import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
* Artifacts are collections of files produced by a pipeline. Use artifacts to share files between stages in a pipeline or between different pipelines.
export interface Artifact {
* The name of the artifact.
name?: string;
* Signed url for downloading this artifact
signedContent?: VSSInterfaces.SignedUrl;
* Self-referential url
url?: string;
export interface BuildResourceParameters {
version?: string;
export declare enum ConfigurationType {
* Unknown type.
Unknown = 0,
Yaml = 1,
* Designer JSON.
DesignerJson = 2,
* Just-in-time.
JustInTime = 3,
* Designer-JSON.
DesignerHyphenJson = 2
export interface Container {
environment?: {
[key: string]: string;
image?: string;
mapDockerSocket?: boolean;
options?: string;
ports?: string[];
volumes?: string[];
export interface ContainerResource {
container?: Container;
export interface ContainerResourceParameters {
version?: string;
* Configuration parameters of the pipeline.
export interface CreatePipelineConfigurationParameters {
* Type of configuration.
type?: ConfigurationType;
* Parameters to create a pipeline.
export interface CreatePipelineParameters {
* Configuration parameters of the pipeline.
configuration?: CreatePipelineConfigurationParameters;
* Folder of the pipeline.
folder?: string;
* Name of the pipeline.
name?: string;
* Expansion options for GetArtifact and ListArtifacts.
export declare enum GetArtifactExpandOptions {
* No expansion.
None = 0,
* Include signed content.
SignedContent = 1
* $expand options for GetLog and ListLogs.
export declare enum GetLogExpandOptions {
None = 0,
SignedContent = 1
* Log for a pipeline.
export interface Log {
* The date and time the log was created.
createdOn?: Date;
* The ID of the log.
id?: number;
* The date and time the log was last changed.
lastChangedOn?: Date;
* The number of lines in the log.
lineCount?: number;
signedContent?: VSSInterfaces.SignedUrl;
url?: string;
* A collection of logs.
export interface LogCollection {
* The list of logs.
logs?: Log[];
signedContent?: VSSInterfaces.SignedUrl;
* URL of the log.
url?: string;
export interface PackageResourceParameters {
version?: string;
* Definition of a pipeline.
export interface Pipeline extends PipelineBase {
_links?: any;
configuration?: PipelineConfiguration;
* URL of the pipeline
url?: string;
export interface PipelineBase {
* Pipeline folder
folder?: string;
* Pipeline ID
id?: number;
* Pipeline name
name?: string;
* Revision number
revision?: number;
export interface PipelineConfiguration {
type?: ConfigurationType;
* A reference to a Pipeline.
export interface PipelineReference extends PipelineBase {
url?: string;
export interface PipelineResource {
pipeline?: PipelineReference;
version?: string;
export interface PipelineResourceParameters {
version?: string;
export interface PreviewRun {
finalYaml?: string;
export interface Repository {
type?: RepositoryType;
export interface RepositoryResource {
refName?: string;
repository?: Repository;
version?: string;
export interface RepositoryResourceParameters {
refName?: string;
* This is the security token to use when connecting to the repository.
token?: string;
* Optional. This is the type of the token given. If not provided, a type of "Bearer" is assumed. Note: Use "Basic" for a PAT token.
tokenType?: string;
version?: string;
export declare enum RepositoryType {
Unknown = 0,
GitHub = 1,
AzureReposGit = 2,
GitHubEnterprise = 3,
AzureReposGitHyphenated = 2
export interface Run extends RunReference {
_links?: any;
createdDate?: Date;
finalYaml?: string;
finishedDate?: Date;
pipeline?: PipelineReference;
resources?: RunResources;
result?: RunResult;
state?: RunState;
templateParameters?: {
[key: string]: any;
url?: string;
variables?: {
[key: string]: Variable;
* Settings which influence pipeline runs.
export interface RunPipelineParameters {
* If true, don't actually create a new run. Instead, return the final YAML document after parsing templates.
previewRun?: boolean;
* The resources the run requires.
resources?: RunResourcesParameters;
stagesToSkip?: string[];
templateParameters?: {
[key: string]: string;
variables?: {
[key: string]: Variable;
* If you use the preview run option, you may optionally supply different YAML. This allows you to preview the final YAML document without committing a changed file.
yamlOverride?: string;
export interface RunReference {
id?: number;
name?: string;
export interface RunResources {
containers?: {
[key: string]: ContainerResource;
pipelines?: {
[key: string]: PipelineResource;
repositories?: {
[key: string]: RepositoryResource;
export interface RunResourcesParameters {
builds?: {
[key: string]: BuildResourceParameters;
containers?: {
[key: string]: ContainerResourceParameters;
packages?: {
[key: string]: PackageResourceParameters;
pipelines?: {
[key: string]: PipelineResourceParameters;
repositories?: {
[key: string]: RepositoryResourceParameters;
* This is not a Flags enum because we don't want to set multiple results on a build. However, when adding values, please stick to powers of 2 as if it were a Flags enum. This will make it easier to query multiple results.
export declare enum RunResult {
Unknown = 0,
Succeeded = 1,
Failed = 2,
Canceled = 4
* This is not a Flags enum because we don't want to set multiple states on a build. However, when adding values, please stick to powers of 2 as if it were a Flags enum. This will make it easier to query multiple states.
export declare enum RunState {
Unknown = 0,
InProgress = 1,
Canceling = 2,
Completed = 4
export interface SignalRConnection {
signedContent?: VSSInterfaces.SignedUrl;
export interface Variable {
isSecret?: boolean;
value?: string;
export declare var TypeInfo: {
Artifact: any;
ConfigurationType: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
yaml: number;
designerJson: number;
justInTime: number;
designerHyphenJson: number;
CreatePipelineConfigurationParameters: any;
CreatePipelineParameters: any;
GetArtifactExpandOptions: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
signedContent: number;
GetLogExpandOptions: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
signedContent: number;
Log: any;
LogCollection: any;
Pipeline: any;
PipelineConfiguration: any;
Repository: any;
RepositoryResource: any;
RepositoryType: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
gitHub: number;
azureReposGit: number;
gitHubEnterprise: number;
azureReposGitHyphenated: number;
Run: any;
RunResources: any;
RunResult: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
succeeded: number;
failed: number;
canceled: number;
RunState: {
enumValues: {
unknown: number;
inProgress: number;
canceling: number;
completed: number;
SignalRConnection: any;