
by RyanCardin15
import DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces = require("../interfaces/DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces"); import FormInputInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/FormInputInterfaces"); import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export declare enum AadLoginPromptOption { /** * Do not provide a prompt option */ NoOption = 0, /** * Force the user to login again. */ Login = 1, /** * Force the user to select which account they are logging in with instead of automatically picking the user up from the session state. NOTE: This does not work for switching between the variants of a dual-homed user. */ SelectAccount = 2, /** * Force the user to login again. <remarks> Ignore current authentication state and force the user to authenticate again. This option should be used instead of Login. </remarks> */ FreshLogin = 3, /** * Force the user to login again with mfa. <remarks> Ignore current authentication state and force the user to authenticate again. This option should be used instead of Login, if MFA is required. </remarks> */ FreshLoginWithMfa = 4 } export interface AadOauthTokenRequest { refresh?: boolean; resource?: string; tenantId?: string; token?: string; } export interface AadOauthTokenResult { accessToken?: string; refreshTokenCache?: string; } export interface AgentChangeEvent { agent?: TaskAgent; eventType?: string; pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; poolId?: number; timeStamp?: Date; } export interface AgentJobRequestMessage extends JobRequestMessage { lockedUntil?: Date; lockToken?: string; requestId?: number; tasks?: TaskInstance[]; } export interface AgentPoolEvent { eventType?: string; pool?: TaskAgentPool; } export interface AgentQueueEvent { eventType?: string; queue?: TaskAgentQueue; } export interface AgentQueuesEvent { eventType?: string; queues?: TaskAgentQueue[]; } export interface AgentRefreshMessage { agentId?: number; targetVersion?: string; timeout?: any; } export declare enum AuditAction { Add = 1, Update = 2, Delete = 3, Undelete = 4 } export interface AuthenticationSchemeReference { inputs?: { [key: string]: string; }; type?: string; } export interface AuthorizationHeader { /** * Gets or sets the name of authorization header. */ name?: string; /** * Gets or sets the value of authorization header. */ value?: string; } export interface AzureKeyVaultPermission extends AzureResourcePermission { vault?: string; } export interface AzureKeyVaultVariableGroupProviderData extends VariableGroupProviderData { lastRefreshedOn?: Date; serviceEndpointId?: string; vault?: string; } export interface AzureKeyVaultVariableValue extends VariableValue { contentType?: string; enabled?: boolean; expires?: Date; } /** * Azure Management Group */ export interface AzureManagementGroup { /** * Display name of azure management group */ displayName?: string; /** * Id of azure management group */ id?: string; /** * Azure management group name */ name?: string; /** * Id of tenant from which azure management group belongs */ tenantId?: string; } /** * Azure management group query result */ export interface AzureManagementGroupQueryResult { /** * Error message in case of an exception */ errorMessage?: string; /** * List of azure management groups */ value?: AzureManagementGroup[]; } export interface AzurePermission { provisioned?: boolean; resourceProvider?: string; } export interface AzureResourcePermission extends AzurePermission { resourceGroup?: string; } export interface AzureRoleAssignmentPermission extends AzurePermission { roleAssignmentId?: string; } export interface AzureSpnOperationStatus { state?: string; statusMessage?: string; } export interface AzureSubscription { displayName?: string; subscriptionId?: string; subscriptionTenantId?: string; subscriptionTenantName?: string; } export interface AzureSubscriptionQueryResult { errorMessage?: string; value?: AzureSubscription[]; } export interface ClientCertificate { /** * Gets or sets the value of client certificate. */ value?: string; } export interface CounterVariable { prefix?: string; seed?: number; value?: number; } export interface DataSource { authenticationScheme?: AuthenticationSchemeReference; endpointUrl?: string; headers?: AuthorizationHeader[]; name?: string; resourceUrl?: string; resultSelector?: string; } export interface DataSourceBinding extends DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces.DataSourceBindingBase { } export interface DataSourceDetails { dataSourceName?: string; dataSourceUrl?: string; headers?: AuthorizationHeader[]; parameters?: { [key: string]: string; }; resourceUrl?: string; resultSelector?: string; } export interface Demand { name?: string; value?: string; } export interface DemandEquals extends Demand { } export interface DemandExists extends Demand { } export interface DemandMinimumVersion extends Demand { source?: DemandSource; } export interface DemandSource { sourceName?: string; sourceType?: DemandSourceType; sourceVersion?: string; } export declare enum DemandSourceType { Task = 0, Feature = 1 } export interface DependencyBinding { key?: string; value?: string; } export interface DependencyData { input?: string; map?: { key: string; value: { key: string; value: string; }[]; }[]; } export interface DependsOn { input?: string; map?: DependencyBinding[]; } export interface DeploymentGatesChangeEvent { gateNames?: string[]; } /** * Deployment group. */ export interface DeploymentGroup extends DeploymentGroupReference { /** * Description of the deployment group. */ description?: string; /** * Number of deployment targets in the deployment group. */ machineCount?: number; /** * List of deployment targets in the deployment group. */ machines?: DeploymentMachine[]; /** * List of unique tags across all deployment targets in the deployment group. */ machineTags?: string[]; } /** * This is useful in getting a list of deployment groups, filtered for which caller has permissions to take a particular action. */ export declare enum DeploymentGroupActionFilter { /** * All deployment groups. */ None = 0, /** * Only deployment groups for which caller has **manage** permission. */ Manage = 2, /** * Only deployment groups for which caller has **use** permission. */ Use = 16 } /** * Properties to create Deployment group. */ export interface DeploymentGroupCreateParameter { /** * Description of the deployment group. */ description?: string; /** * Name of the deployment group. */ name?: string; /** * Deployment pool in which deployment agents are registered. This is obsolete. Kept for compatibility. Will be marked obsolete explicitly by M132. */ pool?: DeploymentGroupCreateParameterPoolProperty; /** * Identifier of the deployment pool in which deployment agents are registered. */ poolId?: number; } /** * Properties of Deployment pool to create Deployment group. */ export interface DeploymentGroupCreateParameterPoolProperty { /** * Deployment pool identifier. */ id?: number; } /** * Properties to be included or expanded in deployment group objects. This is useful when getting a single or list of deployment grouops. */ export declare enum DeploymentGroupExpands { /** * No additional properties. */ None = 0, /** * Deprecated: Include all the deployment targets. */ Machines = 2, /** * Include unique list of tags across all deployment targets. */ Tags = 4 } /** * Deployment group metrics. */ export interface DeploymentGroupMetrics { /** * List of deployment group properties. And types of metrics provided for those properties. */ columnsHeader?: MetricsColumnsHeader; /** * Deployment group. */ deploymentGroup?: DeploymentGroupReference; /** * Values of properties and the metrics. E.g. 1: total count of deployment targets for which 'TargetState' is 'offline'. E.g. 2: Average time of deployment to the deployment targets for which 'LastJobStatus' is 'passed' and 'TargetState' is 'online'. */ rows?: MetricsRow[]; } /** * Deployment group reference. This is useful for referring a deployment group in another object. */ export interface DeploymentGroupReference { /** * Deployment group identifier. */ id?: number; /** * Name of the deployment group. */ name?: string; /** * Deployment pool in which deployment agents are registered. */ pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; /** * Project to which the deployment group belongs. */ project?: ProjectReference; } /** * Deployment group update parameter. */ export interface DeploymentGroupUpdateParameter { /** * Description of the deployment group. */ description?: string; /** * Name of the deployment group. */ name?: string; } /** * Deployment target. */ export interface DeploymentMachine { /** * Deployment agent. */ agent?: TaskAgent; /** * Deployment target Identifier. */ id?: number; /** * Properties of the deployment target. */ properties?: any; /** * Tags of the deployment target. */ tags?: string[]; } export interface DeploymentMachineChangedData extends DeploymentMachine { addedTags?: string[]; deletedTags?: string[]; } export declare enum DeploymentMachineExpands { None = 0, Capabilities = 2, AssignedRequest = 4 } export interface DeploymentMachineGroup extends DeploymentMachineGroupReference { machines?: DeploymentMachine[]; size?: number; } export interface DeploymentMachineGroupReference { id?: number; name?: string; pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; project?: ProjectReference; } export interface DeploymentMachinesChangeEvent { machineGroupReference?: DeploymentGroupReference; machines?: DeploymentMachineChangedData[]; } /** * Deployment pool summary. */ export interface DeploymentPoolSummary { /** * List of deployment groups referring to the deployment pool. */ deploymentGroups?: DeploymentGroupReference[]; /** * Number of deployment agents that are offline. */ offlineAgentsCount?: number; /** * Number of deployment agents that are online. */ onlineAgentsCount?: number; /** * Deployment pool. */ pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; /** * Virtual machine Resource referring in pool. */ resource?: EnvironmentResourceReference; } /** * Properties to be included or expanded in deployment pool summary objects. This is useful when getting a single or list of deployment pool summaries. */ export declare enum DeploymentPoolSummaryExpands { /** * No additional properties */ None = 0, /** * Include deployment groups referring to the deployment pool. */ DeploymentGroups = 2, /** * Include Resource referring to the deployment pool. */ Resource = 4 } /** * Properties to be included or expanded in deployment target objects. This is useful when getting a single or list of deployment targets. */ export declare enum DeploymentTargetExpands { /** * No additional properties. */ None = 0, /** * Include capabilities of the deployment agent. */ Capabilities = 2, /** * Include the job request assigned to the deployment agent. */ AssignedRequest = 4, /** * Include the last completed job request of the deployment agent. */ LastCompletedRequest = 8 } /** * Deployment target update