the Whale Alert API

Table of Contents


The whale-tracker-mcp server is a Python-based implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP) that integrates with the Whale Alert API. It enables real-time tracking and analysis of large cryptocurrency transactions ("whale" movements) by exposing tools, resources, and prompts to MCP-compatible clients like Claude Desktop.

This server is designed for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, developers, and analysts who want to monitor whale activity directly within their LLM-powered workflows.


  • Tools:
    • get_recent_transactions: Fetch recent whale transactions with optional filters for blockchain, minimum value, and limit.
    • get_transaction_details: Retrieve detailed information about a specific transaction by its ID.
  • Resources:
    • whale://transactions/{blockchain}: Expose recent transactions for a specified blockchain as contextual data.
  • Prompts:
    • query_whale_activity: A reusable template for analyzing whale transaction patterns, optionally filtered by blockchain.
  • Asynchronous API Calls: Uses httpx for efficient, non-blocking requests to the Whale Alert API.
  • Environment Variable Support: Securely manage your API key via a .env file.


  • Python: Version 3.10 or higher.
  • Whale Alert API Key: Sign up at whale-alert.io to obtain an API key.
  • MCP Client: Compatible with MCP clients like Claude Desktop or the MCP Inspector.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/kukapay/whale-tracker-mcp.git cd whale-tracker-mcp
  1. Install dependencies: We recommend using uv for dependency management:
uv add "mcp[cli]" httpx python-dotenv

Alternatively, use pip:

pip install mcp httpx python-dotenv
  1. Set up your API key: Create a .env file in the project root and add your Whale Alert API key:


Running in Development Mode

Test the server locally with the MCP Inspector:

mcp dev whale_tracker.py --with-editable .

This opens a web interface where you can explore the server's tools, resources, and prompts.

Integrating with Claude Desktop

Install the server into Claude Desktop for seamless integration:

mcp install whale_tracker.py --name "WhaleTracker" -f .env
  • --name "WhaleTracker": Sets a custom name for the server in Claude Desktop.
  • -f .env: Loads the API key from the .env file.

Restart Claude Desktop after installation. Look for the hammer icon in the input box to confirm the server is loaded, then try commands like:

  • "Show me recent whale transactions on Bitcoin."
  • "Get details for transaction ID 123456789."
  • "Analyze whale activity on Ethereum."

Direct Execution

Run the server standalone for custom deployments:

python whale_tracker.py

Or use the MCP CLI:

mcp run whale_tracker.py


Here’s how you might interact with the server in Claude Desktop:

Fetch Recent Transactions:

What are the latest whale transactions on Ethereum with a minimum value of $1,000,000?

The server calls get_recent_transactions with blockchain="ethereum" and min_value=1000000.

Get Transaction Details:

Tell me about transaction ID 123456789.

The server uses get_transaction_details to fetch and display the transaction data.

Analyze Whale Activity:

Analyze recent whale transactions on Bitcoin.

The query_whale_activity prompt triggers an analysis based on the whale://transactions/bitcoin resource.

API Key Configuration

The server requires a Whale Alert API key, which is loaded from the WHALE_ALERT_API_KEY environment variable. To configure it:

  • Create a .env file:
  • Ensure python-dotenv is installed (included in the dependencies).
  • The server will automatically load the key at startup.

Alternatively, pass the key directly when running the server:

mcp install whale_tracker.py -v WHALE_ALERT_API_KEY=your_api_key_here


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Happy whale tracking! 🐳