VirusTotal MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Allows querying the VirusTotal API for comprehensive security analysis reports including URL analysis, file analysis, IP analysis, domain analysis, and relationship tools.

VirusTotal MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for querying the VirusTotal API. This server provides comprehensive security analysis tools with automatic relationship data fetching. It integrates seamlessly with MCP-compatible applications like Claude Desktop.

Installing via Smithery

To install VirusTotal Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @burtthecoder/mcp-virustotal --client claude

Installing Manually

  1. Install the server globally via npm:
npm install -g @burtthecoder/mcp-virustotal
  1. Add to your Claude Desktop configuration file:
{ "mcpServers": { "virustotal": { "command": "mcp-virustotal", "env": { "VIRUSTOTAL_API_KEY": "your-virustotal-api-key" } } } }

Configuration file location:

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
  1. Restart Claude Desktop

Alternative Setup (From Source)

If you prefer to run from source or need to modify the code:

  1. Clone and build:
git clone <repository_url> cd mcp-virustotal npm install npm run build
  1. Add to your Claude Desktop configuration:
{ "mcpServers": { "virustotal": { "command": "node", "args": ["--experimental-modules", "/absolute/path/to/mcp-virustotal/build/index.js"], "env": { "VIRUSTOTAL_API_KEY": "your-virustotal-api-key" } } } }


  • Comprehensive Analysis Reports: Each analysis tool automatically fetches relevant relationship data along with the basic report, providing a complete security overview in a single request
  • URL Analysis: Security reports with automatic fetching of contacted domains, downloaded files, and threat actors
  • File Analysis: Detailed analysis of file hashes including behaviors, dropped files, and network connections
  • IP Analysis: Security reports with historical data, resolutions, and related threats
  • Domain Analysis: DNS information, WHOIS data, SSL certificates, and subdomains
  • Detailed Relationship Analysis: Dedicated tools for querying specific types of relationships with pagination support
  • Rich Formatting: Clear categorization and presentation of analysis results and relationship data


Report Tools (with Automatic Relationship Fetching)

1. URL Report Tool

  • Name: get_url_report
  • Description: Get a comprehensive URL analysis report including security scan results and key relationships (communicating files, contacted domains/IPs, downloaded files, redirects, threat actors)
  • Parameters:
    • url (required): The URL to analyze

2. File Report Tool

  • Name: get_file_report
  • Description: Get a comprehensive file analysis report using its hash (MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256). Includes detection results, file properties, and key relationships (behaviors, dropped files, network connections, embedded content, threat actors)
  • Parameters:
    • hash (required): MD5, SHA-1 or SHA-256 hash of the file

3. IP Report Tool

  • Name: get_ip_report
  • Description: Get a comprehensive IP address analysis report including geolocation, reputation data, and key relationships (communicating files, historical certificates/WHOIS, resolutions)
  • Parameters:
    • ip (required): IP address to analyze

4. Domain Report Tool

  • Name: get_domain_report
  • Description: Get a comprehensive domain analysis report including DNS records, WHOIS data, and key relationships (SSL certificates, subdomains, historical data)
  • Parameters:
    • domain (required): Domain name to analyze
    • relationships (optional): Array of specific relationships to include in the report

Relationship Tools (for Detailed Analysis)

1. URL Relationship Tool

  • Name: get_url_relationship
  • Description: Query a specific relationship type for a URL with pagination support. Choose from 17 relationship types including analyses, communicating files, contacted domains/IPs, downloaded files, graphs, referrers, redirects, and threat actors
  • Parameters:
    • url (required): The URL to get relationships for
    • relationship (required): Type of relationship to query
      • Available relationships: analyses, comments, communicating_files, contacted_domains, contacted_ips, downloaded_files, graphs, last_serving_ip_address, network_location, referrer_files, referrer_urls, redirecting_urls, redirects_to, related_comments, related_references, related_threat_actors, submissions
    • limit (optional, default: 10): Maximum number of related objects to retrieve (1-40)
    • cursor (optional): Continuation cursor for pagination