parameter. */ export interface DeploymentTargetUpdateParameter { /** * Identifier of the deployment target. */ id?: number; tags?: string[]; } export interface DiagnosticLogMetadata { agentId?: number; agentName?: string; fileName?: string; phaseName?: string; phaseResult?: string; poolId?: number; } export interface ElasticAgentPoolResizedEvent { newSize?: number; poolId?: number; poolName?: string; previousSize?: number; resourceId?: string; } export declare enum ElasticAgentState { None = 0, Enabled = 1, Online = 2, Assigned = 4 } export declare enum ElasticComputeState { None = 0, Healthy = 1, Creating = 2, Deleting = 3, Failed = 4, Stopped = 5, Reimaging = 6, UnhealthyVm = 7, UnhealthyVmssVm = 8 } /** * Data and settings for an elastic node */ export interface ElasticNode { /** * Distributed Task's Agent Id */ agentId?: number; /** * Summary of the state of the agent */ agentState?: ElasticAgentState; /** * Compute Id. VMSS's InstanceId */ computeId?: string; /** * State of the compute host */ computeState?: ElasticComputeState; /** * Users can force state changes to specific states (ToReimage, ToDelete, Save) */ desiredState?: ElasticNodeState; /** * Unique identifier since the agent and/or VM may be null */ id?: number; /** * Computer name. Used to match a scaleset VM with an agent */ name?: string; /** * Pool Id that this node belongs to */ poolId?: number; /** * Last job RequestId assigned to this agent */ requestId?: number; /** * State of the ElasticNode */ state?: ElasticNodeState; /** * Last state change. Only updated by SQL. */ stateChangedOn?: Date; } /** * Class used for updating an elastic node where only certain members are populated */ export interface ElasticNodeSettings { /** * State of the ElasticNode */ state?: ElasticNodeState; } export declare enum ElasticNodeState { None = 0, New = 1, CreatingCompute = 2, StartingAgent = 3, Idle = 4, Assigned = 5, Offline = 6, PendingReimage = 7, PendingDelete = 8, Saved = 9, DeletingCompute = 10, Deleted = 11, Lost = 12, ReimagingCompute = 13, RestartingAgent = 14, FailedToStartPendingDelete = 15, FailedToRestartPendingDelete = 16, FailedVMPendingDelete = 17, AssignedPendingDelete = 18, RetryDelete = 19, UnhealthyVm = 20, UnhealthyVmPendingDelete = 21 } /** * Data and settings for an elastic pool */ export interface ElasticPool { /** * Set whether agents should be configured to run with interactive UI */ agentInteractiveUI?: boolean; /** * Azure string representing to location of the resource */ azureId?: string; /** * Number of agents to have ready waiting for jobs */ desiredIdle?: number; /** * The desired size of the pool */ desiredSize?: number; /** * Maximum number of nodes that will exist in the elastic pool */ maxCapacity?: number; /** * Keep nodes in the pool on failure for investigation */ maxSavedNodeCount?: number; /** * Timestamp the pool was first detected to be offline */ offlineSince?: Date; /** * Operating system type of the nodes in the pool */ orchestrationType?: OrchestrationType; /** * Operating system type of the nodes in the pool */ osType?: OperatingSystemType; /** * Id of the associated TaskAgentPool */ poolId?: number; /** * Discard node after each job completes */ recycleAfterEachUse?: boolean; /** * Id of the Service Endpoint used to connect to Azure */ serviceEndpointId?: string; /** * Scope the Service Endpoint belongs to */ serviceEndpointScope?: string; /** * The number of sizing attempts executed while trying to achieve a desired size */ sizingAttempts?: number; /** * State of the pool */ state?: ElasticPoolState; /** * The minimum time in minutes to keep idle agents alive */ timeToLiveMinutes?: number; } /** * Returned result from creating a new elastic pool */ export interface ElasticPoolCreationResult { /** * Created agent pool */ agentPool?: TaskAgentPool; /** * Created agent queue */ agentQueue?: TaskAgentQueue; /** * Created elastic pool */ elasticPool?: ElasticPool; } /** * Log data for an Elastic Pool */ export interface ElasticPoolLog { /** * Log Id */ id?: number; /** * E.g. error, warning, info */ level?: LogLevel; /** * Log contents */ message?: string; /** * Operation that triggered the message being logged */ operation?: OperationType; /** * Id of the associated TaskAgentPool */ poolId?: number; /** * Datetime that the log occurred */ timestamp?: Date; } /** * Class used for updating an elastic pool where only certain members are populated */ export interface ElasticPoolSettings { /** * Set whether agents should be configured to run with interactive UI */ agentInteractiveUI?: boolean; /** * Azure string representing to location of the resource */ azureId?: string; /** * Number of machines to have ready waiting for jobs */ desiredIdle?: number; /** * Maximum number of machines that will exist in the elastic pool */ maxCapacity?: number; /** * Keep machines in the pool on failure for investigation */ maxSavedNodeCount?: number; /** * Operating system type of the machines in the pool */ orchestrationType?: OrchestrationType; /** * Operating system type of the machines in the pool */ osType?: OperatingSystemType; /** * Discard machines after each job completes */ recycleAfterEachUse?: boolean; /** * Id of the Service Endpoint used to connect to Azure */ serviceEndpointId?: string; /** * Scope the Service Endpoint belongs to */ serviceEndpointScope?: string; /** * The minimum time in minutes to keep idle agents alive */ timeToLiveMinutes?: number; } export declare enum ElasticPoolState { /** * Online and healthy */ Online = 0, Offline = 1, Unhealthy = 2, New = 3 } export interface EndpointAuthorization { /** * Gets or sets the parameters for the selected authorization scheme. */ parameters?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Gets or sets the scheme used for service endpoint authentication. */ scheme?: string; } /** * Represents url of the service endpoint. */ export interface EndpointUrl { /** * Gets or sets the dependency bindings. */ dependsOn?: DependsOn; /** * Gets or sets the display name of service endpoint url. */ displayName?: string; /** * Gets or sets the help text of service endpoint url. */ helpText?: string; /** * Gets or sets the visibility of service endpoint url. */ isVisible?: string; /** * Gets or sets the value of service endpoint url. */ value?: string; } /** * This is useful in getting a list of Environments, filtered for which caller has permissions to take a particular action. */ export declare enum EnvironmentActionFilter { /** * All environments for which user has **view** permission. */ None = 0, /** * Only environments for which caller has **manage** permission. */ Manage = 2, /** * Only environments for which caller has **use** permission. */ Use = 16 } /** * Properties to create Environment. */ export interface EnvironmentCreateParameter { /** * Description of the environment. */ description?: string; /** * Name of the environment. */ name?: string; } /** * EnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecord. */ export interface EnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecord { /** * Definition of the environment deployment execution owner */ definition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; /** * Id of the Environment */ environmentId?: number; /** * Finish time of the environment deployment execution */ finishTime?: Date; /** * Id of the Environment deployment execution history record */ id?: number; /** * Job Attempt */ jobAttempt?: number; /** * Job name */ jobName?: string; /** * Owner of the environment deployment execution record */ owner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; /** * Plan Id */ planId?: string; /** * Plan type of the environment deployment execution record */ planType?: string; /** * Queue time of the environment deployment execution */ queueTime?: Date; /** * Request identifier of the Environment deployment execution history record */ requestIdentifier?: string; /** * Resource Id */ resourceId?: number; /** * Result of the environment deployment execution */ result?: TaskResult; /** * Project Id */ scopeId?: string; /** * Service owner Id */ serviceOwner?: string; /** * Stage Attempt */ stageAttempt?: number; /** * Stage name */ stageName?: string; /** * Start time of the environment deployment execution */ startTime?: Date; } /** * Properties to be included or expanded in environment objects. This is useful when getting a single environment. */ export declare enum EnvironmentExpands { /** * No additional properties */ None = 0, /** * Include resource references referring to the environment. */ ResourceReferences = 1 } /** * Environment. */ export interface EnvironmentInstance { /** * Identity reference of the user who created the Environment. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Creation time of the Environment */ createdOn?: Date; /** * Description of the Environment. */ description?: string; /** * Id of the Environment */ id?: number; /** * Identity reference of the user who last modified the Environment. */ lastModifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Last modified time of the Environment */ lastModifiedOn?: Date; /** * Name of the Environment. */ name?: string; /** * Project information for environment. */ project?: ProjectReference; resources?: EnvironmentResourceReference[]; } /** * EnvironmentLinkedResourceReference. */ export interface EnvironmentLinkedResourceReference { /** * Id of the resource. */ id?: string; /** * Type of resource. */ typeName?: string; } export interface EnvironmentReference { id?: number; name?: string; } export interface EnvironmentResource { createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; createdOn?: Date; environmentReference?: EnvironmentReference; id?: number; lastModifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; lastModifiedOn?: Date; name?: string; /** * Tags of the Environment Resource. */ tags?: string[]; /** * Environment resource type */ type?: EnvironmentResourceType; } /** * EnvironmentResourceDeploymentExecutionRecord. */ export interface EnvironmentResourceDeploymentExecutionRecord { /** * Id of the Environment */ environmentId?: number; /** * Finish time of the environment resource deployment execution */ finishTime?: Date; /** * Id of the Environment deployment execution history record */ requestId?: number; /** * Resource Id */ resourceId?: number; /** * Result of the environment deployment execution */ result?: TaskResult; /** * Start time of the environment resource deployment execution */ startTime?: Date; } /** * EnvironmentResourceReference. */ export interface EnvironmentResourceReference { /** * Id of the resource. */ id?: number; /** * Name of the resource. */ name?: string; /** * Tags of the Environment Resource Reference. */ tags?: string[]; /** * Type of the resource. */ type?: EnvironmentResourceType; } /** * EnvironmentResourceType. */ export declare enum EnvironmentResourceType { Undefined = 0, /** * Unknown resource type */ Generic = 1, /** * Virtual machine resource type */ VirtualMachine = 2, /** * Kubernetes resource type */ Kubernetes = 4 } /** * Properties to update Environment. */ export interface EnvironmentUpdateParameter { /** * Description of the environment. */ description?: string; /** * Name of the environment. */ name?: string; } export interface EventsConfig { } export declare enum ExclusiveLockType { RunLatest = 0, Sequential = 1, BranchRunLatest = 2, Parallel = 3 } export interface ExpressionValidationItem extends ValidationItem { } export interface HelpLink { text?: string; url?: string; } export interface InputBindingContext { /** * Value of the input */ value?: string; } export interface InputValidationItem extends ValidationItem { /** * Provides binding context for the expression to evaluate */ context?: InputBindingContext; } export interface InputValidationRequest { inputs?: { [key: string]: ValidationItem; }; } /** * An issue (error, warning) associated with a pipeline run. */ export interface Issue { /** * The category of the issue. <br />Example: Code - refers to compilation errors <br />Example: General - refers to generic errors */ category?: string; /** * A dictionary containing details about the issue. */ data?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * A description of issue. */ message?: string; /** * The type (error, warning) of the issue. */ type?: IssueType; } /** * The type of issue based on severity. */ export declare enum IssueType { Error = 1, Warning = 2 } export interface JobAssignedEvent extends JobEvent { /** * A pipeline job request for an agent. */ request?: TaskAgentJobRequest; } export interface JobCanceledEvent extends JobEvent { /** * The reason for job cancellation. */ reason?: string; /** * The job's timeout interval. */ timeout?: any; } export interface JobCancelMessage { jobId?: string; timeout?: any; } export interface JobCompletedEvent extends JobEvent { /** * Indicates whether the agent is in the process of shutting down. */ agentShuttingDown?: boolean; /** * The ID of the request. */ requestId?: number; /** * The result of the request. */ result?: TaskResult; } /** * Represents the context of variables and vectors for a job request. */ export interface JobEnvironment { endpoints?: ServiceEndpoint[]; mask?: MaskHint[]; options?: { [key: string]: JobOption; }; secureFiles?: SecureFile[]; /** * Gets or sets the endpoint used for communicating back to the calling service. */ systemConnection?: ServiceEndpoint; variables?: { [key: string]: string; }; } /** * A pipeline job event to be processed by the execution plan. */ export interface JobEvent { /** * The ID of the pipeline job affected by the event. */ jobId?: string; /** * The name of the pipeline job event. */ name?: string; } export interface JobEventConfig { timeout?: string; } export interface JobEventsConfig extends EventsConfig { jobAssigned?: JobEventConfig; jobCompleted?: JobEventConfig; jobStarted?: JobEventConfig; } export interface JobMetadataEvent extends JobEvent { /** * A message to be sent to an agent currently running the job. */ message?: JobMetadataMessage; } /** * A message to be sent to an agent currently running the job. */ export interface JobMetadataMessage { /** * The id of the job. */ jobId?: string; /** * The agent's frequency of posting lines to the logs console expressed in milliseconds. There are 2 modes: Slow (10 seconds) and Fast (half a second). */ postLinesFrequencyMillis?: number; } /** * Represents an option that may affect the way an agent runs the job. */ export interface JobOption { data?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Gets the id of the option. */ id?: string; } export interface JobRequestMessage { environment?: JobEnvironment; jobId?: string; jobName?: string; jobRefName?: string; messageType?: string; plan?: TaskOrchestrationPlanReference; timeline?: TimelineReference; } export interface JobStartedEvent extends JobEvent { } export interface KubernetesResource extends EnvironmentResource { clusterName?: string; namespace?: string; serviceEndpointId?: string; } export interface KubernetesResourceCreateParameters { clusterName?: string; name?: string; namespace?: string; /** * Tags of the kubernetes resource. */ tags?: string[]; } export interface KubernetesResourceCreateParametersExistingEndpoint extends KubernetesResourceCreateParameters { serviceEndpointId?: string; } export interface KubernetesResourceCreateParametersNewEndpoint extends KubernetesResourceCreateParameters { endpoint?: ServiceEndpoint; } export interface KubernetesResourcePatchParameters { authorizationParameters?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Provider type (CustomProvider or AzureKubernetesServiceProvider) of the resource to be updated */ providerType?: string; resourceId?: number; } export declare enum LogLevel { Error = 0, Warning = 1, Info = 2 } export declare enum MachineGroupActionFilter { None = 0, Manage = 2, Use = 16 } /** * Represents a purchase of resource units in a secondary marketplace. */ export interface MarketplacePurchasedLicense { /** * The Marketplace display name. */ marketplaceName?: string; /** * The name of the identity making the purchase as seen by the marketplace */ purchaserName?: string; /** * The quantity purchased. */ purchaseUnitCount?: number; } export interface MaskHint { type?: MaskType; value?: string; } export declare enum MaskType { Variable = 1, Regex = 2 } /** * Meta data for a metrics column. */ export interface MetricsColumnMetaData { /** * Name. */ columnName?: string; /** * Data type. */ columnValueType?: string; } /** * Metrics columns header */ export interface MetricsColumnsHeader { /** * Properties of deployment group for which metrics are provided. E.g. 1: LastJobStatus E.g. 2: TargetState */ dimensions?: MetricsColumnMetaData[]; /** * The types of metrics. E.g. 1: total count of deployment targets. E.g. 2: Average time of deployment to the deployment targets. */ metrics?: MetricsColumnMetaData[]; } /** * Metrics row. */ export interface MetricsRow { /** * The values of the properties mentioned as 'Dimensions' in column header. E.g. 1: For a property 'LastJobStatus' - metrics will be provided for 'passed', 'failed', etc. E.g. 2: For a property 'TargetState' - metrics will be provided for 'online', 'offline' targets. */ dimensions?: string[]; /** * Metrics in serialized format. Should be deserialized based on the data type provided in header. */ metrics?: string[]; } export declare enum OperatingSystemType { Windows = 0, Linux = 1 } export declare enum OperationType { ConfigurationJob = 0, SizingJob = 1, IncreaseCapacity = 2, Reimage = 3, DeleteVMs = 4 } export declare enum OrchestrationType { Uniform = 0, Flexible = 1 } /** * Represents a downloadable package. */ export interface PackageMetadata { /** * The date the package was created */ createdOn?: Date; /** * A direct link to download the package. */ downloadUrl?: string; /** * The UI uses this to display instructions, i.e. "unzip" */ filename?: string; /** * MD5 hash as a base64 string */ hashValue?: string; /** * A link to documentation */ infoUrl?: string; /** * The platform (win7, linux, etc.) */ platform?: string; /** * The type of package (e.g. "agent") */ type?: string; /** * The package version. */ version?: PackageVersion; } export interface PackageVersion { major?: number; minor?: number; patch?: number; } export interface PlanEnvironment { mask?: MaskHint[]; options?: { [key: string]: JobOption; }; variables?: { [key: string]: string; }; } export declare enum PlanGroupStatus { Running = 1, Queued = 2, All = 3 } export declare enum PlanGroupStatusFilter { Running = 1, Queued = 2, All = 3 } export interface ProjectReference { id?: string; name?: string; } export interface PublishTaskGroupMetadata { comment?: string; parentDefinitionRevision?: number; preview?: boolean; taskGroupId?: string; taskGroupRevision?: number; } export interface ResourceFilterOptions { identities?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]; resourceTypes?: string[]; } export interface ResourceFilters { createdBy?: string[]; resourceType?: string[]; searchText?: string; } /** * Resources include Service Connections, Variable Groups and Secure Files. */ export interface ResourceItem { /** * Gets or sets the identity who created the resource. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets description of the resource. */ description?: string; /** * Gets or sets icon url of the resource. */ iconUrl?: string; /** * Gets or sets Id of the resource. */ id?: string; /** * Indicates whether resource is outdated or not. */ isOutdated?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether resource is shared with other projects or not. */ isShared?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets name of the resource. */ name?: string; /** * Gets or sets internal properties of the resource. */ properties?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Gets or sets resource type. */ resourceType?: string; } export interface ResourceLimit { failedToReachAllProviders?: boolean; hostId?: string; isHosted?: boolean; isPremium?: boolean; parallelismTag?: string; resourceLimitsData?: { [key: string]: string; }; totalCount?: number; totalMinutes?: number; } /** * A request for a resource's exclusive lock */ export interface ResourceLockRequest { /** * The date/time this request was assigned. */ assignTime?: Date; /** * The branch the lock belongs to. It's used only by RunLatest exclusive locks of persisted stages. */ branch?: string; /** * The ID of the check run waiting on this request */ checkRunId?: string; /** * The ID of the pipeline that requested this resource */ definitionId?: number; /** * The date/time this request was finished. */ finishTime?: Date; /** * The behavior this request should exhibit in relation to other lock requests */ lockType?: ExclusiveLockType; /** * Attempt of the graph node */ nodeAttempt?: number; /** * Name of the graph node (currently stage) requesting this resource */ nodeName?: string; /** * Internal ID for the orchestration plan connected with this request. */ planId?: string; /** * The ID of the project of the check run and definition exist in */ projectId?: string; /** * The date/time this request was queued. */ queueTime?: Date; /** * ID of the request. */ requestId?: number; /** * The id of the resource */ resourceId?: string; /** * The type of the resource */ resourceType?: string; /** * The result of this request. */ status?: ResourceLockStatus; } export declare enum ResourceLockStatus { Queued = 0, InUse = 1, Finished = 2, TimedOut = 3, Canceled = 4, Abandoned = 5, WaitingOnChecks = 6 } export interface ResourcesHubData { continuationToken?: string; hasProjectLevelManagePermission?: boolean; resourceFilterOptions?: ResourceFilterOptions; resourceFilters?: ResourceFilters; resourceItems?: ResourceItem[]; } export interface ResourceUsage { resourceLimit?: ResourceLimit; runningRequests?: TaskAgentJobRequest[]; usedCount?: number; usedMinutes?: number; } export interface ResultTransformationDetails { resultTemplate?: string; } export interface SecureFile { createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; createdOn?: Date; id?: string; modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; modifiedOn?: Date; name?: string; properties?: { [key: string]: string; }; ticket?: string; } export declare enum SecureFileActionFilter { None = 0, Manage = 2, Use = 16 } export interface SecureFileEvent { eventType?: string; projectId?: string; secureFiles?: SecureFile[]; } export interface SendJobResponse { events?: JobEventsConfig; variables?: { [key: string]: string; }; } export interface ServerExecutionDefinition { events?: EventsConfig; handlerName?: string; } export interface ServerTaskRequestMessage extends JobRequestMessage { taskDefinition?: TaskDefinition; taskInstance?: TaskInstance; } /** * Represents an endpoint which may be used by an orchestration job. */ export interface ServiceEndpoint { /** * Gets or sets the identity reference for the administrators group of the service endpoint. */ administratorsGroup?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets the authorization data for talking to the endpoint. */ authorization?: EndpointAuthorization; /** * Gets or sets the identity reference for the user who created the Service endpoint. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; data?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Gets or sets the description of endpoint. */ description?: string; groupScopeId?: string; /** * Gets or sets the identifier of this endpoint. */ id?: string; /** * If this endpoint is disabled. */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** * EndPoint state indicator */ isReady?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether service endpoint is shared with other projects or not. */ isShared?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets the friendly name of the endpoint. */ name?: string; /** * Error message during creation/deletion of endpoint */ operationStatus?: any; /** * Gets or sets the owner of the endpoint. */ owner?: string; /** * Gets or sets the identity reference for the readers group of the service endpoint. */ readersGroup?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets the type of the endpoint. */ type?: string; /** * Gets or sets the url of the endpoint. */ url?: string; } export interface ServiceEndpointAuthenticationScheme { /** * Gets or sets the authorization headers of service endpoint authentication scheme. */ authorizationHeaders?: AuthorizationHeader[]; /** * Gets or sets the certificates of service endpoint authentication scheme. */ clientCertificates?: ClientCertificate[]; /** * Gets or sets the display name for the service endpoint authentication scheme. */ displayName?: string; /** * Gets or sets the input descriptors for the service endpoint authentication scheme. */ inputDescriptors?: FormInputInterfaces.InputDescriptor[]; /** * Gets or sets the scheme for service endpoint authentication. */ scheme?: string; } export interface ServiceEndpointDetails { authorization?: EndpointAuthorization; data?: { [key: string]: string; }; type?: string; url?: string; } /** * Represents service endpoint execution data. */ export interface ServiceEndpointExecutionData { /** * Gets the definition of service endpoint execution owner. */ definition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; /** * Gets the finish time of service endpoint execution. */ finishTime?: Date; /** * Gets the Id of service endpoint execution data. */ id?: number; /** * Gets the owner of service endpoint execution data. */ owner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; /** * Gets the plan type of service endpoint execution data. */ planType?: string; /** * Gets the result of service endpoint execution. */ result?: TaskResult; /** * Gets the start time of service endpoint execution. */ startTime?: Date; } export interface ServiceEndpointExecutionRecord { /** * Gets the execution data of service endpoint execution. */ data?: ServiceEndpointExecutionData; /** * Gets the Id of service endpoint. */ endpointId?: string; } export interface ServiceEndpointExecutionRecordsInput { data?: ServiceEndpointExecutionData; endpointIds?: string[]; } export interface ServiceEndpointRequest { dataSourceDetails?: DataSourceDetails; resultTransformationDetails?: ResultTransformationDetails; serviceEndpointDetails?: ServiceEndpointDetails; } export interface ServiceEndpointRequestResult { errorMessage?: string; result?: any; statusCode?: string; } /** * Represents type of the service endpoint. */ export interface ServiceEndpointType { /** * Authentication scheme of service endpoint type. */ authenticationSchemes?: ServiceEndpointAuthenticationScheme[]; /** * Data sources of service endpoint type. */ dataSources?: DataSource[]; /** * Dependency data of service endpoint type. */ dependencyData?: DependencyData[]; /** * Gets or sets the description of service endpoint type. */ description?: string; /** * Gets or sets the display name of service endpoint type. */ displayName?: string; /** * Gets or sets the endpoint url of service endpoint type. */ endpointUrl?: EndpointUrl; /** * Gets or sets the help link of service endpoint type. */ helpLink?: HelpLink; helpMarkDown?: string; /** * Gets or sets the icon url of service endpoint type. */ iconUrl?: string; /** * Input descriptor of service endpoint type. */ inputDescriptors?: FormInputInterfaces.InputDescriptor[]; /** * Gets or sets the name of service endpoint type. */ name?: string; /** * Trusted hosts of a service endpoint type. */ trustedHosts?: string[]; /** * Gets or sets the ui contribution id of service endpoint type. */ uiContributionId?: string; } /** * A task agent. */ export interface TaskAgent extends TaskAgentReference { /** * The agent cloud request that's currently associated with this agent. */ assignedAgentCloudRequest?: TaskAgentCloudRequest; /** * The request which is currently assigned to this agent. */ assignedRequest?: TaskAgentJobRequest; /** * Authorization information for this agent. */ authorization?: TaskAgentAuthorization; /** * Date on which this agent was created. */ createdOn?: Date; /** * The last request which was completed by this agent. */ lastCompletedRequest?: TaskAgentJobRequest; /** * Maximum job parallelism allowed for this agent. */ maxParallelism?: number; /** * Pending update for this agent. */ pendingUpdate?: TaskAgentUpdate; properties?: any; /** * Date on which the last connectivity status change occurred. */ statusChangedOn?: Date; /** * System-defined capabilities supported by this agent's host. Warning: To set capabilities use the PUT method, PUT will completely overwrite existing capabilities. */ systemCapabilities?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * User-defined capabilities supported by this agent's host. Warning: To set capabilities use the PUT method, PUT will completely overwrite existing capabilities. */ userCapabilities?: { [key: string]: string; }; } /** * Provides data necessary for authorizing the agent using OAuth 2.0 authentication flows. */ export interface TaskAgentAuthorization { /** * Endpoint used to obtain access tokens from the configured token service. */ authorizationUrl?: string; /** * Client identifier for this agent. */ clientId?: string; /** * Public key used to verify the identity of this agent. */ publicKey?: TaskAgentPublicKey; } export interface TaskAgentCloud { /** * Gets or sets a AcquireAgentEndpoint using which a request can be made to acquire new agent */ acquireAgentEndpoint?: string; acquisitionTimeout?: number; agentCloudId?: number; getAccountParallelismEndpoint?: string; getAgentDefinitionEndpoint?: string; getAgentRequestStatusEndpoint?: string; id?: string; /** * Signifies that this Agent Cloud is internal and should not be user-manageable */ internal?: boolean; maxParallelism?: number; name?: string; releaseAgentEndpoint?: string; sharedSecret?: string; /** * Gets or sets the type of the endpoint. */ type?: string; } export interface TaskAgentCloudRequest { agent?: TaskAgentReference; agentCloudId?: number; agentConnectedTime?: Date; agentData?: any; agentSpecification?: any; pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; provisionedTime?: Date; provisionRequestTime?: Date; releaseRequestTime?: Date; requestId?: string; } export interface TaskAgentCloudType { /** * Gets or sets the display name of agent cloud type. */ displayName?: string; /** * Gets or sets the input descriptors */ inputDescriptors?: FormInputInterfaces.InputDescriptor[]; /** * Gets or sets the name of agent cloud type. */ name?: string; } export interface TaskAgentDowngrade extends TaskAgentUpdateReason { } export interface TaskAgentJob { container?: string; id?: string; name?: string; sidecarContainers?: { [key: string]: string; }; steps?: TaskAgentJobStep[]; variables?: TaskAgentJobVariable[]; } /** * A job request for an agent. */ export interface TaskAgentJobRequest { agentSpecification?: any; /** * The date/time this request was assigned. */ assignTime?: Date; /** * Additional data about the request. */ data?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * The pipeline definition associated with this request */ definition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; /** * A list of demands required to fulfill this request. */ demands?: Demand[]; /** * The date/time this request was finished. */ finishTime?: Date; /** * The host which triggered this request. */ hostId?: string; /** * ID of the job resulting from this request. */ jobId?: string; /** * Name of the job resulting from this request. */ jobName?: string; /** * The deadline for the agent to renew the lock. */ lockedUntil?: Date; matchedAgents?: TaskAgentReference[]; matchesAllAgentsInPool?: boolean; orchestrationId?: string; /** * The pipeline associated with this request */ owner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; planGroup?: string; /** * Internal ID for the orchestration plan connected with this request. */ planId?: string; /** * Internal detail representing the type of orchestration plan. */ planType?: string; /** * The ID of the pool this request targets */ poolId?: number; priority?: number; /** * The ID of the queue this request targets */ queueId?: number; /** * The date/time this request was queued. */ queueTime?: Date; /** * The date/time this request was receieved by an agent. */ receiveTime?: Date; /** * ID of the request. */ requestId?: number; /** * The agent allocated for this request. */ reservedAgent?: TaskAgentReference; /** * The result of this request. */ result?: TaskResult; /** * Scope of the pipeline; matches the project ID. */ scopeId?: string; /** * The service which owns this request. */ serviceOwner?: string; statusMessage?: string; userDelayed?: boolean; } /** * This is useful in getting a list of deployment targets, filtered by the result of their last job. */ export declare enum TaskAgentJobResultFilter { /** * Only those deployment targets on which last job failed (**Abandoned**, **Canceled**, **Failed**, **Skipped**). */ Failed = 1, /** * Only