
by RyanCardin15
/* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------------- * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT * --------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TypeInfo = exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome = exports.TestSuiteType = exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery = exports.TestEntityTypes = exports.SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteEntryTypes = exports.ResultState = exports.PointState = exports.Outcome = exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = exports.LastResolutionState = exports.FailureType = exports.ExcludeFlags = void 0; const TFS_TestManagement_Contracts = require("../interfaces/TestInterfaces"); const TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces"); /** * Exclude Flags for suite test case object. Exclude Flags exclude various objects from payload depending on the value passed */ var ExcludeFlags; (function (ExcludeFlags) { /** * To exclude nothing */ ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * To exclude point assignments, pass exclude = 1 */ ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["PointAssignments"] = 1] = "PointAssignments"; /** * To exclude extra information (links, test plan, test suite), pass exclude = 2 */ ExcludeFlags[ExcludeFlags["ExtraInformation"] = 2] = "ExtraInformation"; })(ExcludeFlags = exports.ExcludeFlags || (exports.ExcludeFlags = {})); var FailureType; (function (FailureType) { FailureType[FailureType["None"] = 0] = "None"; FailureType[FailureType["Regression"] = 1] = "Regression"; FailureType[FailureType["New_Issue"] = 2] = "New_Issue"; FailureType[FailureType["Known_Issue"] = 3] = "Known_Issue"; FailureType[FailureType["Unknown"] = 4] = "Unknown"; FailureType[FailureType["Null_Value"] = 5] = "Null_Value"; FailureType[FailureType["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue"; })(FailureType = exports.FailureType || (exports.FailureType = {})); var LastResolutionState; (function (LastResolutionState) { LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["None"] = 0] = "None"; LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["NeedsInvestigation"] = 1] = "NeedsInvestigation"; LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["TestIssue"] = 2] = "TestIssue"; LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["ProductIssue"] = 3] = "ProductIssue"; LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["ConfigurationIssue"] = 4] = "ConfigurationIssue"; LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["NullValue"] = 5] = "NullValue"; LastResolutionState[LastResolutionState["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue"; })(LastResolutionState = exports.LastResolutionState || (exports.LastResolutionState = {})); /** * Enum representing the return code of data provider. */ var LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode; (function (LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode) { LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode[LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success"; LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode[LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode["Error"] = 1] = "Error"; })(LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode || (exports.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode = {})); var Outcome; (function (Outcome) { /** * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value. */ Outcome[Outcome["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified"; /** * Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure. */ Outcome[Outcome["None"] = 1] = "None"; /** * Test was executed w/o any issues. */ Outcome[Outcome["Passed"] = 2] = "Passed"; /** * Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions. */ Outcome[Outcome["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed"; /** * Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests... */ Outcome[Outcome["Inconclusive"] = 4] = "Inconclusive"; /** * The test timed out */ Outcome[Outcome["Timeout"] = 5] = "Timeout"; /** * Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision. */ Outcome[Outcome["Aborted"] = 6] = "Aborted"; /** * Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false. */ Outcome[Outcome["Blocked"] = 7] = "Blocked"; /** * Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button. */ Outcome[Outcome["NotExecuted"] = 8] = "NotExecuted"; /** * To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure. */ Outcome[Outcome["Warning"] = 9] = "Warning"; /** * There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test. */ Outcome[Outcome["Error"] = 10] = "Error"; /** * Test is Not Applicable for execution. */ Outcome[Outcome["NotApplicable"] = 11] = "NotApplicable"; /** * Test is paused. */ Outcome[Outcome["Paused"] = 12] = "Paused"; /** * Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts */ Outcome[Outcome["InProgress"] = 13] = "InProgress"; /** * Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA. */ Outcome[Outcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted"; Outcome[Outcome["MaxValue"] = 14] = "MaxValue"; })(Outcome = exports.Outcome || (exports.Outcome = {})); var PointState; (function (PointState) { /** * Default */ PointState[PointState["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed. */ PointState[PointState["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready"; /** * The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete. */ PointState[PointState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * The test point needs to be executed but is not able to. */ PointState[PointState["NotReady"] = 3] = "NotReady"; /** * The test is being executed. */ PointState[PointState["InProgress"] = 4] = "InProgress"; PointState[PointState["MaxValue"] = 4] = "MaxValue"; })(PointState = exports.PointState || (exports.PointState = {})); var ResultState; (function (ResultState) { /** * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value. */ ResultState[ResultState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified"; /** * Test is in the execution queue, was not started yet. */ ResultState[ResultState["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending"; /** * Test has been queued. This is applicable when a test case is queued for execution */ ResultState[ResultState["Queued"] = 2] = "Queued"; /** * Test is currently executing. */ ResultState[ResultState["InProgress"] = 3] = "InProgress"; /** * Test has been paused. This is applicable when a test case is paused by the user (For e.g. Manual Tester can pause the execution of the manual test case) */ ResultState[ResultState["Paused"] = 4] = "Paused"; /** * Test has completed, but there is no quantitative measure of completeness. This may apply to load tests. */ ResultState[ResultState["Completed"] = 5] = "Completed"; ResultState[ResultState["MaxValue"] = 5] = "MaxValue"; })(ResultState = exports.ResultState || (exports.ResultState = {})); var SuiteEntryTypes; (function (SuiteEntryTypes) { /** * Test Case */ SuiteEntryTypes[SuiteEntryTypes["TestCase"] = 0] = "TestCase"; /** * Child Suite */ SuiteEntryTypes[SuiteEntryTypes["Suite"] = 1] = "Suite"; })(SuiteEntryTypes = exports.SuiteEntryTypes || (exports.SuiteEntryTypes = {})); /** * Option to get details in response */ var SuiteExpand; (function (SuiteExpand) { /** * Dont include any of the expansions in output. */ SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Include children in response. */ SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["Children"] = 1] = "Children"; /** * Include default testers in response. */ SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["DefaultTesters"] = 2] = "DefaultTesters"; })(SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteExpand || (exports.SuiteExpand = {})); var TestEntityTypes; (function (TestEntityTypes) { TestEntityTypes[TestEntityTypes["TestCase"] = 0] = "TestCase"; TestEntityTypes[TestEntityTypes["TestPoint"] = 1] = "TestPoint"; })(TestEntityTypes = exports.TestEntityTypes || (exports.TestEntityTypes = {})); /** * Enum used to define the queries used in Test Plans Library. */ var TestPlansLibraryQuery; (function (TestPlansLibraryQuery) { TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["None"] = 0] = "None"; TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["AllTestCases"] = 1] = "AllTestCases"; TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesWithActiveBugs"] = 2] = "TestCasesWithActiveBugs"; TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements"] = 3] = "TestCasesNotLinkedToRequirements"; TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["TestCasesLinkedToRequirements"] = 4] = "TestCasesLinkedToRequirements"; TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["AllSharedSteps"] = 11] = "AllSharedSteps"; TestPlansLibraryQuery[TestPlansLibraryQuery["SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement"] = 12] = "SharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement"; })(TestPlansLibraryQuery = exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery || (exports.TestPlansLibraryQuery = {})); var TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode; (function (TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode) { /** * Default. Have the field values separated by an OR clause. */ TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode[TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode["Or"] = 0] = "Or"; /** * Have the field values separated by an AND clause. */ TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode[TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode["And"] = 1] = "And"; })(TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode || (exports.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode = {})); /** * Type of TestSuite */ var TestSuiteType; (function (TestSuiteType) { /** * Default suite type */ TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Query Based test Suite */ TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["DynamicTestSuite"] = 1] = "DynamicTestSuite"; /** * Static Test Suite */ TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["StaticTestSuite"] = 2] = "StaticTestSuite"; /** * Requirement based Test Suite */ TestSuiteType[TestSuiteType["RequirementTestSuite"] = 3] = "RequirementTestSuite"; })(TestSuiteType = exports.TestSuiteType || (exports.TestSuiteType = {})); var UserFriendlyTestOutcome; (function (UserFriendlyTestOutcome) { UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["InProgress"] = 0] = "InProgress"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Blocked"] = 1] = "Blocked"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Passed"] = 3] = "Passed"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Ready"] = 4] = "Ready"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotApplicable"] = 5] = "NotApplicable"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Paused"] = 6] = "Paused"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Timeout"] = 7] = "Timeout"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Warning"] = 8] = "Warning"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Error"] = 9] = "Error"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotExecuted"] = 10] = "NotExecuted"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Inconclusive"] = 11] = "Inconclusive"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Aborted"] = 12] = "Aborted"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["None"] = 13] = "None"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["Unspecified"] = 15] = "Unspecified"; UserFriendlyTestOutcome[UserFriendlyTestOutcome["MaxValue"] = 15] = "MaxValue"; })(UserFriendlyTestOutcome = exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome || (exports.UserFriendlyTestOutcome = {})); exports.TypeInfo = { CloneOperationCommonResponse: {}, CloneTestCaseOperationInformation: {}, CloneTestPlanOperationInformation: {}, CloneTestPlanParams: {}, CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation: {}, DestinationTestPlanCloneParams: {}, ExcludeFlags: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "pointAssignments": 1, "extraInformation": 2 } }, FailureType: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "regression": 1, "new_Issue": 2, "known_Issue": 3, "unknown": 4, "null_Value": 5, "maxValue": 5 } }, LastResolutionState: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "needsInvestigation": 1, "testIssue": 2, "productIssue": 3, "configurationIssue": 4, "nullValue": 5, "maxValue": 5 } }, LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode: { enumValues: { "success": 0, "error": 1 } }, LibraryWorkItemsData: {}, LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest: {}, Outcome: { enumValues: { "unspecified": 0, "none": 1, "passed": 2, "failed": 3, "inconclusive": 4, "timeout": 5, "aborted": 6, "blocked": 7, "notExecuted": 8, "warning": 9, "error": 10, "notApplicable": 11, "paused": 12, "inProgress": 13, "notImpacted": 14, "maxValue": 14 } }, PointState: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "ready": 1, "completed": 2, "notReady": 3, "inProgress": 4, "maxValue": 4 } }, Results: {}, ResultState: { enumValues: { "unspecified": 0, "pending": 1, "queued": 2, "inProgress": 3, "paused": 4, "completed": 5, "maxValue": 5 } }, SourceTestplanResponse: {}, SourceTestSuiteResponse: {}, SuiteEntry: {}, SuiteEntryTypes: { enumValues: { "testCase": 0, "suite": 1 } }, SuiteEntryUpdateParams: {}, SuiteExpand: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "children": 1, "defaultTesters": 2 } }, TestCase: {}, TestCaseAssociatedResult: {}, TestCaseResultsData: {}, TestConfiguration: {}, TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters: {}, TestEntityTypes: { enumValues: { "testCase": 0, "testPoint": 1 } }, TestPlan: {}, TestPlanCreateParams: {}, TestPlanDetailedReference: {}, TestPlansHubRefreshData: {}, TestPlansLibraryQuery: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "allTestCases": 1, "testCasesWithActiveBugs": 2, "testCasesNotLinkedToRequirements": 3, "testCasesLinkedToRequirements": 4, "allSharedSteps": 11, "sharedStepsNotLinkedToRequirement": 12 } }, TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter: {}, TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode: { enumValues: { "or": 0, "and": 1 } }, TestPlanUpdateParams: {}, TestPoint: {}, TestPointResults: {}, TestPointUpdateParams: {}, TestSuite: {}, TestSuiteCreateParams: {}, TestSuiteReferenceWithProject: {}, TestSuiteType: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "dynamicTestSuite": 1, "staticTestSuite": 2, "requirementTestSuite": 3 } }, TestVariable: {}, UserFriendlyTestOutcome: { enumValues: { "inProgress": 0, "blocked": 1, "failed": 2, "passed": 3, "ready": 4, "notApplicable": 5, "paused": 6, "timeout": 7, "warning": 8, "error": 9, "notExecuted": 10, "inconclusive": 11, "aborted": 12, "none": 13, "notImpacted": 14, "unspecified": 15, "maxValue": 15 } }, }; exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse.fields = { completionDate: { isDate: true, }, creationDate: { isDate: true, }, state: { enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.CloneOperationState } }; exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestCaseOperationInformation.fields = { cloneOperationResponse: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse }, destinationTestSuite: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject }, sourceTestSuite: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestSuiteResponse } }; exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestPlanOperationInformation.fields = { cloneOperationResponse: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse }, destinationTestPlan: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan }, sourceTestPlan: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestplanResponse } }; exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestPlanParams.fields = { destinationTestPlan: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DestinationTestPlanCloneParams } }; exports.TypeInfo.CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation.fields = { clonedTestSuite: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject }, cloneOperationResponse: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationCommonResponse }, destinationTestSuite: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject }, sourceTestSuite: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject } }; exports.TypeInfo.DestinationTestPlanCloneParams.fields = { endDate: { isDate: true, }, startDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.LibraryWorkItemsData.fields = { returnCode: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LibraryTestCasesDataReturnCode } }; exports.TypeInfo.LibraryWorkItemsDataProviderRequest.fields = { filterValues: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter }, libraryQueryType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryQuery } }; exports.TypeInfo.Results.fields = { outcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Outcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestplanResponse.fields = { project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.SourceTestSuiteResponse.fields = { project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntry.fields = { suiteEntryType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryUpdateParams.fields = { suiteEntryType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SuiteEntryTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestCase.fields = { project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseAssociatedResult.fields = { completedDate: { isDate: true, }, outcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.UserFriendlyTestOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResultsData.fields = { results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseAssociatedResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestConfiguration.fields = { project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference }, state: { enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationCreateUpdateParameters.fields = { state: { enumType: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan.fields = { endDate: { isDate: true, }, project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference }, startDate: { isDate: true, }, updatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanCreateParams.fields = { endDate: { isDate: true, }, startDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanDetailedReference.fields = { endDate: { isDate: true, }, startDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansHubRefreshData.fields = { testCases: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCase }, testPlan: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanDetailedReference }, testPoints: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint }, testSuites: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilter.fields = { filterMode: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansLibraryWorkItemFilterMode } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanUpdateParams.fields = { endDate: { isDate: true, }, startDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint.fields = { lastResetToActive: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference }, results: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointResults } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPointResults.fields = { failureType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FailureType }, lastResolutionState: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.LastResolutionState }, lastResultDetails: { typeInfo: TFS_TestManagement_Contracts.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails }, lastResultState: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultState }, outcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Outcome }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PointState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPointUpdateParams.fields = { results: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Results } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite.fields = { children: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite }, lastPopulatedDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference }, suiteType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteType } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteCreateParams.fields = { suiteType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteType } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSuiteReferenceWithProject.fields = { project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestVariable.fields = { project: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference } };