by RyanCardin15
- node_modules
- azure-devops-node-api
- interfaces
import DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces = require("../interfaces/DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces");
import FormInputInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/FormInputInterfaces");
import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
export interface AgentArtifactDefinition {
* Gets or sets the artifact definition alias.
alias?: string;
* Gets or sets the artifact type.
artifactType?: AgentArtifactType;
* Gets or sets the artifact definition details.
details?: string;
* Gets or sets the name of artifact definition.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the version of artifact definition.
version?: string;
export declare enum AgentArtifactType {
* Indicates XamlBuild artifact
XamlBuild = 0,
* Indicates Build artifact
Build = 1,
* Indicates Jenkins artifact
Jenkins = 2,
* Indicates FileShare artifact
FileShare = 3,
* Indicates Nuget artifact
Nuget = 4,
* Indicates TfsOnPrem artifact
TfsOnPrem = 5,
* Indicates GitHub artifact
GitHub = 6,
* Indicates TFGit artifact
TFGit = 7,
* Indicates ExternalTfsBuild artifact
ExternalTfsBuild = 8,
* Indicates Custom artifact
Custom = 9,
* Indicates Tfvc artifact
Tfvc = 10
export interface AgentBasedDeployPhase extends DeployPhase {
* Gets and sets the agent job deployment input
deploymentInput?: AgentDeploymentInput;
export interface AgentDeploymentInput extends DeploymentInput {
* Specification for an agent on which a job gets executed.
agentSpecification?: AgentSpecification;
* Gets or sets the image ID.
imageId?: number;
* Gets or sets the parallel execution input.
parallelExecution?: ExecutionInput;
* Represents a reference to an agent queue.
export interface AgentPoolQueueReference extends ResourceReference {
* The ID of the queue.
id?: number;
* Specification of the agent defined by the pool provider.
export interface AgentSpecification {
* Agent specification unique identifier.
identifier?: string;
export declare enum ApprovalExecutionOrder {
* Approvals shown before gates.
BeforeGates = 1,
* Approvals shown after successful execution of gates.
AfterSuccessfulGates = 2,
* Approvals shown always after execution of gates.
AfterGatesAlways = 4
export declare enum ApprovalFilters {
* No approvals or approval snapshots.
None = 0,
* Manual approval steps but no approval snapshots (Use with ApprovalSnapshots for snapshots).
ManualApprovals = 1,
* Automated approval steps but no approval snapshots (Use with ApprovalSnapshots for snapshots).
AutomatedApprovals = 2,
* No approval steps, but approval snapshots (Use with either ManualApprovals or AutomatedApprovals for approval steps).
ApprovalSnapshots = 4,
* All approval steps and approval snapshots.
All = 7
export interface ApprovalOptions {
* Specify whether the approval can be skipped if the same approver approved the previous stage.
autoTriggeredAndPreviousEnvironmentApprovedCanBeSkipped?: boolean;
* Specify whether revalidate identity of approver before completing the approval.
enforceIdentityRevalidation?: boolean;
* Approvals execution order.
executionOrder?: ApprovalExecutionOrder;
* Specify whether the user requesting a release or deployment should allow to approver.
releaseCreatorCanBeApprover?: boolean;
* The number of approvals required to move release forward. '0' means all approvals required.
requiredApproverCount?: number;
* Approval timeout. Approval default timeout is 30 days. Maximum allowed timeout is 365 days. '0' means default timeout i.e 30 days.
timeoutInMinutes?: number;
export declare enum ApprovalStatus {
* Indicates the approval does not have the status set.
Undefined = 0,
* Indicates the approval is pending.
Pending = 1,
* Indicates the approval is approved.
Approved = 2,
* Indicates the approval is rejected.
Rejected = 4,
* Indicates the approval is reassigned.
Reassigned = 6,
* Indicates the approval is canceled.
Canceled = 7,
* Indicates the approval is skipped.
Skipped = 8
export declare enum ApprovalType {
* Indicates the approval type does not set.
Undefined = 0,
* Indicates the approvals which executed before deployment.
PreDeploy = 1,
* Indicates the approvals which executed after deployment.
PostDeploy = 2,
* Indicates all approvals.
All = 3
export interface Artifact {
* Gets or sets alias.
alias?: string;
* Gets or sets definition reference. e.g. {"project":{"id":"fed755ea-49c5-4399-acea-fd5b5aa90a6c","name":"myProject"},"definition":{"id":"1","name":"mybuildDefinition"},"connection":{"id":"1","name":"myConnection"}}.
definitionReference?: {
[key: string]: ArtifactSourceReference;
* Indicates whether artifact is primary or not.
isPrimary?: boolean;
* Indicates whether artifact is retained by release or not.
isRetained?: boolean;
sourceId?: string;
* Gets or sets type. It can have value as 'Build', 'Jenkins', 'GitHub', 'Nuget', 'Team Build (external)', 'ExternalTFSBuild', 'Git', 'TFVC', 'ExternalTfsXamlBuild'.
type?: string;
export interface ArtifactContributionDefinition {
artifactTriggerConfiguration?: ArtifactTriggerConfiguration;
artifactType?: string;
artifactTypeStreamMapping?: {
[key: string]: string;
browsableArtifactTypeMapping?: {
[key: string]: string;
dataSourceBindings?: DataSourceBinding[];
displayName?: string;
downloadTaskId?: string;
endpointTypeId?: string;
inputDescriptors?: FormInputInterfaces.InputDescriptor[];
isCommitsTraceabilitySupported?: boolean;
isWorkitemsTraceabilitySupported?: boolean;
name?: string;
taskInputMapping?: {
[key: string]: string;
uniqueSourceIdentifier?: string;
export interface ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
* Gets or sets the alias of artifact.
alias?: string;
* Gets or sets the name of artifact definition. Valid values are 'Skip', 'Selective', 'All'.
artifactDownloadMode?: string;
* Gets or sets the artifact items of the input.
artifactItems?: string[];
* Gets or sets the type of artifact.
artifactType?: string;
export interface ArtifactFilter {
* Gets or sets whether a release should be created on build tagging.
createReleaseOnBuildTagging?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the branch for the filter.
sourceBranch?: string;
* Gets or sets the regex based tag filter.
tagFilter?: TagFilter;
* Gets or sets the list of tags for the filter.
tags?: string[];
* Gets or sets whether filter should default to build definition branch.
useBuildDefinitionBranch?: boolean;
export interface ArtifactInstanceData {
accountName?: string;
authenticationToken?: string;
tfsUrl?: string;
version?: string;
export interface ArtifactMetadata {
* Sets alias of artifact.
alias?: string;
* Sets instance reference of artifact. e.g. for build artifact it is build number.
instanceReference?: BuildVersion;
export interface ArtifactProvider {
* Gets or sets the id of artifact provider.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets the name of artifact provider.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the link of artifact provider.
sourceUri?: string;
* Gets or sets the version of artifact provider.
version?: string;
export interface ArtifactsDownloadInput {
downloadInputs?: ArtifactDownloadInputBase[];
export interface ArtifactSourceId {
* Gets or sets the artifact type of artifact source.
artifactTypeId?: string;
* Gets or sets the list of sourceIdInput of artifact source.
sourceIdInputs?: SourceIdInput[];
export interface ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult {
* Gets or sets the list of artifactsourceIds.
artifactSourceIds?: ArtifactSourceId[];
export interface ArtifactSourceReference {
* ID of the artifact source.
id?: string;
* Name of the artifact source.
name?: string;
export interface ArtifactSourceTrigger extends ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Artifact source alias for Artifact Source trigger type
artifactAlias?: string;
triggerConditions?: ArtifactFilter[];
export interface ArtifactTriggerConfiguration {
* Gets or sets the whether trigger is supported or not.
isTriggerSupported?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the whether trigger is supported only on hosted environment.
isTriggerSupportedOnlyInHosted?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the whether webhook is supported at server level.
isWebhookSupportedAtServerLevel?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the payload hash header name for the artifact trigger configuration.
payloadHashHeaderName?: string;
* Gets or sets the resources for artifact trigger configuration.
resources?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the webhook payload mapping for artifact trigger configuration.
webhookPayloadMapping?: {
[key: string]: string;
export interface ArtifactTypeDefinition {
* Gets or sets the artifact trigger configuration of artifact type definition.
artifactTriggerConfiguration?: ArtifactTriggerConfiguration;
* Gets or sets the artifact type of artifact type definition. Valid values are 'Build', 'Package', 'Source' or 'ContainerImage'.
artifactType?: string;
* Gets or sets the display name of artifact type definition.
displayName?: string;
* Gets or sets the endpoint type id of artifact type definition.
endpointTypeId?: string;
* Gets or sets the input descriptors of artifact type definition.
inputDescriptors?: FormInputInterfaces.InputDescriptor[];
* Gets or sets the is commits tracebility supported value of artifact type defintion.
isCommitsTraceabilitySupported?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the is workitems tracebility supported value of artifact type defintion.
isWorkitemsTraceabilitySupported?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the name of artifact type definition.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the unique source identifier of artifact type definition.
uniqueSourceIdentifier?: string;
export interface ArtifactVersion {
* Gets or sets the alias of artifact.
alias?: string;
* Gets or sets the default version of artifact.
defaultVersion?: BuildVersion;
* Gets or sets the error message encountered during querying of versions for artifact.
errorMessage?: string;
sourceId?: string;
* Gets or sets the list of build versions of artifact.
versions?: BuildVersion[];
export interface ArtifactVersionQueryResult {
* Gets or sets the list for artifact versions of artifact version query result.
artifactVersions?: ArtifactVersion[];
export declare enum AuditAction {
* Indicates the audit add.
