import IdentitiesInterfaces = require("../interfaces/IdentitiesInterfaces");
import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
export interface CategorizedWebApiTeams {
* Teams that the user is a member of.
myTeams?: WebApiTeam[];
* Teams that the user can read but is not member of.
otherReadableTeams?: WebApiTeam[];
export declare enum ConnectedServiceKind {
* Custom or unknown service
Custom = 0,
* Azure Subscription
AzureSubscription = 1,
* Chef Connection
Chef = 2,
* Generic Connection
Generic = 3
export interface IdentityData {
identityIds?: string[];
export interface Process extends ProcessReference {
_links?: any;
description?: string;
id?: string;
isDefault?: boolean;
type?: ProcessType;
* Type of process customization on a collection.
export declare enum ProcessCustomizationType {
* Process customization can't be computed.
Unknown = -1,
* Customization based on project-scoped xml customization
Xml = 0,
* Customization based on process inheritance
Inherited = 1
export interface ProcessReference {
name?: string;
url?: string;
export declare enum ProcessType {
System = 0,
Custom = 1,
Inherited = 2
* Contains the image data for project avatar.
export interface ProjectAvatar {
* The avatar image represented as a byte array.
image?: number[];
export declare enum ProjectChangeType {
Modified = 0,
Deleted = 1,
Added = 2
* Contains information describing a project.
export interface ProjectInfo {
* The abbreviated name of the project.
abbreviation?: string;
* The description of the project.
description?: string;
* The id of the project.
id?: string;
* The time that this project was last updated.
lastUpdateTime?: Date;
* The name of the project.
name?: string;
* A set of name-value pairs storing additional property data related to the project.
properties?: ProjectProperty[];
* The current revision of the project.
revision?: number;
* The current state of the project.
state?: any;
* A Uri that can be used to refer to this project.
uri?: string;
* The version number of the project.
version?: number;
* Indicates whom the project is visible to.
visibility?: ProjectVisibility;
export interface ProjectMessage {
project?: ProjectInfo;
projectChangeType?: ProjectChangeType;
shouldInvalidateSystemStore?: boolean;
export interface ProjectProperties {
* The team project Id
projectId?: string;
* The collection of team project properties
properties?: ProjectProperty[];
* A named value associated with a project.
export interface ProjectProperty {
* The name of the property.
name?: string;
* The value of the property.
value?: any;
export declare enum ProjectVisibility {
Unchanged = -1,
* The project is only visible to users with explicit access.
Private = 0,
* Enterprise level project visibility
Organization = 1,
* The project is visible to all.
Public = 2,
SystemPrivate = 3
export interface Proxy {
authorization?: ProxyAuthorization;
* This is a description string
description?: string;
* The friendly name of the server
friendlyName?: string;
globalDefault?: boolean;
* This is a string representation of the site that the proxy server is located in (e.g. "NA-WA-RED")
site?: string;
siteDefault?: boolean;
* The URL of the proxy server
url?: string;
export interface ProxyAuthorization {
* Gets or sets the endpoint used to obtain access tokens from the configured token service.
authorizationUrl?: string;
* Gets or sets the client identifier for this proxy.
clientId?: string;
* Gets or sets the user identity to authorize for on-prem.
identity?: IdentitiesInterfaces.IdentityDescriptor;
* Gets or sets the public key used to verify the identity of this proxy. Only specify on hosted.
publicKey?: VSSInterfaces.PublicKey;
export declare enum SourceControlTypes {
Tfvc = 1,
Git = 2
* The Team Context for an operation.
export interface TeamContext {
* The team project Id or name. Ignored if ProjectId is set.
project?: string;
* The Team Project ID. Required if Project is not set.
projectId?: string;
* The Team Id or name. Ignored if TeamId is set.
team?: string;
* The Team Id
teamId?: string;
* Represents a Team Project object.
export interface TeamProject extends TeamProjectReference {
* The links to other objects related to this object.
_links?: any;
* Set of capabilities this project has (such as process template & version control).
capabilities?: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string;
* The shallow ref to the default team.
defaultTeam?: WebApiTeamRef;
* Data contract for a TeamProjectCollection.
export interface TeamProjectCollection extends TeamProjectCollectionReference {
* The links to other objects related to this object.
_links?: any;
* Project collection description.
description?: string;
* Process customization type on this collection. It can be Xml or Inherited.
processCustomizationType?: ProcessCustomizationType;
* Project collection state.
state?: string;
* Reference object for a TeamProjectCollection.
export interface TeamProjectCollectionReference {
* Collection avatar Url.
avatarUrl?: string;
* Collection Id.
id?: string;
* Collection Name.
name?: string;
* Collection REST Url.
url?: string;
* Represents a shallow reference to a TeamProject.
export interface TeamProjectReference {
* Project abbreviation.
abbreviation?: string;
* Url to default team identity image.
defaultTeamImageUrl?: string;
* The project's description (if any).
description?: string;
* Project identifier.
id?: string;
* Project last update time.
lastUpdateTime?: Date;
* Project name.
name?: string;
* Project revision.
revision?: number;
* Project state.
state?: any;
* Url to the full version of the object.
url?: string;
* Project visibility.
visibility?: ProjectVisibility;
* A data transfer object that stores the metadata associated with the creation of temporary data.
export interface TemporaryDataCreatedDTO extends TemporaryDataDTO {
* Temporary data expiration date.
expirationDate?: Date;
* Temporary data id.
id?: string;
* Rest url for the temporary data.
url?: string;
* A data transfer object that stores the metadata associated with the temporary data.
export interface TemporaryDataDTO {
* Temporary data expire in seconds
expirationSeconds?: number;
* Temporary data origin
origin?: string;
* Temporary data.
value?: any;
* Updateable properties for a WebApiTeam.
export interface UpdateTeam {
* New description for the team.
description?: string;
* New name for the team.
name?: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedService extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
* The user who did the OAuth authentication to created this service
authenticatedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Extra description on the service.
description?: string;
* Friendly Name of service connection
friendlyName?: string;
* Id/Name of the connection service. For Ex: Subscription Id for Azure Connection
id?: string;
* The kind of service.
kind?: string;
* The project associated with this service
project?: TeamProjectReference;
* Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as
serviceUri?: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceDetails extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
* Meta data for service connection
connectedServiceMetaData?: WebApiConnectedService;
* Credential info
credentialsXml?: string;
* Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as
endPoint?: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
id?: string;
url?: string;
* The representation of data needed to create a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
export interface WebApiCreateTagRequestData {
* Name of the tag definition that will be created.
name: string;
export interface WebApiProject extends TeamProjectReference {
* Set of capabilities this project has
capabilities?: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string;
* Reference to collection which contains this project
collection?: WebApiProjectCollectionRef;
* Default team for this project
defaultTeam?: WebApiTeamRef;
export interface WebApiProjectCollection extends WebApiProjectCollectionRef {
* Project collection description
description?: string;
* Project collection state
state?: string;
export interface WebApiProjectCollectionRef {
* Collection Tfs Url (Host Url)
collectionUrl?: string;
* Collection Guid
id?: string;
* Collection Name
name?: string;
* Collection REST Url
url?: string;
* The representation of a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
export interface WebApiTagDefinition {
* Whether or not the tag definition is active.
active?: boolean;
* ID of the tag definition.
id?: string;
* The name of the tag definition.
name?: string;
* Resource URL for the Tag Definition.
url?: string;
export interface WebApiTeam extends WebApiTeamRef {
* Team description
description?: string;
* Team identity.
identity?: IdentitiesInterfaces.Identity;
* Identity REST API Url to this team
identityUrl?: string;
projectId?: string;
projectName?: string;
export interface WebApiTeamRef {
* Team (Identity) Guid. A Team Foundation ID.
id?: string;
* Team name
name?: string;
* Team REST API Url
url?: string;
export declare var TypeInfo: {
ConnectedServiceKind: {
enumValues: {
custom: number;
azureSubscription: number;
chef: number;
generic: number;
Process: any;
ProcessCustomizationType: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
xml: number;
inherited: number;
ProcessType: {
enumValues: {
system: number;
custom: number;
inherited: number;
ProjectChangeType: {
enumValues: {
modified: number;
deleted: number;
added: number;
ProjectInfo: any;
ProjectMessage: any;
ProjectVisibility: {
enumValues: {
private: number;
organization: number;
public: number;
SourceControlTypes: {
enumValues: {
tfvc: number;
git: number;
TeamProject: any;
TeamProjectCollection: any;
TeamProjectReference: any;
TemporaryDataCreatedDTO: any;
WebApiConnectedService: any;
WebApiConnectedServiceDetails: any;
WebApiProject: any;