
by RyanCardin15
import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export interface Alert { /** * Identifier for the alert. It is unqiue within Azure DevOps organization. */ alertId?: number; /** * Type of the alert. E.g. secret, code, etc. */ alertType?: AlertType; /** * Confidence level of the alert. */ confidence?: Confidence; /** * Contains information for the dismissal of the alert if the alert has been dismissed. */ dismissal?: Dismissal; /** * This value is computed and returned by the service. This value represents the first time the service has seen this issue reported in an analysis instance. */ firstSeenDate?: Date; /** * This value is computed and returned by the service. If the issue is fixed, this value represents the time the service has seen this issue fixed in an analysis instance. */ fixedDate?: Date; /** * Reference to a git object, e.g. branch ref. */ gitRef?: string; /** * This value is computed and returned by the service. This value represents the first time the vulnerability was introduced. */ introducedDate?: Date; /** * This value is computed and returned by the service. This value represents the last time the service has seen this issue reported in an analysis instance. */ lastSeenDate?: Date; /** * Logical locations for the alert. This value is computed and returned by the service. It is a value based on the results from all analysis configurations. An example of a logical location is a component. */ logicalLocations?: LogicalLocation[]; /** * This value is computed and returned by the service. It is a value based on the results from all analysis configurations. An example of a physical location is a file location. */ physicalLocations?: PhysicalLocation[]; /** * Repository URL where the alert was detected. */ repositoryUrl?: string; /** * Severity of the alert. */ severity?: Severity; /** * This value is computed and returned by the service. It is a value based on the results from all analysis configurations. */ state?: State; /** * Title will only be rendered as text and does not support markdown formatting. There is a maximum character limit of 256. */ title?: string; /** * Tools that have detected this issue. */ tools?: Tool[]; /** * A truncated/obfuscated version of the secret pertaining to the alert (if applicable). */ truncatedSecret?: string; /** * ValidationFingerprints for the secret liveness check. Only returned on demand in Get API with Expand parameter set to be ValidationFingerprint (not returned in List API) */ validationFingerprints?: ValidationFingerprint[]; } /** * Summary of the state of the alert for a given analysis configuration. */ export interface AlertAnalysisInstance { /** * Analysis configuration. */ analysisConfiguration?: AnalysisConfiguration; /** * Analysis instance where the issue was first detected for a given analysis configuration. */ firstSeen?: AnalysisInstance; /** * Analysis instance where the issue was fixed for a given analysis configuration. */ fixedIn?: AnalysisInstance; /** * Analysis instance where the issue was last detected for a given analysis configuration. */ lastSeen?: AnalysisInstance; /** * The most recent instatnce of the analysis. */ recentAnalysisInstance?: AnalysisInstance; /** * Result state for a given analysis configuration. */ state?: State; } /** * Alert metadata. */ export interface AlertMetadata { /** * The ID of the alert. */ alertId?: number; /** * A list of metadata to be associated with the alert. */ metadata?: Metadata[]; } /** * Used to represent an update in a relationship between an alert and an artifact. */ export interface AlertMetadataChange { /** * The ID of the alert. */ alertId?: number; /** * The change that occurred to the metadata. */ metadataChange?: MetadataChange; } export interface AlertStateUpdate { dismissedComment?: string; dismissedReason?: DismissalType; state?: State; } export declare enum AlertType { /** * The code has an unspecified vulnerability type */ Unknown = 0, /** * The code uses a dependency with a known vulnerability. */ Dependency = 1, /** * The code contains a secret that has now been compromised and must be revoked. */ Secret = 2, /** * The code contains a weakness determined by static analysis. */ Code = 3 } /** * AnalysisConfiguration class models a build definition. */ export interface AnalysisConfiguration { /** * Details for the configuration. Populated values depend on the type of configuration. */ analysisConfigurationDetails?: AnalysisConfigurationDetails; /** * Identifier for the analysis configuration. */ analysisConfigurationId?: number; /** * Type of the configuration. */ analysisConfigurationType?: AnalysisConfigurationType; /** * Name of the tool that ran on this configuration. */ toolName?: string; /** * The latest version of the tool that ran on this configuration. */ toolVersion?: string; } export interface AnalysisConfigurationDetails { /** * Reference to a git object, e.g. branch ref. */ gitRef?: string; /** * Is this the default branch? */ isDefaultBranch?: boolean; /** * Phase ID of the pipeline. */ phaseId?: string; /** * Phase name. */ phaseName?: string; /** * AzureDevOps pipeline id. */ pipelineId?: number; /** * Name of the pipeline. */ pipelineName?: string; } export declare enum AnalysisConfigurationType { /** * Default analysis configuration that is not attached to any other configuration data */ Default = 0, /** * Ado Pipeline, contains