by RyanCardin15
- node_modules
- azure-devops-node-api
- interfaces
import SystemInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/System");
import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
import WorkItemTrackingInterfaces = require("../interfaces/WorkItemTrackingInterfaces");
export interface Activity {
capacityPerDay?: number;
name?: string;
export interface attribute {
export interface BacklogColumn {
columnFieldReference?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemFieldReference;
width?: number;
export interface BacklogConfiguration {
* Behavior/type field mapping
backlogFields?: BacklogFields;
* Bugs behavior
bugsBehavior?: BugsBehavior;
* Hidden Backlog
hiddenBacklogs?: string[];
* Is BugsBehavior Configured in the process
isBugsBehaviorConfigured?: boolean;
* Portfolio backlog descriptors
portfolioBacklogs?: BacklogLevelConfiguration[];
* Requirement backlog
requirementBacklog?: BacklogLevelConfiguration;
* Task backlog
taskBacklog?: BacklogLevelConfiguration;
url?: string;
* Mapped states for work item types
workItemTypeMappedStates?: WorkItemTypeStateInfo[];
export interface BacklogFields {
* Field Type (e.g. Order, Activity) to Field Reference Name map
typeFields?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Contract representing a backlog level
export interface BacklogLevel {
* Reference name of the corresponding WIT category
categoryReferenceName?: string;
* Plural name for the backlog level
pluralName?: string;
* Collection of work item states that are included in the plan. The server will filter to only these work item types.
workItemStates?: string[];
* Collection of valid workitem type names for the given backlog level
workItemTypes?: string[];
export interface BacklogLevelConfiguration {
* List of fields to include in Add Panel
addPanelFields?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemFieldReference[];
* Color for the backlog level
color?: string;
* Default list of columns for the backlog
columnFields?: BacklogColumn[];
* Default Work Item Type for the backlog
defaultWorkItemType?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeReference;
* Backlog Id (for Legacy Backlog Level from process config it can be categoryref name)
id?: string;
* Indicates whether the backlog level is hidden
isHidden?: boolean;
* Backlog Name
name?: string;
* Backlog Rank (Taskbacklog is 0)
rank?: number;
* The type of this backlog level
type?: BacklogType;
* Max number of work items to show in the given backlog
workItemCountLimit?: number;
* Work Item types participating in this backlog as known by the project/Process, can be overridden by team settings for bugs
workItemTypes?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeReference[];
* Represents work items in a backlog level
export interface BacklogLevelWorkItems {
* A list of work items within a backlog level
workItems?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemLink[];
* Definition of the type of backlog level
export declare enum BacklogType {
* Portfolio backlog level
Portfolio = 0,
* Requirement backlog level
Requirement = 1,
* Task backlog level
Task = 2
export interface Board extends BoardReference {
_links?: any;
allowedMappings?: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string[];
canEdit?: boolean;
columns?: BoardColumn[];
fields?: BoardFields;
isValid?: boolean;
revision?: number;
rows?: BoardRow[];
* Represents a board badge.
export interface BoardBadge {
* The ID of the board represented by this badge.
boardId?: string;
* A link to the SVG resource.
