* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
* ---------------------------------------------------------
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TypeInfo = exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome = exports.TestSuiteType = exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery = exports.TestEntityTypes = exports.SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteEntryTypes = exports.ResultState = exports.PointState = exports.Outcome = exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = exports.LastResolutionState = exports.FailureType = exports.ExcludeFlags = void 0;
const TFS_TestManagement_Contracts = require("../interfaces/TestInterfaces");
const TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces");
* Exclude Flags for suite test case object. Exclude Flags exclude various objects from payload depending on the value passed
var ExcludeFlags;
(function (ExcludeFlags) {
* To exclude nothing
ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
* To exclude point assignments, pass exclude = 1
ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["PointAssignments"] = 1] = "PointAssignments";
* To exclude extra information (links, test plan, test suite), pass exclude = 2
ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["ExtraInformation"] = 2] = "ExtraInformation";
})(ExcludeFlags = exports.ExcludeFlags || (exports.ExcludeFlags = {}));
var FailureType;
(function (FailureType) {
FailureType[FailureType["None"] = 0] = "None";
FailureType[FailureType["Regression"] = 1] = "Regression";
FailureType[FailureType["New_Issue"] = 2] = "New_Issue";
FailureType[FailureType["Known_Issue"] = 3] = "Known_Issue";
FailureType[FailureType["Unknown"] = 4] = "Unknown";
FailureType[FailureType["Null_Value"] = 5] = "Null_Value";
FailureType[FailureType["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue";
})(FailureType = exports.FailureType || (exports.FailureType = {}));
var LastResolutionState;
(function (LastResolutionState) {
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["None"] = 0] = "None";
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["NeedsInvestigation"] = 1] = "NeedsInvestigation";
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["TestIssue"] = 2] = "TestIssue";
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["ProductIssue"] = 3] = "ProductIssue";
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["ConfigurationIssue"] = 4] = "ConfigurationIssue";
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["NullValue"] = 5] = "NullValue";
LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue";
})(LastResolutionState = exports.LastResolutionState || (exports.LastResolutionState = {}));
* Enum representing the return code of data provider.
var LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode;
(function (LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode) {
LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode[LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode[LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode["Error"] = 1] = "Error";
})(LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode || (exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = {}));
var Outcome;
(function (Outcome) {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
Outcome[Outcome["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
* Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure.
Outcome[Outcome["None"] = 1] = "None";
* Test was executed w/o any issues.
Outcome[Outcome["Passed"] = 2] = "Passed";
* Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
Outcome[Outcome["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed";
* Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests...
Outcome[Outcome["Inconclusive"] = 4] = "Inconclusive";
* The test timed out
Outcome[Outcome["Timeout"] = 5] = "Timeout";
* Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision.
Outcome[Outcome["Aborted"] = 6] = "Aborted";
* Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false.
Outcome[Outcome["Blocked"] = 7] = "Blocked";
* Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button.
Outcome[Outcome["NotExecuted"] = 8] = "NotExecuted";
* To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure.
Outcome[Outcome["Warning"] = 9] = "Warning";
* There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
Outcome[Outcome["Error"] = 10] = "Error";
* Test is Not Applicable for execution.
Outcome[Outcome["NotApplicable"] = 11] = "NotApplicable";
* Test is paused.
Outcome[Outcome["Paused"] = 12] = "Paused";
* Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts
Outcome[Outcome["InProgress"] = 13] = "InProgress";
* Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA.
Outcome[Outcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted";
Outcome[Outcome["MaxValue"] = 14] = "MaxValue";
})(Outcome = exports.Outcome || (exports.Outcome = {}));
var PointState;
(function (PointState) {
* Default
PointState[PointState["None"] = 0] = "None";
* The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed.
PointState[PointState["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready";
* The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete.
PointState[PointState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
* The test point needs to be executed but is not able to.
PointState[PointState["NotReady"] = 3] = "NotReady";
* The test is being executed.
PointState[PointState["InProgress"] = 4] = "InProgress";
PointState[PointState["MaxValue"] = 4] = "MaxValue";
})(PointState = exports.PointState || (exports.PointState = {}));
var ResultState;
(function (ResultState) {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
ResultState[ResultState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
* Test is in the execution queue, was not started yet.
ResultState[ResultState["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending";
* Test has been queued. This is applicable when a test case is queued for execution
ResultState[ResultState["Queued"] = 2] = "Queued";
* Test is currently executing.
ResultState[ResultState["InProgress"] = 3] = "InProgress";
* Test has been paused. This is applicable when a test case is paused by the user (For e.g. Manual Tester can pause the execution of the manual test case)
ResultState[ResultState["Paused"] = 4] = "Paused";
* Test has completed, but there is no quantitative measure of completeness. This may apply to load tests.
