
by RyanCardin15
/* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------------- * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT * --------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TypeInfo = exports.WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel = exports.WorkItemRecentActivityType = exports.WorkItemExpand = exports.WorkItemErrorPolicy = exports.TreeStructureGroup = exports.TreeNodeStructureType = exports.TemplateType = exports.ReportingRevisionsExpand = exports.QueryType = exports.QueryResultType = exports.QueryRecursionOption = exports.QueryOption = exports.QueryExpand = exports.QueryErrorPolicy = exports.ProvisioningActionType = exports.LogicalOperation = exports.LinkQueryMode = exports.GetFieldsExpand = exports.FieldUsage = exports.FieldType = exports.CommentSortOrder = exports.CommentReactionType = exports.CommentFormat = exports.CommentExpandOptions = exports.ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy = void 0; /** * Flag to control error policy in a batch classification nodes get request. */ var ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy; (function (ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy) { ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy[ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy["Fail"] = 1] = "Fail"; ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy[ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy["Omit"] = 2] = "Omit"; })(ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy = exports.ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy || (exports.ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy = {})); /** * Specifies the additional data retrieval options for work item comments. */ var CommentExpandOptions; (function (CommentExpandOptions) { CommentExpandOptions[CommentExpandOptions["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Include comment reactions. */ CommentExpandOptions[CommentExpandOptions["Reactions"] = 1] = "Reactions"; /** * Include the rendered text (html) in addition to MD text. */ CommentExpandOptions[CommentExpandOptions["RenderedText"] = 8] = "RenderedText"; /** * If specified, then ONLY rendered text (html) will be returned, w/o markdown. Supposed to be used internally from data provides for optimization purposes. */ CommentExpandOptions[CommentExpandOptions["RenderedTextOnly"] = 16] = "RenderedTextOnly"; CommentExpandOptions[CommentExpandOptions["All"] = -17] = "All"; })(CommentExpandOptions = exports.CommentExpandOptions || (exports.CommentExpandOptions = {})); /** * Represents the possible types for the comment format. Should be in sync with WorkItemCommentFormat.cs */ var CommentFormat; (function (CommentFormat) { CommentFormat[CommentFormat["Markdown"] = 0] = "Markdown"; CommentFormat[CommentFormat["Html"] = 1] = "Html"; })(CommentFormat = exports.CommentFormat || (exports.CommentFormat = {})); /** * Represents different reaction types for a work item comment. */ var CommentReactionType; (function (CommentReactionType) { CommentReactionType[CommentReactionType["Like"] = 0] = "Like"; CommentReactionType[CommentReactionType["Dislike"] = 1] = "Dislike"; CommentReactionType[CommentReactionType["Heart"] = 2] = "Heart"; CommentReactionType[CommentReactionType["Hooray"] = 3] = "Hooray"; CommentReactionType[CommentReactionType["Smile"] = 4] = "Smile"; CommentReactionType[CommentReactionType["Confused"] = 5] = "Confused"; })(CommentReactionType = exports.CommentReactionType || (exports.CommentReactionType = {})); var CommentSortOrder; (function (CommentSortOrder) { /** * The results will be sorted in Ascending order. */ CommentSortOrder[CommentSortOrder["Asc"] = 1] = "Asc"; /** * The results will be sorted in Descending order. */ CommentSortOrder[CommentSortOrder["Desc"] = 2] = "Desc"; })(CommentSortOrder = exports.CommentSortOrder || (exports.CommentSortOrder = {})); /** * Enum for field types. */ var FieldType; (function (FieldType) { /** * String field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["String"] = 0] = "String"; /** * Integer field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["Integer"] = 1] = "Integer"; /** * Datetime field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["DateTime"] = 2] = "DateTime"; /** * Plain text field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["PlainText"] = 3] = "PlainText"; /** * HTML (Multiline) field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["Html"] = 4] = "Html"; /** * Treepath field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["TreePath"] = 5] = "TreePath"; /** * History field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["History"] = 6] = "History"; /** * Double field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["Double"] = 7] = "Double"; /** * Guid field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["Guid"] = 8] = "Guid"; /** * Boolean