
by RyanCardin15
/* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------------- * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT * --------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TypeInfo = exports.TestSessionState = exports.TestSessionSource = exports.TestRunSubstate = exports.TestRunState = exports.TestRunPublishContext = exports.TestRunOutcome = exports.TestResultsSettingsType = exports.TestResultsSessionState = exports.TestResultsContextType = exports.TestResultGroupBy = exports.TestPointState = exports.TestOutcome = exports.TestLogType = exports.TestLogStoreOperationType = exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType = exports.TestLogStatusCode = exports.TestLogScope = exports.TestConfigurationState = exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = exports.SuiteExpand = exports.SessionTimelineType = exports.SessionResult = exports.Service = exports.RunType = exports.ResultObjectType = exports.ResultMetaDataDetails = exports.ResultMetadata = exports.ResultGroupType = exports.ResultDetails = exports.OperationType = exports.Metrics = exports.FlakyDetectionType = exports.CustomTestFieldType = exports.CustomTestFieldScope = exports.CoverageSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageStatus = exports.CoverageQueryFlags = exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = exports.CloneOperationState = exports.AttachmentType = void 0; const SystemData = require("../interfaces/common/SystemDataInterfaces"); const TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces"); /** * The types of test attachments. */ var AttachmentType; (function (AttachmentType) { /** * Attachment type GeneralAttachment , use this as default type unless you have other type. */ AttachmentType[AttachmentType["GeneralAttachment"] = 0] = "GeneralAttachment"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["AfnStrip"] = 1] = "AfnStrip"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["BugFilingData"] = 2] = "BugFilingData"; /** * Attachment type CodeCoverage. */ AttachmentType[AttachmentType["CodeCoverage"] = 3] = "CodeCoverage"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["IntermediateCollectorData"] = 4] = "IntermediateCollectorData"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["RunConfig"] = 5] = "RunConfig"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TestImpactDetails"] = 6] = "TestImpactDetails"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles"] = 7] = "TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles"] = 8] = "TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestResultDetail"] = 9] = "TmiTestResultDetail"; AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunSummary"] = 10] = "TmiTestRunSummary"; /** * Attachment type ConsoleLog. */ AttachmentType[AttachmentType["ConsoleLog"] = 11] = "ConsoleLog"; })(AttachmentType = exports.AttachmentType || (exports.AttachmentType = {})); /** * Enum of type Clone Operation Type. */ var CloneOperationState; (function (CloneOperationState) { /** * value for Failed State */ CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed"; /** * value for Inprogress state */ CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress"; /** * Value for Queued State */ CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Queued"] = 0] = "Queued"; /** * value for Success state */ CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Succeeded"] = 3] = "Succeeded"; })(CloneOperationState = exports.CloneOperationState || (exports.CloneOperationState = {})); /** * Represents status of code coverage summary for a build */ var CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus; (function (CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus) { /** * No coverage status */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * The summary evaluation is in progress */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress"; /** * The summary evaluation is finalized and won't change */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["Finalized"] = 2] = "Finalized"; /** * The summary evaluation is pending */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["Pending"] = 3] = "Pending"; /** * Summary evaluation may be ongoing but another merge has been requested. */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["UpdateRequestQueued"] = 4] = "UpdateRequestQueued"; /** * No coverage modules found */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoModulesFound"] = 5] = "NoModulesFound"; /** * Number of Files exceeded */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NumberOfFilesExceeded"] = 6] = "NumberOfFilesExceeded"; /** * TNo Input Files */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoInputFiles"] = 7] = "NoInputFiles"; /** * Build got cancelled by user */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["BuildCancelled"] = 