branch, pipeline, phase, and ADOPipelineId */ AdoPipeline = 1 } /** * AnalysisInstance class models a build. */ export interface AnalysisInstance { /** * CommitId is a commit id for that instance */ commitId?: string; /** * Analysis configuration. */ configuration?: AnalysisConfiguration; /** * Date when the analysis was created. */ createdDate?: Date; /** * InstanceIdentifier is a key that uniquely establishes this instance */ instanceIdentifier?: string; /** * Results that were reported by the analysis. */ results?: AnalysisResult[]; /** * Url is the permalink to the build. */ url?: string; } export interface AnalysisResult { analysisResultId?: number; firstIntroducedInstanceId?: number; fixedInstanceId?: number; introducedInstanceId?: number; lastSeenInstanceId?: number; result?: Result; state?: State; } export interface Branch { branchId?: number; deletedDate?: Date; name?: string; } /** * This enum defines the dependency components. */ export declare enum ComponentType { Unknown = 0, NuGet = 1, /** * Indicates the component is an Npm package. */ Npm = 2, /** * Indicates the component is a Maven artifact. */ Maven = 3, /** * Indicates the component is a Git repository. */ Git = 4, /** * Indicates the component is not any of the supported component types by Governance. */ Other = 5, /** * Indicates the component is a Ruby gem. */ RubyGems = 6, /** * Indicates the component is a Cargo package. */ Cargo = 7, /** * Indicates the component is a Pip package. */ Pip = 8, /** * Indicates the component is a loose file. Not a package as understood by different package managers. */ File = 9, /** * Indicates the component is a Go package. */ Go = 10, /** * Indicates the component is a Docker Image */ DockerImage = 11, /** * Indicates the component is a CocoaPods pod. */ Pod = 12, /** * Indicates the component is found in a linux environment. A package understood by linux based package managers like apt and rpm. */ Linux = 13, /** * Indicates the component is a Conda package. */ Conda = 14, /** * Indicates the component is a Docker Reference. */ DockerReference = 15, /** * Indicates the component is a Vcpkg Package. */ Vcpkg = 16 } export declare enum Confidence { /** * High confidence level for alert */ High = 0, /** * Other confidence level for alert */ Other = 1 } /** * Information about a vulnerable dependency */ export interface Dependency { /** * Dependency name */ componentName?: string; /** * Source of the dependency */ componentType?: ComponentType; /** * Version information */ componentVersion?: string; /** * Unique ID for the dependency */ dependencyId?: number; } /** * An instance of a vulnerable dependency that was detected */ export interface DependencyResult { /** * Information about the vulnerable dependency that was found */ dependency?: Dependency; /** * Unique ID for this dependency */ dependencyResultId?: number; /** * ID for the Result that this instance belongs to */ resultId?: number; /** * Heirarchal information when multiple instances are found */ rootDependencyId?: number; /** * Information about where the dependency was found */ versionControlFilePath?: VersionControlFilePath; } /** * Information about an alert dismissal */ export interface Dismissal { /** * Unique ID for this dismissal */ dismissalId?: number; /** * Reason for the dismissal */ dismissalType?: DismissalType; /** * Informational message attached to the dismissal */ message?: string; requestedOn?: Date; /** * Identity that dismissed the alert */ stateChangedBy?: string; /** * Identity that dismissed the alert */ stateChangedByIdentity?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; } export declare enum DismissalType { /** * Dismissal type unknown */ Unknown = 0, /** * Dismissal indicating alert has been fixed */ Fixed = 1, /** * Dismissal indicating user is accepting a risk for the alert */ AcceptedRisk = 2, /** * Dismissal indicating alert is a false positive and will likely not be fixed. */ FalsePositive = 3 } export declare enum ExpandOption { /** * No Expands. */ None = 0, /** * Return validationFingerprints in Alert. */ ValidationFingerprint = 1 } export interface LogicalLocation { fullyQualifiedName?: string; /** * Possible values: "unknown" "rootDependency" and "vulnerableDependency" */ kind?: string; } /** * The metadata operation to be performed on the alert. */ export interface Metadata { /** * The type of operation to be performed. */ op?: MetadataOperation; /** * The metadata value */ value?: RelationMetadata; } /** * The change that has been made to the metadata. */ export interface MetadataChange { /** * The type of change on the metadata. */ changeType?: MetadataChangeType; /** * Represents a metadata association to an alert. */ value?: RelationMetadata; } /** * The type of change that occurred to the metadata. */ export declare enum MetadataChangeType { None = 0, Created = 1, Updated = 2, Deleted = 3 } /** * The operation to be performed on the metadata. */ export declare enum MetadataOperation { Add = 0, Remove = 1 } /** * Location in the source control system where the issue was found */ export interface PhysicalLocation { /** * Path of the file where the issue was found */ filePath?: string; /** * Details about the location where the issue was found including a snippet */ region?: Region; /** * Source control system-specific information about the location */ versionControl?: VersionControlDetails; } export interface Pipeline { adoPipelineId?: number; name?: string; phase?: string; phaseId?: string; } export interface Region { /** * The column where the code snippet ends */ columnEnd?: number; /** * The column where the code snippet starts */ columnStart?: number; /** * The line number where the code snippet ends */ lineEnd?: number; /** * The line number where the code snippet starts */ lineStart?: number; } /** * The metadata to be associated with the alert. */ export interface RelationMetadata { /** * Any additional attributes of the metadata. */ attributes?