imageUrl?: string;
* Determines what columns to include on the board badge
export declare enum BoardBadgeColumnOptions {
* Only include In Progress columns
InProgressColumns = 0,
* Include all columns
AllColumns = 1,
* Include a custom set of columns
CustomColumns = 2
export interface BoardCardRuleSettings {
_links?: any;
rules?: {
[key: string]: Rule[];
url?: string;
export interface BoardCardSettings {
cards?: {
[key: string]: FieldSetting[];
export interface BoardChart extends BoardChartReference {
* The links for the resource
_links?: any;
* The settings for the resource
settings?: {
[key: string]: any;
export interface BoardChartReference {
* Name of the resource
name?: string;
* Full http link to the resource
url?: string;
export interface BoardColumn {
columnType?: BoardColumnType;
description?: string;
id?: string;
isSplit?: boolean;
itemLimit?: number;
name?: string;
stateMappings?: {
[key: string]: string;
export declare enum BoardColumnType {
Incoming = 0,
InProgress = 1,
Outgoing = 2
export interface BoardFields {
columnField?: FieldReference;
doneField?: FieldReference;
rowField?: FieldReference;
export interface BoardReference {
* Id of the resource
id?: string;
* Name of the resource
name?: string;
* Full http link to the resource
url?: string;
export interface BoardRow {
color?: string;
id?: string;
name?: string;
export interface BoardSuggestedValue {
name?: string;
export interface BoardUserSettings {
autoRefreshState?: boolean;
* The behavior of the work item types that are in the work item category specified in the BugWorkItems section in the Process Configuration
export declare enum BugsBehavior {
Off = 0,
AsRequirements = 1,
AsTasks = 2
export interface CapacityContractBase extends TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
* Collection of capacities associated with the team member
activities?: Activity[];
* The days off associated with the team member
daysOff?: DateRange[];
* Expected data from PATCH
export interface CapacityPatch {
activities?: Activity[];
daysOff?: DateRange[];
* Card settings, such as fields and rules
export interface CardFieldSettings {
* A collection of field information of additional fields on cards. The index in the collection signifies the order of the field among the additional fields. Currently unused. Should be used with User Story 691539: Card setting: additional fields
additionalFields?: FieldInfo[];
* Display format for the assigned to field
assignedToDisplayFormat?: IdentityDisplayFormat;
* A collection of field information of rendered core fields on cards.
coreFields?: FieldInfo[];
* Flag indicating whether to show assigned to field on cards. When true, AssignedToDisplayFormat will determine how the field will be displayed
showAssignedTo?: boolean;
* Flag indicating whether to show child rollup on cards
showChildRollup?: boolean;
* Flag indicating whether to show empty fields on cards
showEmptyFields?: boolean;
* Flag indicating whether to show ID on cards
showId?: boolean;
* Flag indicating whether to show parent field on cards
showParent?: boolean;
* Flag indicating whether to show state field on cards
showState?: boolean;
* Flag indicating whether to show tags on cards
showTags?: boolean;
* Card settings, such as fields and rules
export interface CardSettings {
* A collection of settings related to rendering of fields on cards
fields: CardFieldSettings;
* Details about a given backlog category
export interface CategoryConfiguration {
* Name
name?: string;
* Category Reference Name
referenceName?: string;
* Work item types for the backlog category
workItemTypes?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeReference[];
export interface CreatePlan {
* Description of the plan
description?: string;
* Name of the plan to create.
name?: string;
* Plan properties.
properties?: any;
* Type of plan to create.
type?: PlanType;
export interface DateRange {
* End of the date range.
end?: Date;
* Start of the date range.
start?: Date;
* Data contract for Data of Delivery View
export interface DeliveryViewData extends PlanViewData {
* Work item child id to parent id map
childIdToParentIdMap?: {
[key: number]: number;
* Filter criteria status of the timeline
criteriaStatus?: TimelineCriteriaStatus;
* The end date of the delivery view data
endDate?: Date;
* Max number of teams that can be configured for a delivery plan
maxExpandedTeams?: number;
* Mapping between parent id, title and all the child work item ids
parentItemMaps?: ParentChildWIMap[];
* The start date for the delivery view data
startDate?: Date;
* All the team data
teams?: TimelineTeamData[];
* List of all work item ids that have a dependency but not a violation
workItemDependencies?: number[];
* List of all work item ids that have a violation
workItemViolations?: number[];
* Collection of properties, specific to the DeliveryTimelineView
export interface DeliveryViewPropertyCollection {
* Card settings
cardSettings?: CardSettings;
* Field criteria
criteria?: FilterClause[];
* Markers. Will be missing/null if there are no markers.
markers?: Marker[];
* Card style settings
styleSettings?: Rule[];
* tag style settings
tagStyleSettings?: Rule[];
* Team backlog mappings
teamBacklogMappings?: TeamBacklogMapping[];
* Object bag storing the set of permissions relevant to this plan
export interface FieldInfo {
* The additional field display name
displayName?: string;
* The additional field type
fieldType?: FieldType;
* Indicates if the field definition is for an identity field.
