
by RyanCardin15
import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export interface AccountMyWorkResult { /** * True, when length of WorkItemDetails is same as the limit */ querySizeLimitExceeded?: boolean; /** * WorkItem Details */ workItemDetails?: AccountWorkWorkItemModel[]; } /** * Represents Work Item Recent Activity */ export interface AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel extends AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase { /** * Assigned To */ assignedTo?: string; } /** * Represents Work Item Recent Activity */ export interface AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2 extends AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase { /** * Assigned To */ assignedTo?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; } /** * Represents Work Item Recent Activity */ export interface AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase { /** * Date of the last Activity by the user */ activityDate?: Date; /** * Type of the activity */ activityType?: WorkItemRecentActivityType; /** * Last changed date of the work item */ changedDate?: Date; /** * Work Item Id */ id?: number; /** * TeamFoundationId of the user this activity belongs to */ identityId?: string; /** * State of the work item */ state?: string; /** * Team project the work item belongs to */ teamProject?: string; /** * Title of the work item */ title?: string; /** * Type of Work Item */ workItemType?: string; } /** * Represents Recent Mention Work Item */ export interface AccountRecentMentionWorkItemModel { /** * Assigned To */ assignedTo?: string; /** * Work Item Id */ id?: number; /** * Latest date that the user were mentioned */ mentionedDateField?: Date; /** * State of the work item */ state?: string; /** * Team project the work item belongs to */ teamProject?: string; /** * Title of the work item */ title?: string; /** * Type of Work Item */ workItemType?: string; } export interface AccountWorkWorkItemModel { assignedTo?: string; changedDate?: Date; id?: number; state?: string; teamProject?: string; title?: string; workItemType?: string; } /** * Contains criteria for querying work items based on artifact URI. */ export interface ArtifactUriQuery { /** * List of artifact URIs to use for querying work items. */ artifactUris?: string[]; } /** * Defines result of artifact URI query on work items. Contains mapping of work item IDs to artifact URI. */ export interface ArtifactUriQueryResult { /** * A Dictionary that maps a list of work item references to the given list of artifact URI. */ artifactUrisQueryResult?: { [key: string]: WorkItemReference[]; }; } export interface AttachmentReference { id?: string; url?: string; } /** * Flag to control error policy in a batch classification nodes get request. */ export declare enum ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy { Fail = 1, Omit = 2 } /** * Comment on a Work Item. */ export interface Comment extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * IdentityRef of the creator of the comment. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The creation date of the comment. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * Effective Date/time value for adding the comment. Can be optionally different from CreatedDate. */ createdOnBehalfDate?: Date; /** * Identity on whose behalf this comment has been added. Can be optionally different from CreatedBy. */ createdOnBehalfOf?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Represents the possible types for the comment format. */ format?: CommentFormat; /** * The id assigned to the comment. */ id?: number; /** * Indicates if the comment has been deleted. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * The mentions of the comment. */ mentions?: CommentMention[]; /** * IdentityRef of the user who last modified the comment. */ modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The last modification date of the comment. */ modifiedDate?: Date; /** * The reactions of the comment. */ reactions?: CommentReaction[]; /** * The text of the comment in HTML format. */ renderedText?: string; /** * The text of the comment. */ text?: string; /** * The current version of the comment. */ version?: number; /** * The id of the work item this comment belongs to. */ workItemId?: number; } /** * Represents a request to create a work item comment. */ export interface CommentCreate { /** * The text of the comment. */ text: string; } /** * Specifies the additional data retrieval options for work item comments. */ export declare enum CommentExpandOptions { None = 0, /** * Include comment reactions. */ Reactions = 1, /** * Include the rendered text (html) in addition to MD text. */ RenderedText = 8, /** * If specified, then ONLY rendered text (html) will be returned, w/o markdown. Supposed to be used internally from data provides for optimization purposes. */ RenderedTextOnly = 16, All = -17 } /** * Represents the possible types for the comment format. Should be in sync with WorkItemCommentFormat.cs */ export declare enum CommentFormat { Markdown = 0, Html = 1 } /** * Represents a list of work item comments. */ export interface CommentList extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * List of comments in the current batch. */ comments?: Comment[]; /** * A string token that can be used to retrieving next page of comments if available. Otherwise null. */ continuationToken?: string; /** * The count of comments in the current batch. */ count?: number; /** * Uri to the next page of comments if it is available. Otherwise