2. File Relationship Tool

  • Name: get_file_relationship
  • Description: Query a specific relationship type for a file with pagination support. Choose from 41 relationship types including behaviors, network connections, dropped files, embedded content, execution chains, and threat actors
  • Parameters:
    • hash (required): MD5, SHA-1 or SHA-256 hash of the file
    • relationship (required): Type of relationship to query
      • Available relationships: analyses, behaviours, bundled_files, carbonblack_children, carbonblack_parents, ciphered_bundled_files, ciphered_parents, clues, collections, comments, compressed_parents, contacted_domains, contacted_ips, contacted_urls, dropped_files, email_attachments, email_parents, embedded_domains, embedded_ips, embedded_urls, execution_parents, graphs, itw_domains, itw_ips, itw_urls, memory_pattern_domains, memory_pattern_ips, memory_pattern_urls, overlay_children, overlay_parents, pcap_children, pcap_parents, pe_resource_children, pe_resource_parents, related_references, related_threat_actors, similar_files, submissions, screenshots, urls_for_embedded_js, votes
    • limit (optional, default: 10): Maximum number of related objects to retrieve (1-40)
    • cursor (optional): Continuation cursor for pagination

3. IP Relationship Tool

  • Name: get_ip_relationship
  • Description: Query a specific relationship type for an IP address with pagination support. Choose from 12 relationship types including communicating files, historical SSL certificates, WHOIS records, resolutions, and threat actors
  • Parameters:
    • ip (required): IP address to analyze
    • relationship (required): Type of relationship to query
      • Available relationships: comments, communicating_files, downloaded_files, graphs, historical_ssl_certificates, historical_whois, related_comments, related_references, related_threat_actors, referrer_files, resolutions, urls
    • limit (optional, default: 10): Maximum number of related objects to retrieve (1-40)
    • cursor (optional): Continuation cursor for pagination

4. Domain Relationship Tool

  • Name: get_domain_relationship
  • Description: Query a specific relationship type for a domain with pagination support. Choose from 21 relationship types including SSL certificates, subdomains, historical data, and DNS records
  • Parameters:
    • domain (required): Domain name to analyze
    • relationship (required): Type of relationship to query
      • Available relationships: caa_records, cname_records, comments, communicating_files, downloaded_files, historical_ssl_certificates, historical_whois, immediate_parent, mx_records, ns_records, parent, referrer_files, related_comments, related_references, related_threat_actors, resolutions, soa_records, siblings, subdomains, urls, user_votes
    • limit (optional, default: 10): Maximum number of related objects to retrieve (1-40)
    • cursor (optional): Continuation cursor for pagination



API Key Issues

If you see "Wrong API key" errors:

  1. Check the log file at /tmp/mcp-virustotal-server.log (on macOS) for API key status
  2. Verify your API key:
    • Should be a valid VirusTotal API key (usually 64 characters)
    • No extra spaces or quotes around the key
    • Must be from the API Keys section in your VirusTotal account
  3. After any configuration changes:
    • Save the config file
    • Restart Claude Desktop
    • Check logs for new API key status

Module Loading Issues

If you see ES module loading warnings:

  1. For global installation: Use the simple configuration shown in Quick Start
  2. For source installation: Ensure you include --experimental-modules in the args


To run in development mode with hot reloading:

npm run dev

Error Handling

The server includes comprehensive error handling for:

  • Invalid API keys
  • Rate limiting
  • Network errors
  • Invalid input parameters
  • Invalid hash formats
  • Invalid IP formats
  • Invalid URL formats
  • Invalid relationship types
  • Pagination errors

Version History

  • v1.0.0: Initial release with core functionality
  • v1.1.0: Added relationship analysis tools for URLs, files, and IP addresses
  • v1.2.0: Added improved error handling and logging
  • v1.3.0: Added pagination support for relationship queries
  • v1.4.0: Added automatic relationship fetching in report tools and domain analysis support


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.