isIdentity?: boolean;
* The additional field reference name
referenceName?: string;
* An abstracted reference to a field
export interface FieldReference {
* fieldRefName for the field
referenceName?: string;
* Full http link to more information about the field
url?: string;
export interface FieldSetting {
export declare enum FieldType {
String = 0,
PlainText = 1,
Integer = 2,
DateTime = 3,
TreePath = 4,
Boolean = 5,
Double = 6
export interface FilterClause {
fieldName?: string;
index?: number;
logicalOperator?: string;
operator?: string;
value?: string;
export interface FilterGroup {
end?: number;
level?: number;
start?: number;
* Enum for the various modes of identity picker
export declare enum IdentityDisplayFormat {
* Display avatar only
AvatarOnly = 0,
* Display Full name only
FullName = 1,
* Display Avatar and Full name
AvatarAndFullName = 2
export interface ITaskboardColumnMapping {
state?: string;
workItemType?: string;
* Capacity and teams for all teams in an iteration
export interface IterationCapacity {
teams?: TeamCapacityTotals[];
totalIterationCapacityPerDay?: number;
totalIterationDaysOff?: number;
* Represents work items in an iteration backlog
export interface IterationWorkItems extends TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
* Work item relations
workItemRelations?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemLink[];
* Client serialization contract for Delivery Timeline Markers.
export interface Marker {
* Color associated with the marker.
color?: string;
* Where the marker should be displayed on the timeline.
date?: Date;
* Label/title for the marker.
label?: string;
export interface Member {
displayName?: string;
id?: string;
imageUrl?: string;
uniqueName?: string;
url?: string;
export interface ParentChildWIMap {
childWorkItemIds?: number[];
id?: number;
title?: string;
workItemTypeName?: string;
* Data contract for the plan definition
export interface Plan {
* Identity that created this plan. Defaults to null for records before upgrading to ScaledAgileViewComponent4.
createdByIdentity?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Date when the plan was created
createdDate?: Date;
* Description of the plan
description?: string;
* Id of the plan
id?: string;
* Date when the plan was last accessed. Default is null.
lastAccessed?: Date;
* Identity that last modified this plan. Defaults to null for records before upgrading to ScaledAgileViewComponent4.
modifiedByIdentity?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Date when the plan was last modified. Default to CreatedDate when the plan is first created.
modifiedDate?: Date;
* Name of the plan
name?: string;
* The PlanPropertyCollection instance associated with the plan. These are dependent on the type of the plan. For example, DeliveryTimelineView, it would be of type DeliveryViewPropertyCollection.
properties?: any;
* Revision of the plan. Used to safeguard users from overwriting each other's changes.
revision?: number;
* Type of the plan
type?: PlanType;
* The resource url to locate the plan via rest api
url?: string;
* Bit flag indicating set of permissions a user has to the plan.
userPermissions?: PlanUserPermissions;
* Metadata about a plan definition that is stored in favorites service
export interface PlanMetadata {
* Identity of the creator of the plan
createdByIdentity?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Description of plan
description?: string;
* Last modified date of the plan
modifiedDate?: Date;
* Bit flag indicating set of permissions a user has to the plan.
userPermissions?: PlanUserPermissions;
* Enum for the various types of plans
export declare enum PlanType {
DeliveryTimelineView = 0
* Flag for permissions a user can have for this plan.
export declare enum PlanUserPermissions {
* None
None = 0,
* Permission to view this plan.
View = 1,
* Permission to update this plan.
Edit = 2,
* Permission to delete this plan.
Delete = 4,
* Permission to manage this plan.
Manage = 8,
* Full control permission for this plan.
AllPermissions = 15
* Base class for plan view data contracts. Anything common goes here.
export interface PlanViewData {
id?: string;
revision?: number;
* Represents a single pre-defined query.
export interface PredefinedQuery {
* Whether or not the query returned the complete set of data or if the data was truncated.
hasMore?: boolean;
* Id of the query
id?: string;
* Localized name of the query
name?: string;
* The results of the query. This will be a set of WorkItem objects with only the 'id' set. The client is responsible for paging in the data as needed.