null. */ nextPage?: string; /** * Total count of comments on a work item. */ totalCount?: number; } export interface CommentMention extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The artifact portion of the parsed text. (i.e. the work item's id) */ artifactId?: string; /** * The type the parser assigned to the mention. (i.e. person, work item, etc) */ artifactType?: string; /** * The comment id of the mention. */ commentId?: number; /** * The resolved target of the mention. An example of this could be a user's tfid */ targetId?: string; } /** * Contains information about work item comment reaction for a particular reaction type. */ export interface CommentReaction extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The id of the comment this reaction belongs to. */ commentId?: number; /** * Total number of reactions for the CommentReactionType. */ count?: number; /** * Flag to indicate if the current user has engaged on this particular EngagementType (e.g. if they liked the associated comment). */ isCurrentUserEngaged?: boolean; /** * Type of the reaction. */ type?: CommentReactionType; } /** * Represents different reaction types for a work item comment. */ export declare enum CommentReactionType { Like = 0, Dislike = 1, Heart = 2, Hooray = 3, Smile = 4, Confused = 5 } export declare enum CommentSortOrder { /** * The results will be sorted in Ascending order. */ Asc = 1, /** * The results will be sorted in Descending order. */ Desc = 2 } /** * Represents a request to update a work item comment. */ export interface CommentUpdate { /** * The updated text of the comment. */ text: string; } /** * Represents a specific version of a comment on a work item. */ export interface CommentVersion extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * IdentityRef of the creator of the comment. */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The creation date of the comment. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * Effective Date/time value for adding the comment. Can be optionally different from CreatedDate. */ createdOnBehalfDate?: Date; /** * Identity on whose behalf this comment has been added. Can be optionally different from CreatedBy. */ createdOnBehalfOf?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The id assigned to the comment. */ id?: number; /** * Indicates if the comment has been deleted at this version. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * IdentityRef of the user who modified the comment at this version. */ modifiedBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * The modification date of the comment for this version. */ modifiedDate?: Date; /** * The rendered content of the comment at this version. */ renderedText?: string; /** * The text of the comment at this version. */ text?: string; /** * The version number. */ version?: number; } export interface EmailRecipients { /** * Plaintext email addresses. */ emailAddresses?: string[]; /** * TfIds */ tfIds?: string[]; /** * Unresolved entity ids */ unresolvedEntityIds?: string[]; } export interface ExternalDeployment { artifactId?: string; createdBy?: string; description?: string; displayName?: string; environment?: ExternalEnvironment; group?: string; pipeline?: ExternalPipeline; relatedWorkItemIds?: number[]; runId?: number; sequenceNumber?: number; status?: string; statusDate?: Date; url?: string; } export interface ExternalEnvironment { displayName?: string; id?: number; type?: string; } export interface ExternalPipeline { displayName?: string; id?: number; url?: string; } /** * Describes a list of dependent fields for a rule. */ export interface FieldDependentRule extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The dependent fields. */ dependentFields?: WorkItemFieldReference[]; } /** * Enum for field types. */ export declare enum FieldType { /** * String field type. */ String = 0, /** * Integer field type. */ Integer = 1, /** * Datetime field type. */ DateTime = 2, /** * Plain text field type. */ PlainText = 3, /** * HTML (Multiline) field type. */ Html = 4, /** * Treepath field type. */ TreePath = 5, /** * History field type. */ History = 6, /** * Double field type. */ Double = 7, /** * Guid field type. */ Guid = 8, /** * Boolean field type. */ Boolean = 9, /** * Identity field type. */ Identity = 10, /** * String picklist field type. When creating a string picklist field from REST API, use "String" FieldType. */ PicklistString = 11, /** * Integer picklist field type. When creating a integer picklist field from REST API, use "Integer" FieldType. */ PicklistInteger = 12, /** * Double picklist field type. When creating a double picklist field from REST API, use "Double" FieldType. */ PicklistDouble = 13 } /** * Describes an update request for a work item field. */ export interface FieldUpdate { /** * Indicates whether the user wants to restore the field. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether the user wants to lock the field. */ isLocked?: boolean; } /** * Enum for field usages. */ export declare enum FieldUsage { /** * Empty usage. */ None = 0, /** * Work item field usage. */ WorkItem = 1, /** * Work item link field usage. */ WorkItemLink = 2, /** * Treenode field usage. */ Tree = 3, /** * Work Item Type Extension usage. */ WorkItemTypeExtension = 4 } /** * Flag to expand types of fields. */ export declare enum GetFieldsExpand { /** * Default behavior. */ None = 0, /** * Adds extension fields to the response. */ ExtensionFields = 1, /** * Includes fields that have been deleted. */ IncludeDeleted = 2 } /** * Describes Github connection. */ export interface GitHubConnectionModel { /** * Github connection authorization type (f. e. PAT, OAuth) */ authorizationType?: string; /** * Github connection created by */ createdBy?