Add = 1,
* Indicates the audit update.
Update = 2,
* Indicates the audit delete.
Delete = 3,
* Indicates the audit undelete.
Undelete = 4
export declare enum AuthorizationHeaderFor {
RevalidateApproverIdentity = 0,
OnBehalfOf = 1
export interface AutoTriggerIssue {
issue?: Issue;
issueSource?: IssueSource;
project?: ProjectReference;
releaseDefinitionReference?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
releaseTriggerType?: ReleaseTriggerType;
export interface AzureKeyVaultVariableGroupProviderData extends VariableGroupProviderData {
* Gets or sets last refreshed time.
lastRefreshedOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets the service endpoint ID.
serviceEndpointId?: string;
* Gets or sets the vault name.
vault?: string;
export interface AzureKeyVaultVariableValue extends VariableValue {
* Gets or sets the content type of key vault variable value.
contentType?: string;
* Indicates the vault variable value enabled or not.
enabled?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the expire time of key vault variable value.
expires?: Date;
export interface BaseDeploymentInput {
* Gets or sets the job condition.
condition?: string;
* Gets or sets the job cancel timeout in minutes for deployment which are cancelled by user for this release environment.
jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes?: number;
* Gets or sets the override inputs.
overrideInputs?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the job execution timeout in minutes for deployment which are queued against this release environment.
timeoutInMinutes?: number;
export interface BuildArtifactDownloadInput extends ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
export interface BuildVersion {
* Gets or sets the commit message for the artifact.
commitMessage?: string;
* Gets or sets the definition id.
definitionId?: string;
* Gets or sets the definition name.
definitionName?: string;
* Gets or sets the build id.
id?: string;
* Gets or sets if the artifact supports multiple definitions.
isMultiDefinitionType?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the build number.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the source branch for the artifact.
sourceBranch?: string;
* Gets or sets the source pull request version for the artifact.
sourcePullRequestVersion?: SourcePullRequestVersion;
* Gets or sets the repository id for the artifact.
sourceRepositoryId?: string;
* Gets or sets the repository type for the artifact.
sourceRepositoryType?: string;
* Gets or sets the source version for the artifact.
sourceVersion?: string;
* Represents a change associated with a build.
export interface Change {
* The author of the change.
author?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* The type of source. "TfsVersionControl", "TfsGit", etc.
changeType?: string;
* The location of a user-friendly representation of the resource.
displayUri?: string;
* Something that identifies the change. For a commit, this would be the SHA1. For a TFVC changeset, this would be the changeset id.
id?: string;
* The location of the full representation of the resource.
location?: string;
* A description of the change. This might be a commit message or changeset description.
message?: string;
* The person or process that pushed the change.
pushedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* The person or process that pushed the change.
pusher?: string;
* A timestamp for the change.
timestamp?: Date;
export interface CheckConfigurationReference {
* Check configuration Id of generated gate.
id?: number;
* Name of the resource for which gate was generated.
resourceName?: string;
* Type of the resource for which the gate was generated.
resourceType?: string;
* Version of the check configuration gate was generated with.
version?: number;
export interface CodeRepositoryReference {
* Gets and sets the repository references.
repositoryReference?: {
[key: string]: ReleaseManagementInputValue;
* It can have value as ‘GitHub’, ‘Vsts’.
systemType?: PullRequestSystemType;
export interface ComplianceSettings {
* Scan the release definition for secrets
checkForCredentialsAndOtherSecrets?: boolean;
export interface Condition {
* Gets or sets the condition type.
conditionType?: ConditionType;
* Gets or sets the name of the condition. e.g. 'ReleaseStarted'.
name?: string;
* The release condition result.
result?: boolean;
* Gets or set value of the condition.
value?: string;
export declare enum ConditionType {
* The condition type is undefined.
Undefined = 0,
* The condition type is event.
Event = 1,
* The condition type is environment state.
EnvironmentState = 2,
* The condition type is artifact.
Artifact = 4
export interface ConfigurationVariableValue {
* Gets and sets if a variable can be overridden at deployment time or not.
allowOverride?: boolean;
* Gets or sets as variable is secret or not.
isSecret?: boolean;
* Gets and sets value of the configuration variable.
value?: string;
export interface Consumer {
* ID of the consumer.
consumerId?: number;
* Name of the consumer.
consumerName?: string;
export interface ContainerImageTrigger extends ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Alias of the trigger.
alias?: string;
* List tag filters applied while trigger.
tagFilters?: TagFilter[];
export interface ContinuousDeploymentTriggerIssue extends AutoTriggerIssue {
* Artifact type.
artifactType?: string;
* ArtifactVersion ID.
artifactVersionId?: string;
* Artifact source ID.
sourceId?: string;
export interface ControlOptions {
* Always run the job.
alwaysRun?: boolean;
* Indicates whether to continue job on error or not.
continueOnError?: boolean;
* Indicates the job enabled or not.
enabled?: boolean;
export interface CustomArtifactDownloadInput extends ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
export interface DataSourceBinding {
* Pagination format supported by this data source(ContinuationToken/SkipTop).
callbackContextTemplate?: string;
* Subsequent calls needed?
callBackRequiredTemplate?: string;
* Name of the datasource.
dataSourceName?: string;
* Endpoint ID of the datasource.
endpointId?: string;
* Endpoint URL of the datasource.
endpointUrl?: string;
* Defines the initial value of the query params
initialContextTemplate?: string;
* Parameters of the datasource.
parameters?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets http request body
requestContent?: string;
* Gets or sets http request verb
requestVerb?: string;
* Result selector applied on output of datasource result, for example jsonpath:$.value[?( == true)].
resultSelector?: string;
* Format of the return results, for example. { "Value" : "{{{id}}}", "DisplayValue" : "{{{name}}}" }.
resultTemplate?: string;
* Target of the datasource.
target?: string;
export interface DefinitionEnvironmentReference {
* Definition environment ID.
definitionEnvironmentId?: number;
* Definition environment name.
definitionEnvironmentName?: string;
* ReleaseDefinition ID.
releaseDefinitionId?: number;
* ReleaseDefinition name.
releaseDefinitionName?: string;
export interface Demand {
* Gets and sets the name of demand.
name?: string;
* Gets and sets the value of demand.
value?: string;
export interface Deployment {
* Gets links to access the deployment.
_links?: any;
* Gets attempt number.
attempt?: number;
* Gets the date on which deployment is complete.
completedOn?: Date;
* Gets the list of condition associated with deployment.
conditions?: Condition[];
* Gets release definition environment id.
definitionEnvironmentId?: number;
* Gets status of the deployment.
deploymentStatus?: DeploymentStatus;
* Gets the unique identifier for deployment.
id?: number;
* Gets the identity who last modified the deployment.
lastModifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets the date on which deployment is last modified.
lastModifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets operation status of deployment.
operationStatus?: DeploymentOperationStatus;
* Gets list of PostDeployApprovals.
postDeployApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
* Gets list of PreDeployApprovals.
preDeployApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
* Gets or sets project reference.
projectReference?: ProjectReference;
* Gets the date on which deployment is queued.
queuedOn?: Date;
* Gets reason of deployment.
reason?: DeploymentReason;
* Gets the reference of release.
release?: ReleaseReference;
* Gets releaseDefinitionReference which specifies the reference of the release definition to which the deployment is associated.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
* Gets releaseEnvironmentReference which specifies the reference of the release environment to which the deployment is associated.
releaseEnvironment?: ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference;
* Gets the identity who requested.
requestedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets the identity for whom deployment is requested.
requestedFor?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets the date on which deployment is scheduled.
scheduledDeploymentTime?: Date;
* Gets the date on which deployment is started.
startedOn?: Date;
export interface DeploymentApprovalCompletedEvent extends DeploymentEvent {
approval?: ReleaseApproval;
project?: ProjectReference;
release?: Release;
export interface DeploymentApprovalPendingEvent extends DeploymentEvent {
approval?: ReleaseApproval;
approvalOptions?: ApprovalOptions;
completedApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
data?: {
[key: string]: any;
deployment?: Deployment;
isMultipleRankApproval?: boolean;
pendingApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
project?: ProjectReference;
release?: Release;
export interface DeploymentAttempt {
* Deployment attempt.
attempt?: number;
* ID of the deployment.
deploymentId?: number;
* Error log to show any unexpected error that occurred during executing deploy step
errorLog?: string;
* Specifies whether deployment has started or not.
hasStarted?: boolean;
* ID of deployment.
id?: number;
* All the issues related to the deployment.
issues?: Issue[];
job?: ReleaseTask;
* Identity who last modified this deployment.
lastModifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Time when this deployment last modified.
lastModifiedOn?: Date;
* Deployment operation status.
operationStatus?: DeploymentOperationStatus;
* Post deployment gates that executed in this deployment.
postDeploymentGates?: ReleaseGates;
* Pre deployment gates that executed in this deployment.
preDeploymentGates?: ReleaseGates;
* When this deployment queued on.
queuedOn?: Date;
* Reason for the deployment.
reason?: DeploymentReason;
* List of release deployphases executed in this deployment.
releaseDeployPhases?: ReleaseDeployPhase[];
* Identity who requested this deployment.
requestedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Identity for this deployment requested.
requestedFor?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
runPlanId?: string;
* status of the deployment.
status?: DeploymentStatus;
tasks?: ReleaseTask[];
export interface DeploymentAuthorizationInfo {
* Authorization header type, typically either RevalidateApproverIdentity or OnBehalfOf.
authorizationHeaderFor?: AuthorizationHeaderFor;
* List of resources.
resources?: string[];
* ID of the tenant.
tenantId?: string;
* Access token key.
vstsAccessTokenKey?: string;
export declare enum DeploymentAuthorizationOwner {
Automatic = 0,
DeploymentSubmitter = 1,
FirstPreDeploymentApprover = 2
export interface DeploymentCompletedEvent extends DeploymentEvent {
comment?: string;
data?: {
[key: string]: any;
deployment?: Deployment;
environment?: ReleaseEnvironment;
project?: ProjectReference;
export interface DeploymentEvent extends ReleaseEvent {
attemptId?: number;
stageName?: string;
export declare enum DeploymentExpands {
All = 0,
DeploymentOnly = 1,
Approvals = 2,
Artifacts = 4
export interface DeploymentInput extends BaseDeploymentInput {
* Artifacts that downloaded during job execution.
artifactsDownloadInput?: ArtifactsDownloadInput;
* List demands that needs to meet to execute the job.
demands?: Demand[];
* Indicates whether to include access token in deployment job or not.
enableAccessToken?: boolean;
* Id of the pool on which job get executed.
queueId?: number;
* Indicates whether artifacts downloaded while job execution or not.
skipArtifactsDownload?: boolean;
export interface DeploymentJob {
* Parent task of all executed tasks.
job?: ReleaseTask;
* List of executed tasks with in job.
tasks?: ReleaseTask[];
export interface DeploymentManualInterventionPendingEvent {
approval?: ReleaseApproval;
deployment?: Deployment;
emailRecipients?: string[];
environmentOwner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
manualIntervention?: ManualIntervention;
project?: ProjectReference;
release?: Release;
export declare enum DeploymentOperationStatus {
* The deployment operation status is undefined.
Undefined = 0,
* The deployment operation status is queued.
Queued = 1,
* The deployment operation status is scheduled.
Scheduled = 2,
* The deployment operation status is pending.
Pending = 4,
* The deployment operation status is approved.
Approved = 8,
* The deployment operation status is rejected.
Rejected = 16,
* The deployment operation status is deferred.
Deferred = 32,
* The deployment operation status is queued for agent.
QueuedForAgent = 64,
* The deployment operation status is phase in progress.
PhaseInProgress = 128,
* The deployment operation status is phase succeeded.
PhaseSucceeded = 256,
* The deployment operation status is phase partially succeeded.
PhasePartiallySucceeded = 512,
* The deployment operation status is phase failed.
PhaseFailed = 1024,
* The deployment operation status is canceled.
Canceled = 2048,
* The deployment operation status is phase canceled.
PhaseCanceled = 4096,
* The deployment operation status is manualintervention pending.
ManualInterventionPending = 8192,
* The deployment operation status is queued for pipeline.
QueuedForPipeline = 16384,
* The deployment operation status is cancelling.
Cancelling = 32768,
* The deployment operation status is EvaluatingGates.
EvaluatingGates = 65536,
* The deployment operation status is GateFailed.
GateFailed = 131072,
* The deployment operation status is all.
All = 258047
export interface DeploymentQueryParameters {
* Query deployments based specified artifact source id.
artifactSourceId?: string;
* Query deployments based specified artifact type id.
artifactTypeId?: string;
* Query deployments based specified artifact versions.
artifactVersions?: string[];
* Query deployments number of deployments per environment.
deploymentsPerEnvironment?: number;
* Query deployment based on deployment status.
deploymentStatus?: DeploymentStatus;
* Query deployments of specified environments.
environments?: DefinitionEnvironmentReference[];
* Query deployments based specified expands.
expands?: DeploymentExpands;
* Specify deleted deployments should return or not.
isDeleted?: boolean;
latestDeploymentsOnly?: boolean;
maxDeploymentsPerEnvironment?: number;
maxModifiedTime?: Date;
minModifiedTime?: Date;
* Query deployment based on deployment operation status.
operationStatus?: DeploymentOperationStatus;
queryOrder?: ReleaseQueryOrder;
* Query deployments based query type.
queryType?: DeploymentsQueryType;
* Query deployments based specified source branch.
sourceBranch?: string;
export declare enum DeploymentReason {
* The deployment reason is none.
None = 0,
* The deployment reason is manual.
Manual = 1,
* The deployment reason is automated.
Automated = 2,
* The deployment reason is scheduled.
Scheduled = 4,
* The deployment reason is RedeployTrigger.
RedeployTrigger = 8
export declare enum DeploymentsQueryType {
Regular = 1,
FailingSince = 2
export interface DeploymentStartedEvent extends DeploymentEvent {
environment?: ReleaseEnvironment;
project?: ProjectReference;
release?: Release;
export declare enum DeploymentStatus {
* The deployment status is undefined.
Undefined = 0,
* The deployment status is not deployed.
NotDeployed = 1,
* The deployment status is in progress.
InProgress = 2,
* The deployment status is succeeded.
Succeeded = 4,
* The deployment status is partiallysucceeded.
PartiallySucceeded = 8,
* The deployment status is failed.
Failed = 16,
* The deployment status is all.
All = 31
export interface DeployPhase {
* Gets and sets the name of deploy phase.
name?: string;
* Indicates the deploy phase type.
phaseType?: DeployPhaseTypes;
* Gets and sets the rank of deploy phase.
rank?: number;
* Gets and sets the reference name of deploy phase.
refName?: string;
* Gets and sets the workflow tasks for the deploy phase.
workflowTasks?: WorkflowTask[];
export declare enum DeployPhaseStatus {
* Phase status not set.
Undefined = 0,
* Phase execution not started.
NotStarted = 1,
* Phase execution in progress.
InProgress = 2,
* Phase execution partially succeeded.
PartiallySucceeded = 4,
* Phase execution succeeded.
Succeeded = 8,
* Phase execution failed.
Failed = 16,
* Phase execution canceled.
Canceled = 32,
* Phase execution skipped.
Skipped = 64,
* Phase is in cancelling state.
Cancelling = 128
export declare enum DeployPhaseTypes {
* Phase type not defined. Don't use this.
Undefined = 0,
* Phase type which contains tasks executed on agent.
AgentBasedDeployment = 1,
* Phase type which contains tasks executed by server.
RunOnServer = 2,
* Phase type which contains tasks executed on deployment group machines.
MachineGroupBasedDeployment = 4,
* Phase type which contains tasks which acts as Gates for the deployment to go forward.
DeploymentGates = 8
export interface EmailRecipients {
* List of email addresses.
emailAddresses?: string[];
* List of TFS IDs guids.
tfsIds?: string[];
* Defines policy on environment queuing at Release Management side queue. We will send to Environment Runner [creating pre-deploy and other steps] only when the policies mentioned are satisfied.
export interface EnvironmentExecutionPolicy {
* This policy decides, how many environments would be with Environment Runner.
concurrencyCount?: number;
* Queue depth in the EnvironmentQueue table, this table keeps the environment entries till Environment Runner is free [as per it's policy] to take another environment for running.
queueDepthCount?: number;
export interface EnvironmentOptions {
* Gets and sets as the auto link workitems or not.
autoLinkWorkItems?: boolean;
* Gets and sets as the badge enabled or not.
badgeEnabled?: boolean;
emailNotificationType?: string;
emailRecipients?: string;
enableAccessToken?: boolean;
* Gets and sets as the publish deployment status or not.
publishDeploymentStatus?: boolean;
* Gets and sets as the.pull request deployment enabled or not.
pullRequestDeploymentEnabled?: boolean;
skipArtifactsDownload?: boolean;
timeoutInMinutes?: number;
export interface EnvironmentRetentionPolicy {
* Gets and sets the number of days to keep environment.
daysToKeep?: number;
* Gets and sets the number of releases to keep.
releasesToKeep?: number;
* Gets and sets as the build to be retained or not.
retainBuild?: boolean;
export declare enum EnvironmentStatus {
* Environment status not set.
Undefined = 0,
* Environment is in not started state.
NotStarted = 1,
* Environment is in progress state.
InProgress = 2,
* Environment is in succeeded state.
Succeeded = 4,
* Environment is in canceled state.
Canceled = 8,
* Environment is in rejected state.
Rejected = 16,
* Environment is in queued state.
Queued = 32,
* Environment is in scheduled state.
Scheduled = 64,
* Environment is in partially succeeded state.
PartiallySucceeded = 128
export interface EnvironmentTrigger {
* Definition environment ID on which this trigger applicable.
definitionEnvironmentId?: number;
* ReleaseDefinition ID on which this trigger applicable.
releaseDefinitionId?: number;
* Gets or sets the trigger content.
triggerContent?: string;
* Gets or sets the trigger type.
triggerType?: EnvironmentTriggerType;
export interface EnvironmentTriggerContent {
* Gets or sets action.
action?: string;
* Gets or sets list of event types.
eventTypes?: string[];
export declare enum EnvironmentTriggerType {
* Environment trigger type undefined.
Undefined = 0,
* Environment trigger type is deployment group redeploy.