results?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[];
* REST API Url to use to retrieve results for this query
url?: string;
* Url to use to display a page in the browser with the results of this query
webUrl?: string;
* Process Configurations for the project
export interface ProcessConfiguration {
* Details about bug work items
bugWorkItems?: CategoryConfiguration;
* Details about portfolio backlogs
portfolioBacklogs?: CategoryConfiguration[];
* Details of requirement backlog
requirementBacklog?: CategoryConfiguration;
* Details of task backlog
taskBacklog?: CategoryConfiguration;
* Type fields for the process configuration
typeFields?: {
[key: string]: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemFieldReference;
url?: string;
* Represents a reorder request for one or more work items.
export interface ReorderOperation {
* IDs of the work items to be reordered. Must be valid WorkItem Ids.
ids?: number[];
* IterationPath for reorder operation. This is only used when we reorder from the Iteration Backlog
iterationPath?: string;
* ID of the work item that should be after the reordered items. Can use 0 to specify the end of the list.
nextId?: number;
* Parent ID for all of the work items involved in this operation. Can use 0 to indicate the items don't have a parent.
parentId?: number;
* ID of the work item that should be before the reordered items. Can use 0 to specify the beginning of the list.
previousId?: number;
* Represents a reorder result for a work item.
export interface ReorderResult {
* The ID of the work item that was reordered.
id?: number;
* The updated order value of the work item that was reordered.
order?: number;
export interface Rule {
clauses?: FilterClause[];
filter?: string;
isEnabled?: string;
name?: string;
settings?: attribute;
* Represents the taskbord column
export interface TaskboardColumn {
* Column ID
id?: string;
* Work item type states mapped to this column to support auto state update when column is updated.
mappings?: ITaskboardColumnMapping[];
* Column name
name?: string;
* Column position relative to other columns in the same board
order?: number;
* Represents the state to column mapping per work item type This allows auto state update when the column changes
export interface TaskboardColumnMapping {
* State of the work item type mapped to the column
state?: string;
* Work Item Type name who's state is mapped to the column
workItemType?: string;
export interface TaskboardColumns {
columns?: TaskboardColumn[];
* Are the columns cutomized for this team
isCustomized?: boolean;
* Specifies if the referenced WIT and State is valid
isValid?: boolean;
* Details of validation failure if the state to column mapping is invalid
validationMesssage?: string;
* Column value of a work item in the taskboard
export interface TaskboardWorkItemColumn {
* Work item column value in the taskboard
column?: string;
* Work item column id in the taskboard
columnId?: string;
* Work Item state value
state?: string;
* Work item id
workItemId?: number;
export interface TeamAutomationRulesSettingsRequestModel {
backlogLevelName?: string;
rulesStates?: {
[key: string]: boolean;
* Mapping of teams to the corresponding work item category
export interface TeamBacklogMapping {
categoryReferenceName?: string;
teamId?: string;
* Represents team member capacity with totals aggregated
export interface TeamCapacity {
teamMembers?: TeamMemberCapacityIdentityRef[];
totalCapacityPerDay?: number;
totalDaysOff?: number;
* Team information with total capacity and days off
export interface TeamCapacityTotals {
teamCapacityPerDay?: number;
teamId?: string;
teamTotalDaysOff?: number;
* Represents a single TeamFieldValue
export interface TeamFieldValue {
includeChildren?: boolean;
value?: string;
* Essentially a collection of team field values
export interface TeamFieldValues extends TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
* The default team field value
defaultValue?: string;
* Shallow ref to the field being used as a team field
field?: FieldReference;
* Collection of all valid team field values
values?: TeamFieldValue[];
* Expected data from PATCH
export interface TeamFieldValuesPatch {
defaultValue?: string;
values?: TeamFieldValue[];
export interface TeamIterationAttributes {
* Finish date of the iteration. Date-only, correct unadjusted at midnight in UTC.
finishDate?: Date;
* Start date of the iteration. Date-only, correct unadjusted at midnight in UTC.
startDate?: Date;
* Time frame of the iteration, such as past, current or future.
timeFrame?: TimeFrame;
* Represents capacity for a specific team member
export interface TeamMemberCapacity extends CapacityContractBase {
* Shallow Ref to the associated team member
teamMember?: Member;
* Represents capacity for a specific team member
export interface TeamMemberCapacityIdentityRef extends CapacityContractBase {
* Identity ref of the associated team member
teamMember?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Data contract for TeamSettings
export interface TeamSetting extends TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
* Backlog Iteration
backlogIteration: TeamSettingsIteration;
* Information about categories that are visible on the backlog.