field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["Boolean"] = 9] = "Boolean"; /** * Identity field type. */ FieldType[FieldType["Identity"] = 10] = "Identity"; /** * String picklist field type. When creating a string picklist field from REST API, use "String" FieldType. */ FieldType[FieldType["PicklistString"] = 11] = "PicklistString"; /** * Integer picklist field type. When creating a integer picklist field from REST API, use "Integer" FieldType. */ FieldType[FieldType["PicklistInteger"] = 12] = "PicklistInteger"; /** * Double picklist field type. When creating a double picklist field from REST API, use "Double" FieldType. */ FieldType[FieldType["PicklistDouble"] = 13] = "PicklistDouble"; })(FieldType = exports.FieldType || (exports.FieldType = {})); /** * Enum for field usages. */ var FieldUsage; (function (FieldUsage) { /** * Empty usage. */ FieldUsage[FieldUsage["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Work item field usage. */ FieldUsage[FieldUsage["WorkItem"] = 1] = "WorkItem"; /** * Work item link field usage. */ FieldUsage[FieldUsage["WorkItemLink"] = 2] = "WorkItemLink"; /** * Treenode field usage. */ FieldUsage[FieldUsage["Tree"] = 3] = "Tree"; /** * Work Item Type Extension usage. */ FieldUsage[FieldUsage["WorkItemTypeExtension"] = 4] = "WorkItemTypeExtension"; })(FieldUsage = exports.FieldUsage || (exports.FieldUsage = {})); /** * Flag to expand types of fields. */ var GetFieldsExpand; (function (GetFieldsExpand) { /** * Default behavior. */ GetFieldsExpand[GetFieldsExpand["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Adds extension fields to the response. */ GetFieldsExpand[GetFieldsExpand["ExtensionFields"] = 1] = "ExtensionFields"; /** * Includes fields that have been deleted. */ GetFieldsExpand[GetFieldsExpand["IncludeDeleted"] = 2] = "IncludeDeleted"; })(GetFieldsExpand = exports.GetFieldsExpand || (exports.GetFieldsExpand = {})); /** * The link query mode which determines the behavior of the query. */ var LinkQueryMode; (function (LinkQueryMode) { /** * Returns flat list of work items. */ LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["WorkItems"] = 0] = "WorkItems"; /** * Returns work items where the source, target, and link criteria are all satisfied. */ LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["LinksOneHopMustContain"] = 1] = "LinksOneHopMustContain"; /** * Returns work items that satisfy the source and link criteria, even if no linked work item satisfies the target criteria. */ LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["LinksOneHopMayContain"] = 2] = "LinksOneHopMayContain"; /** * Returns work items that satisfy the source, only if no linked work item satisfies the link and target criteria. */ LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["LinksOneHopDoesNotContain"] = 3] = "LinksOneHopDoesNotContain"; LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["LinksRecursiveMustContain"] = 4] = "LinksRecursiveMustContain"; /** * Returns work items a hierarchy of work items that by default satisfy the source */ LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["LinksRecursiveMayContain"] = 5] = "LinksRecursiveMayContain"; LinkQueryMode[LinkQueryMode["LinksRecursiveDoesNotContain"] = 6] = "LinksRecursiveDoesNotContain"; })(LinkQueryMode = exports.LinkQueryMode || (exports.LinkQueryMode = {})); var LogicalOperation; (function (LogicalOperation) { LogicalOperation[LogicalOperation["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; LogicalOperation[LogicalOperation["AND"] = 1] = "AND"; LogicalOperation[LogicalOperation["OR"] = 2] = "OR"; })(LogicalOperation = exports.LogicalOperation || (exports.LogicalOperation = {})); /** * Enumerates the possible provisioning actions that can be triggered on process template update. */ var ProvisioningActionType; (function (ProvisioningActionType) { ProvisioningActionType[ProvisioningActionType["Import"] = 0] = "Import"; ProvisioningActionType[ProvisioningActionType["Validate"] = 1] = "Validate"; })(ProvisioningActionType = exports.ProvisioningActionType || (exports.ProvisioningActionType = {})); /** * Enum to control error policy in a query batch request. */ var QueryErrorPolicy; (function (QueryErrorPolicy) { QueryErrorPolicy[QueryErrorPolicy["Fail"] = 1] = "Fail"; QueryErrorPolicy[QueryErrorPolicy["Omit"] = 2] = "Omit"; })(QueryErrorPolicy = exports.QueryErrorPolicy || (exports.QueryErrorPolicy = {})); /** * Determines which set of additional query properties to display */ var QueryExpand; (function (QueryExpand) { /** * Expands Columns, Links and ChangeInfo */ QueryExpand[QueryExpand["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Expands Columns, Links, ChangeInfo and WIQL text */ QueryExpand[QueryExpand["Wiql"] = 1] = "Wiql"; /** * Expands Columns, Links, ChangeInfo, WIQL text and clauses */ QueryExpand[QueryExpand["Clauses"] = 2] = "Clauses"; /** * Expands all properties */ QueryExpand[QueryExpand["All"] = 