those deployment targets on which last job Passed (**Succeeded**, **Succeeded with issues**). */ Passed = 2, /** * Only those deployment targets that never executed a job. */ NeverDeployed = 4, /** * All deployment targets. */ All = 7 } export interface TaskAgentJobStep { condition?: string; continueOnError?: boolean; enabled?: boolean; env?: { [key: string]: string; }; id?: string; inputs?: { [key: string]: string; }; name?: string; retryCountOnTaskFailure?: number; task?: TaskAgentJobTask; timeoutInMinutes?: number; type?: TaskAgentJobStepType; } export declare enum TaskAgentJobStepType { Task = 1, Action = 2 } export interface TaskAgentJobTask { id?: string; name?: string; version?: string; } export interface TaskAgentJobVariable { name?: string; secret?: boolean; value?: string; } export interface TaskAgentManualUpdate extends TaskAgentUpdateReason { } /** * Provides a contract for receiving messages from the task orchestrator. */ export interface TaskAgentMessage { /** * Gets or sets the body of the message. If the <c>IV</c> property is provided the body will need to be decrypted using the <c>TaskAgentSession.EncryptionKey</c> value in addition to the <c>IV</c>. */ body?: string; /** * Gets or sets the initialization vector used to encrypt this message. */ iV?: number[]; /** * Gets or sets the message identifier. */ messageId?: number; /** * Gets or sets the message type, describing the data contract found in <c>TaskAgentMessage.Body</c>. */ messageType?: string; } export interface TaskAgentMinAgentVersionRequiredUpdate extends TaskAgentUpdateReason { jobDefinition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; jobOwner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; minAgentVersion?: Demand; } /** * An organization-level grouping of agents. */ export interface TaskAgentPool extends TaskAgentPoolReference { /** * The ID of the associated agent cloud. */ agentCloudId?: number; /** * Whether or not a queue should be automatically provisioned for each project collection. */ autoProvision?: boolean; /** * Whether or not the pool should autosize itself based on the Agent Cloud Provider settings. */ autoSize?: boolean; /** * Whether or not agents in this pool are allowed to automatically update */ autoUpdate?: boolean; /** * Creator of the pool. The creator of the pool is automatically added into the administrators group for the pool on creation. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The date/time of the pool creation. */ createdOn?: Date; /** * Owner or administrator of the pool. */ owner?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; properties?: any; /** * Target parallelism - Only applies to agent pools that are backed by pool providers. It will be null for regular pools. */ targetSize?: number; } /** * Filters pools based on whether the calling user has permission to use or manage the pool. */ export declare enum TaskAgentPoolActionFilter { None = 0, Manage = 2, Use = 16 } export interface TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition { /** * Enable maintenance */ enabled?: boolean; /** * Id */ id?: number; /** * Maintenance job timeout per agent */ jobTimeoutInMinutes?: number; /** * Max percentage of agents within a pool running maintenance job at given time */ maxConcurrentAgentsPercentage?: number; options?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceOptions; /** * Pool reference for the maintenance definition */ pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; retentionPolicy?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceRetentionPolicy; scheduleSetting?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceSchedule; } export interface TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob { /** * The maintenance definition for the maintenance job */ definitionId?: number; /** * The total error counts during the maintenance job */ errorCount?: number; /** * Time that the maintenance job was completed */ finishTime?: Date; /** * Id of the maintenance job */ jobId?: number; /** * The log download url for the maintenance job */ logsDownloadUrl?: string; /** * Orchestration/Plan Id for the maintenance job */ orchestrationId?: string; /** * Pool reference for the maintenance job */ pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; /** * Time that the maintenance job was queued */ queueTime?: Date; /** * The identity that queued the maintenance job */ requestedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The maintenance job result */ result?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobResult; /** * Time that the maintenance job was started */ startTime?: Date; /** * Status of the maintenance job */ status?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobStatus; targetAgents?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobTargetAgent[]; /** * The total warning counts during the maintenance job */ warningCount?: number; } export declare enum TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobResult { Succeeded = 1, Failed = 2, Canceled = 4 } export declare enum TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobStatus { InProgress = 1, Completed = 2, Cancelling = 4, Queued = 8 } export interface TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobTargetAgent { agent?: TaskAgentReference; jobId?: number; result?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobResult; status?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobStatus; } export interface TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceOptions { /** * time to consider a System.DefaultWorkingDirectory is stale */ workingDirectoryExpirationInDays?: number; } export interface TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceRetentionPolicy { /** * Number of records to keep for maintenance job executed with this definition. */ numberOfHistoryRecordsToKeep?: number; } export interface TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceSchedule { /** * Days for a build (flags enum for days of the week) */ daysToBuild?: TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceScheduleDays; /** * The Job Id of the Scheduled job that will queue the pool maintenance job. */ scheduleJobId?: string; /** * Local timezone hour to start */ startHours?: number; /** * Local timezone minute to start */ startMinutes?: number; /** * Time zone of the build schedule (string representation of the time zone id) */ timeZoneId?: string; } export declare enum TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceScheduleDays { /** * Do not run. */ None = 0, /** * Run on Monday. */ Monday = 1, /** * Run on Tuesday. */ Tuesday = 2, /** * Run on Wednesday. */ Wednesday = 4, /** * Run on Thursday. */ Thursday = 8, /** * Run on Friday. */ Friday = 16, /** * Run on Saturday. */ Saturday = 32, /** * Run on Sunday. */ Sunday = 64, /** * Run on all days of the week. */ All = 127 } /** * Additional settings and descriptors for a TaskAgentPool */ export declare enum TaskAgentPoolOptions { None = 0, /** * TaskAgentPool backed by the Elastic pool service */ ElasticPool = 1, /** * Set to true if agents are re-imaged after each TaskAgentJobRequest */ SingleUseAgents = 2, /** * Set to true if agents are held for investigation after a TaskAgentJobRequest failure */ PreserveAgentOnJobFailure = 4 } export interface TaskAgentPoolReference { id?: number; /** * Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this pool is managed by the service. */ isHosted?: boolean; /** * Determines whether the pool is legacy. */ isLegacy?: boolean; name?: string; /** * Additional pool settings and details */ options?: TaskAgentPoolOptions; /** * Gets or sets the type of the pool */ poolType?: TaskAgentPoolType; scope?: string; /** * Gets the current size of the pool. */ size?: number; } export interface TaskAgentPoolStatus extends TaskAgentPoolReference { /** * Number of requests queued and assigned to an agent. Not running yet. */ assignedRequestCount?: number; /** * Number of queued requests which are not assigned to any agents */ queuedRequestCount?: number; /** * Number of currently running requests */ runningRequestCount?: number; } export interface TaskAgentPoolSummary { columnsHeader?: MetricsColumnsHeader; deploymentGroups?: DeploymentGroupReference[]; pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; queues?: TaskAgentQueue[]; rows?: MetricsRow[]; } /** * The type of agent pool. */ export declare enum TaskAgentPoolType { /** * A typical pool of task agents */ Automation = 1, /** * A deployment pool */ Deployment = 2 } /** * Represents the public key portion of an RSA asymmetric key. */ export interface TaskAgentPublicKey { /** * Gets or sets the exponent for the public key. */ exponent?: number[]; /** * Gets or sets the modulus for the public key. */ modulus?: number[]; } /** * An agent queue. */ export interface TaskAgentQueue { /** * ID of the queue */ id?: number; /** * Name of the queue */ name?: string; /** * Pool reference for this queue */ pool?: TaskAgentPoolReference; /** * Project ID */ projectId?: string; } /** * Filters queues based on whether the calling user has permission to use or manage the queue. */ export declare enum TaskAgentQueueActionFilter { None = 0, Manage = 2, Use = 16 } /** * A reference to an agent. */ export interface TaskAgentReference { _links?: any; /** * This agent's access point. */ accessPoint?: string; /** * Whether or not this agent should run jobs. */ enabled?: boolean; /** * Identifier of the agent. */ id?: number; /** * Name of the agent. */ name?: string; /** * Agent OS. */ oSDescription?: string; /** * Provisioning state of this agent. */ provisioningState?: string; /** * Whether or not the agent is online. */ status?: TaskAgentStatus; /** * Agent version. */ version?: string; } export declare enum TaskAgentRequestUpdateOptions { None = 0, BumpRequestToTop = 1 } /** * Represents a session for performing message exchanges from an agent. */ export interface TaskAgentSession { /** * Gets or sets the agent which is the target of the session. */ agent?: TaskAgentReference; /** * Gets the key used to encrypt message traffic for this session. */ encryptionKey?: TaskAgentSessionKey; /** * Gets or sets the owner name of this session. Generally this will be the machine of origination. */ ownerName?: string; /** * Gets the unique identifier for this session. */ sessionId?: string; systemCapabilities?: { [key: string]: string; }; } /** * Represents a symmetric key used for message-level encryption for communication sent to an agent. */ export interface TaskAgentSessionKey { /** * Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the key value is encrypted. If this value is true, the Value property should be decrypted using the <c>RSA</c> key exchanged with the server during registration. */ encrypted?