backlogVisibilities: {
[key: string]: boolean;
* BugsBehavior (Off, AsTasks, AsRequirements, ...)
bugsBehavior: BugsBehavior;
* Default Iteration, the iteration used when creating a new work item on the queries page.
defaultIteration?: TeamSettingsIteration;
* Default Iteration macro (if any)
defaultIterationMacro?: string;
* Days that the team is working
workingDays: SystemInterfaces.DayOfWeek[];
* Base class for TeamSettings data contracts. Anything common goes here.
export interface TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
* Collection of links relevant to resource
_links?: any;
* Full http link to the resource
url?: string;
export interface TeamSettingsDaysOff extends TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
daysOff?: DateRange[];
export interface TeamSettingsDaysOffPatch {
daysOff?: DateRange[];
* Represents a shallow ref for a single iteration.
export interface TeamSettingsIteration extends TeamSettingsDataContractBase {
* Attributes of the iteration such as start and end date.
attributes?: TeamIterationAttributes;
* Id of the iteration.
id?: string;
* Name of the iteration.
name?: string;
* Relative path of the iteration.
path?: string;
* Data contract for what we expect to receive when PATCH
export interface TeamSettingsPatch {
backlogIteration?: string;
backlogVisibilities?: {
[key: string]: boolean;
bugsBehavior?: BugsBehavior;
defaultIteration?: string;
defaultIterationMacro?: string;
workingDays?: SystemInterfaces.DayOfWeek[];
export declare enum TimeFrame {
Past = 0,
Current = 1,
Future = 2
export interface TimelineCriteriaStatus {
message?: string;
type?: TimelineCriteriaStatusCode;
export declare enum TimelineCriteriaStatusCode {
* No error - filter is good.
OK = 0,
* One of the filter clause is invalid.
InvalidFilterClause = 1,
* Unknown error.
Unknown = 2
export interface TimelineIterationStatus {
message?: string;
type?: TimelineIterationStatusCode;
export declare enum TimelineIterationStatusCode {
* No error - iteration data is good.
OK = 0,
* This iteration overlaps with another iteration, no data is returned for this iteration.
IsOverlapping = 1
export interface TimelineTeamData {
* Backlog matching the mapped backlog associated with this team.
backlog?: BacklogLevel;
* The field reference names of the work item data
fieldReferenceNames?: string[];
* The id of the team
id?: string;
* Was iteration and work item data retrieved for this team. <remarks> Teams with IsExpanded false have not had their iteration, work item, and field related data queried and will never contain this data. If true then these items are queried and, if there are items in the queried range, there will be data. </remarks>
isExpanded?: boolean;
* The iteration data, including the work items, in the queried date range.
iterations?: TimelineTeamIteration[];
* The name of the team
name?: string;
* The order by field name of this team
orderByField?: string;
* The field reference names of the partially paged work items, such as ID, WorkItemType
partiallyPagedFieldReferenceNames?: string[];
partiallyPagedWorkItems?: any[][];
* The project id the team belongs team
projectId?: string;
* Work item types for which we will collect roll up data on the client side
rollupWorkItemTypes?: string[];
* Status for this team.
status?: TimelineTeamStatus;
* The team field default value
teamFieldDefaultValue?: string;
* The team field name of this team
teamFieldName?: string;
* The team field values
teamFieldValues?: TeamFieldValue[];
* Work items associated with the team that are not under any of the team's iterations
workItems?: any[][];
* Colors for the work item types.
workItemTypeColors?: WorkItemColor[];
export interface TimelineTeamIteration {
* The iteration CSS Node Id
cssNodeId?: string;
* The end date of the iteration
finishDate?: Date;
* The iteration name
name?: string;
* All the partially paged workitems in this iteration.
partiallyPagedWorkItems?: any[][];
* The iteration path
path?: string;
* The start date of the iteration
startDate?: Date;
* The status of this iteration
status?: TimelineIterationStatus;
* The work items that have been paged in this iteration
workItems?: any[][];
export interface TimelineTeamStatus {
message?: string;
type?: TimelineTeamStatusCode;
export declare enum TimelineTeamStatusCode {
* No error - all data for team is good.
OK = 0,
* Team does not exist or access is denied.
DoesntExistOrAccessDenied = 1,
* Maximum number of teams was exceeded. No team data will be returned for this team.
MaxTeamsExceeded = 2,
* Maximum number of team fields (ie Area paths) have been exceeded. No team data will be returned for this team.
MaxTeamFieldsExceeded = 3,
* Backlog does not exist or is missing crucial information.
BacklogInError = 4,
* Team field value is not set for this team. No team data will be returned for this team
MissingTeamFieldValue = 5,
* Team does not have a single iteration with date range.
NoIterationsExist = 6
export interface UpdatePlan {
* Description of the plan
description?: string;
* Name of the plan to create.
name?: string;
* Plan properties.
properties?: any;
* Revision of the plan that was updated - the value used here should match the one the server gave the client in the Plan.
revision?: number;
* Type of the plan
type?: PlanType;
export interface UpdateTaskboardColumn {
* Column ID, keep it null for new column
id?: string;
* Work item type states mapped to this column to support auto state update when column is updated.
mappings?: TaskboardColumnMapping[];
* Column name is required
name?: string;
* Column position relative to other columns in the same board
order?: number;
export interface UpdateTaskboardWorkItemColumn {
newColumn?: string;
* Work item color and icon.
export interface WorkItemColor {
icon?: string;
primaryColor?: string;
workItemTypeName?: string;
export interface WorkItemTypeStateInfo {
* State name to state category map
states?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Work Item type name
workItemTypeName?: string;
export declare var TypeInfo: {
BacklogConfiguration: any;
BacklogLevelConfiguration: any;
BacklogType: {
enumValues: {
portfolio: number;
requirement: number;
task: number;
Board: any;
BoardBadgeColumnOptions: {
enumValues: {
inProgressColumns: number;
allColumns: number;
customColumns: number;
BoardColumn: any;
BoardColumnType: {
enumValues: {
incoming: number;
inProgress: number;
outgoing: number;
BugsBehavior: {
enumValues: {
off: number;
asRequirements: number;
asTasks: number;
CapacityContractBase: any;
CapacityPatch: any;
CardFieldSettings: any;
CardSettings: any;
CreatePlan: any;
DateRange: any;
DeliveryViewData: any;
DeliveryViewPropertyCollection: any;
FieldInfo: any;
FieldType: {
enumValues: {
string: number;
plainText: number;
integer: number;
dateTime: number;
treePath: number;
boolean: number;
double: number;
IdentityDisplayFormat: {
enumValues: {
avatarOnly: number;
fullName: number;
avatarAndFullName: number;
Marker: any;
Plan: any;
PlanMetadata: any;
PlanType: {
enumValues: {
deliveryTimelineView: number;
PlanUserPermissions: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
view: number;
edit: number;
delete: number;
manage: number;
allPermissions: number;
TeamCapacity: any;
TeamIterationAttributes: any;
TeamMemberCapacity: any;
TeamMemberCapacityIdentityRef: any;
TeamSetting: any;
TeamSettingsDaysOff: any;
TeamSettingsDaysOffPatch: any;
TeamSettingsIteration: any;
TeamSettingsPatch: any;
TimeFrame: {
enumValues: {
past: number;
current: number;
future: number;
TimelineCriteriaStatus: any;
TimelineCriteriaStatusCode: {
enumValues: {
ok: number;
invalidFilterClause: number;
unknown: number;
TimelineIterationStatus: any;
TimelineIterationStatusCode: {
enumValues: {
ok: number;
isOverlapping: number;
TimelineTeamData: any;
TimelineTeamIteration: any;
TimelineTeamStatus: any;
TimelineTeamStatusCode: {
enumValues: {
ok: number;
doesntExistOrAccessDenied: number;
maxTeamsExceeded: number;
maxTeamFieldsExceeded: number;
backlogInError: number;
missingTeamFieldValue: number;
noIterationsExist: number;
UpdatePlan: any;