3] = "All"; /** * Displays minimal properties and the WIQL text */ QueryExpand[QueryExpand["Minimal"] = 4] = "Minimal"; })(QueryExpand = exports.QueryExpand || (exports.QueryExpand = {})); var QueryOption; (function (QueryOption) { QueryOption[QueryOption["Doing"] = 1] = "Doing"; QueryOption[QueryOption["Done"] = 2] = "Done"; QueryOption[QueryOption["Followed"] = 3] = "Followed"; })(QueryOption = exports.QueryOption || (exports.QueryOption = {})); /** * Determines whether a tree query matches parents or children first. */ var QueryRecursionOption; (function (QueryRecursionOption) { /** * Returns work items that satisfy the source, even if no linked work item satisfies the target and link criteria. */ QueryRecursionOption[QueryRecursionOption["ParentFirst"] = 0] = "ParentFirst"; /** * Returns work items that satisfy the target criteria, even if no work item satisfies the source and link criteria. */ QueryRecursionOption[QueryRecursionOption["ChildFirst"] = 1] = "ChildFirst"; })(QueryRecursionOption = exports.QueryRecursionOption || (exports.QueryRecursionOption = {})); /** * The query result type */ var QueryResultType; (function (QueryResultType) { /** * A list of work items (for flat queries). */ QueryResultType[QueryResultType["WorkItem"] = 1] = "WorkItem"; /** * A list of work item links (for OneHop and Tree queries). */ QueryResultType[QueryResultType["WorkItemLink"] = 2] = "WorkItemLink"; })(QueryResultType = exports.QueryResultType || (exports.QueryResultType = {})); /** * The type of query. */ var QueryType; (function (QueryType) { /** * Gets a flat list of work items. */ QueryType[QueryType["Flat"] = 1] = "Flat"; /** * Gets a tree of work items showing their link hierarchy. */ QueryType[QueryType["Tree"] = 2] = "Tree"; /** * Gets a list of work items and their direct links. */ QueryType[QueryType["OneHop"] = 3] = "OneHop"; })(QueryType = exports.QueryType || (exports.QueryType = {})); /** * The reporting revision expand level. */ var ReportingRevisionsExpand; (function (ReportingRevisionsExpand) { /** * Default behavior. */ ReportingRevisionsExpand[ReportingRevisionsExpand["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Add fields to the response. */ ReportingRevisionsExpand[ReportingRevisionsExpand["Fields"] = 1] = "Fields"; })(ReportingRevisionsExpand = exports.ReportingRevisionsExpand || (exports.ReportingRevisionsExpand = {})); /** * Enumerates types of supported xml templates used for customization. */ var TemplateType; (function (TemplateType) { TemplateType[TemplateType["WorkItemType"] = 0] = "WorkItemType"; TemplateType[TemplateType["GlobalWorkflow"] = 1] = "GlobalWorkflow"; })(TemplateType = exports.TemplateType || (exports.TemplateType = {})); /** * Types of tree node structures. */ var TreeNodeStructureType; (function (TreeNodeStructureType) { /** * Area type. */ TreeNodeStructureType[TreeNodeStructureType["Area"] = 0] = "Area"; /** * Iteration type. */ TreeNodeStructureType[TreeNodeStructureType["Iteration"] = 1] = "Iteration"; })(TreeNodeStructureType = exports.TreeNodeStructureType || (exports.TreeNodeStructureType = {})); /** * Types of tree structures groups. */ var TreeStructureGroup; (function (TreeStructureGroup) { TreeStructureGroup[TreeStructureGroup["Areas"] = 0] = "Areas"; TreeStructureGroup[TreeStructureGroup["Iterations"] = 1] = "Iterations"; })(TreeStructureGroup = exports.TreeStructureGroup || (exports.TreeStructureGroup = {})); /** * Enum to control error policy in a bulk get work items request. */ var WorkItemErrorPolicy; (function (WorkItemErrorPolicy) { /** * Fail work error policy. */ WorkItemErrorPolicy[WorkItemErrorPolicy["Fail"] = 1] = "Fail"; /** * Omit work error policy. */ WorkItemErrorPolicy[WorkItemErrorPolicy["Omit"] = 2] = "Omit"; })(WorkItemErrorPolicy = exports.WorkItemErrorPolicy || (exports.WorkItemErrorPolicy = {})); /** * Flag to control payload properties from get work item command. */ var WorkItemExpand; (function (WorkItemExpand) { /** * Default behavior. */ WorkItemExpand[WorkItemExpand["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Relations work item expand. */ WorkItemExpand[WorkItemExpand["Relations"] = 1] = "Relations"; /** * Fields work item expand. */ WorkItemExpand[WorkItemExpand["Fields"] = 2] = "Fields"; /** * Links work item expand. */ WorkItemExpand[WorkItemExpand["Links"] = 3] = "Links"; /** * Expands all. */ WorkItemExpand[WorkItemExpand["All"] = 4] = "All"; })(WorkItemExpand = exports.WorkItemExpand || (exports.WorkItemExpand = {})); /** * Type of the activity */ var WorkItemRecentActivityType; (function (WorkItemRecentActivityType) { WorkItemRecentActivityType[WorkItemRecentActivityType["Visited"] = 0] = "Visited"; WorkItemRecentActivityType[WorkItemRecentActivityType["Edited"] = 1] = "Edited"; WorkItemRecentActivityType[WorkItemRecentActivityType["Deleted"] = 2] = "Deleted"; WorkItemRecentActivityType[WorkItemRecentActivityType["Restored"] = 3] = "Restored"; })(WorkItemRecentActivityType = exports.WorkItemRecentActivityType || (exports.WorkItemRecentActivityType = {})); /** * Expand options for the work item field(s) request. */ var WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel; (function (WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel) { /** * Includes only basic properties of the field. */ WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel[WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Includes allowed values for the field. */ WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel[WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel["AllowedValues"] = 1] = "AllowedValues"; /** * Includes dependent fields of the field. */ WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel[WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel["DependentFields"] = 2] = "DependentFields"; /** * Includes allowed values and dependent fields of the field. */ WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel[WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel["All"] = 3] = "All"; })(WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel = exports.WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel || (exports.WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel = {})); exports.TypeInfo = { AccountMyWorkResult: {}, AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel: {}, AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2: {}, AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase: {}, AccountRecentMentionWorkItemModel: {}, AccountWorkWorkItemModel: {}, ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy: { enumValues: { "fail": 1, "omit": 2 } }, Comment: {}, CommentExpandOptions: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "reactions": 1, "renderedText": 8, "renderedTextOnly": 16, "all": -17 } }, CommentFormat: { enumValues: { "markdown": 0, "html": 1 } }, CommentList: {}, CommentReaction: {}, CommentReactionType: { enumValues: { "like": 0, "dislike": 1, "heart": 2, "hooray": 3, "smile": 4, "confused": 5 } }, CommentSortOrder: { enumValues: { "asc": 1, "desc": 2 } }, CommentVersion: {}, ExternalDeployment: {}, FieldType: { enumValues: { "string": 0, "integer": 1, "dateTime": 2, "plainText": 3, "html": 4, "treePath": 5, "history": 6, "double": 7, "guid": 8, "boolean": 9, "identity": 10, "picklistString": 11, "picklistInteger": 12, "picklistDouble": 13 } }, FieldUsage: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "workItem": 1, "workItemLink": 2, "tree": 3, "workItemTypeExtension": 4 } }, GetFieldsExpand: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "extensionFields": 1, "includeDeleted": 2 } }, LinkQueryMode: { enumValues: { "workItems": 0, "linksOneHopMustContain": 1, "linksOneHopMayContain": 2, "linksOneHopDoesNotContain": 3, "linksRecursiveMustContain": 4, "linksRecursiveMayContain": 5, "linksRecursiveDoesNotContain": 6 } }, LogicalOperation: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "and": 1, "or": 2 } }, ProvisioningActionType: { enumValues: { "import": 0, "validate": 1 } }, QueryBatchGetRequest: {}, QueryErrorPolicy: { enumValues: { "fail": 1, "omit": 2 } }, QueryExpand: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "wiql": 1, "clauses": 2, "all": 3, "minimal": 4 } }, QueryHierarchyItem: {}, QueryHierarchyItemsResult: {}, QueryOption: { enumValues: { "doing": 1, "done": 2, "followed": 3 } }, QueryRecursionOption: { enumValues: { "parentFirst": 0, "childFirst": 1 } }, QueryResultType: { enumValues: { "workItem": 1, "workItemLink": 2 } }, QueryType: { enumValues: { "flat": 1, "tree": 2, "oneHop": 3 } }, ReportingRevisionsExpand: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "fields": 1 } }, TemplateType: { enumValues: { "workItemType": 0, "globalWorkflow": 1 } }, TreeNodeStructureType: { enumValues: { "area": 0, "iteration": 1 } }, TreeStructureGroup: { enumValues: { "areas": 0, "iterations": 1 } }, WorkItemBatchGetRequest: {}, WorkItemClassificationNode: {}, WorkItemComment: {}, WorkItemComments: {}, WorkItemErrorPolicy: { enumValues: { "fail": 1, "omit": 2 } }, WorkItemExpand: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "relations": 1, "fields": 2, "links": 3, "all": 4 } }, WorkItemField: {}, WorkItemField2: {}, WorkItemHistory: {}, WorkItemQueryClause: {}, WorkItemQueryResult: {}, WorkItemRecentActivityType: { enumValues: { "visited": 0, "edited": 1, "deleted": 2, "restored": 3 } }, WorkItemTagDefinition: {}, WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "allowedValues": 1, "dependentFields": 2, "all": 3 } }, WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel: {}, WorkItemUpdate: {}, }; exports.TypeInfo.AccountMyWorkResult.fields = { workItemDetails: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AccountWorkWorkItemModel } }; exports.TypeInfo.