DeploymentGroupRedeploy = 1,
* Environment trigger type is Rollback.
RollbackRedeploy = 2
export interface ExecutionInput {
* Parallel execution type, for example MultiConfiguration or MultiMachine.
parallelExecutionType?: ParallelExecutionTypes;
* Class to represent favorite entry.
export interface FavoriteItem {
* Application specific data for the entry.
data?: string;
* Unique Id of the entry.
id?: string;
* Display text for favorite entry.
name?: string;
* Application specific favorite entry type. Empty or Null represents that Favorite item is a Folder.
type?: string;
export interface Folder {
* Identity who created this folder.
createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Time when this folder created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Description of the folder.
description?: string;
* Identity who last changed this folder.
lastChangedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Time when this folder last changed.
lastChangedDate?: Date;
* path of the folder.
path?: string;
* Specifies the desired ordering of folders.
export declare enum FolderPathQueryOrder {
* No order.
None = 0,
* Order by folder name and path ascending.
Ascending = 1,
* Order by folder name and path descending.
Descending = 2
export interface GatesDeploymentInput extends BaseDeploymentInput {
* Gates minimum success duration.
minimumSuccessDuration?: number;
* Gates sampling interval.
samplingInterval?: number;
* Gates stabilization time.
stabilizationTime?: number;
export interface GatesDeployPhase extends DeployPhase {
* Gets and sets the gate job input.
deploymentInput?: GatesDeploymentInput;
export declare enum GateStatus {
* The gate does not have the status set.
None = 0,
* The gate is in pending state.
Pending = 1,
* The gate is currently in progress.
InProgress = 2,
* The gate completed successfully.
Succeeded = 4,
* The gate execution failed.
Failed = 8,
* The gate execution cancelled.
Canceled = 16
export interface GateUpdateMetadata {
* Comment.
comment?: string;
* Name of gate to be ignored.
gatesToIgnore?: string[];
export interface GitArtifactDownloadInput extends ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
export interface GitHubArtifactDownloadInput extends ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
export interface IgnoredGate {
* Gets the date on which gate is last ignored.
lastModifiedOn?: Date;
* Name of gate ignored.
name?: string;
export interface Issue {
* Issue data.
data?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Issue type, for example error, warning or info.
issueType?: string;
* Issue message.
message?: string;
export declare enum IssueSource {
None = 0,
User = 1,
System = 2
export interface JenkinsArtifactDownloadInput extends ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
export interface MachineGroupBasedDeployPhase extends DeployPhase {
* Gets and sets the deployment group job input
deploymentInput?: MachineGroupDeploymentInput;
export interface MachineGroupDeploymentInput extends DeploymentInput {
* Deployment group health option.
deploymentHealthOption?: string;
* Minimum percentage of the targets guaranteed to be healthy.
healthPercent?: number;
* Deployment target tag filter.
tags?: string[];
export interface MailMessage {
* Body of mail.
body?: string;
* Mail CC recipients.
cC?: EmailRecipients;
* Reply to.
inReplyTo?: string;
* Message ID of the mail.
messageId?: string;
* Data when should be replied to mail.
replyBy?: Date;
* Reply to Email recipients.
replyTo?: EmailRecipients;
* List of mail section types.
sections?: MailSectionType[];
* Mail sender type.
senderType?: SenderType;
* Subject of the mail.
subject?: string;
* Mail To recipients.
to?: EmailRecipients;
export declare enum MailSectionType {
Details = 0,
Environments = 1,
Issues = 2,
TestResults = 3,
WorkItems = 4,
ReleaseInfo = 5
export interface ManualIntervention {
* Gets or sets the identity who should approve.
approver?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets comments for approval.
comments?: string;
* Gets date on which it got created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets the unique identifier for manual intervention.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets instructions for approval.
instructions?: string;
* Gets date on which it got modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets the name.
name?: string;
* Gets releaseReference for manual intervention.
release?: ReleaseShallowReference;
* Gets releaseDefinitionReference for manual intervention.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
* Gets releaseEnvironmentReference for manual intervention.
releaseEnvironment?: ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference;
* Gets or sets the status of the manual intervention.
status?: ManualInterventionStatus;
* Get task instance identifier.
taskInstanceId?: string;
* Gets url to access the manual intervention.
url?: string;
* Describes manual intervention status
export declare enum ManualInterventionStatus {
* The manual intervention does not have the status set.
Unknown = 0,
* The manual intervention is pending.
Pending = 1,
* The manual intervention is rejected.
Rejected = 2,
* The manual intervention is approved.
Approved = 4,
* The manual intervention is canceled.
Canceled = 8
export interface ManualInterventionUpdateMetadata {
* Sets the comment for manual intervention update.
comment?: string;
* Sets the status of the manual intervention.
status?: ManualInterventionStatus;
export interface MappingDetails {
mappings?: {
[key: string]: FormInputInterfaces.InputValue;
export interface Metric {
* Name of the Metric.
name?: string;
* Value of the Metric.
value?: number;
export interface MultiConfigInput extends ParallelExecutionInputBase {
* Multipliers for parallel execution of deployment, for example x86,x64.
multipliers?: string;
export interface MultiMachineInput extends ParallelExecutionInputBase {
export interface OrgPipelineReleaseSettings {
* Defines whether user can manage pipeline settings.
hasManagePipelinePoliciesPermission?: boolean;
* EnforceJobAuthScope setting at organisaion level. If enabled, scope of access for all release pipelines in the organisation reduces to the current project.
orgEnforceJobAuthScope?: boolean;
export interface OrgPipelineReleaseSettingsUpdateParameters {
* EnforceJobAuthScope setting at organisaion level. If enabled, scope of access for all release pipelines in the organisation reduces to the current project.
orgEnforceJobAuthScope?: boolean;
export interface PackageTrigger extends ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Package trigger alias.
alias?: string;
export interface ParallelExecutionInputBase extends ExecutionInput {
* Indicate whether continue execution of deployment on error or not.
continueOnError?: boolean;
* Maximum number of agents used while parallel execution.
maxNumberOfAgents?: number;
export declare enum ParallelExecutionTypes {
None = 0,
MultiConfiguration = 1,
MultiMachine = 2
export interface PipelineProcess {
* Pipeline process type.
type?: PipelineProcessTypes;
export declare enum PipelineProcessTypes {
Designer = 1,
Yaml = 2
export interface ProjectPipelineReleaseSettings {
* EnforceJobAuthScope setting at project level. If enabled, scope of access for all release pipelines reduces to the current project.
enforceJobAuthScope?: boolean;
* Defines whether user can manage pipeline settings.
hasManageSettingsPermission?: boolean;
* EnforceJobAuthScope setting at organisaion level. If enabled, scope of access for all release pipelines in the organisation reduces to the current project.
orgEnforceJobAuthScope?: boolean;
* Defines whether project is public.
publicProject?: boolean;
export interface ProjectPipelineReleaseSettingsUpdateParameters {
* EnforceJobAuthScope setting at project level. If enabled, scope of access for all release pipelines reduces to the current project.
enforceJobAuthScope?: boolean;
export interface ProjectReference {
* Gets the unique identifier of this field.
id?: string;
* Gets name of project.
name?: string;
export interface PropertySelector {
* List of properties.
properties?: string[];
* Property selector type.
selectorType?: PropertySelectorType;
export declare enum PropertySelectorType {
* Include in property selector.
Inclusion = 0,
* Exclude in property selector.
Exclusion = 1
export interface PullRequestConfiguration {
* Code repository reference.
codeRepositoryReference?: CodeRepositoryReference;
* In case of Source based artifacts, Code reference will be present in Artifact details.
useArtifactReference?: boolean;
export interface PullRequestFilter {
* List of tags.
tags?: string[];
* Target branch of pull request.
targetBranch?: string;
export declare enum PullRequestSystemType {
None = 0,
TfsGit = 1,
GitHub = 2
export interface PullRequestTrigger extends ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Artifact alias trigger is linked to.
artifactAlias?: string;
* Code reference details of pull request.
pullRequestConfiguration?: PullRequestConfiguration;
* Policy name using which status will be published to pull request.
statusPolicyName?: string;
* List of filters applied while trigger.
triggerConditions?: PullRequestFilter[];
export interface QueuedReleaseData {
* Project ID of the release.
projectId?: string;
* Release queue position.
queuePosition?: number;
* Queued release ID.
releaseId?: number;
export interface RealtimeReleaseDefinitionEvent {
definitionId?: number;
projectId?: string;
export interface RealtimeReleaseEvent {
environmentId?: number;
projectId?: string;
releaseId?: number;
export interface Release {
* Gets links to access the release.