8] = "BuildCancelled"; /** * Coverage Jobs failed */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["FailedJobs"] = 9] = "FailedJobs"; /** * Module merge Timeout */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["ModuleMergeJobTimeout"] = 10] = "ModuleMergeJobTimeout"; /** * Coverage successfully completed */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["CodeCoverageSuccess"] = 11] = "CodeCoverageSuccess"; /** * Invalid Build Configuration */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InvalidBuildConfiguration"] = 12] = "InvalidBuildConfiguration"; /** * Coverage Analyzer Build not found */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["CoverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound"] = 13] = "CoverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound"; /** * Failed to requeue the build */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["FailedToRequeue"] = 14] = "FailedToRequeue"; /** * Build got Bailed out */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["BuildBailedOut"] = 15] = "BuildBailedOut"; /** * No Code coverage configured */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoCodeCoverageTask"] = 16] = "NoCodeCoverageTask"; /** * CoverageMerge Job failed */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MergeJobFailed"] = 17] = "MergeJobFailed"; /** * CoverageMergeInvoker Job failed */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MergeInvokerJobFailed"] = 18] = "MergeInvokerJobFailed"; /** * CoverageMonitor Job failed */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MonitorJobFailed"] = 19] = "MonitorJobFailed"; /** * CoverageMergeInvoker Job timeout */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["ModuleMergeInvokerJobTimeout"] = 20] = "ModuleMergeInvokerJobTimeout"; /** * CoverageMonitor Job timeout */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MonitorJobTimeout"] = 21] = "MonitorJobTimeout"; /** * Invalid Coverage Input file */ CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InvalidCoverageInput"] = 22] = "InvalidCoverageInput"; })(CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus || (exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = {})); /** * Used to choose which coverage data is returned by a QueryXXXCoverage() call. */ var CoverageQueryFlags; (function (CoverageQueryFlags) { /** * If set, the Coverage.Modules property will be populated. */ CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["Modules"] = 1] = "Modules"; /** * If set, the ModuleCoverage.Functions properties will be populated. */ CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["Functions"] = 2] = "Functions"; /** * If set, the ModuleCoverage.CoverageData field will be populated. */ CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["BlockData"] = 4] = "BlockData"; })(CoverageQueryFlags = exports.CoverageQueryFlags || (exports.CoverageQueryFlags = {})); var CoverageStatus; (function (CoverageStatus) { CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["Covered"] = 0] = "Covered"; CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["NotCovered"] = 1] = "NotCovered"; CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["PartiallyCovered"] = 2] = "PartiallyCovered"; })(CoverageStatus = exports.CoverageStatus || (exports.CoverageStatus = {})); /** * Represents status of code coverage summary for a build */ var CoverageSummaryStatus; (function (CoverageSummaryStatus) { /** * No coverage status */ CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * The summary evaluation is in progress */ CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress"; /** * The summary evaluation for the previous request is completed. Summary can change in future */ CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * The summary evaluation is finalized and won't change */ CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Finalized"] = 3] = "Finalized"; /** * The summary evaluation is pending */ CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Pending"] = 4] = "Pending"; /** * Summary evaluation may be ongoing but another merge has been requested. */ CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["UpdateRequestQueued"] = 5] = "UpdateRequestQueued"; })(CoverageSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageSummaryStatus || (exports.CoverageSummaryStatus = {})); var CustomTestFieldScope; (function (CustomTestFieldScope) { CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["None"] = 0] = "None"; CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["TestRun"] = 1] = "TestRun"; CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["TestResult"] = 2] = "TestResult"; CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["System"] = 4] = "System"; CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["All"] = 