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets the symmetric key value. */ value?: number[]; } export declare enum TaskAgentStatus { Offline = 1, Online = 2 } /** * This is useful in getting a list of deployment targets, filtered by the deployment agent status. */ export declare enum TaskAgentStatusFilter { /** * Only deployment targets that are offline. */ Offline = 1, /** * Only deployment targets that are online. */ Online = 2, /** * All deployment targets. */ All = 3 } /** * Details about an agent update. */ export interface TaskAgentUpdate { /** * Current state of this agent update. */ currentState?: string; /** * Reason for this update. */ reason?: TaskAgentUpdateReason; /** * Identity which requested this update. */ requestedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Date on which this update was requested. */ requestTime?: Date; /** * Source agent version of the update. */ sourceVersion?: PackageVersion; /** * Target agent version of the update. */ targetVersion?: PackageVersion; } export interface TaskAgentUpdateReason { code?: TaskAgentUpdateReasonType; } export declare enum TaskAgentUpdateReasonType { Manual = 1, MinAgentVersionRequired = 2, Downgrade = 3 } export interface TaskAssignedEvent extends TaskEvent { } export interface TaskAttachment { _links?: any; createdOn?: Date; lastChangedBy?: string; lastChangedOn?: Date; name?: string; recordId?: string; timelineId?: string; type?: string; } export declare enum TaskCommandMode { Any = 0, Restricted = 1 } export interface TaskCommandRestrictions { mode?: TaskCommandMode; } export interface TaskCompletedEvent extends TaskEvent { /** * The api request was no delivered successfully */ deliveryFailed?: boolean; /** * The result of the task. */ result?: TaskResult; } export interface TaskDefinition { _buildConfigMapping?: { [key: string]: string; }; agentExecution?: TaskExecution; author?: string; category?: string; contentsUploaded?: boolean; contributionIdentifier?: string; contributionVersion?: string; dataSourceBindings?: DataSourceBinding[]; definitionType?: string; demands?: Demand[]; deprecated?: boolean; description?: string; disabled?: boolean; ecosystem?: string; execution?: { [key: string]: any; }; friendlyName?: string; groups?: TaskGroupDefinition[]; helpMarkDown?: string; helpUrl?: string; hostType?: string; iconUrl?: string; id?: string; inputs?: TaskInputDefinition[]; instanceNameFormat?: string; minimumAgentVersion?: string; name?: string; outputVariables?: TaskOutputVariable[]; packageLocation?: string; packageType?: string; postJobExecution?: { [key: string]: any; }; preJobExecution?: { [key: string]: any; }; preview?: boolean; releaseNotes?: string; restrictions?: TaskRestrictions; runsOn?: string[]; satisfies?: string[]; serverOwned?: boolean; showEnvironmentVariables?: boolean; sourceDefinitions?: TaskSourceDefinition[]; sourceLocation?: string; version?: TaskVersion; visibility?: string[]; } export interface TaskDefinitionEndpoint { /** * An ID that identifies a service connection to be used for authenticating endpoint requests. */ connectionId?: string; /** * An Json based keyselector to filter response returned by fetching the endpoint <c>Url</c>.A Json based keyselector must be prefixed with "jsonpath:". KeySelector can be used to specify the filter to get the keys for the values specified with Selector. <example> The following keyselector defines an Json for extracting nodes named 'ServiceName'. <code> endpoint.KeySelector = "jsonpath://ServiceName"; </code></example> */ keySelector?: string; /** * The scope as understood by Connected Services. Essentially, a project-id for now. */ scope?: string; /** * An XPath/Json based selector to filter response returned by fetching the endpoint <c>Url</c>. An XPath based selector must be prefixed with the string "xpath:". A Json based selector must be prefixed with "jsonpath:". <example> The following selector defines an XPath for extracting nodes named 'ServiceName'. <code> endpoint.Selector = "xpath://ServiceName"; </code></example> */ selector?: string; /** * TaskId that this endpoint belongs to. */ taskId?: string; /** * URL to GET. */ url?: string; } export interface TaskDefinitionReference { /** * Gets or sets the definition type. Values can be 'task' or 'metaTask'. */ definitionType: string; /** * Gets or sets the unique identifier of task. */ id: string; /** * Gets or sets the version specification of task. */ versionSpec: string; } export declare enum TaskDefinitionStatus { Preinstalled = 1, ReceivedInstallOrUpdate = 2, Installed = 3, ReceivedUninstall = 4, Uninstalled = 5, RequestedUpdate = 6, Updated = 7, AlreadyUpToDate = 8, InlineUpdateReceived = 9 } export interface TaskEvent extends JobEvent { /** * The ID of the task definition. */ taskId?: string; } export interface TaskExecution { /** * The utility task to run. Specifying this means that this task definition is simply a meta task to call another task. This is useful for tasks that call utility tasks like powershell and commandline */ execTask?: TaskReference; /** * If a task is going to run code, then this provides the type/script etc... information by platform. For example, it might look like. net45: { typeName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShellTask", assemblyName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShell.dll" } net20: { typeName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShellTask", assemblyName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShell.dll" } java: { jar: "", } node: { script: "powershellhost.js", } */ platformInstructions?: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string; }; }; } export interface TaskGroup extends TaskDefinition { /** * Gets or sets comment. */ comment?: string; /** * Gets or sets the identity who created. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets date on which it got created. */ createdOn?: Date; /** * Gets or sets as 'true' to indicate as deleted, 'false' otherwise. */ deleted?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets the identity who modified. */ modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets date on which it got modified. */ modifiedOn?: Date; /** * Gets or sets the owner. */ owner?: string; /** * Gets or sets parent task group Id. This is used while creating a draft task group. */ parentDefinitionId?: string; /** * Gets or sets revision. */ revision?: number; /** * Gets or sets the tasks. */ tasks?: TaskGroupStep[]; } export interface TaskGroupCreateParameter { /** * Sets author name of the task group. */ author?: string; /** * Sets category of the task group. */ category?: string; /** * Sets description of the task group. */ description?: string; /** * Sets friendly name of the task group. */ friendlyName?: string; /** * Sets url icon of the task group. */ iconUrl?: string; /** * Sets input for the task group. */ inputs?: TaskInputDefinition[]; /** * Sets display name of the task group. */ instanceNameFormat?: string; /** * Sets name of the task group. */ name?: string; /** * Sets parent task group Id. This is used while creating a draft task group. */ parentDefinitionId?: string; /** * Sets RunsOn of the task group. Value can be 'Agent', 'Server' or 'DeploymentGroup'. */ runsOn?: string[]; /** * Sets tasks for the task group. */ tasks?: TaskGroupStep[]; /** * Sets version of the task group. */ version?: TaskVersion; } export interface TaskGroupDefinition { displayName?: string; isExpanded?: boolean; name?: string; tags?: string[]; visibleRule?: string; } export declare enum TaskGroupExpands { None = 0, Tasks = 2 } export interface TaskGroupPublishPreviewParameter extends TaskGroupUpdatePropertiesBase { /** * This is to disable previous versions of task group upon publish */ disablePriorVersions?: boolean; /** * Denotes if task group is in preview */ preview?: boolean; /** * This is the revision of task group that is getting published */ revision?: number; /** * This is the version of task group that is getting published */ version?: TaskVersion; } /** * Specifies the desired ordering of taskGroups. */ export declare enum TaskGroupQueryOrder { /** * Order by createdon ascending. */ CreatedOnAscending = 0, /** * Order by createdon descending. */ CreatedOnDescending = 1 } export interface TaskGroupRestoreParameter extends TaskGroupUpdatePropertiesBase { /** * This is to restore deleted Task Group */ restore?: boolean; } export interface TaskGroupRevision { changedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; changedDate?: Date; changeType?: AuditAction; comment?: string; fileId?: number; majorVersion?: number; revision?: number; taskGroupId?: string; } /** * Represents tasks in the task group. */ export interface TaskGroupStep { /** * Gets or sets as 'true' to run the task always, 'false' otherwise. */ alwaysRun?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets condition for the task. */ condition?: string; /** * Gets or sets as 'true' to continue on error, 'false' otherwise. */ continueOnError?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets the display name. */ displayName?: string; /** * Gets or sets as task is enabled or not. */ enabled?: boolean; /** * Gets dictionary of environment variables. */ environment?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Gets or sets dictionary of inputs. */ inputs?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Gets or sets the maximum number of retries */ retryCountOnTaskFailure?: number; /** * Gets or sets the reference of the task. */ task?: TaskDefinitionReference; /** * Gets or sets the maximum time, in minutes, that a task is allowed to execute on agent before being cancelled by server. A zero value indicates an infinite timeout. */ timeoutInMinutes?: number; } export interface TaskGroupUpdateParameter { /** * Sets author name of the task group. */ author?: string; /** * Sets category of the task group. */ category?: string; /** * Sets comment of the task group. */ comment?: string; /** * Sets description of the task group. */ description?: string; /** * Sets friendly name of the task group. */ friendlyName?: string; /** * Sets url icon of the task group. */ iconUrl?: string; /** * Sets the unique identifier of this field. */ id?: string; /** * Sets input for the task group. */ inputs?: TaskInputDefinition[]; /** * Sets display name of the task group. */ instanceNameFormat?: string; /** * Sets name of the task group. */ name?: string; /** * Gets or sets parent task group Id. This is used while creating a draft task group. */ parentDefinitionId?: string; /** * Sets revision of the task group. */ revision?: number; /** * Sets RunsOn of the task group. Value can be 'Agent', 'Server' or 'DeploymentGroup'. */ runsOn?: string[]; /** * Sets tasks for the task group. */ tasks?: TaskGroupStep[]; /** * Sets version of the task group. */ version?: TaskVersion; } export interface TaskGroupUpdatePropertiesBase { /** * Comment for this update request */ comment?: string; } export interface TaskHubLicenseDetails { enterpriseUsersCount?: number; failedToReachAllProviders?: boolean; freeHostedLicenseCount?: number; freeLicenseCount?: number; hasLicenseCountEverUpdated?: boolean; hostedAgentMinutesFreeCount?: number; hostedAgentMinutesUsedCount?: number; hostedLicensesArePremium?: boolean; msdnUsersCount?: number; /** * Microsoft-hosted licenses purchased from VSTS directly. */ purchasedHostedLicenseCount?: number; /** * Self-hosted licenses purchased from VSTS directly. */ purchasedLicenseCount?: number; totalHostedLicenseCount?: number; totalLicenseCount?: number; totalPrivateLicenseCount?: number; } export interface TaskHubOidcToken { oidcToken?: string; } export interface TaskInputDefinition extends DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces.TaskInputDefinitionBase { } export interface TaskInstance extends TaskReference { alwaysRun?: boolean; condition?: string; continueOnError?: boolean; displayName?: string; enabled?: boolean; environment?: { [key: string]: string; }; instanceId?: string; refName?: string; retryCountOnTaskFailure?: number; timeoutInMinutes?: number; } /** * A task log connected to a timeline record. */ export interface TaskLog extends TaskLogReference { /** * The time of the task log creation. */ createdOn?: Date; /** * The REST URL of the task log when indexed. */ indexLocation?: string; /** * The time of the last modification of the task log. */ lastChangedOn?: Date; /** * The number of the task log lines. */ lineCount?: number; /** * The path of the task log. */ path?: string; } /** * A reference to a task log. This class contains information about the output printed to the timeline record's logs console during pipeline run. */ export interface TaskLogReference { /** * The ID of the task log. */ id?: number; /** * The REST URL of the task log. */ location?: string; } export interface TaskOrchestrationContainer extends TaskOrchestrationItem { children?: TaskOrchestrationItem[]; continueOnError?: boolean; data?: { [key: string]: string; }; maxConcurrency?: number; parallel?: boolean; rollback?: TaskOrchestrationContainer; } export interface TaskOrchestrationItem { itemType?: TaskOrchestrationItemType; } export declare enum TaskOrchestrationItemType { Container = 0, Job = 1 } export interface TaskOrchestrationJob extends TaskOrchestrationItem { demands?: Demand[]; executeAs?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; executionMode?: string; executionTimeout?: any; instanceId?: string; name?: string; refName?: string; tasks?: TaskInstance[]; variables?: { [key: string]: string; }; } export interface TaskOrchestrationOwner { _links?: any; id?: number; name?: string; } export interface TaskOrchestrationPlan extends TaskOrchestrationPlanReference { environment?: PlanEnvironment; expandedYaml?: TaskLogReference; finishTime?: Date; implementation?: TaskOrchestrationContainer; initializationLog?: TaskLogReference; requestedById?: string; requestedForId?: string; result?: TaskResult; resultCode?: string; startTime?: Date; state?: TaskOrchestrationPlanState; timeline?: TimelineReference; } export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanGroup { planGroup?: string; project?: ProjectReference; runningRequests?: TaskAgentJobRequest[]; } export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanGroupsQueueMetrics { count?: number; status?: PlanGroupStatus; } export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanReference { artifactLocation?: string; artifactUri?: string; definition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; owner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; planGroup?: string; planId?: string; planType?: string; scopeIdentifier?: string; version?: number; } export declare enum TaskOrchestrationPlanState { InProgress = 1, Queued = 2, Completed = 4, Throttled = 8 } export interface TaskOrchestrationQueuedPlan { assignTime?: Date; definition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; owner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; planGroup?: string; planId?: string; poolId?: number; queuePosition?: number; queueTime?: Date; scopeIdentifier?: string; } export interface TaskOrchestrationQueuedPlanGroup { definition?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; owner?: TaskOrchestrationOwner; planGroup?: string; plans?: TaskOrchestrationQueuedPlan[]; project?: ProjectReference; queuePosition?: number; } export interface TaskOutputVariable { description?: string; name?: string; } export interface TaskPackageMetadata { /** * Gets the name of the package. */ type?: string; /** * Gets the url of the package. */ url?: string; /** * Gets the version of the package. */ version?: string; } /** * A reference to a task. */ export interface TaskReference { /** * The ID of the task definition. Corresponds to the id value of task.json file. <br />Example: CmdLineV2 { "id": "D9BAFED4-0B18-4F58-968D-86655B4D2CE9" } */ id?: string; /** * A dictionary of inputs specific to a task definition. Corresponds to inputs value of task.json file. */ inputs?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * The name of the task definition. Corresponds to the name value of task.json file. <br />Example: CmdLineV2 { "name": "CmdLine" } */ name?: string; /** * The version of the task definition. Corresponds to the version value of task.json file. <br />Example: CmdLineV2 { "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 212, "Patch": 0 } } */ version?: string; } export interface TaskRestrictions { commands?: TaskCommandRestrictions; settableVariables?: TaskVariableRestrictions; } /** * The result of an operation tracked by a timeline record. */ export declare enum TaskResult { Succeeded = 0, SucceededWithIssues = 1, Failed = 2, Canceled = 3, Skipped = 4, Abandoned = 5 } export interface TaskSourceDefinition extends DistributedTaskCommonInterfaces.TaskSourceDefinitionBase { } export interface TaskStartedEvent extends TaskEvent { } export interface TaskVariableRestrictions { allowed?: string[]; } export interface TaskVersion { isTest?: boolean; major?: number; minor?: number; patch?: number; } export interface Timeline extends TimelineReference { lastChangedBy?: string; lastChangedOn?: Date; records?: TimelineRecord[]; } /** * An attempt to update a TimelineRecord. */ export interface TimelineAttempt { /** * The attempt of the record. */ attempt?: number; /** * The unique identifier for the record. */ identifier?: string; /** * The record identifier located within the specified timeline. */ recordId?: string; /** * The timeline identifier which owns the record representing this attempt. */ timelineId?: string; } /** * Detailed information about the execution of different operations during pipeline run. */ export interface TimelineRecord { /** * The specification of an agent running a pipeline job, in binary format. Applicable when record is of type Job. <br />Example: { "VMImage" : "windows-2019" } */ agentSpecification?: any; /** * The number of record attempts. */ attempt?: number; /** * The ID connecting all records updated at the same time. This value is taken from timeline's ChangeId. */ changeId?: number; /** * A string that indicates the current operation. */ currentOperation?: string; /** * A reference to a sub-timeline. */ details?: TimelineReference; /** * The number of errors produced by this operation. */ errorCount?: number; /** * The finish time of the record. */ finishTime?: Date; /** * The ID of the record. */ id?: string; /** * String identifier that is consistent across attempts. */ identifier?: string; /** * The list of issues produced by this operation. */ issues?: Issue[]; /** * The time the record was last modified. */ lastModified?: Date; /** * The REST URL of the record. */ location?: string; /** * A reference to the log produced by this operation. */ log?: TaskLogReference; /** * The name of the record. */ name?: string; /** * An ordinal value relative to other records within the timeline. */ order?: number; /** * The ID of the record's parent. <br />Example: Stage is a parent of a Phase, Phase is a parent of a Job, Job is a parent of a Task. */ parentId?: string; /** * The percentage of record completion. */ percentComplete?: number; /** * The previous record attempts. */ previousAttempts?: TimelineAttempt[]; /** * The ID of the queue which connects projects to agent pools on which the operation ran on. Applicable when record is of type Job. */ queueId?: number; /** * Name of the referenced record. */ refName?: string; /** * The result of the record. */ result?: TaskResult; /** * Evaluation of predefined conditions upon completion of record's operation. <br />Example: Evaluating `succeeded()`, Result = True <br />Example: Evaluating `and(succeeded(), eq(variables['system.debug'], False))`, Result = False */ resultCode?: string; /** * The start time of the record. */ startTime?: Date; /** * The state of the record. */ state?: TimelineRecordState; /** * A reference to the task. Applicable when record is of type Task. */ task?: TaskReference; /** * The type of operation being tracked by the record. <br />Example: Stage, Phase, Job, Task... */ type?: string; /** * The variables of the record. */ variables?: { [key: string]: VariableValue; }; /** * The number of warnings produced by this operation. */ warningCount?: number; /** * The name of the agent running the operation. Applicable when record is of type Job. */ workerName?: string; } export interface TimelineRecordFeedLinesWrapper { count?: number; endLine?: number; startLine?: number; stepId?: string; value?: string[]; } /** * A reference to a timeline record. */ export interface TimelineRecordReference { /** * The ID of the record. */ id?: string; /** * String identifier that is consistent across attempts. */ identifier?: string; /** * The state of the record. */ state?: TimelineRecordState; } /** * The state of the timeline record. */ export declare enum TimelineRecordState { Pending = 0, InProgress = 1, Completed = 2 } /** * A reference to a timeline. */ export interface TimelineReference { /** * The change ID. */ changeId?: number; /** * The ID of the timeline. */ id?: string; /** * The REST URL of the timeline. */ location?: string; } export interface ValidationItem { /** * Tells whether the current input is valid or not */ isValid?: boolean; /** * Reason for input validation failure */ reason?: string; /** * Type of validation item */ type?: string; /** * Value to validate. The conditional expression to validate for the input for "expression" type Eg:eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master');eq(value, 'refs/heads/master') */ value?: string; } /** * A variable group is a collection of related variables. */ export interface VariableGroup { /** * Gets or sets the identity who created the variable group. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets the time when variable group was created. */ createdOn?: Date; /** * Gets or sets description of the variable group. */ description?: string; /** * Gets or sets id of the variable group. */ id?: number; /** * Indicates whether variable group is shared with other projects or not. */ isShared?