_links?: any;
* Gets or sets the list of artifacts.
artifacts?: Artifact[];
* Gets or sets comment.
comment?: string;
* Gets or sets the identity who created.
createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets the identity for whom release was created.
createdFor?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which it got created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets revision number of definition snapshot.
definitionSnapshotRevision?: number;
* Gets or sets description of release.
description?: string;
* Gets list of environments.
environments?: ReleaseEnvironment[];
* Gets the unique identifier of this field.
id?: number;
* Whether to exclude the release from retention policies.
keepForever?: boolean;
* Gets logs container url.
logsContainerUrl?: string;
* Gets or sets the identity who modified.
modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which it got modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets name.
name?: string;
* Gets pool name.
poolName?: string;
* Gets or sets project reference.
projectReference?: ProjectReference;
properties?: any;
* Gets reason of release.
reason?: ReleaseReason;
* Gets releaseDefinitionReference which specifies the reference of the release definition to which this release is associated.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
* Gets or sets the release definition revision.
releaseDefinitionRevision?: number;
* Gets release name format.
releaseNameFormat?: string;
* Gets status.
status?: ReleaseStatus;
* Gets or sets list of tags.
tags?: string[];
triggeringArtifactAlias?: string;
url?: string;
* Gets the list of variable groups.
variableGroups?: VariableGroup[];
* Gets or sets the dictionary of variables.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseAbandonedEvent extends ReleaseEvent {
project?: ProjectReference;
release?: Release;
export interface ReleaseApproval {
* Gets or sets the type of approval.
approvalType?: ApprovalType;
* Gets the identity who approved.
approvedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets the identity who should approve.
approver?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets attempt which specifies as which deployment attempt it belongs.
attempt?: number;
* Gets or sets comments for approval.
comments?: string;
* Gets date on which it got created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets history which specifies all approvals associated with this approval.
history?: ReleaseApprovalHistory[];
* Gets the unique identifier of this field.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets as approval is automated or not.
isAutomated?: boolean;
isNotificationOn?: boolean;
* Gets date on which it got modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets rank which specifies the order of the approval. e.g. Same rank denotes parallel approval.
rank?: number;
* Gets releaseReference which specifies the reference of the release to which this approval is associated.
release?: ReleaseShallowReference;
* Gets releaseDefinitionReference which specifies the reference of the release definition to which this approval is associated.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
* Gets releaseEnvironmentReference which specifies the reference of the release environment to which this approval is associated.
releaseEnvironment?: ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference;
* Gets the revision number.
revision?: number;
* Gets or sets the status of the approval.
status?: ApprovalStatus;
trialNumber?: number;
* Gets url to access the approval.
url?: string;
export interface ReleaseApprovalHistory {
* Identity of the approver.
approver?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Identity of the object who changed approval.
changedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Approval history comments.
comments?: string;
* Time when this approval created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Time when this approval modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Approval history revision.
revision?: number;
export interface ReleaseApprovalPendingEvent {
approval?: ReleaseApproval;
approvalOptions?: ApprovalOptions;
completedApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
definitionName?: string;
deployment?: Deployment;
environmentId?: number;
environmentName?: string;
environments?: ReleaseEnvironment[];
isMultipleRankApproval?: boolean;
pendingApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
releaseCreator?: string;
releaseName?: string;
title?: string;
webAccessUri?: string;
export interface ReleaseArtifact {
* Gets or sets the artifact provider of ReleaseArtifact.
artifactProvider?: ArtifactProvider;
* Gets or sets the artifact type of ReleaseArtifact.
artifactType?: string;
* Gets or sets the definition json of ReleaseArtifact.
definitionData?: string;
* Gets or sets the definition id of ReleaseArtifact.
definitionId?: number;
* Gets or sets the description of ReleaseArtifact.
description?: string;
* Gets or sets the id of ReleaseArtifact.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets the name of ReleaseArtifact.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the release id.
releaseId?: number;
export interface ReleaseCondition extends Condition {
export interface ReleaseCreatedEvent extends ReleaseEvent {
project?: ProjectReference;
release?: Release;
export interface ReleaseDefinition extends ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference {
* Gets or sets the list of artifacts.
artifacts?: Artifact[];
* Gets or sets comment.
comment?: string;
* Gets or sets the identity who created.
createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which it got created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets the description.
description?: string;
* Gets or sets the list of environments.
environments?: ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment[];
* Whether release definition is deleted.
isDeleted?: boolean;
* Whether release definition is disabled.
isDisabled?: boolean;
* Gets the reference of last release.
lastRelease?: ReleaseReference;
* Gets or sets the identity who modified.
modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which it got modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets pipeline process.
pipelineProcess?: PipelineProcess;
* Gets or sets properties.
properties?: any;
* Gets or sets the release name format.
releaseNameFormat?: string;
retentionPolicy?: RetentionPolicy;
* Gets the revision number.
revision?: number;
* Gets or sets source of release definition.
source?: ReleaseDefinitionSource;
* Gets or sets list of tags.
tags?: string[];
* Gets or sets the list of triggers.
triggers?: ReleaseTriggerBase[];
* Gets or sets the list of variable groups.
variableGroups?: number[];
* Gets or sets the dictionary of variables.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionApprovals {
* Gets or sets the approval options.
approvalOptions?: ApprovalOptions;
* Gets or sets the approvals.
approvals?: ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep[];
export interface ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep extends ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep {
* Gets and sets the approver.
approver?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Indicates whether the approval automated.
isAutomated?: boolean;
* Indicates whether the approval notification set.
isNotificationOn?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the rank of approval step.
rank?: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep extends ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep {
* The list of steps for this definition.
tasks?: WorkflowTask[];
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment {
* Gets or sets the BadgeUrl. BadgeUrl will be used when Badge will be enabled in Release Definition Environment.
badgeUrl?: string;
* Gets or sets the environment conditions.
conditions?: Condition[];
* Gets or sets the current release reference.
currentRelease?: ReleaseShallowReference;
* Gets or sets the demands.
demands?: Demand[];
* Gets or sets the deploy phases of environment.
deployPhases?: DeployPhase[];
* Gets or sets the deploystep.
deployStep?: ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep;
* Gets or sets the environment options.
environmentOptions?: EnvironmentOptions;
* Gets or sets the triggers on environment.
environmentTriggers?: EnvironmentTrigger[];
* Gets or sets the environment execution policy.
executionPolicy?: EnvironmentExecutionPolicy;
* Gets and sets the ID of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.
id?: number;
* Gets and sets the name of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.
name?: string;
* Gets and sets the Owner of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.
owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets the post deployment approvals.
postDeployApprovals?: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals;
* Gets or sets the post deployment gates.
postDeploymentGates?: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep;
* Gets or sets the pre deployment approvals.
preDeployApprovals?: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals;
* Gets or sets the pre deployment gates.
preDeploymentGates?: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep;
* Gets or sets the environment process parameters.
processParameters?: DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces.ProcessParameters;
* Gets or sets the properties on environment.
properties?: any;
* Gets or sets the queue ID.
queueId?: number;
* Gets and sets the rank of the ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.
rank?: number;
* Gets or sets the environment retention policy.
retentionPolicy?: EnvironmentRetentionPolicy;
runOptions?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the schedules
schedules?: ReleaseSchedule[];
* Gets or sets the variable groups.
variableGroups?: number[];
* Gets and sets the variables.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep {
* ID of the approval or deploy step.
id?: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentSummary {
* ID of ReleaseDefinition environment summary.
id?: number;
* List of release shallow reference deployed using this ReleaseDefinition.
lastReleases?: ReleaseShallowReference[];
* Name of ReleaseDefinition environment summary.
name?: string;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate {
* Indicates whether template can be deleted or not.
canDelete?: boolean;
* Category of the ReleaseDefinition environment template.
category?: string;
* Description of the ReleaseDefinition environment template.
description?: string;
* ReleaseDefinition environment data which used to create this template.
environment?: ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment;
* ID of the task which used to display icon used for this template.
iconTaskId?: string;
* Icon uri of the template.
iconUri?: string;
* ID of the ReleaseDefinition environment template.
id?: string;
* Indicates whether template deleted or not.
isDeleted?: boolean;
* Name of the ReleaseDefinition environment template.
name?: string;
export declare enum ReleaseDefinitionExpands {
* Returns top level properties of object.
None = 0,
* Include environments in return object.
Environments = 2,
* Include artifacts in return object.
Artifacts = 4,
* Include triggers in return object.
Triggers = 8,
* Include variables in return object.
Variables = 16,
* Include tags in return object.
Tags = 32,
* Include last release in return object.
LastRelease = 64
export interface ReleaseDefinitionGate {
* Gets or sets the flag that indicates if gate was generated.
isGenerated?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the gates workflow.
tasks?: WorkflowTask[];
export interface ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions {
* Gets or sets as the gates enabled or not.
isEnabled?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the minimum duration for steady results after a successful gates evaluation.
minimumSuccessDuration?: number;
* Gets or sets the time between re-evaluation of gates.
samplingInterval?: number;
* Gets or sets the delay before evaluation.
stabilizationTime?: number;
* Gets or sets the timeout after which gates fail.
timeout?: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep {
* Gets or sets the gates.
gates?: ReleaseDefinitionGate[];
* Gets or sets the gate options.
gatesOptions?: ReleaseDefinitionGatesOptions;
* ID of the ReleaseDefinitionGateStep.
id?: number;
export declare enum ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder {
* Return results based on release definition Id ascending order.
IdAscending = 0,
* Return results based on release definition Id descending order.
IdDescending = 1,
* Return results based on release definition name ascending order.
NameAscending = 2,
* Return results based on release definition name descending order.
NameDescending = 3
export interface ReleaseDefinitionRevision {
* Gets api-version for revision object.
apiVersion?: string;
* Gets the identity who did change.
changedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which ReleaseDefinition changed.
changedDate?: Date;
* Gets type of change.
changeType?: AuditAction;
* Gets comments for revision.
comment?: string;
* Get id of the definition.
definitionId?: number;
* Gets definition URL.
definitionUrl?: string;
* Get revision number of the definition.
revision?: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference {
* Gets the links to related resources, APIs, and views for the release definition.
_links?: any;
* Gets the unique identifier of release definition.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets the name of the release definition.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the path of the release definition.
path?: string;
* Gets or sets project reference.
projectReference?: ProjectReference;
* Gets the REST API url to access the release definition.
url?: string;
export declare enum ReleaseDefinitionSource {
* Indicates ReleaseDefinition source not defined.
Undefined = 0,
* Indicates ReleaseDefinition created using REST API.
RestApi = 1,
* Indicates ReleaseDefinition created using UI.
UserInterface = 2,
* Indicates ReleaseDefinition created from Ibiza.
Ibiza = 4,
* Indicates ReleaseDefinition created from PortalExtension API.
PortalExtensionApi = 8
export interface ReleaseDefinitionSummary {
* List of Release Definition environment summary.
environments?: ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentSummary[];
* Release Definition reference.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
* List of releases deployed using this Release Definition.
releases?: Release[];
export interface ReleaseDefinitionUndeleteParameter {
* Gets or sets comment.
comment?: string;
export interface ReleaseDeployPhase {
* Deployment jobs of the phase.
deploymentJobs?: DeploymentJob[];
* Phase execution error logs.
errorLog?: string;
* ID of the phase.
id?: number;
* List of manual intervention tasks execution information in phase.
manualInterventions?: ManualIntervention[];
* Name of the phase.
name?: string;
* ID of the phase.
phaseId?: string;
* Type of the phase.
phaseType?: DeployPhaseTypes;
* Rank of the phase.
rank?: number;
* Run Plan ID of the phase.
runPlanId?: string;
* Phase start time.
startedOn?: Date;
* Status of the phase.
status?: DeployPhaseStatus;
export interface ReleaseEnvironment {
* Gets list of conditions.
conditions?: ReleaseCondition[];
* Gets date on which it got created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets definition environment id.
definitionEnvironmentId?: number;
* Gets demands.
demands?: Demand[];
* Gets list of deploy phases snapshot.
deployPhasesSnapshot?: DeployPhase[];
* Gets deploy steps.
deploySteps?: DeploymentAttempt[];
* Gets environment options.
environmentOptions?: EnvironmentOptions;
* Gets the unique identifier of this field.
id?: number;
* Gets date on which it got modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets name.
name?: string;
* Gets next scheduled UTC time.
nextScheduledUtcTime?: Date;
* Gets the identity who is owner for release environment.
owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets list of post deploy approvals snapshot.
postApprovalsSnapshot?: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals;
* Gets list of post deploy approvals.
postDeployApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
* Post deployment gates snapshot data.
postDeploymentGatesSnapshot?: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep;
* Gets list of pre deploy approvals snapshot.
preApprovalsSnapshot?: ReleaseDefinitionApprovals;
* Gets list of pre deploy approvals.
preDeployApprovals?: ReleaseApproval[];
* Pre deployment gates snapshot data.
preDeploymentGatesSnapshot?: ReleaseDefinitionGatesStep;
* Gets process parameters.
processParameters?: DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces.ProcessParameters;
* Gets queue id.
queueId?: number;
* Gets rank.
rank?: number;
* Gets release reference which specifies the reference of the release to which this release environment is associated.
release?: ReleaseShallowReference;
* Gets the identity who created release.
releaseCreatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets releaseDefinitionReference which specifies the reference of the release definition to which this release environment is associated.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
* Gets release description.
releaseDescription?: string;
* Gets release id.
releaseId?: number;
* Gets schedule deployment time of release environment.
scheduledDeploymentTime?: Date;
* Gets list of schedules.
schedules?: ReleaseSchedule[];
* Gets environment status.
status?: EnvironmentStatus;
* Gets time to deploy.
timeToDeploy?: number;
* Gets trigger reason.
triggerReason?: string;
* Gets the list of variable groups.
variableGroups?: VariableGroup[];
* Gets the dictionary of variables.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
* Gets list of workflow tasks.
workflowTasks?: WorkflowTask[];
export interface ReleaseEnvironmentCompletedEvent {
createdByName?: string;
definitionId?: number;
definitionName?: string;
environment?: ReleaseEnvironment;
environmentId?: number;
projectName?: string;
reason?: DeploymentReason;
releaseCreatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
releaseLogsUri?: string;
releaseName?: string;
status?: string;
title?: string;
webAccessUri?: string;
export declare enum ReleaseEnvironmentExpands {
* Return top level properties of object.
None = 0,
* Expand environment with tasks.
Tasks = 1
export interface ReleaseEnvironmentShallowReference {
* Gets the links to related resources, APIs, and views for the release environment.
_links?: any;
* Gets the unique identifier of release environment.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets the name of the release environment.
name?: string;
* Gets the REST API url to access the release environment.
url?: string;
export interface ReleaseEnvironmentStatusUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseDefinitionEvent {
environmentId?: number;
environmentStatus?: EnvironmentStatus;
latestDeploymentOperationStatus?: DeploymentOperationStatus;
latestDeploymentStatus?: DeploymentStatus;
releaseId?: number;
export interface ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata {
* Gets or sets comment.
comment?: string;
* Gets or sets scheduled deployment time.
scheduledDeploymentTime?: Date;
* Gets or sets status of environment.
status?: EnvironmentStatus;
* Sets list of environment variables to be overridden at deployment time.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseEvent {
id?: number;
url?: string;
export declare enum ReleaseExpands {
None = 0,
Environments = 2,
Artifacts = 4,
Approvals = 8,
ManualInterventions = 16,
Variables = 32,
Tags = 64
export interface ReleaseGates {
* Contains the gates job details of each evaluation.
deploymentJobs?: DeploymentJob[];
* ID of release gates.
id?: number;
* List of ignored gates.
ignoredGates?: IgnoredGate[];
* Gates last modified time.
lastModifiedOn?: Date;
* Run plan ID of the gates.
runPlanId?: string;
* Gates stabilization completed date and time.
stabilizationCompletedOn?: Date;
* Gates evaluation started time.
startedOn?: Date;
* Status of release gates.
status?: GateStatus;
* Date and time at which all gates executed successfully.
succeedingSince?: Date;
export interface ReleaseGatesPhase extends ReleaseDeployPhase {
* List of ignored gates.
ignoredGates?: IgnoredGate[];
* Date and time at which stabilization of gates completed.
stabilizationCompletedOn?: Date;
* Date and time at which all gates executed successfully.
succeedingSince?: Date;
export interface ReleaseManagementInputValue {
* The text to show for the display of this value.
displayValue?: string;
* The value to store for this input.
value?: string;
export interface ReleaseNotCreatedEvent {
definitionReference?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
message?: string;
releaseReason?: ReleaseReason;
requestedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
export declare enum ReleaseQueryOrder {
* Return results in descending order.
Descending = 0,
* Return results in ascending order.
Ascending = 1
export declare enum ReleaseReason {
* Indicates the release triggered reason not set.
None = 0,
* Indicates the release triggered manually.
Manual = 1,
* Indicates the release triggered by continuous integration.
ContinuousIntegration = 2,
* Indicates the release triggered by schedule.
Schedule = 3,
* Indicates the release triggered by PullRequest.
PullRequest = 4
export interface ReleaseReference {
* Gets links to access the release.
_links?: any;
* Gets list of artifacts.
artifacts?: Artifact[];
* Gets the identity who created release.
createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on when this release created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets description.
description?: string;
* ID of the Release.
id?: number;
* Gets the identity who modified release.
modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets name of release.
name?: string;
* Gets reason for release.
reason?: ReleaseReason;
* Gets release definition shallow reference.
releaseDefinition?: ReleaseDefinitionShallowReference;
url?: string;
webAccessUri?: string;
export interface ReleaseRevision {
* Gets or sets the identity who changed.
changedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Change date of the revision.
changedDate?: Date;
* Change details of the revision.
changeDetails?: string;
* Change details of the revision. Typically ChangeDetails values are Add and Update.
changeType?: string;
* Comment of the revision.
comment?: string;
* Release ID of which this revision belongs.
definitionSnapshotRevision?: number;
* Gets or sets the release ID of which this revision belongs.
releaseId?: number;
export interface ReleaseSchedule {
* Days of the week to release.
daysToRelease?: ScheduleDays;
* Team Foundation Job Definition Job Id.
jobId?: string;
* Flag to determine if this schedule should only release if the associated artifact has been changed or release definition changed.
scheduleOnlyWithChanges?: boolean;
* Local time zone hour to start.
startHours?: number;
* Local time zone minute to start.
startMinutes?: number;
* Time zone Id of release schedule, such as 'UTC'.
timeZoneId?: string;
export interface ReleaseSettings {
* Release Compliance settings.
complianceSettings?: ComplianceSettings;
* Release retention settings.
retentionSettings?: RetentionSettings;
export interface ReleaseShallowReference {
* Gets the links to related resources, APIs, and views for the release.