7] = "All"; })(CustomTestFieldScope = exports.CustomTestFieldScope || (exports.CustomTestFieldScope = {})); var CustomTestFieldType; (function (CustomTestFieldType) { CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Bit"] = 2] = "Bit"; CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["DateTime"] = 4] = "DateTime"; CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Int"] = 8] = "Int"; CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Float"] = 6] = "Float"; CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["String"] = 12] = "String"; CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Guid"] = 14] = "Guid"; })(CustomTestFieldType = exports.CustomTestFieldType || (exports.CustomTestFieldType = {})); var FlakyDetectionType; (function (FlakyDetectionType) { /** * Custom defines manual detection type. */ FlakyDetectionType[FlakyDetectionType["Custom"] = 1] = "Custom"; /** * Defines System detection type. */ FlakyDetectionType[FlakyDetectionType["System"] = 2] = "System"; })(FlakyDetectionType = exports.FlakyDetectionType || (exports.FlakyDetectionType = {})); /** * Test summary metrics. */ var Metrics; (function (Metrics) { /** * To get results of all matrix. */ Metrics[Metrics["All"] = 1] = "All"; /** * Get results summary by results outcome */ Metrics[Metrics["ResultSummary"] = 2] = "ResultSummary"; /** * Get results analysis which include failure analysis, increase/decrease in results count analysis. */ Metrics[Metrics["ResultsAnalysis"] = 3] = "ResultsAnalysis"; /** * Get runs summary */ Metrics[Metrics["RunSummary"] = 4] = "RunSummary"; })(Metrics = exports.Metrics || (exports.Metrics = {})); var OperationType; (function (OperationType) { OperationType[OperationType["Add"] = 1] = "Add"; OperationType[OperationType["Delete"] = 2] = "Delete"; })(OperationType = exports.OperationType || (exports.OperationType = {})); /** * Additional details with test result */ var ResultDetails; (function (ResultDetails) { /** * Core fields of test result. Core fields includes State, Outcome, Priority, AutomatedTestName, AutomatedTestStorage, Comments, ErrorMessage etc. */ ResultDetails[ResultDetails["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Test iteration details in a test result. */ ResultDetails[ResultDetails["Iterations"] = 1] = "Iterations"; /** * Workitems associated with a test result. */ ResultDetails[ResultDetails["WorkItems"] = 2] = "WorkItems"; /** * Subresults in a test result. */ ResultDetails[ResultDetails["SubResults"] = 4] = "SubResults"; /** * Point and plan detail in a test result. */ ResultDetails[ResultDetails["Point"] = 8] = "Point"; })(ResultDetails = exports.ResultDetails || (exports.ResultDetails = {})); /** * Hierarchy type of the result/subresults. */ var ResultGroupType; (function (ResultGroupType) { /** * Leaf node of test result. */ ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Hierarchy type of test result. */ ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["Rerun"] = 1] = "Rerun"; /** * Hierarchy type of test result. */ ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["DataDriven"] = 2] = "DataDriven"; /** * Hierarchy type of test result. */ ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["OrderedTest"] = 3] = "OrderedTest"; /** * Unknown hierarchy type. */ ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["Generic"] = 4] = "Generic"; })(ResultGroupType = exports.ResultGroupType || (exports.ResultGroupType = {})); var ResultMetadata; (function (ResultMetadata) { /** * Rerun metadata */ ResultMetadata[ResultMetadata["Rerun"] = 1] = "Rerun"; /** * Flaky metadata */ ResultMetadata[ResultMetadata["Flaky"] = 2] = "Flaky"; })(ResultMetadata = exports.ResultMetadata || (exports.ResultMetadata = {})); /** * Additional details with test result metadata */ var ResultMetaDataDetails; (function (ResultMetaDataDetails) { /** * Core fields of test result metadata. */ ResultMetaDataDetails[ResultMetaDataDetails["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Test FlakyIdentifiers details in test result metadata. */ ResultMetaDataDetails[ResultMetaDataDetails["FlakyIdentifiers"] = 1] = "FlakyIdentifiers"; })(ResultMetaDataDetails = exports.ResultMetaDataDetails || (exports.ResultMetaDataDetails = {})); /** * The top level entity that is being cloned as part of a Clone operation */ var ResultObjectType; (function (ResultObjectType) { /** * Suite Clone */ ResultObjectType[ResultObjectType["TestSuite"] = 0] = "TestSuite"; /** * Plan Clone */ ResultObjectType[ResultObjectType["TestPlan"] = 1] = "TestPlan"; })(ResultObjectType = exports.ResultObjectType || (exports.ResultObjectType = {})); var RunType; (function (RunType) { /** * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value. */ RunType[RunType["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified"; /** * Normal test run. */ RunType[RunType["Normal"] = 