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * The type of the metadata. */ rel?: string; /** * The URL of the metadata. */ url?: string; } export interface Result { /** * Additional information about the alert. Valid when ResultType is Dependency */ dependencyResult?: DependencyResult; /** * Full fingerprint of the Result. This is used to detect duplicate instances of the same alert */ fingerprint?: string; /** * Unique ID of the fingerprint of the Result */ fingerprintId?: number; /** * Unique ID of the Result */ resultId?: number; /** * This is the index into the SARIF Results array. If we have to do any tool specific insertions, we'll use this key to index back into the SARIF Results array. */ resultIndex?: number; /** * Detailed description of the rule that triggered the alert */ resultMessage?: string; /** * The type of rule that triggered the alert */ resultType?: ResultType; /** * ID of the rule that the triggered the alert */ ruleId?: number; /** * Short description of the rule that triggered the alert */ ruleShortDescription?: string; /** * The severity of the alert */ severity?: Severity; /** * Additional information about the alert. Valid when ResultType is VersionControl */ versionControlResult?: VersionControlResult; } /** * This enum defines the different result types. */ export declare enum ResultType { /** * The result was found from an unspecified analysis type */ Unknown = 0, /** * The result was found from dependency analysis */ Dependency = 1, /** * The result was found from static code analysis */ VersionControl = 2 } /** * The analysis rule that caused the alert. */ export interface Rule { /** * Additional properties of this rule dependent on the rule type. For example, dependency rules may include the CVE ID if it is available. */ additionalProperties?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * Description of what this rule detects */ description?: string; /** * Plain-text rule identifier */ friendlyName?: string; /** * Additional information about this rule */ helpMessage?: string; /** * Tool-specific rule identifier */ opaqueId?: string; /** * Markdown-formatted list of resources to learn more about the Rule. In some cases, RuleInfo.AdditionalProperties.advisoryUrls is used instead. */ resources?: string; /** * Classification tags for this rule */ tags?: string[]; } export declare enum SarifJobStatus { /** * The job type when it is new */ New = 0, /** * The job type when it is queued */ Queued = 1, /** * The job type when it is completed */ Completed = 2, /** * The job type when it fails */ Failed = 3 } export interface SarifUploadStatus { errors?: SarifValidationError[]; processingStatus?: SarifJobStatus; } export interface SarifValidationError { nodePointer?: string; validationError?: string; } export interface SearchCriteria { /** * If provided, only return alerts with the ids specified. <br />Otherwise, return any alert. */ alertIds?: number[]; /** * If provided, only return alerts of this type. Otherwise, return alerts of all types. */ alertType?: AlertType; /** * If provided, only return alerts at these confidence levels. <br />Otherwise, return alerts at any confidence level. */ confidenceLevels?: Confidence[]; /** * If provided, only alerts for this dependency are returned. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all dependencies. <br />In a sarif submission, a dependency (or a vulnerable component) is specified in result.RelatedLocations[].logicalLocation. */ dependencyName?: string; /** * If provided, only return alerts last seen after this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts. */ fromDate?: Date; /** * If provided, only return alerts whose titles match this pattern. */ keywords?: string; /** * If provided, only return alerts that were modified since this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts. */ modifiedSince?: Date; /** * If true, only return alerts found on the default branch of the repository. <br />If there have been no runs completed on the default branch, the last run is used instead regardless of the branch used for that run. <br />This option is ignored if ref is provided. */ onlyDefaultBranchAlerts?: boolean; /** * If provided with pipelineName, only return alerts detected in this pipeline phase <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all phases. */ phaseId?: string; /** * If provided with pipelineName, only return alerts detected in this pipeline phase <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all phases. */ phaseName?: string; /** * If provided, only return alerts detected in this pipeline. <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected in all pipelines. */ pipelineName?: string; /** * If provided, only include alerts for this ref. <br />If not provided and OnlyDefaultBranch is true, only include alerts found on the default branch or last run branch if there is no analysis configuration for the default branch. <br />Otherwise, include alerts from all branches. */ ref?: string; /** * If provided, only return alerts for this rule. <br />Otherwise, return alerts of all rules. */ ruleId?: string; /** * If provided, only return alerts for this rule. <br />Otherwise, return alerts for all rules. */ ruleName?: string; /** * If provided, only return alerts at these severities. <br />Otherwise, return alerts at any serverity. */ severities?: Severity[]; /** * If provided, only return alerts in these states. <br />Otherwise, return alerts in any state. */ states?: State[]; /** * If provided, only return alerts last seen before this date. <br />Otherwise return all alerts. */ toDate?: Date; /** * If provided with toolName, only return alerts detected by this tool. <br />Otherwise, return alerts detected by all tools. */ toolName?: string; } export declare enum Severity { Low = 0, Medium = 1, High = 2, Critical = 3, Note = 4, Warning = 5, Error = 6 } export declare enum State { /** * Alert is in an indeterminate state */ Unknown = 0, /** * Alert has been detected in the code */ Active = 1, /** * Alert was dismissed by a user */ Dismissed = 2, /** * The issue is no longer detected in the code */ Fixed = 4, /** * The tool has determined that the issue is no longer a risk */ AutoDismissed = 8 } /** * An Analysis tool that can generate security alerts */ export interface Tool { /** * Name of the tool */ name?: string; /** * The rules that the tool defines */ rules?: Rule[]; } export interface UxFilters { /** * Branches to display alerts for. If empty, show alerts from all branches */ branches?: Branch[]; /** * Confidence levels to show, only valid when AlertType is Secret. */ confidenceLevels?: Confidence[]; packages?: Dependency[]; /** * Pipelines to show alerts for. If empty, show alerts for all pipelines */ pipelines?: Pipeline[]; progressPercentage?: number; rules?: Rule[]; secretTypes?: string[]; /** * Alert severities to show. If empty show all alert servities */ severities?: Severity[]; /** * Alert states to show. If empty show all alert states */ states?: State[]; tools?: Tool[]; } export interface ValidationFingerprint { validationFingerprintHash?: string; validationFingerprintJson?: string; } /** * Information for locating files in a source control system */ export interface VersionControlDetails { commitHash?: string; itemUrl?: string; } export interface VersionControlFilePath { /** * Path of the file in the version control system */ filePath?: string; /** * Hash of the file in the version control system */ filePathHash?: number[]; /** * Unique ID for the file in the version control system */ versionControlFilePathId?: number; } export interface VersionControlResult { /** * The ID to associate this structure with the cooresponding Result */ resultId?: number; /** * Information about the snippet where the Result was found */ versionControlSnippet?: VersionControlSnippet; } export interface VersionControlSnippet { /** * column in the code file where the snippet ends */ endColumn?: number; /** * line in the code file where the snippet ends */ endLine?: number; /** * column in the code file where the snippet starts */ startColumn?: number; /** * line in the code file where the snippet starts */ startLine?: number; /** * path of the code file in the version control system */ versionControlFilePath?: VersionControlFilePath; /** * Unique Id number for the file path */ versionControlFilePathId?: number; /** * Unique Id number for this snippet */ versionControlSnippetId?: number; } export declare var TypeInfo: { Alert: any; AlertAnalysisInstance: any; AlertMetadata: any; AlertMetadataChange: any; AlertStateUpdate: any; AlertType: { enumValues: { unknown: number; dependency: number; secret: number; code: number; }; }; AnalysisConfiguration: any; AnalysisConfigurationType: { enumValues: { default: number; adoPipeline: number; }; }; AnalysisInstance: any; AnalysisResult: any; Branch: any; ComponentType: { enumValues: { unknown: number; nuGet: number; npm: number; maven: number; git: number; other: number; rubyGems: number; cargo: number; pip: number; file: number; go: number; dockerImage: number; pod: number; linux: number; conda: number; dockerReference: number; vcpkg: number; }; }; Confidence: { enumValues: { high: number; other: number; }; }; Dependency: any; DependencyResult: any; Dismissal: any; DismissalType: { enumValues: { unknown: number; fixed: number; acceptedRisk: number; falsePositive: number; }; }; ExpandOption: { enumValues: { none: number; validationFingerprint: number; }; }; Metadata: any; MetadataChange: any; MetadataChangeType: { enumValues: { none: number; created: number; updated: number; deleted: number; }; }; MetadataOperation: { enumValues: { add: number; remove: number; }; }; Result: any; ResultType: { enumValues: { unknown: number; dependency: number; versionControl: number; }; }; SarifJobStatus: { enumValues: { new: number; queued: number; completed: number; failed: number; }; }; SarifUploadStatus: any; SearchCriteria: any; Severity: { enumValues: { low: number; medium: number; high: number; critical: number; note: number; warning: number; error: number; }; }; State: { enumValues: { unknown: number; active: number; dismissed: number; fixed: number; autoDismissed: number; }; }; UxFilters: any; };