_links?: any;
* Gets the unique identifier of release.
id?: number;
* Gets or sets the name of the release.
name?: string;
* Gets the REST API url to access the release.
url?: string;
export interface ReleaseStartEnvironmentMetadata {
* Sets release definition environment id.
definitionEnvironmentId?: number;
* Sets list of environments variables to be overridden at deployment time.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseStartMetadata {
* Sets list of artifact to create a release.
artifacts?: ArtifactMetadata[];
* Optionally provide a requestor identity
createdFor?: string;
* Sets definition Id to create a release.
definitionId?: number;
* Sets description to create a release.
description?: string;
* Sets list of environments meta data.
environmentsMetadata?: ReleaseStartEnvironmentMetadata[];
* Sets 'true' to create release in draft mode, 'false' otherwise.
isDraft?: boolean;
* Sets list of environments to manual as condition.
manualEnvironments?: string[];
properties?: any;
* Sets reason to create a release.
reason?: ReleaseReason;
* Sets list of release variables to be overridden at deployment time.
variables?: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export declare enum ReleaseStatus {
* Release status not set.
Undefined = 0,
* Release is in draft state.
Draft = 1,
* Release status is in active.
Active = 2,
* Release status is in abandoned.
Abandoned = 4
export interface ReleaseTask {
* Agent name on which task executed.
agentName?: string;
dateEnded?: Date;
dateStarted?: Date;
* Finish time of the release task.
finishTime?: Date;
* ID of the release task.
id?: number;
* List of issues occurred while execution of task.
issues?: Issue[];
* Number of lines log release task has.
lineCount?: number;
* Log URL of the task.
logUrl?: string;
* Name of the task.
name?: string;
* Task execution complete precent.
percentComplete?: number;
* Rank of the release task.
rank?: number;
* Result code of the task.
resultCode?: string;
* ID of the release task.
startTime?: Date;
* Status of release task.
status?: TaskStatus;
* Workflow task reference.
task?: WorkflowTaskReference;
* Timeline record ID of the release task.
timelineRecordId?: string;
export interface ReleaseTaskAttachment {
* Reference links of task.
_links?: any;
* Data and time when it created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Identity who modified.
modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Data and time when modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Name of the task attachment.
name?: string;
* Record ID of the task.
recordId?: string;
* Timeline ID of the task.
timelineId?: string;
* Type of task attachment.
type?: string;
export interface ReleaseTaskLogUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseEvent {
lines?: string[];
stepRecordId?: string;
timelineRecordId?: string;
export interface ReleaseTasksUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseEvent {
job?: ReleaseTask;
planId?: string;
releaseDeployPhaseId?: number;
releaseStepId?: number;
tasks?: ReleaseTask[];
export interface ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Type of release trigger.
triggerType?: ReleaseTriggerType;
export declare enum ReleaseTriggerType {
* Release trigger type not set.
Undefined = 0,
* Artifact based release trigger.
ArtifactSource = 1,
* Schedule based release trigger.
Schedule = 2,
* Source repository based release trigger.
SourceRepo = 3,
* Container image based release trigger.
ContainerImage = 4,
* Package based release trigger.
Package = 5,
* Pull request based release trigger.
PullRequest = 6
export interface ReleaseUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseEvent {
release?: Release;
export interface ReleaseUpdateMetadata {
* Sets comment for release.
comment?: string;
* Set 'true' to exclude the release from retention policies.
keepForever?: boolean;
* Sets list of manual environments.
manualEnvironments?: string[];
* Sets name of the release.
name?: string;
* Sets status of the release.
status?: ReleaseStatus;
export interface ReleaseWorkItemRef {
assignee?: string;
* Gets or sets the ID.
id?: string;
* Gets or sets the provider.
provider?: string;
* Gets or sets the state.
state?: string;
* Gets or sets the title.
title?: string;
* Gets or sets the type.
type?: string;
* Gets or sets the workitem url.
url?: string;
* Represents a reference to a resource.
export interface ResourceReference {
* An alias to be used when referencing the resource.
alias?: string;
export interface RetentionPolicy {
* Indicates the number of days to keep deployment.
daysToKeep?: number;
export interface RetentionSettings {
* Number of days to keep deleted releases.
daysToKeepDeletedReleases?: number;
* Specifies the default environment retention policy.
defaultEnvironmentRetentionPolicy?: EnvironmentRetentionPolicy;
* Specifies the maximum environment retention policy.
maximumEnvironmentRetentionPolicy?: EnvironmentRetentionPolicy;
export interface RunOnServerDeployPhase extends DeployPhase {
* Gets and sets the agentless job input.
deploymentInput?: ServerDeploymentInput;
export declare enum ScheduleDays {
* Scheduled day not set.
None = 0,
* Scheduled on Monday.
Monday = 1,
* Scheduled on Tuesday.
Tuesday = 2,
* Scheduled on Wednesday.
Wednesday = 4,
* Scheduled on Thursday.
Thursday = 8,
* Scheduled on Friday.
Friday = 16,
* Scheduled on Saturday.
Saturday = 32,
* Scheduled on Sunday.
Sunday = 64,
* Scheduled on all the days in week.
All = 127
export interface ScheduledReleaseTrigger extends ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Release schedule for Scheduled Release trigger type.
schedule?: ReleaseSchedule;
export declare enum SenderType {
ServiceAccount = 1,
RequestingUser = 2
export interface ServerDeploymentInput extends BaseDeploymentInput {
* Gets or sets the parallel execution input.
parallelExecution?: ExecutionInput;
* Represents a reference to a service endpoint.
export interface ServiceEndpointReference extends ResourceReference {
* The ID of the service endpoint.
id?: string;
export declare enum SingleReleaseExpands {
* Return top level properties of object.
None = 0,
* Expand release with tasks.
Tasks = 1
export interface SourceIdInput {
* ID of source.
id?: string;
* Name of the source.
name?: string;
export interface SourcePullRequestVersion {
* Pull Request Iteration Id for which the release will publish status.
iterationId?: string;
* Pull Request Id for which the release will publish status.
pullRequestId?: string;
* Date and time of the pull request merge creation. It is required to keep timeline record of Releases created by pull request.
pullRequestMergedAt?: Date;
* Source branch of the Pull Request.
sourceBranch?: string;
* Source branch commit Id of the Pull Request for which the release will publish status.
sourceBranchCommitId?: string;
* Target branch of the Pull Request.
targetBranch?: string;
export interface SourceRepoTrigger extends ReleaseTriggerBase {
* Alias of the source repo trigger.
alias?: string;
branchFilters?: string[];
export interface SummaryMailSection {
* Html content of summary mail.
htmlContent?: string;
* Rank of the summary mail.
rank?: number;
* Summary mail section type. MailSectionType has section types.
sectionType?: MailSectionType;
* Title of the summary mail.
title?: string;
export interface TagFilter {
* Gets or sets the tag filter pattern.
pattern?: string;
export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanGroupReference {
* Gets or sets the plan group.
planGroup?: string;
* ID of the Project.
projectId?: string;
export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanGroupsStartedEvent {
planGroups?: TaskOrchestrationPlanGroupReference[];
export declare enum TaskStatus {
* The task does not have the status set.
Unknown = 0,
* The task is in pending status.
Pending = 1,
* The task is currently in progress.
InProgress = 2,
* The task completed successfully.
Success = 3,
* The task execution failed.
Failure = 4,
* The task execution canceled.
Canceled = 5,
* The task execution skipped.
Skipped = 6,
* The task completed successfully.
Succeeded = 7,
* The task execution failed.
Failed = 8,
* The task execution partially succeeded.
PartiallySucceeded = 9
export interface TfvcArtifactDownloadInput extends ArtifactDownloadInputBase {
export interface TimeZone {
* Display name of the time zone.
displayName?: string;
* Id of the time zone.
id?: string;
export interface TimeZoneList {
* UTC timezone.
utcTimeZone?: TimeZone;
* List of valid timezones.
validTimeZones?: TimeZone[];
export interface VariableGroup {
* Gets or sets the identity who created.
createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which it got created.
createdOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets description.
description?: string;
* Gets the unique identifier of this field.
id?: number;
* Denotes if a variable group is shared with other project or not.
isShared?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the identity who modified.
modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets date on which it got modified.
modifiedOn?: Date;
* Gets or sets name.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets provider data.
providerData?: VariableGroupProviderData;
* Gets or sets type.
type?: string;
* all project references where the variable group is shared with other projects.
variableGroupProjectReferences?: VariableGroupProjectReference[];
* Gets and sets the dictionary of variables.
variables?: {
[key: string]: VariableValue;
export declare enum VariableGroupActionFilter {
None = 0,
Manage = 2,
Use = 16
* A variable group reference is a shallow reference to variable group.
export interface VariableGroupProjectReference {
* Gets or sets description of the variable group.
description?: string;
* Gets or sets name of the variable group.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets project reference of the variable group.
projectReference?: ProjectReference;
export interface VariableGroupProviderData {
export interface VariableValue {
* Gets or sets if the variable is read only or not.
isReadOnly?: boolean;
* Gets or sets as the variable is secret or not.
isSecret?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the value.
value?: string;
export interface WorkflowTask {
* Gets or sets as the task always run or not.
alwaysRun?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the check configuration if check is injected as gate.
checkConfig?: CheckConfigurationReference;
* Gets or sets the task condition.
condition?: string;
* Gets or sets as the task continue run on error or not.
continueOnError?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the task definition type. Example:- 'Agent', DeploymentGroup', 'Server' or 'ServerGate'.
definitionType?: string;
* Gets or sets as the task enabled or not.
enabled?: boolean;
* Gets or sets the task environment variables.
environment?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the task inputs.
inputs?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the name of the task.
name?: string;
* Gets or sets the task override inputs.
overrideInputs?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the reference name of the task.
refName?: string;
* Gets or sets the task retryCount.