1] = "Normal"; /** * Test run created for the blocked result when a test point is blocked. */ RunType[RunType["Blocking"] = 2] = "Blocking"; /** * Test run created from Web. */ RunType[RunType["Web"] = 4] = "Web"; /** * Run initiated from web through MTR */ RunType[RunType["MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb"] = 8] = "MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb"; /** * These test run would require DTL environment. These could be either of automated or manual test run. */ RunType[RunType["RunWithDtlEnv"] = 16] = "RunWithDtlEnv"; /** * These test run may or may not have published test results but it will have summary like total test, passed test, failed test etc. These are automated tests. */ RunType[RunType["NoConfigRun"] = 32] = "NoConfigRun"; })(RunType = exports.RunType || (exports.RunType = {})); var Service; (function (Service) { Service[Service["Any"] = 0] = "Any"; Service[Service["Tcm"] = 1] = "Tcm"; Service[Service["Tfs"] = 2] = "Tfs"; })(Service = exports.Service || (exports.Service = {})); var SessionResult; (function (SessionResult) { /** * Default */ SessionResult[SessionResult["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Session result with Passed */ SessionResult[SessionResult["Passed"] = 1] = "Passed"; /** * Session result with Failed */ SessionResult[SessionResult["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed"; })(SessionResult = exports.SessionResult || (exports.SessionResult = {})); var SessionTimelineType; (function (SessionTimelineType) { /** * Default */ SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Timeline type for Queued status */ SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Queued"] = 1] = "Queued"; /** * Timeline type for Completed status */ SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * Timeline type for Started status */ SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Started"] = 3] = "Started"; })(SessionTimelineType = exports.SessionTimelineType || (exports.SessionTimelineType = {})); /** * Option to get details in response */ var SuiteExpand; (function (SuiteExpand) { /** * Include children in response. */ SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["Children"] = 1] = "Children"; /** * Include default testers in response. */ SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["DefaultTesters"] = 2] = "DefaultTesters"; })(SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteExpand || (exports.SuiteExpand = {})); var TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus; (function (TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus) { /** * Migration Not Started */ TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["NotStarted"] = 0] = "NotStarted"; /** * Migration InProgress */ TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress"; /** * Migration Completed */ TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * Migration Failed */ TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed"; })(TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus || (exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = {})); /** * Represents the state of an ITestConfiguration object. */ var TestConfigurationState; (function (TestConfigurationState) { /** * The configuration can be used for new test runs. */ TestConfigurationState[TestConfigurationState["Active"] = 1] = "Active"; /** * The configuration has been retired and should not be used for new test runs. */ TestConfigurationState[TestConfigurationState["Inactive"] = 2] = "Inactive"; })(TestConfigurationState = exports.TestConfigurationState || (exports.TestConfigurationState = {})); /** * Test Log Context */ var TestLogScope; (function (TestLogScope) { /** * Log file is associated with Run, result, subresult */ TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Run"] = 0] = "Run"; /** * Log File associated with Build */ TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Build"] = 1] = "Build"; /** * Log File associated with Release */ TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Release"] = 2] = "Release"; })(TestLogScope = exports.TestLogScope || (exports.TestLogScope = {})); /** * Test Log Status codes. */ var TestLogStatusCode; (function (TestLogStatusCode) { /** * Operation is successful */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success"; /** * Operation failed */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed"; /** * Operation failed due to file already exist */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileAlreadyExists"] = 2] = "FileAlreadyExists"; /** * Invalid input provided by user */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidInput"] = 3] = "InvalidInput"; /** * Invalid file name provided by user */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidFileName"] = 4] = "InvalidFileName"; /** * Error occurred while