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; /** * Github connection id */ id?: string; /** * Whether current Github connection is valid or not */ isConnectionValid?: boolean; /** * Github connection name (should contain organization/user name) */ name?: string; } /** * Describes Github connection's repo. */ export interface GitHubConnectionRepoModel { /** * Error message */ errorMessage?: string; /** * Repository web url */ gitHubRepositoryUrl?: string; } /** * Describes Github connection's repo bulk request */ export interface GitHubConnectionReposBatchRequest { /** * Requested repos urls */ gitHubRepositoryUrls?: GitHubConnectionRepoModel[]; /** * Operation type (f. e. add, remove) */ operationType?: string; } /** * Describes a reference to an identity. */ export interface IdentityReference extends VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef { /** * Gets or sets the identifier of the identity. */ id?: string; /** * Legacy back-compat property. This has been the WIT specific value from Constants. Will be hidden (but exists) on the client unless they are targeting the newest version */ name?: string; } /** * Link description. */ export interface Link { /** * Collection of link attributes. */ attributes?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * Relation type. */ rel?: string; /** * Link url. */ url?: string; } /** * The link query mode which determines the behavior of the query. */ export declare enum LinkQueryMode { /** * Returns flat list of work items. */ WorkItems = 0, /** * Returns work items where the source, target, and link criteria are all satisfied. */ LinksOneHopMustContain = 1, /** * Returns work items that satisfy the source and link criteria, even if no linked work item satisfies the target criteria. */ LinksOneHopMayContain = 2, /** * Returns work items that satisfy the source, only if no linked work item satisfies the link and target criteria. */ LinksOneHopDoesNotContain = 3, LinksRecursiveMustContain = 4, /** * Returns work items a hierarchy of work items that by default satisfy the source */ LinksRecursiveMayContain = 5, LinksRecursiveDoesNotContain = 6 } export declare enum LogicalOperation { NONE = 0, AND = 1, OR = 2 } export interface MailMessage { /** * The mail body in HTML format. */ body?: string; /** * CC recipients. */ cC?: EmailRecipients; /** * The in-reply-to header value */ inReplyTo?: string; /** * The Message Id value */ messageId?: string; /** * Reply To recipients. */ replyTo?: EmailRecipients; /** * The mail subject. */ subject?: string; /** * To recipients */ to?: EmailRecipients; } /** * Stores process ID. */ export interface ProcessIdModel { /** * The ID of the process. */ typeId?: string; } /** * Stores project ID and its process ID. */ export interface ProcessMigrationResultModel { /** * The ID of the process. */ processId?: string; /** * The ID of the project. */ projectId?: string; } /** * Project work item type state colors */ export interface ProjectWorkItemStateColors { /** * Project name */ projectName?: string; /** * State colors for all work item type in a project */ workItemTypeStateColors?: WorkItemTypeStateColors[]; } /** * Enumerates the possible provisioning actions that can be triggered on process template update. */ export declare enum ProvisioningActionType { Import = 0, Validate = 1 } /** * Result of an update work item type XML update operation. */ export interface ProvisioningResult { /** * Details about of the provisioning import events. */ provisioningImportEvents?: string[]; } /** * Describes a request to get a list of queries */ export interface QueryBatchGetRequest { /** * The expand parameters for queries. Possible options are { None, Wiql, Clauses, All, Minimal } */ $expand?: QueryExpand; /** * The flag to control error policy in a query batch request. Possible options are { Fail, Omit }. */ errorPolicy?: QueryErrorPolicy; /** * The requested query ids */ ids?: string[]; } /** * Enum to control error policy in a query batch request. */ export declare enum QueryErrorPolicy { Fail = 1, Omit = 2 } /** * Determines which set of additional query properties to display */ export declare enum QueryExpand { /** * Expands Columns, Links and ChangeInfo */ None = 0, /** * Expands Columns, Links, ChangeInfo and WIQL text */ Wiql = 1, /** * Expands Columns, Links, ChangeInfo, WIQL text and clauses */ Clauses = 2, /** * Expands all properties */ All = 3, /** * Displays minimal properties and the WIQL text */ Minimal = 4 } /** * Represents an item in the work item query hierarchy. This can be either a query or a folder. */ export interface QueryHierarchyItem extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The child query items inside a query folder. */ children?: QueryHierarchyItem[]; /** * The clauses for a flat query. */ clauses?: WorkItemQueryClause; /** * The columns of the query. */ columns?: WorkItemFieldReference[]; /** * The identity who created the query item. */ createdBy?: IdentityReference; /** * When the query item was created. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * The link query mode. */ filterOptions?: LinkQueryMode; /** * If this is a query folder, indicates if it contains any children. */ hasChildren?: boolean; /** * The id of the query item. */ id?: string; /** * Indicates if this query item is deleted. Setting this to false on a deleted query item will undelete it. Undeleting a query or folder will not bring back the permission changes that were previously applied to it. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * Indicates if this is a query folder or a query. */ isFolder?: boolean; /** * Indicates if the WIQL of this query is invalid. This could be due to invalid syntax or a no longer valid area/iteration path. */ isInvalidSyntax?: boolean; /** * Indicates if this query item is public or private. */ isPublic?: boolean; /** * The identity who last ran the query. */ lastExecutedBy?: IdentityReference; /** * When the query was last run. */ lastExecutedDate?: Date; /** * The identity who last modified the query item. */ lastModifiedBy?: IdentityReference; /** * When the query item was last modified. */ lastModifiedDate?: Date; /** * The link query clause. */ linkClauses?: WorkItemQueryClause; /** * The name of the query item. */ name?: string; /** * The path of the query item. */ path?: string; /** * The recursion option for use in a tree query. */ queryRecursionOption?: QueryRecursionOption; /** * The type of query. */ queryType?: QueryType; /** * The sort columns of the query. */ sortColumns?: WorkItemQuerySortColumn[]; /** * The source clauses in a tree or one-hop link query. */ sourceClauses?: WorkItemQueryClause; /** * The target clauses in a tree or one-hop link query. */ targetClauses?: WorkItemQueryClause; /** * The WIQL text of the query */ wiql?: string; } export interface QueryHierarchyItemsResult { /** * The count of items. */ count?: number; /** * Indicates if the max return limit was hit but there are still more items */ hasMore?: boolean; /** * The list of items */ value?: QueryHierarchyItem[]; } export declare enum QueryOption { Doing = 1, Done = 2, Followed = 3 } /** * Determines whether a tree query matches parents or children first. */ export declare enum QueryRecursionOption { /** * Returns work items that satisfy the source, even if no linked work item satisfies the target and link criteria. */ ParentFirst = 0, /** * Returns work items that satisfy the target criteria, even if no work item satisfies the source and link criteria. */ ChildFirst = 1 } /** * The query result type */ export declare enum QueryResultType { /** * A list of work items (for flat queries). */ WorkItem = 1, /** * A list of work item links (for OneHop and Tree queries). */ WorkItemLink = 2 } /** * The type of query. */ export declare enum QueryType { /** * Gets a flat list of work items. */ Flat = 1, /** * Gets a tree of work items showing their link hierarchy. */ Tree = 2, /** * Gets a list of work items and their direct links. */ OneHop = 3 } /** * The reporting revision expand level. */ export declare enum ReportingRevisionsExpand { /** * Default behavior. */ None = 0, /** * Add fields to the response. */ Fields = 1 } export interface ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch extends StreamedBatch<WorkItemRelation> { } export interface ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch extends StreamedBatch<WorkItem> { } /** * The class represents the reporting work item revision filer. */ export interface ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter { /** * A list of fields to return in work item revisions. Omit this parameter to get all reportable fields. */ fields?: string[]; /** * Include deleted work item in the result. */ includeDeleted?: boolean; /** * Return an identity reference instead of a string value for identity fields. */ includeIdentityRef?: boolean; /** * Include only the latest version of a work item, skipping over all previous revisions of the work item. */ includeLatestOnly?: boolean; /** * Include tag reference instead of string value for System.Tags field */ includeTagRef?: boolean; /** * A list of types to filter the results to specific work item types. Omit this parameter to get work item revisions of all work item types. */ types?: string[]; } export interface SendMailBody { fields?: string[]; ids?: number[]; message?: MailMessage; persistenceId?: string; projectId?: string; sortFields?: string[]; tempQueryId?: string; wiql?: string; } /** * The class describes reporting work item revision batch. */ export interface StreamedBatch<T> { /** * ContinuationToken acts as a waterMark. Used while querying large results. */ continuationToken?: string; /** * Returns 'true' if it's last batch, 'false' otherwise. */ isLastBatch?: boolean; /** * The next link for the work item. */ nextLink?: string; /** * Values such as rel, sourceId, TargetId, ChangedDate, isActive. */ values?: T[]; } /** * Enumerates types of supported xml templates used for customization. */ export declare enum TemplateType { WorkItemType = 0, GlobalWorkflow = 1 } /** * Describes a request to create a temporary query */ export interface TemporaryQueryRequestModel extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The WIQL text of the temporary query */ wiql?: string; } /** * The result of a temporary query creation. */ export interface TemporaryQueryResponseModel { /** * The id of the temporary query item. */ id?: string; } /** * Types of tree node structures. */ export declare enum TreeNodeStructureType { /** * Area type. */ Area = 0, /** * Iteration type. */ Iteration = 1 } /** * Types of tree structures groups. */ export declare enum TreeStructureGroup { Areas = 0, Iterations = 1 } /** * Describes an update request for a work item field. */ export interface UpdateWorkItemField { /** * Indicates whether the user wants to restore the field. */ isDeleted?: boolean; } /** * A WIQL query */ export interface Wiql { /** * The text of the WIQL query */ query?: string; } /** * A work artifact link describes an outbound artifact link type. */ export interface WorkArtifactLink { /** * Target artifact type. */ artifactType?: string; /** * Outbound link type. */ linkType?: string; /** * Target tool type. */ toolType?: string; } /** * Describes a work item. */ export interface WorkItem extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * Reference to a specific version of the comment added/edited/deleted in this revision. */ commentVersionRef?: WorkItemCommentVersionRef; /** * Map of field and values for the work item. */ fields?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * The work item ID. */ id?: number; /** * Relations of the work item. */ relations?: WorkItemRelation[]; /** * Revision number of the work item. */ rev?: number; } /** * Describes a request to get a set of work items */ export interface WorkItemBatchGetRequest { /** * The expand parameters for work item attributes. Possible options are { None, Relations, Fields, Links, All } */ $expand?: WorkItemExpand; /** * AsOf UTC date time string */ asOf?: Date; /** * The flag to control error policy in a bulk get work items request. Possible options are {Fail, Omit}. */ errorPolicy?: WorkItemErrorPolicy; /** * The requested fields */ fields?: string[]; /** * The requested work item ids */ ids?: number[]; } /** * Defines a classification node for work item tracking. */ export interface WorkItemClassificationNode extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * Dictionary that has node attributes like start/finish date for iteration nodes. */ attributes?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * List of child nodes fetched. */ children?: WorkItemClassificationNode[]; /** * Flag that indicates if the classification node has any child nodes. */ hasChildren?: boolean; /** * Integer ID of the classification node. */ id?: number; /** * GUID ID of the classification node. */ identifier?: string; /** * Name of the classification node. */ name?: string; /** * Path of the classification node. */ path?: string; /** * Node structure type. */ structureType?: TreeNodeStructureType; } /** * Comment on Work Item */ export interface WorkItemComment extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * Represents the possible types for the comment format. */ format?: CommentFormat; /** * The text of the comment in HTML format. */ renderedText?: string; /** * Identity of user who added the comment. */ revisedBy?: IdentityReference; /** * The date of comment. */ revisedDate?: Date; /** * The work item revision number. */ revision?: number; /** * The text of the comment. */ text?: string; } /** * Collection of comments. */ export interface WorkItemComments extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * Comments collection. */ comments?: WorkItemComment[]; /** * The count of comments. */ count?: number; /** * Count of comments from the revision. */ fromRevisionCount?: number; /** * Total count of comments. */ totalCount?: number; } /** * Represents the reference to a specific version of a comment on a Work Item. */ export interface WorkItemCommentVersionRef extends WorkItemTrackingResourceReference { /** * The id assigned to the comment. */ commentId?: number; /** * [Internal] The work item revision where this comment was originally added. */ createdInRevision?: number; /** * [Internal] Specifies whether comment was deleted. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * [Internal] The text of the comment. */ text?: string; /** * The version number. */ version?: number; } /** * Full deleted work item object. Includes the work item itself. */ export interface WorkItemDelete extends WorkItemDeleteReference { /** * The work item object that was deleted. */ resource?: WorkItem; } /** * Describes response to delete a set of work items. */ export interface WorkItemDeleteBatch { /** * List of results for each work item */ results?: WorkItemDelete[]; } /** * Describes a request to delete a set of work items */ export interface WorkItemDeleteBatchRequest { /** * Optional parameter, if set to true, the work item is deleted permanently. Please note: the destroy action is PERMANENT and cannot be undone. */ destroy?: boolean; /** * The requested work item ids */ ids?: number[]; /** * Optional parameter, if set to true, notifications will be disabled. */ skipNotifications?: boolean; } /** * Reference to a deleted work item. */ export interface WorkItemDeleteReference { /** * The HTTP status code for work item operation in a batch request. */ code?: number; /** * The user who deleted the work item type. */ deletedBy?: string; /** * The work item deletion date. */ deletedDate?: string; /** * Work item ID. */ id?: number; /** * The exception message for work item operation in a batch request. */ message?: string; /** * Name or title of the work item. */ name?: string; /** * Parent project of the deleted work item. */ project?: string; /** * Type of work item. */ type?: string; /** * REST API URL of the resource */ url?: string; } /** * Shallow Reference to a deleted work item. */ export interface WorkItemDeleteShallowReference { /** * Work item ID. */ id?: number; /** * REST API URL of the resource */ url?: string; } /** * Describes an update request for a deleted work item. */ export interface WorkItemDeleteUpdate { /** * Sets a value indicating whether this work item is deleted. */ isDeleted?: boolean; } /** * Enum to control error policy in