retryCountOnTaskFailure?: number;
* Gets or sets the ID of the task.
taskId: string;
* Gets or sets the task timeout.
timeoutInMinutes?: number;
* Gets or sets the version of the task.
version: string;
export interface WorkflowTaskReference {
* Task identifier.
id?: string;
* Name of the task.
name?: string;
* Version of the task.
version?: string;
export interface YamlFileSource {
* Gets or sets definition reference. e.g. {"project":{"id":"fed755ea-49c5-4399-acea-fd5b5aa90a6c","name":"myProject"},"definition":{"id":"1","name":"mybuildDefinition"},"connection":{"id":"1","name":"myConnection"}}
sourceReference?: {
[key: string]: YamlSourceReference;
type?: YamlFileSourceTypes;
export declare enum YamlFileSourceTypes {
None = 0,
TFSGit = 1
export interface YamlPipelineProcess extends PipelineProcess {
errors?: string[];
filename?: string;
fileSource?: YamlFileSource;
resources?: YamlPipelineProcessResources;
export interface YamlPipelineProcessResources {
endpoints?: ServiceEndpointReference[];
queues?: AgentPoolQueueReference[];
export interface YamlSourceReference {
id?: string;
name?: string;
export declare var TypeInfo: {
AgentArtifactDefinition: any;
AgentArtifactType: {
enumValues: {
xamlBuild: number;
build: number;
jenkins: number;
fileShare: number;
nuget: number;
tfsOnPrem: number;
gitHub: number;
tfGit: number;
externalTfsBuild: number;
custom: number;
tfvc: number;
AgentBasedDeployPhase: any;
AgentDeploymentInput: any;
ApprovalExecutionOrder: {
enumValues: {
beforeGates: number;
afterSuccessfulGates: number;
afterGatesAlways: number;
ApprovalFilters: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
manualApprovals: number;
automatedApprovals: number;
approvalSnapshots: number;
all: number;
ApprovalOptions: any;
ApprovalStatus: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
pending: number;
approved: number;
rejected: number;
reassigned: number;
canceled: number;
skipped: number;
ApprovalType: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
preDeploy: number;
postDeploy: number;
all: number;
ArtifactContributionDefinition: any;
ArtifactMetadata: any;
ArtifactSourceTrigger: any;
ArtifactTypeDefinition: any;
ArtifactVersion: any;
ArtifactVersionQueryResult: any;
AuditAction: {
enumValues: {
add: number;
update: number;
delete: number;
undelete: number;
AuthorizationHeaderFor: {
enumValues: {
revalidateApproverIdentity: number;
onBehalfOf: number;
AutoTriggerIssue: any;
AzureKeyVaultVariableGroupProviderData: any;
AzureKeyVaultVariableValue: any;
BuildVersion: any;
Change: any;
CodeRepositoryReference: any;
Condition: any;
ConditionType: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
event: number;
environmentState: number;
artifact: number;
ContainerImageTrigger: any;
ContinuousDeploymentTriggerIssue: any;
Deployment: any;
DeploymentApprovalCompletedEvent: any;
DeploymentApprovalPendingEvent: any;
DeploymentAttempt: any;
DeploymentAuthorizationInfo: any;
DeploymentAuthorizationOwner: {
enumValues: {
automatic: number;
deploymentSubmitter: number;
firstPreDeploymentApprover: number;
DeploymentCompletedEvent: any;
DeploymentExpands: {
enumValues: {
all: number;
deploymentOnly: number;
approvals: number;
artifacts: number;
DeploymentJob: any;
DeploymentManualInterventionPendingEvent: any;
DeploymentOperationStatus: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
queued: number;
scheduled: number;
pending: number;
approved: number;
rejected: number;
deferred: number;
queuedForAgent: number;
phaseInProgress: number;
phaseSucceeded: number;
phasePartiallySucceeded: number;
phaseFailed: number;
canceled: number;
phaseCanceled: number;
manualInterventionPending: number;
queuedForPipeline: number;
cancelling: number;
evaluatingGates: number;
gateFailed: number;
all: number;
DeploymentQueryParameters: any;
DeploymentReason: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
manual: number;
automated: number;
scheduled: number;
redeployTrigger: number;
DeploymentsQueryType: {
enumValues: {
regular: number;
failingSince: number;
DeploymentStartedEvent: any;
DeploymentStatus: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
notDeployed: number;
inProgress: number;
succeeded: number;
partiallySucceeded: number;
failed: number;
all: number;
DeployPhase: any;
DeployPhaseStatus: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
notStarted: number;
inProgress: number;
partiallySucceeded: number;
succeeded: number;
failed: number;
canceled: number;
skipped: number;
cancelling: number;
DeployPhaseTypes: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
agentBasedDeployment: number;
runOnServer: number;
machineGroupBasedDeployment: number;
deploymentGates: number;
EnvironmentStatus: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
notStarted: number;
inProgress: number;
succeeded: number;
canceled: number;
rejected: number;
queued: number;
scheduled: number;
partiallySucceeded: number;
EnvironmentTrigger: any;
EnvironmentTriggerType: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
deploymentGroupRedeploy: number;
rollbackRedeploy: number;
ExecutionInput: any;
Folder: any;
FolderPathQueryOrder: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
ascending: number;
descending: number;
GatesDeployPhase: any;
GateStatus: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
pending: number;
inProgress: number;
succeeded: number;
failed: number;
canceled: number;
IgnoredGate: any;
IssueSource: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
user: number;
system: number;
MachineGroupBasedDeployPhase: any;
MailMessage: any;
MailSectionType: {
enumValues: {
details: number;
environments: number;
issues: number;
testResults: number;
workItems: number;
releaseInfo: number;
ManualIntervention: any;
ManualInterventionStatus: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
pending: number;
rejected: number;
approved: number;
canceled: number;
ManualInterventionUpdateMetadata: any;
MultiConfigInput: any;
MultiMachineInput: any;
PackageTrigger: any;
ParallelExecutionInputBase: any;
ParallelExecutionTypes: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
multiConfiguration: number;
multiMachine: number;
PipelineProcess: any;
PipelineProcessTypes: {
enumValues: {
designer: number;
yaml: number;
PropertySelector: any;
PropertySelectorType: {
enumValues: {
inclusion: number;
exclusion: number;
PullRequestConfiguration: any;
PullRequestSystemType: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
tfsGit: number;
gitHub: number;
PullRequestTrigger: any;
Release: any;
ReleaseAbandonedEvent: any;
ReleaseApproval: any;
ReleaseApprovalHistory: any;
ReleaseApprovalPendingEvent: any;
ReleaseCondition: any;
ReleaseCreatedEvent: any;
ReleaseDefinition: any;
ReleaseDefinitionApprovals: any;
ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment: any;
ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate: any;
ReleaseDefinitionExpands: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
environments: number;
artifacts: number;
triggers: number;
variables: number;
tags: number;
lastRelease: number;
ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder: {
enumValues: {
idAscending: number;
idDescending: number;
nameAscending: number;
nameDescending: number;
ReleaseDefinitionRevision: any;
ReleaseDefinitionSource: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
restApi: number;
userInterface: number;
ibiza: number;
portalExtensionApi: number;
ReleaseDefinitionSummary: any;
ReleaseDeployPhase: any;
ReleaseEnvironment: any;
ReleaseEnvironmentCompletedEvent: any;
ReleaseEnvironmentExpands: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
tasks: number;
ReleaseEnvironmentStatusUpdatedEvent: any;
ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata: any;
ReleaseExpands: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
environments: number;
artifacts: number;
approvals: number;
manualInterventions: number;
variables: number;
tags: number;
ReleaseGates: any;
ReleaseGatesPhase: any;
ReleaseNotCreatedEvent: any;
ReleaseQueryOrder: {
enumValues: {
descending: number;
ascending: number;
ReleaseReason: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
manual: number;
continuousIntegration: number;
schedule: number;
pullRequest: number;
ReleaseReference: any;
ReleaseRevision: any;
ReleaseSchedule: any;
ReleaseStartMetadata: any;
ReleaseStatus: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
draft: number;
active: number;
abandoned: number;
ReleaseTask: any;
ReleaseTaskAttachment: any;
ReleaseTasksUpdatedEvent: any;
ReleaseTriggerBase: any;
ReleaseTriggerType: {
enumValues: {
undefined: number;
artifactSource: number;
schedule: number;
sourceRepo: number;
containerImage: number;
package: number;
pullRequest: number;
ReleaseUpdatedEvent: any;
ReleaseUpdateMetadata: any;
RunOnServerDeployPhase: any;
ScheduleDays: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
monday: number;
tuesday: number;
wednesday: number;
thursday: number;
friday: number;
saturday: number;
sunday: number;
all: number;
ScheduledReleaseTrigger: any;
SenderType: {
enumValues: {
serviceAccount: number;
requestingUser: number;
ServerDeploymentInput: any;
SingleReleaseExpands: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
tasks: number;
SourcePullRequestVersion: any;
SourceRepoTrigger: any;
SummaryMailSection: any;
TaskStatus: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
pending: number;
inProgress: number;
success: number;
failure: number;
canceled: number;
skipped: number;
succeeded: number;
failed: number;
partiallySucceeded: number;
VariableGroup: any;
VariableGroupActionFilter: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
manage: number;
use: number;
YamlFileSource: any;
YamlFileSourceTypes: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
tfsGit: number;
YamlPipelineProcess: any;