ResultState[ResultState["Completed"] = 5] = "Completed";
ResultState[ResultState["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue";
})(ResultState = exports.ResultState || (exports.ResultState = {}));
var SuiteEntryTypes;
(function (SuiteEntryTypes) {
* Test Case
SuiteEntryTypes[SuiteEntryTypes["TestCase"] = 0] = "TestCase";
* Child Suite
SuiteEntryTypes[SuiteEntryTypes["Suite"] = 1] = "Suite";
})(SuiteEntryTypes = exports.SuiteEntryTypes || (exports.SuiteEntryTypes = {}));
* Option to get details in response
var SuiteExpand;
(function (SuiteExpand) {
* Dont include any of the expansions in output.
SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Include children in response.
SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["Children"] = 1] = "Children";
* Include default testers in response.
SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["DefaultTesters"] = 2] = "DefaultTesters";
})(SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteExpand || (exports.SuiteExpand = {}));
var TestEntityTypes;
(function (TestEntityTypes) {
TestEntityTypes[TestEntityTypes["TestCase"] = 0] = "TestCase";
TestEntityTypes[TestEntityTypes["TestPoint"] = 1] = "TestPoint";
})(TestEntityTypes = exports.TestEntityTypes || (exports.TestEntityTypes = {}));
* Enum used to define the queries used in Test Plans Library.
var TestPlansLibraryQuery;
(function (TestPlansLibraryQuery) {
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["None"] = 0] = "None";
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["AllTestCases"] = 1] = "AllTestCases";
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesWithActiveBugs"] = 2] = "TestCasesWithActiveBugs";
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements"] = 3] = "TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements";
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesLinkedToRequirements"] = 4] = "TestCasesLinkedToRequirements";
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["AllSharedSteps"] = 11] = "AllSharedSteps";
TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement"] = 12] = "SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement";
})(TestPlansLibraryQuery = exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery || (exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery = {}));
var TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode;
(function (TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode) {
* Default. Have the field values separated by an OR clause.
TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode[TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode["Or"] = 0] = "Or";
* Have the field values separated by an AND clause.
TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode[TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode["And"] = 1] = "And";
})(TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode || (exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = {}));
* Type of TestSuite
var TestSuiteType;
(function (TestSuiteType) {
* Default suite type
TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Query Based test Suite
TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["DynamicTestSuite"] = 1] = "DynamicTestSuite";
* Static Test Suite
TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["StaticTestSuite"] = 2] = "StaticTestSuite";
* Requirement based Test Suite
TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["RequirementTestSuite"] = 3] = "RequirementTestSuite";
})(TestSuiteType = exports.TestSuiteType || (exports.TestSuiteType = {}));
var UserFriendlyTestOutcome;
(function (UserFriendlyTestOutcome) {
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["InProgress"] = 0] = "InProgress";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Blocked"] = 1] = "Blocked";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Passed"] = 3] = "Passed";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Ready"] = 4] = "Ready";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotApplicable"] = 5] = "NotApplicable";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Paused"] = 6] = "Paused";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Timeout"] = 7] = "Timeout";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Warning"] = 8] = "Warning";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Error"] = 9] = "Error";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotExecuted"] = 10] = "NotExecuted";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Inconclusive"] = 11] = "Inconclusive";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Aborted"] = 12] = "Aborted";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["None"] = 13] = "None";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Unspecified"] = 15] = "Unspecified";
UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["MaxValue"] = 15] = "MaxValue";
})(UserFriendlyTestOutcome = exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome || (exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome = {}));
exports.TypeInfo = {
CloneOperationCommonResponse: {},
CloneTestCaseOperationInformation: {},
CloneTestPlanOperationInformation: {},
CloneTestPlanParams: {},
CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation: {},
DestinationTestPlanCloneParams: {},
ExcludeFlags: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"pointAssignments": 1,
"extraInformation": 2
FailureType: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"regression": 1,
"new_Issue": 2,
"known_Issue": 3,
"unknown": 4,
"null_Value": 5,
"maxValue": 5
LastResolutionState: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"needsInvestigation": 1,
"testIssue": 2,
"productIssue": 3,
"configurationIssue": 4,
"nullValue": 5,
"maxValue": 5
LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode: {
enumValues: {
"success": 0,
"error": 1
LibraryWorkItemsData: {},
LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest: {},
Outcome: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": 0,
"none": 1,
"passed": 2,
"failed": 3,
"inconclusive": 4,
"timeout": 5,
"aborted": 6,
"blocked": 7,
"notExecuted": 8,
"warning": 9,
"error": 10,
"notApplicable": 11,
"paused": 12,
"inProgress": 13,
"notImpacted": 14,
"maxValue": 14
PointState: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"ready": 1,
"completed": 2,
"notReady": 3,
"inProgress": 4,
"maxValue": 4
Results: {},
ResultState: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": 0,
"pending": 1,
"queued": 2,
"inProgress": 3,
"paused": 4,
"completed": 5,
"maxValue": 5
SourceTestplanResponse: {},
SourceTestSuiteResponse: {},
SuiteEntry: {},
SuiteEntryTypes: {
enumValues: {
"testCase": 0,
"suite": 1
SuiteEntryUpdateParams: {},
SuiteExpand: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"children": 1,
"defaultTesters": 2
TestCase: {},
TestCaseAssociatedResult: {},
TestCaseResultsData: {},
TestConfiguration: {},
TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters: {},
TestEntityTypes: {
enumValues: {
"testCase": 0,
"testPoint": 1
