
by RyanCardin15
import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); /** * Comment on an artifact like Work Item or Wiki, etc. */ export interface Comment extends CommentResourceReference { /** * The id of the artifact this comment belongs to */ artifactId?: string; /** * IdentityRef of the creator of the comment. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The creation date of the comment. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * The id assigned to the comment. */ id?: number; /** * Indicates if the comment has been deleted. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * The mentions of the comment. */ mentions?: CommentMention[]; /** * IdentityRef of the user who last modified the comment. */ modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The last modification date of the comment. */ modifiedDate?: Date; /** * The comment id of the parent comment, if any */ parentId?: number; /** * The reactions on the comment. */ reactions?: CommentReaction[]; /** * The rendered text of the comment */ renderedText?: string; /** * Replies for this comment */ replies?: CommentList; /** * Indicates the current state of the comment */ state?: CommentState; /** * The plaintext/markdown version of the comment */ text?: string; /** * The current version of the comment */ version?: number; } /** * Represents an attachment to a comment. */ export interface CommentAttachment extends CommentResourceReference { /** * IdentityRef of the creator of the attachment. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The creation date of the attachment. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * Unique Id of the attachment. */ id?: string; } /** * Represents a request to create a work item comment. */ export interface CommentCreateParameters { /** * Optional CommentId of the parent in order to add a reply for an existing comment */ parentId?: number; /** * Text of the comment */ text: string; } /** * Specifies the additional data retrieval options for comments. */ export declare enum CommentExpandOptions { /** * Include comments only, no mentions, reactions or rendered text */ None = 0, /** * Include comment reactions */ Reactions = 1, /** * Include the rendered text (html) in addition to markdown text */ RenderedText = 8, /** * If specified, then ONLY rendered text (html) will be returned, w/o markdown. Supposed to be used internally from data provides for optimization purposes. */ RenderedTextOnly = 16, /** * If specified, then responses will be expanded in the results */ Children = 32, /** * Expand everything including Reactions, Mentions and also include RenderedText (HTML) for markdown comments */ All = -17 } /** * Format of the comment. Ex. Markdown, Html. */ export declare enum CommentFormat { Markdown = 0, Html = 1 } /** * Represents a list of comments. */ export interface CommentList extends CommentResourceReference { /** * List of comments in the current batch. */ comments?: Comment[]; /** * A string token that can be used to retrieving next page of comments if available. Otherwise null. */ continuationToken?: string; /** * The count of comments in the current batch. */ count?: number; /** * Uri to the next page of comments if it is available. Otherwise null. */ nextPage?: string; /** * Total count of comments on a work item. */ totalCount?: number; } /** * Contains information about various artifacts mentioned in the comment */ export interface CommentMention extends CommentResourceReference { /** * Id of the artifact this mention belongs to */ artifactId?: string; /** * Id of the comment associated with this mention. Nullable to support legacy mentions which can potentially have null commentId */ commentId?: number; /** * Value of the mentioned artifact. Expected Value varies by CommentMentionType: Person: VSID associated with the identity Work Item: ID of the work item Pull Request: ID of the Pull Request */ mentionedArtifact?: string; /** * The context which represent where this mentioned was parsed from */ type?: CommentMentionType; } export declare enum CommentMentionType { /** * An identity was mentioned by using the format @{VSID} */ Person = 0, /** * A work item was mentioned by using the format #{Work Item ID} */ WorkItem = 1, /** * A Pull Request was mentioned by using the format !{PR Number} */ PullRequest = 2 } /** * Contains information about comment reaction for a particular reaction type. */ export interface CommentReaction extends CommentResourceReference { /** * The id of the comment this reaction belongs to. */ commentId?: number; /** * Total number of reactions for the CommentReactionType. */ count?: number; /** * Flag to indicate if the current user has engaged on this particular EngagementType (e.g. if they liked the associated comment). */ isCurrentUserEngaged?: boolean; /** * Type of the reaction. */ type?: CommentReactionType; } /** * Represents different reaction types for a comment */ export declare enum CommentReactionType { Like = 0, Dislike = 1, Heart = 2, Hooray = 3, Smile = 4, Confused = 5 } /** * Base class for comment resource references */ export interface CommentResourceReference { /** * REST URL for the resource. */ url?: string; } export declare enum CommentSortOrder { /** * The results will be sorted in Ascending order. */ Asc = 1, /** * The results will be sorted in Descending order. */ Desc = 2 } /** * Represents the possible comment states. */ export declare enum CommentState { Active = 0, Resolved = 1, Closed = 2 } /** * Represents a request to update a comment. */ export interface CommentUpdateParameters { /** * Set the current state of the comment */ state?: CommentState; /** * The updated text of the comment */ text: string; } /** * Represents a specific version of a comment on a work item. */ export interface CommentVersion extends CommentResourceReference { /** * IdentityRef of the creator of the comment. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The creation date of the comment. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * The id assigned to the comment. */ id?: number; /** * Indicates if the comment has been deleted at this version. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * IdentityRef of the user who modified the comment at this version. */ modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The modification date of the comment for this version. */ modifiedDate?: Date; /** * The rendered content of the comment at this version. */ renderedText?: string; /** * Indicates the current state of the comment */ state?: CommentState; /** * The text of the comment at this version. */ text?: string; /** * The version number. */ version?: number; } export declare var TypeInfo: { Comment: any; CommentAttachment: any; CommentExpandOptions: { enumValues: { none: number; reactions: number; renderedText: number; renderedTextOnly: number; children: number; all: number; }; }; CommentFormat: { enumValues: { markdown: number; html: number; }; }; CommentList: any; CommentMention: any; CommentMentionType: { enumValues: { person: number; workItem: number; pullRequest: number; }; }; CommentReaction: any; CommentReactionType: { enumValues: { like: number; dislike: number; heart: number; hooray: number; smile: number; confused: number; }; }; CommentSortOrder: { enumValues: { asc: number; desc: number; }; }; CommentState: { enumValues: { active: number; resolved: number; closed: number; }; }; CommentUpdateParameters: any; CommentVersion: any; };