
by RyanCardin15
import TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces"); import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export interface AssociatedWorkItem { assignedTo?: string; /** * Id of associated the work item. */ id?: number; state?: string; title?: string; /** * REST Url of the work item. */ url?: string; webUrl?: string; workItemType?: string; } export interface Change<T> { /** * The type of change that was made to the item. */ changeType?: VersionControlChangeType; /** * Current version. */ item?: T; /** * Content of the item after the change. */ newContent?: ItemContent; /** * Path of the item on the server. */ sourceServerItem?: string; /** * URL to retrieve the item. */ url?: string; } export interface CheckinNote { name?: string; value?: string; } export interface FileContentMetadata { contentType?: string; encoding?: number; extension?: string; fileName?: string; isBinary?: boolean; isImage?: boolean; vsLink?: string; } export interface GitRepository { _links?: any; defaultBranch?: string; id?: string; /** * True if the repository is disabled. False otherwise. */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** * True if the repository was created as a fork. */ isFork?: boolean; /** * True if the repository is in maintenance. False otherwise. */ isInMaintenance?: boolean; name?: string; parentRepository?: GitRepositoryRef; project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference; remoteUrl?: string; /** * Compressed size (bytes) of the repository. */ size?: number; sshUrl?: string; url?: string; validRemoteUrls?: string[]; webUrl?: string; } export interface GitRepositoryRef { /** * Team Project Collection where this Fork resides */ collection?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollectionReference; id?: string; /** * True if the repository was created as a fork */ isFork?: boolean; name?: string; project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference; remoteUrl?: string; sshUrl?: string; url?: string; } export interface ItemContent { content?: string; contentType?: ItemContentType; } export declare enum ItemContentType { RawText = 0, Base64Encoded = 1 } export interface ItemModel { _links?: any; content?: string; contentMetadata?: FileContentMetadata; isFolder?: boolean; isSymLink?: boolean; path?: string; url?: string; } /** * Class representing a branch object. */ export interface TfvcBranch extends TfvcBranchRef { /** * List of children for the branch. */ children?: TfvcBranch[]; /** * List of branch mappings. */ mappings?: TfvcBranchMapping[]; /** * Path of the branch's parent. */ parent?: TfvcShallowBranchRef; /** * List of paths of the related branches. */ relatedBranches?: TfvcShallowBranchRef[]; } /** * A branch mapping. */ export interface TfvcBranchMapping { /** * Depth of the branch. */ depth?: string; /** * Server item for the branch. */ serverItem?: string; /** * Type of the branch. */ type?: string; } /** * Metadata for a branchref. */ export interface TfvcBranchRef extends TfvcShallowBranchRef { /** * A collection of REST reference links. */ _links?: any; /** * Creation date of the branch. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * Branch description. */ description?: string; /** * Is the branch deleted? */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * Alias or display name of user */ owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * URL to retrieve the item. */ url?: string; } /** * A change. */ export interface TfvcChange extends Change<TfvcItem> { /** * List of merge sources in case of rename or branch creation. */ mergeSources?: TfvcMergeSource[]; /** * Version at which a (shelved) change was pended against */ pendingVersion?: number; } /** * A collection of changes. */ export interface TfvcChangeset extends TfvcChangesetRef { /** * Changeset Account Id also known as Organization Id. */ accountId?: string; /** * List of associated changes. */ changes?: TfvcChange[]; /** * List of Checkin Notes for the changeset. */ checkinNotes?: CheckinNote[]; /** * Changeset collection Id. */ collectionId?: string; /** * True if more changes are available. */ hasMoreChanges?: boolean; /** * Policy Override for the changeset. */ policyOverride?: TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo; /** * Team Project Ids for the changeset. */ teamProjectIds?: string[]; /** * List of work items associated with the changeset. */ workItems?: AssociatedWorkItem[]; } /** * Metadata for a changeset. */ export interface TfvcChangesetRef { /** * A collection of REST reference links. */ _links?: any; /** * Alias or display name of user. */ author?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Changeset Id. */ changesetId?: number; /** * Alias or display name of user. */ checkedInBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Comment for the changeset. */ comment?: string; /** * Was the Comment result truncated? */ commentTruncated?: boolean; /** * Creation date of the changeset. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * URL to retrieve the item. */ url?: string; } /** * Criteria used in a search for change lists. */ export interface TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria { /** * Alias or display name of user who made the changes. */ author?: string; /** * Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried. */ followRenames?: boolean; /** * If provided, only include changesets created after this date (string). */ fromDate?: string; /** * If provided, only include changesets after this changesetID. */ fromId?: number; /** * Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references. */ includeLinks?: boolean; /** * Path of item to search under. */ itemPath?: string; mappings?: TfvcMappingFilter[]; /** * If provided, only include changesets created before this date (string). */ toDate?: string; /** * If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include. */ toId?: number; } /** * Request body for Get batched changesets. */ export interface TfvcChangesetsRequestData { /** * List of changeset Ids. */ changesetIds?: number[]; /** * Max length of the comment. */ commentLength?: number; /** * Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references */ includeLinks?: boolean; } /** * Metadata for an item. */ export interface TfvcItem extends ItemModel { /** * Item changed datetime. */ changeDate?: Date; /** * Greater than 0 if item is deleted. */ deletionId?: number; /** * File encoding from database, -1 represents binary. */ encoding?: number; /** * MD5 hash as a base 64 string, applies to files only. */ hashValue?: string; /** * True if item is a branch. */ isBranch?: boolean; /** * True if there is a change pending. */ isPendingChange?: boolean; /** * The size of the file, if applicable. */ size?: number; /** * Changeset version Id. */ version?: number; } /** * Item path and Version descriptor properties */ export interface TfvcItemDescriptor { /** * Item path. */ path?: string; /** * Defaults to OneLevel. */ recursionLevel?: VersionControlRecursionType; /** * Specify the desired version, can be null or empty string only if VersionType is latest or tip. */ version?: string; /** * Defaults to None. */ versionOption?: TfvcVersionOption; /** * Defaults to Latest. */ versionType?: TfvcVersionType; } /** * Request body used by Get Items Batch */ export interface TfvcItemRequestData { /** * If true, include metadata about the file type */ includeContentMetadata?: boolean; /** * Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references */ includeLinks?: boolean; itemDescriptors?: TfvcItemDescriptor[]; } /** * Metadata for a label. */ export interface TfvcLabel extends TfvcLabelRef { /** * List of items. */ items?: TfvcItem[]; } /** * Metadata for a Label. */ export interface TfvcLabelRef { /** * Collection of reference links. */ _links?: any; /** * Label description. */ description?: string; /** * Label Id. */ id?: number; /** * Label scope. */ labelScope?: string; /** * Last modified datetime for the label. */ modifiedDate?: Date; /** * Label name. */ name?: string; /** * Label owner. */ owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Label Url. */ url?: string; } export interface TfvcLabelRequestData { /** * Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references */ includeLinks?: boolean; itemLabelFilter?: string; labelScope?: string; maxItemCount?: number; name?: string; owner?: string; } /** * MappingFilter can be used to include or exclude specific paths. */ export interface TfvcMappingFilter { /** * True if ServerPath should be excluded. */ exclude?: boolean; /** * Path to be included or excluded. */ serverPath?: string; } export interface TfvcMergeSource { /** * Indicates if this a rename source. If false, it is a merge source. */ isRename?: boolean; /** * The server item of the merge source. */ serverItem?: string; /** * Start of the version range. */ versionFrom?: number; /** * End of the version range. */ versionTo?: number; } /** * Policy failure information. */ export interface TfvcPolicyFailureInfo { /** * Policy failure message. */ message?: string; /** * Name of the policy that failed. */ policyName?: string; } /** * Information on the policy override. */ export interface TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo { /** * Overidden policy comment. */ comment?: string; /** * Information on the failed policy that was overridden. */ policyFailures?: TfvcPolicyFailureInfo[]; } /** * This is the shallow branchref class. */ export interface TfvcShallowBranchRef { /** * Path for the branch. */ path?: string; } /** * Metadata for a shelveset. */ export interface TfvcShelveset extends TfvcShelvesetRef { /** * List of changes. */ changes?: TfvcChange[]; /** * List of checkin notes. */ notes?: CheckinNote[]; /** * Policy override information if applicable. */ policyOverride?: TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo; /** * List of associated workitems. */ workItems?: AssociatedWorkItem[]; } /** * Metadata for a shallow shelveset. */ export interface TfvcShelvesetRef { /** * List of reference links for the shelveset. */ _links?: any; /** * Shelveset comment. */ comment?: string; /** * Shelveset comment truncated as applicable. */ commentTruncated?: boolean; /** * Shelveset create date. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * Shelveset Id. */ id?: string; /** * Shelveset name. */ name?: string; /** * Shelveset Owner. */ owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Shelveset Url. */ url?: string; } export interface TfvcShelvesetRequestData { /** * Whether to include policyOverride and notes Only applies when requesting a single deep shelveset */ includeDetails?: boolean; /** * Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references. Does not apply when requesting a single deep shelveset object. Links will always be included in the deep shelveset. */ includeLinks?: boolean; /** * Whether to include workItems */ includeWorkItems?: boolean; /** * Max number of changes to include */ maxChangeCount?: number; /** * Max length of comment */ maxCommentLength?: number; /** * Shelveset name */ name?: string; /** * Owner's ID. Could be a name or a guid. */ owner?: string; } export interface TfvcStatistics { /** * Id of the last changeset the stats are based on. */ changesetId?: number; /** * Count of files at the requested scope. */ fileCountTotal?: number; } /** * Version descriptor properties. */ export interface TfvcVersionDescriptor { /** * Version object. */ version?: string; versionOption?: TfvcVersionOption; versionType?: TfvcVersionType; } /** * Options for Version handling. */ export declare enum TfvcVersionOption { /** * None. */ None = 0, /** * Return the previous version. */ Previous = 1, /** * Only usuable with versiontype MergeSource and integer versions, uses RenameSource identifier instead of Merge identifier. */ UseRename = 2 } /** * Type of Version object */ export declare enum TfvcVersionType { /** * Version is treated as a ChangesetId. */ None = 0, /** * Version is treated as a ChangesetId. */ Changeset = 1, /** * Version is treated as a Shelveset name and owner. */ Shelveset = 2, /** * Version is treated as a Change. */ Change = 3, /** * Version is treated as a Date. */ Date = 4, /** * If Version is defined the Latest of that Version will be used, if no version is defined the latest ChangesetId will be used. */ Latest = 5, /** * Version will be treated as a Tip, if no version is defined latest will be used. */ Tip = 6, /** * Version will be treated as a MergeSource. */ MergeSource = 7 } export declare enum VersionControlChangeType { None = 0, Add = 1, Edit = 2, Encoding = 4, Rename = 8, Delete = 16, Undelete = 32, Branch = 64, Merge = 128, Lock = 256, Rollback = 512, SourceRename = 1024, TargetRename = 2048, Property = 4096, All = 8191 } export interface VersionControlProjectInfo { defaultSourceControlType?: TfsCoreInterfaces.SourceControlTypes; project?: TfsCoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference; supportsGit?: boolean; supportsTFVC?: boolean; } export declare enum VersionControlRecursionType { /** * Only return the specified item. */ None = 0, /** * Return the specified item and its direct children. */ OneLevel = 1, /** * Return the specified item and its direct children, as well as recursive chains of nested child folders that only contain a single folder. */ OneLevelPlusNestedEmptyFolders = 4, /** * Return specified item and all descendants */ Full = 120 } export declare var TypeInfo: { Change: any; GitRepository: any; GitRepositoryRef: any; ItemContent: any; ItemContentType: { enumValues: { rawText: number; base64Encoded: number; }; }; TfvcBranch: any; TfvcBranchRef: any; TfvcChange: any; TfvcChangeset: any; TfvcChangesetRef: any; TfvcItem: any; TfvcItemDescriptor: any; TfvcItemRequestData: any; TfvcLabel: any; TfvcLabelRef: any; TfvcShelveset: any; TfvcShelvesetRef: any; TfvcVersionDescriptor: any; TfvcVersionOption: { enumValues: { none: number; previous: number; useRename: number; }; }; TfvcVersionType: { enumValues: { none: number; changeset: number; shelveset: number; change: number; date: number; latest: number; tip: number; mergeSource: number; }; }; VersionControlChangeType: { enumValues: { none: number; add: number; edit: number; encoding: number; rename: number; delete: number; undelete: number; branch: number; merge: number; lock: number; rollback: number; sourceRename: number; targetRename: number; property: number; all: number; }; }; VersionControlProjectInfo: any; VersionControlRecursionType: { enumValues: { none: number; oneLevel: number; oneLevelPlusNestedEmptyFolders: number; full: number; }; }; };