a bulk get work items request. */ export declare enum WorkItemErrorPolicy { /** * Fail work error policy. */ Fail = 1, /** * Omit work error policy. */ Omit = 2 } /** * Flag to control payload properties from get work item command. */ export declare enum WorkItemExpand { /** * Default behavior. */ None = 0, /** * Relations work item expand. */ Relations = 1, /** * Fields work item expand. */ Fields = 2, /** * Links work item expand. */ Links = 3, /** * Expands all. */ All = 4 } /** * Describes a field on a work item and it's properties specific to that work item type. */ export interface WorkItemField extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * Indicates whether the field is sortable in server queries. */ canSortBy?: boolean; /** * The description of the field. */ description?: string; /** * Indicates whether this field is deleted. */ isDeleted?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether this field is an identity field. */ isIdentity?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether this instance is picklist. */ isPicklist?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether this instance is a suggested picklist . */ isPicklistSuggested?: boolean; /** * Indicates whether the field can be queried in the server. */ isQueryable?: boolean; /** * The name of the field. */ name?: string; /** * If this field is picklist, the identifier of the picklist associated, otherwise null */ picklistId?: string; /** * Indicates whether the field is [read only]. */ readOnly?: boolean; /** * The reference name of the field. */ referenceName?: string; /** * The supported operations on this field. */ supportedOperations?: WorkItemFieldOperation[]; /** * The type of the field. */ type?: FieldType; /** * The usage of the field. */ usage?: FieldUsage; } /** * Describes a field on a work item and it's properties specific to that work item type. */ export interface WorkItemField2 extends WorkItemField { /** * Indicates whether this field is marked as locked for editing. */ isLocked?: boolean; } /** * Describes the list of allowed values of the field. */ export interface WorkItemFieldAllowedValues { /** * The list of field allowed values. */ allowedValues?: string[]; /** * Name of the field. */ fieldName?: string; } /** * Describes a work item field operation. */ export interface WorkItemFieldOperation { /** * Friendly name of the operation. */ name?: string; /** * Reference name of the operation. */ referenceName?: string; } /** * Reference to a field in a work item */ export interface WorkItemFieldReference { /** * The friendly name of the field. */ name?: string; /** * The reference name of the field. */ referenceName?: string; /** * The REST URL of the resource. */ url?: string; } /** * Describes an update to a work item field. */ export interface WorkItemFieldUpdate { /** * The new value of the field. */ newValue?: any; /** * The old value of the field. */ oldValue?: any; } export interface WorkItemHistory extends WorkItemTrackingResource { rev?: number; revisedBy?: IdentityReference; revisedDate?: Date; value?: string; } /** * Reference to a work item icon. */ export interface WorkItemIcon { /** * The identifier of the icon. */ id?: string; /** * The REST URL of the resource. */ url?: string; } /** * A link between two work items. */ export interface WorkItemLink { /** * The type of link. */ rel?: string; /** * The source work item. */ source?: WorkItemReference; /** * The target work item. */ target?: WorkItemReference; } /** * Describes the next state for a work item. */ export interface WorkItemNextStateOnTransition { /** * Error code if there is no next state transition possible. */ errorCode?: string; /** * Work item ID. */ id?: number; /** * Error message if there is no next state transition possible. */ message?: string; /** * Name of the next state on transition. */ stateOnTransition?: string; } /** * Represents a clause in a work item query. This shows the structure of a work item query. */ export interface WorkItemQueryClause { /** * Child clauses if the current clause is a logical operator */ clauses?: WorkItemQueryClause[]; /** * Field associated with condition */ field?: WorkItemFieldReference; /** * Right side of the condition when a field to field comparison */ fieldValue?: WorkItemFieldReference; /** * Determines if this is a field to field comparison */ isFieldValue?: boolean; /** * Logical operator separating the condition clause */ logicalOperator?: LogicalOperation; /** * The field operator */ operator?: WorkItemFieldOperation; /** * Right side of the condition when a field to value comparison */ value?: string; } /** * The result of a work item query. */ export interface WorkItemQueryResult { /** * The date the query was run in the context of. */ asOf?: Date; /** * The columns of the query. */ columns?: WorkItemFieldReference[]; /** * The result type */ queryResultType?: QueryResultType; /** * The type of the query */ queryType?: QueryType; /** * The sort columns of the query. */ sortColumns?: WorkItemQuerySortColumn[]; /** * The work item links returned by the query. */ workItemRelations?: WorkItemLink[]; /** * The work items returned by the query. */ workItems?: WorkItemReference[]; } /** * A sort column. */ export interface WorkItemQuerySortColumn { /** * The direction to sort by. */ descending?: boolean; /** * A work item field. */ field?: WorkItemFieldReference; } /** * Type of the activity */ export declare enum WorkItemRecentActivityType { Visited = 0, Edited = 1, Deleted = 2, Restored = 3 } /** * Contains