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel.fields = { activityDate: { isDate: true, }, activityType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemRecentActivityType }, changedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2.fields = { activityDate: { isDate: true, }, activityType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemRecentActivityType }, changedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase.fields = { activityDate: { isDate: true, }, activityType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemRecentActivityType }, changedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.AccountRecentMentionWorkItemModel.fields = { mentionedDateField: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.AccountWorkWorkItemModel.fields = { changedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.Comment.fields = { createdDate: { isDate: true, }, createdOnBehalfDate: { isDate: true, }, format: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CommentFormat }, modifiedDate: { isDate: true, }, reactions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CommentReaction } }; exports.TypeInfo.CommentList.fields = { comments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Comment } }; exports.TypeInfo.CommentReaction.fields = { type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CommentReactionType } }; exports.TypeInfo.CommentVersion.fields = { createdDate: { isDate: true, }, createdOnBehalfDate: { isDate: true, }, modifiedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ExternalDeployment.fields = { statusDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.QueryBatchGetRequest.fields = { $expand: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QueryExpand }, errorPolicy: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QueryErrorPolicy } }; exports.TypeInfo.QueryHierarchyItem.fields = { children: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.QueryHierarchyItem }, clauses: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryClause }, createdDate: { isDate: true, }, filterOptions: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LinkQueryMode }, lastExecutedDate: { isDate: true, }, lastModifiedDate: { isDate: true, }, linkClauses: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryClause }, queryRecursionOption: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QueryRecursionOption }, queryType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QueryType }, sourceClauses: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryClause }, targetClauses: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryClause } }; exports.TypeInfo.QueryHierarchyItemsResult.fields = { value: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.QueryHierarchyItem } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemBatchGetRequest.fields = { $expand: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemExpand }, asOf: { isDate: true, }, errorPolicy: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemErrorPolicy } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemClassificationNode.fields = { children: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemClassificationNode }, structureType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TreeNodeStructureType } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemComment.fields = { format: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CommentFormat }, revisedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemComments.fields = { comments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemComment } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemField.fields = { type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FieldType }, usage: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FieldUsage } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemField2.fields = { type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FieldType }, usage: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FieldUsage } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemHistory.fields = { revisedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryClause.fields = { clauses: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryClause }, logicalOperator: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LogicalOperation } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemQueryResult.fields = { asOf: { isDate: true, }, queryResultType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QueryResultType }, queryType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.QueryType } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemTagDefinition.fields = { lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel.fields = { actionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProvisioningActionType }, templateType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TemplateType } }; exports.TypeInfo.WorkItemUpdate.fields = { revisedDate: { isDate: true, } };