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets the identity who modified the variable group. */ modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Gets or sets the time when variable group was modified */ modifiedOn?: Date; /** * Gets or sets name of the variable group. */ name?: string; /** * Gets or sets provider data. */ providerData?: VariableGroupProviderData; /** * Gets or sets type of the variable group. */ type?: string; /** * all project references where the variable group is shared with other projects. */ variableGroupProjectReferences?: VariableGroupProjectReference[]; /** * Gets or sets variables contained in the variable group. */ variables?: { [key: string]: VariableValue; }; } export declare enum VariableGroupActionFilter { None = 0, Manage = 2, Use = 16 } export interface VariableGroupParameters { /** * Sets description of the variable group. */ description?: string; /** * Sets name of the variable group. */ name?: string; /** * Sets provider data. */ providerData?: VariableGroupProviderData; /** * Sets type of the variable group. */ type?: string; variableGroupProjectReferences?: VariableGroupProjectReference[]; /** * Sets variables contained in the variable group. */ variables?: { [key: string]: VariableValue; }; } /** * A variable group reference is a shallow reference to variable group. */ export interface VariableGroupProjectReference { /** * Gets or sets description of the variable group. */ description?: string; /** * Gets or sets name of the variable group. */ name?: string; /** * Gets or sets project reference of the variable group. */ projectReference?: ProjectReference; } /** * Defines provider data of the variable group. */ export interface VariableGroupProviderData { } /** * Specifies the desired ordering of variableGroups. */ export declare enum VariableGroupQueryOrder { /** * Order by id ascending. */ IdAscending = 0, /** * Order by id descending. */ IdDescending = 1 } /** * A wrapper class for a generic variable. */ export interface VariableValue { /** * Indicates whether the variable can be changed during script's execution runtime. */ isReadOnly?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether the variable should be encrypted at rest. */ isSecret?: boolean; /** * The value of the variable. */ value?: string; } export interface VirtualMachine { agent?: TaskAgent; id?: number; tags?: string[]; } export interface VirtualMachineGroup extends EnvironmentResource { poolId?: number; } export interface VirtualMachineGroupCreateParameters { name?: string; } export interface VirtualMachineResource extends EnvironmentResource { agent?: TaskAgent; } export interface VirtualMachineResourceCreateParameters { virtualMachineResource?: VirtualMachineResource; } export declare var TypeInfo: { AadLoginPromptOption: { enumValues: { noOption: number; login: number; selectAccount: number; freshLogin: number; freshLoginWithMfa: number; }; }; AgentChangeEvent: any; AgentJobRequestMessage: any; AgentPoolEvent: any; AgentQueueEvent: any; AgentQueuesEvent: any; AuditAction: { enumValues: { add: number; update: number; delete: number; undelete: number; }; }; AzureKeyVaultVariableGroupProviderData: any; AzureKeyVaultVariableValue: any; DemandMinimumVersion: any; DemandSource: any; DemandSourceType: { enumValues: { task: number; feature: number; }; }; DeploymentGroup: any; DeploymentGroupActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; DeploymentGroupExpands: { enumValues: { none: number; machines: number; tags: number; }; }; DeploymentGroupMetrics: any; DeploymentGroupReference: any; DeploymentMachine: any; DeploymentMachineChangedData: any; DeploymentMachineExpands: { enumValues: { none: number; capabilities: number; assignedRequest: number; }; }; DeploymentMachineGroup: any; DeploymentMachineGroupReference: any; DeploymentMachinesChangeEvent: any; DeploymentPoolSummary: any; DeploymentPoolSummaryExpands: { enumValues: { none: number; deploymentGroups: number; resource: number; }; }; DeploymentTargetExpands: { enumValues: { none: number; capabilities: number; assignedRequest: number; lastCompletedRequest: number; }; }; ElasticAgentState: { enumValues: { none: number; enabled: number; online: number; assigned: number; }; }; ElasticComputeState: { enumValues: { none: number; healthy: number; creating: number; deleting: number; failed: number; stopped: number; reimaging: number; unhealthyVm: number; unhealthyVmssVm: number; }; }; ElasticNode: any; ElasticNodeSettings: any; ElasticNodeState: { enumValues: { none: number; new: number; creatingCompute: number; startingAgent: number; idle: number; assigned: number; offline: number; pendingReimage: number; pendingDelete: number; saved: number; deletingCompute: number; deleted: number; lost: number; reimagingCompute: number; restartingAgent: number; failedToStartPendingDelete: number; failedToRestartPendingDelete: number; failedVMPendingDelete: number; assignedPendingDelete: number; retryDelete: number; unhealthyVm: number; unhealthyVmPendingDelete: number; }; }; ElasticPool: any; ElasticPoolCreationResult: any; ElasticPoolLog: any; ElasticPoolSettings: any; ElasticPoolState: { enumValues: { online: number; offline: number; unhealthy: number; new: number; }; }; EnvironmentActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; EnvironmentDeploymentExecutionRecord: any; EnvironmentExpands: { enumValues: { none: number; resourceReferences: number; }; }; EnvironmentInstance: any; EnvironmentResource: any; EnvironmentResourceDeploymentExecutionRecord: any; EnvironmentResourceReference: any; EnvironmentResourceType: { enumValues: { undefined: number; generic: number; virtualMachine: number; kubernetes: number; }; }; ExclusiveLockType: { enumValues: { runLatest: number; sequential: number; branchRunLatest: number; parallel: number; }; }; Issue: any; IssueType: { enumValues: { error: number; warning: number; }; }; JobAssignedEvent: any; JobCompletedEvent: any; JobEnvironment: any; JobRequestMessage: any; KubernetesResource: any; LogLevel: { enumValues: { error: number; warning: number; info: number; }; }; MachineGroupActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; MaskHint: any; MaskType: { enumValues: { variable: number; regex: number; }; }; OperatingSystemType: { enumValues: { windows: number; linux: number; }; }; OperationType: { enumValues: { configurationJob: number; sizingJob: number; increaseCapacity: number; reimage: number; deleteVMs: number; }; }; OrchestrationType: { enumValues: { uniform: number; flexible: number; }; }; PackageMetadata: any; PlanEnvironment: any; PlanGroupStatus: { enumValues: { running: number; queued: number; all: number; }; }; PlanGroupStatusFilter: { enumValues: { running: number; queued: number; all: number; }; }; ResourceLockRequest: any; ResourceLockStatus: { enumValues: { queued: number; inUse: number; finished: number; timedOut: number; canceled: number; abandoned: number; waitingOnChecks: number; }; }; ResourceUsage: any; SecureFile: any; SecureFileActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; SecureFileEvent: any; ServerTaskRequestMessage: any; ServiceEndpointAuthenticationScheme: any; ServiceEndpointExecutionData: any; ServiceEndpointExecutionRecord: any; ServiceEndpointExecutionRecordsInput: any; ServiceEndpointRequestResult: any; ServiceEndpointType: any; TaskAgent: any; TaskAgentCloudRequest: any; TaskAgentCloudType: any; TaskAgentDowngrade: any; TaskAgentJob: any; TaskAgentJobRequest: any; TaskAgentJobResultFilter: { enumValues: { failed: number; passed: number; neverDeployed: number; all: number; }; }; TaskAgentJobStep: any; TaskAgentJobStepType: { enumValues: { task: number; action: number; }; }; TaskAgentManualUpdate: any; TaskAgentMinAgentVersionRequiredUpdate: any; TaskAgentPool: any; TaskAgentPoolActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceDefinition: any; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJob: any; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobResult: { enumValues: { succeeded: number; failed: number; canceled: number; }; }; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobStatus: { enumValues: { inProgress: number; completed: number; cancelling: number; queued: number; }; }; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceJobTargetAgent: any; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceSchedule: any; TaskAgentPoolMaintenanceScheduleDays: { enumValues: { none: number; monday: number; tuesday: number; wednesday: number; thursday: number; friday: number; saturday: number; sunday: number; all: number; }; }; TaskAgentPoolOptions: { enumValues: { none: number; elasticPool: number; singleUseAgents: number; preserveAgentOnJobFailure: number; }; }; TaskAgentPoolReference: any; TaskAgentPoolStatus: any; TaskAgentPoolSummary: any; TaskAgentPoolType: { enumValues: { automation: number; deployment: number; }; }; TaskAgentQueue: any; TaskAgentQueueActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; TaskAgentReference: any; TaskAgentRequestUpdateOptions: { enumValues: { none: number; bumpRequestToTop: number; }; }; TaskAgentSession: any; TaskAgentStatus: { enumValues: { offline: number; online: number; }; }; TaskAgentStatusFilter: { enumValues: { offline: number; online: number; all: number; }; }; TaskAgentUpdate: any; TaskAgentUpdateReason: any; TaskAgentUpdateReasonType: { enumValues: { manual: number; minAgentVersionRequired: number; downgrade: number; }; }; TaskAttachment: any; TaskCommandMode: { enumValues: { any: number; restricted: number; }; }; TaskCommandRestrictions: any; TaskCompletedEvent: any; TaskDefinition: any; TaskDefinitionStatus: { enumValues: { preinstalled: number; receivedInstallOrUpdate: number; installed: number; receivedUninstall: number; uninstalled: number; requestedUpdate: number; updated: number; alreadyUpToDate: number; inlineUpdateReceived: number; }; }; TaskGroup: any; TaskGroupExpands: { enumValues: { none: number; tasks: number; }; }; TaskGroupQueryOrder: { enumValues: { createdOnAscending: number; createdOnDescending: number; }; }; TaskGroupRevision: any; TaskLog: any; TaskOrchestrationContainer: any; TaskOrchestrationItem: any; TaskOrchestrationItemType: { enumValues: { container: number; job: number; }; }; TaskOrchestrationJob: any; TaskOrchestrationPlan: any; TaskOrchestrationPlanGroup: any; TaskOrchestrationPlanGroupsQueueMetrics: any; TaskOrchestrationPlanState: { enumValues: { inProgress: number; queued: number; completed: number; throttled: number; }; }; TaskOrchestrationQueuedPlan: any; TaskOrchestrationQueuedPlanGroup: any; TaskRestrictions: any; TaskResult: { enumValues: { succeeded: number; succeededWithIssues: number; failed: number; canceled: number; skipped: number; abandoned: number; }; }; Timeline: any; TimelineRecord: any; TimelineRecordReference: any; TimelineRecordState: { enumValues: { pending: number; inProgress: number; completed: number; }; }; VariableGroup: any; VariableGroupActionFilter: { enumValues: { none: number; manage: number; use: number; }; }; VariableGroupQueryOrder: { enumValues: { idAscending: number; idDescending: number; }; }; VirtualMachine: any; VirtualMachineGroup: any; VirtualMachineResource: any; VirtualMachineResourceCreateParameters: any; };