reference to a work item. */ export interface WorkItemReference { /** * Work item ID. */ id?: number; /** * REST API URL of the resource */ url?: string; } export interface WorkItemRelation extends Link { } /** * Represents the work item type relation type. */ export interface WorkItemRelationType extends WorkItemTrackingReference { /** * The collection of relation type attributes. */ attributes?: { [key: string]: any; }; } /** * Describes updates to a work item's relations. */ export interface WorkItemRelationUpdates { /** * List of newly added relations. */ added?: WorkItemRelation[]; /** * List of removed relations. */ removed?: WorkItemRelation[]; /** * List of updated relations. */ updated?: WorkItemRelation[]; } /** * Work item type state name, color and state category */ export interface WorkItemStateColor { /** * Category of state */ category?: string; /** * Color value */ color?: string; /** * Work item type state name */ name?: string; } /** * Describes a state transition in a work item. */ export interface WorkItemStateTransition { /** * Gets a list of actions needed to transition to that state. */ actions?: string[]; /** * Name of the next state. */ to?: string; } export interface WorkItemTagDefinition { id?: string; lastUpdated?: Date; name?: string; url?: string; } /** * Describes a work item template. */ export interface WorkItemTemplate extends WorkItemTemplateReference { /** * Mapping of field and its templated value. */ fields: { [key: string]: string; }; } /** * Describes a shallow reference to a work item template. */ export interface WorkItemTemplateReference extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The description of the work item template. */ description?: string; /** * The identifier of the work item template. */ id?: string; /** * The name of the work item template. */ name: string; /** * The name of the work item type. */ workItemTypeName: string; } export interface WorkItemTrackingReference extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The name. */ name?: string; /** * The reference name. */ referenceName?: string; } /** * Base class for WIT REST resources. */ export interface WorkItemTrackingResource extends WorkItemTrackingResourceReference { /** * Link references to related REST resources. */ _links?: any; } /** * Base class for work item tracking resource references. */ export interface WorkItemTrackingResourceReference { /** * REST URL for the resource. */ url?: string; } /** * Describes a work item type. */ export interface WorkItemType extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * The color. */ color?: string; /** * The description of the work item type. */ description?: string; /** * The fields that exist on the work item type. */ fieldInstances?: WorkItemTypeFieldInstance[]; /** * The fields that exist on the work item type. */ fields?: WorkItemTypeFieldInstance[]; /** * The icon of the work item type. */ icon?: WorkItemIcon; /** * True if work item type is disabled */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** * Gets the name of the work item type. */ name?: string; /** * The reference name of the work item type. */ referenceName?: string; /** * Gets state information for the work item type. */ states?: WorkItemStateColor[]; /** * Gets the various state transition mappings in the work item type. */ transitions?: { [key: string]: WorkItemStateTransition[]; }; /** * The XML form. */ xmlForm?: string; } /** * Describes a work item type category. */ export interface WorkItemTypeCategory extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * Gets or sets the default type of the work item. */ defaultWorkItemType?: WorkItemTypeReference; /** * The name of the category. */ name?: string; /** * The reference name of the category. */ referenceName?: string; /** * The work item types that belong to the category. */ workItemTypes?: WorkItemTypeReference[]; } /** * Describes a work item type's colors. */ export interface WorkItemTypeColor { /** * Gets or sets the color of the primary. */ primaryColor?: string; /** * Gets or sets the color of the secondary. */ secondaryColor?: string; /** * The name of the work item type. */ workItemTypeName?: string; } /** * Describes work item type name, its icon and color. */ export interface WorkItemTypeColorAndIcon { /** * The color of the work item type in hex format. */ color?: string; /** * The work item type icon. */ icon?: string; /** * Indicates if the work item is disabled in the process. */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** * The name of the work item type. */ workItemTypeName?: string; } /** * Field instance of a work item type. */ export interface WorkItemTypeFieldInstance extends WorkItemTypeFieldInstanceBase { /** * The list of field allowed values. */ allowedValues?: string[]; /** * Represents the default value of the field. */ defaultValue?: string; } /** * Base field instance for workItemType fields. */ export interface WorkItemTypeFieldInstanceBase extends WorkItemFieldReference { /** * Indicates whether field value is always required. */ alwaysRequired?: boolean; /** * The list of dependent fields. */ dependentFields?: WorkItemFieldReference[]; /** * Gets the help text for the field. */ helpText?: string; } /** * Expand options for the work item field(s) request. */ export declare enum WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel { /** * Includes only basic properties of the field. */ None = 0, /** * Includes allowed values for the field. */ AllowedValues = 1, /** * Includes dependent fields of the field. */ DependentFields = 2, /** * Includes allowed values and dependent fields of the field. */ All = 3 } /** * Field Instance of a workItemype with detailed references. */ export interface WorkItemTypeFieldWithReferences extends WorkItemTypeFieldInstanceBase { /** * The list of field allowed values. */ allowedValues?: any[]; /** * Represents the default value of the field. */ defaultValue?: any; } /** * Reference to a work item type. */ export interface WorkItemTypeReference extends WorkItemTrackingResourceReference { /** * Name of the work item type. */ name?: string; } /** * State colors for a work item type */ export interface WorkItemTypeStateColors { /** * Work item type state colors */ stateColors?: WorkItemStateColor[]; /** * Work item type name */ workItemTypeName?: string; } /** * Describes a work item type template. */ export interface WorkItemTypeTemplate { /** * XML template in string format. */ template?: string; } /** * Describes a update work item type template request body. */ export interface WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel { /** * Describes the type of the action for the update request. */ actionType?: ProvisioningActionType; /** * Methodology to which the template belongs, eg. Agile, Scrum, CMMI. */ methodology?: string; /** * String representation of the work item type template. */ template?: string; /** * The type of the template described in the request body. */ templateType?: TemplateType; } /** * Describes an update to a work item. */ export interface WorkItemUpdate extends WorkItemTrackingResource { /** * List of updates to fields. */ fields?: { [key: string]: WorkItemFieldUpdate; }; /** * ID of update. */ id?: number; /** * List of updates to relations. */ relations?: WorkItemRelationUpdates; /** * The revision number of work item update. */ rev?: number; /** * Identity for the work item update. */ revisedBy?: IdentityReference; /** * The work item updates revision date. */ revisedDate?: Date; /** * The work item ID. */ workItemId?: number; } export declare var TypeInfo: { AccountMyWorkResult: any; AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel: any; AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2: any; AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase: any; AccountRecentMentionWorkItemModel: any; AccountWorkWorkItemModel: any; ClassificationNodesErrorPolicy: { enumValues: { fail: number; omit: number; }; }; Comment: any; CommentExpandOptions: { enumValues: { none: number; reactions: number; renderedText: number; renderedTextOnly: number; all: number; }; }; CommentFormat: { enumValues: { markdown: number; html: number; }; }; CommentList: any; CommentReaction: any; CommentReactionType: { enumValues: { like: number; dislike: number; heart: number; hooray: number; smile: number; confused: number; }; }; CommentSortOrder: { enumValues: { asc: number; desc: number; }; }; CommentVersion: any; ExternalDeployment: any; FieldType: { enumValues: { string: number; integer: number; dateTime: number; plainText: number; html: number; treePath: number; history: number; double: number; guid: number; boolean: number; identity: number; picklistString: number; picklistInteger: number; picklistDouble: number; }; }; FieldUsage: { enumValues: { none: number; workItem: number; workItemLink: number; tree: number; workItemTypeExtension: number; }; }; GetFieldsExpand: { enumValues: { none: number; extensionFields: number; includeDeleted: number; }; }; LinkQueryMode: { enumValues: { workItems: number; linksOneHopMustContain: number; linksOneHopMayContain: number; linksOneHopDoesNotContain: number; linksRecursiveMustContain: number; linksRecursiveMayContain: number; linksRecursiveDoesNotContain: number; }; }; LogicalOperation: { enumValues: { none: number; and: number; or: number; }; }; ProvisioningActionType: { enumValues: { import: number; validate: number; }; }; QueryBatchGetRequest: any; QueryErrorPolicy: { enumValues: { fail: number; omit: number; }; }; QueryExpand: { enumValues: { none: number; wiql: number; clauses: number; all: number; minimal: number; }; }; QueryHierarchyItem: any; QueryHierarchyItemsResult: any; QueryOption: { enumValues: { doing: number; done: number; followed: number; }; }; QueryRecursionOption: { enumValues: { parentFirst: number; childFirst: number; }; }; QueryResultType: { enumValues: { workItem: number; workItemLink: number; }; }; QueryType: { enumValues: { flat: number; tree: number; oneHop: number; }; }; ReportingRevisionsExpand: { enumValues: { none: number; fields: number; }; }; TemplateType: { enumValues: { workItemType: number; globalWorkflow: number; }; }; TreeNodeStructureType: { enumValues: { area: number; iteration: number; }; }; TreeStructureGroup: { enumValues: { areas: number; iterations: number; }; }; WorkItemBatchGetRequest: any; WorkItemClassificationNode: any; WorkItemComment: any; WorkItemComments: any; WorkItemErrorPolicy: { enumValues: { fail: number; omit: number; }; }; WorkItemExpand: { enumValues: { none: number; relations: number; fields: number; links: number; all: number; }; }; WorkItemField: any; WorkItemField2: any; WorkItemHistory: any; WorkItemQueryClause: any; WorkItemQueryResult: any; WorkItemRecentActivityType: { enumValues: { visited: number; edited: number; deleted: number; restored: number; }; }; WorkItemTagDefinition: any; WorkItemTypeFieldsExpandLevel: { enumValues: { none: number; allowedValues: number; dependentFields: number; all: number; }; }; WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel: any; WorkItemUpdate: any; };