import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
export interface AdvSecEnablementSettings {
* Automatically enable Advanced Security on newly created repositories.
enableOnCreate?: boolean;
reposEnablementStatus?: AdvSecEnablementStatus[];
export interface AdvSecEnablementSettingsUpdate extends AdvSecEnablementStatusUpdate {
* Automatically enable Advanced Security on newly created repositories.
enableOnCreate?: boolean;
export interface AdvSecEnablementStatus extends AdvSecEnablementStatusUpdate {
* The last time the status of Advanced Security for this repository was updated
advSecEnablementLastChangedDate?: Date;
projectId?: string;
repositoryId?: string;
export interface AdvSecEnablementStatusUpdate {
* Advanced Security enablement status set to False when disabled and True when enabled; Null is never explicitly set.
advSecEnabled?: boolean;
* When true, pushes containing secrets will be blocked. <br />When false, pushes are scanned for secrets and are not blocked. <br />If includeAllProperties in the request is false, this value will be null.
blockPushes?: boolean;
* Dependabot enablement status set to False when disabled and True when enabled; Null is never explicitly set. <br />When true, Dependabot will open PRs to support security updates for outdated dependencies. <br />If includeAllProperties in the request is false, this value will be null.
dependabotEnabled?: boolean;
* Billable Committers Details for Advanced Security Services
export interface BillableCommitterDetails {
* ID (SHA-1) of the commit.
commitId?: string;
* Committer email address after parsing.
committerEmail?: string;
* Time reported by the commit.
commitTime?: Date;
* DisplayName of the Pusher.
displayName?: string;
* MailNickName of the Pusher.
mailNickName?: string;
* Project Id commit was pushed to.
projectId?: string;
* Project name commit was pushed to.
projectName?: string;
* Time of the push that contained the commit.
pushedTime?: Date;
* Pusher Id for the push.
pusherId?: string;
* Push Id that contained the commit.
pushId?: number;
* RepositoryId commit was pushed to.
repoId?: string;
* Repository name commit was pushed to.
repoName?: string;
* SamAccountName of the Pusher.
samAccountName?: string;
* Visual Studio ID /Team Foundation ID
vSID?: string;
* Information related to billed committers using Advanced Security services
export interface BilledCommitter {
* Cuid of the billed committer. CUID is unique across an Azure Subscription.
cuid?: string;
* Identity Reference object of the billed committer
userIdentity?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* BillingInfo contains an organization, its enablement status and the Azure Subscription for it.
export interface BillingInfo {
advSecEnabled?: boolean;
* The most recent time the enablement state was modified.
advSecEnabledChangedOnDate?: Date;
* The first time the enablement state was modified.
advSecEnabledFirstChangedOnDate?: Date;
azureSubscriptionId?: string;
billingMode?: BillingMode;
organizationId?: string;
tenantId?: string;
export declare enum BillingMode {
* None implies the organization is not billable because no Azure Subscription has been set.
None = 0,
* When an organization is the only organization mapped to an Azure Subscription.
SingleOrg = 1,
* When an organization is mapped to an Azure Subscription to which at least one other org is mapped.
MultiOrg = 2
* Information related to billing for Advanced Security services
export interface MeterUsage {
* The Azure DevOps account
accountId?: string;
azureSubscriptionId?: string;
* Deprecated - use BilledCommittersIdentities instead A list of Cuids for the commiters to the repositories that have Advanced Security features enabled
billedCommitters?: string[];
* A list of BilledCommitter objects that contain the identityRef of committers that have AdvSec enabled
billedUsers?: BilledCommitter[];
* The date this billing information pertains to
billingDate?: Date;
* True when a bill is generated for Advanced Security feature usage in this organziation
isAdvSecBillable?: boolean;
* True when Advanced Security features are enabled in this organization
isAdvSecEnabled?: boolean;
* The Azure subscription
tenantId?: string;
* The number of commiters to repositories that have Advanced Security features enabled
uniqueCommitterCount?: number;
export declare var TypeInfo: {
AdvSecEnablementSettings: any;
AdvSecEnablementStatus: any;
BillableCommitterDetails: any;
BillingInfo: any;
BillingMode: {
enumValues: {
none: number;
singleOrg: number;
multiOrg: number;
MeterUsage: any;