TestPlan: {},
TestPlanCreateParams: {},
TestPlanDetailedReference: {},
TestPlansHubRefreshData: {},
TestPlansLibraryQuery: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"allTestCases": 1,
"testCasesWithActiveBugs": 2,
"testCasesNotLinkedToRequirements": 3,
"testCasesLinkedToRequirements": 4,
"allSharedSteps": 11,
"sharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement": 12
TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter: {},
TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode: {
enumValues: {
"or": 0,
"and": 1
TestPlanUpdateParams: {},
TestPoint: {},
TestPointResults: {},
TestPointUpdateParams: {},
TestSuite: {},
TestSuiteCreateParams: {},
TestSuiteReferenceWithProject: {},
TestSuiteType: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"dynamicTestSuite": 1,
"staticTestSuite": 2,
"requirementTestSuite": 3
TestVariable: {},
UserFriendlyTestOutcome: {
enumValues: {
"inProgress": 0,
"blocked": 1,
"failed": 2,
"passed": 3,
"ready": 4,
"notApplicable": 5,
"paused": 6,
"timeout": 7,
"warning": 8,
"error": 9,
"notExecuted": 10,
"inconclusive": 11,
"aborted": 12,
"none": 13,
"notImpacted": 14,
"unspecified": 15,
"maxValue": 15
exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse.fields = {
completionDate: {
isDate: true,
creationDate: {
isDate: true,
state: {
enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.CloneOperationState
exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestCaseOperationInformation.fields = {
cloneOperationResponse: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse
destinationTestSuite: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
sourceTestSuite: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestSuiteResponse
exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestPlanOperationInformation.fields = {
cloneOperationResponse: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse
destinationTestPlan: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan
sourceTestPlan: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestplanResponse
exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestPlanParams.fields = {
destinationTestPlan: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DestinationTestPlanCloneParams
exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation.fields = {
clonedTestSuite: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
cloneOperationResponse: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse
destinationTestSuite: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
sourceTestSuite: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject
exports.TypeInfo.DestinationTestPlanCloneParams.fields = {
endDate: {
isDate: true,
startDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.LibraryWorkItemsData.fields = {
returnCode: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode
exports.TypeInfo.LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest.fields = {
filterValues: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter
libraryQueryType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryQuery
exports.TypeInfo.Results.fields = {
outcome: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Outcome
exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestplanResponse.fields = {
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestSuiteResponse.fields = {
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntry.fields = {
suiteEntryType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryTypes
exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryUpdateParams.fields = {
suiteEntryType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryTypes
exports.TypeInfo.TestCase.fields = {
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseAssociatedResult.fields = {
completedDate: {
isDate: true,
outcome: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.UserFriendlyTestOutcome
exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResultsData.fields = {
results: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseAssociatedResult
exports.TypeInfo.TestConfiguration.fields = {
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
state: {
enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState
exports.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters.fields = {
state: {
enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState
exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan.fields = {
endDate: {
isDate: true,
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
startDate: {
isDate: true,
updatedDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanCreateParams.fields = {
endDate: {
isDate: true,
startDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanDetailedReference.fields = {
endDate: {
isDate: true,
startDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansHubRefreshData.fields = {
testCases: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCase
testPlan: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanDetailedReference
testPoints: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint
testSuites: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite
exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter.fields = {
filterMode: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode
exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanUpdateParams.fields = {
endDate: {
isDate: true,
startDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint.fields = {
lastResetToActive: {
isDate: true,
lastUpdatedDate: {
isDate: true,
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
results: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointResults
exports.TypeInfo.TestPointResults.fields = {
failureType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FailureType
lastResolutionState: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LastResolutionState
lastResultDetails: {
typeInfo: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails
lastResultState: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultState
outcome: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Outcome
state: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PointState
exports.TypeInfo.TestPointUpdateParams.fields = {
results: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Results
exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite.fields = {
children: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite
lastPopulatedDate: {
isDate: true,
lastUpdatedDate: {
isDate: true,
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
suiteType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteType
exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteCreateParams.fields = {
suiteType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteType
exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject.fields = {
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference
exports.TypeInfo.TestVariable.fields = {
project: {
typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference