Server Configuration
Describes the environment variables required to run the server.
Name | Required | Description | Default |
AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG_URL | Yes | URL of your Azure DevOps organization | |
AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT | Yes | Default project to use | |
AZURE_DEVOPS_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN | Yes | Your personal access token |
Interactive templates invoked by user choice
Name | Description |
No prompts |
Contextual data attached and managed by the client
Name | Description |
No resources |
Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions
Name | Description |
listWorkItems | List work items based on a WIQL query |
getWorkItemById | Get a specific work item by ID |
searchWorkItems | Search for work items by text |
getRecentlyUpdatedWorkItems | Get recently updated work items |
getMyWorkItems | Get work items assigned to you |
createWorkItem | Create a new work item |
updateWorkItem | Update an existing work item |
addWorkItemComment | Add a comment to a work item |
updateWorkItemState | Update the state of a work item |
assignWorkItem | Assign a work item to a user |
createLink | Create a link between work items |
bulkCreateWorkItems | Create or update multiple work items in a single operation |
getBoards | Get all boards for a team |
getBoardColumns | Get columns for a specific board |
getBoardItems | Get items on a specific board |
moveCardOnBoard | Move a card on a board |
getSprints | Get all sprints for a team |
getCurrentSprint | Get the current sprint |
getSprintWorkItems | Get work items in a specific sprint |
getSprintCapacity | Get capacity for a specific sprint |
getTeamMembers | Get members of a team |
listProjects | List all projects |
getProjectDetails | Get details of a specific project |
createProject | Create a new project |
getAreas | Get areas for a project |
getIterations | Get iterations for a project |
createArea | Create a new area in a project |
createIteration | Create a new iteration in a project |
getProcesses | Get all processes |
getWorkItemTypes | Get work item types for a process |
getWorkItemTypeFields | Get fields for a work item type |
listRepositories | List all repositories |
getRepository | Get details of a specific repository |
createRepository | Create a new repository |
listBranches | List branches in a repository |
searchCode | Search for code in repositories |
browseRepository | Browse the contents of a repository |
getFileContent | Get the content of a file |
getCommitHistory | Get commit history for a repository |
listPullRequests | List pull requests |
createPullRequest | Create a new pull request |
getPullRequest | Get details of a specific pull request |
getPullRequestComments | Get comments on a pull request |
approvePullRequest | Approve a pull request |
mergePullRequest | Merge a pull request |
runAutomatedTests | Execute automated test suites |
getTestAutomationStatus | Check status of automated test execution |
configureTestAgents | Configure and manage test agents |
createTestDataGenerator | Generate test data for automated tests |
manageTestEnvironments | Manage test environments for different test types |
getTestFlakiness | Analyze and report on test flakiness |
getTestGapAnalysis | Identify gaps in test coverage |
runTestImpactAnalysis | Determine which tests to run based on code changes |
getTestHealthDashboard | View overall test health metrics |
runTestOptimization | Optimize test suite execution for faster feedback |
createExploratorySessions | Create new exploratory testing sessions |
recordExploratoryTestResults | Record findings during exploratory testing |
convertFindingsToWorkItems | Convert exploratory test findings to work items |
getExploratoryTestStatistics | Get statistics on exploratory testing activities |
runSecurityScan | Run security scans on repositories |
getSecurityScanResults | Get results from security scans |
trackSecurityVulnerabilities | Track and manage security vulnerabilities |
generateSecurityCompliance | Generate security compliance reports |
integrateSarifResults | Import and process SARIF format security results |
runComplianceChecks | Run compliance checks against standards |
getComplianceStatus | Get current compliance status |
createComplianceReport | Create compliance reports for auditing |
manageSecurityPolicies | Manage security policies |
trackSecurityAwareness | Track security awareness and training |
rotateSecrets | Rotate secrets and credentials |
auditSecretUsage | Audit usage of secrets across services |
vaultIntegration | Integrate with secret vaults |
listArtifactFeeds | List artifact feeds in the organization |
getPackageVersions | Get versions of a package in a feed |
publishPackage | Publish a package to a feed |
promotePackage | Promote a package version between views |
deletePackageVersion | Delete a version of a package |
listContainerImages | List container images in a repository |
getContainerImageTags | Get tags for a container image |
scanContainerImage | Scan a container image for vulnerabilities and compliance issues |
manageContainerPolicies | Manage policies for container repositories |
manageUniversalPackages | Manage universal packages |
createPackageDownloadReport | Create reports on package downloads |
checkPackageDependencies | Check package dependencies and vulnerabilities |
getAICodeReview | Get AI-based code review suggestions |
suggestCodeOptimization | Suggest code optimizations using AI |
identifyCodeSmells | Identify potential code smells and anti-patterns |
getPredictiveBugAnalysis | Predict potential bugs in code changes |
getDeveloperProductivity | Measure developer productivity metrics |
getPredictiveEffortEstimation | AI-based effort estimation for work items |
getCodeQualityTrends | Track code quality trends over time |
suggestWorkItemRefinements | Get AI suggestions for work item refinements |
suggestAutomationOpportunities | Identify opportunities for automation |
createIntelligentAlerts | Set up intelligent alerts based on patterns |
predictBuildFailures | Predict potential build failures before they occur |
optimizeTestSelection | Intelligently select tests to run based on changes |