operating on container */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidContainer"] = 5] = "InvalidContainer"; /** * Blob Transfer Error */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["TransferFailed"] = 6] = "TransferFailed"; /** * TestLogStore feature is not enabled */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FeatureDisabled"] = 7] = "FeatureDisabled"; /** * Build for which operation is requested does not exist */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["BuildDoesNotExist"] = 8] = "BuildDoesNotExist"; /** * Run for which operation is requested does not exist */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["RunDoesNotExist"] = 9] = "RunDoesNotExist"; /** * Container cannot be created */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["ContainerNotCreated"] = 10] = "ContainerNotCreated"; /** * Api is not supported */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["APINotSupported"] = 11] = "APINotSupported"; /** * File size is greater than the limitation */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileSizeExceeds"] = 12] = "FileSizeExceeds"; /** * Container is not found for which operation is requested */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["ContainerNotFound"] = 13] = "ContainerNotFound"; /** * File cannot be found */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileNotFound"] = 14] = "FileNotFound"; /** * Directory cannot be found */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["DirectoryNotFound"] = 15] = "DirectoryNotFound"; /** * Storage capacity exceeded */ TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["StorageCapacityExceeded"] = 16] = "StorageCapacityExceeded"; })(TestLogStatusCode = exports.TestLogStatusCode || (exports.TestLogStatusCode = {})); /** * Specifies set of possible log store endpoint type. */ var TestLogStoreEndpointType; (function (TestLogStoreEndpointType) { /** * Endpoint type is scoped to root */ TestLogStoreEndpointType[TestLogStoreEndpointType["Root"] = 1] = "Root"; /** * Endpoint type is scoped to file */ TestLogStoreEndpointType[TestLogStoreEndpointType["File"] = 2] = "File"; })(TestLogStoreEndpointType = exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType || (exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType = {})); /** * Specifies set of possible operation type on log store. */ var TestLogStoreOperationType; (function (TestLogStoreOperationType) { /** * Operation is scoped to read data only. */ TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["Read"] = 1] = "Read"; /** * Operation is scoped to create data only. */ TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["Create"] = 2] = "Create"; /** * Operation is scoped to read and create data. */ TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["ReadAndCreate"] = 3] = "ReadAndCreate"; })(TestLogStoreOperationType = exports.TestLogStoreOperationType || (exports.TestLogStoreOperationType = {})); /** * Test Log Types */ var TestLogType; (function (TestLogType) { /** * Any gereric attachment. */ TestLogType[TestLogType["GeneralAttachment"] = 1] = "GeneralAttachment"; /** * Code Coverage files */ TestLogType[TestLogType["CodeCoverage"] = 2] = "CodeCoverage"; /** * Test Impact details. */ TestLogType[TestLogType["TestImpact"] = 3] = "TestImpact"; /** * Temporary files */ TestLogType[TestLogType["Intermediate"] = 4] = "Intermediate"; /** * Subresult Attachment */ TestLogType[TestLogType["System"] = 5] = "System"; /** * merged Coverage file */ TestLogType[TestLogType["MergedCoverageFile"] = 6] = "MergedCoverageFile"; })(TestLogType = exports.TestLogType || (exports.TestLogType = {})); /** * Valid TestOutcome values. */ var TestOutcome; (function (TestOutcome) { /** * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified"; /** * Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["None"] = 1] = "None"; /** * Test was executed w/o any issues. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Passed"] = 2] = "Passed"; /** * Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed"; /** * Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests... */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Inconclusive"] = 4] = "Inconclusive"; /** * The test timed out */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Timeout"] = 5] = "Timeout"; /** * Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Aborted"] = 6] = "Aborted"; /** * Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Blocked"] = 7] = "Blocked"; /** * Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotExecuted"] = 8] = "NotExecuted"; /** * To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Warning"] = 9] = "Warning"; /** * There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Error"] = 10] = "Error"; /** * Test is Not Applicable for execution. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotApplicable"] = 11] = "NotApplicable"; /** * Test is paused. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Paused"] = 12] = "Paused"; /** * Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["InProgress"] = 13] = "InProgress"; /** * Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA. */ TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted"; TestOutcome[TestOutcome["MaxValue"] = 14] = "MaxValue"; })(TestOutcome = exports.TestOutcome || (exports.TestOutcome = {})); var TestPointState; (function (TestPointState) { /** * Default */ TestPointState[TestPointState["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed. */ TestPointState[TestPointState["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready"; /** * The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete. */ TestPointState[TestPointState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * The test point needs to be executed but is not able to. */ TestPointState[TestPointState["NotReady"] = 3] = "NotReady"; /** * The test is being executed. */ TestPointState[TestPointState["InProgress"] = 4] = "InProgress"; TestPointState[TestPointState["MaxValue"] = 4] = "MaxValue"; })(TestPointState = exports.TestPointState || (exports.TestPointState = {})); /** * Group by for results */ var TestResultGroupBy; (function (TestResultGroupBy) { /** * Group the results by branches */ TestResultGroupBy[TestResultGroupBy["Branch"] = 1] = "Branch"; /** * Group the results by environment */ TestResultGroupBy[TestResultGroupBy["Environment"] = 2] = "Environment"; })(TestResultGroupBy = exports.TestResultGroupBy || (exports.TestResultGroupBy = {})); var TestResultsContextType; (function (TestResultsContextType) { TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Build"] = 1] = "Build"; TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Release"] = 2] = "Release"; TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Pipeline"] = 3] = "Pipeline"; })(TestResultsContextType = exports.TestResultsContextType || (exports.TestResultsContextType = {})); var TestResultsSessionState; (function (TestResultsSessionState) { /** * Default */ TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Session state with Running */ TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Running"] = 1] = "Running"; /** * Session state with Completed */ TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * Session state with Waiting */ TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Waiting"] = 3] = "Waiting"; /** * Session state with Cancelled */ TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Cancelled"] = 4] = "Cancelled"; })(TestResultsSessionState = exports.TestResultsSessionState || (exports.TestResultsSessionState = {})); var TestResultsSettingsType; (function (TestResultsSettingsType) { /** * Returns All Test Settings. */ TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["All"] = 1] = "All"; /** * Returns Flaky Test Settings. */ TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["Flaky"] = 2] = "Flaky"; /** * Returns whether to log new tests or not */ TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["NewTestLogging"] = 3] = "NewTestLogging"; })(TestResultsSettingsType = exports.TestResultsSettingsType || (exports.TestResultsSettingsType = {})); /** * The types of outcomes for test run. */ var TestRunOutcome; (function (TestRunOutcome) { /** * Run with zero failed tests and has at least one impacted test */ TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Passed"] = 0] = "Passed"; /** * Run with at-least one failed test. */ TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed"; /** * Run with no impacted tests. */ TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 2] = "NotImpacted"; /** * Runs with All tests in other category. */ TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Others"] = 3] = "Others"; })(TestRunOutcome = exports.TestRunOutcome || (exports.TestRunOutcome = {})); /** * The types of publish context for run. */ var TestRunPublishContext; (function (TestRunPublishContext) { /** * Run is published for Build Context. */ TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["Build"] = 1] = "Build"; /** * Run is published for Release Context. */ TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["Release"] = 2] = "Release"; /** * Run is published for any Context. */ TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["All"] = 3] = "All"; })(TestRunPublishContext = exports.TestRunPublishContext || (exports.TestRunPublishContext = {})); /** * The types of states for test run. */ var TestRunState; (function (TestRunState) { /** * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value. */ TestRunState[TestRunState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified"; /** * The run is still being created. No tests have started yet. */ TestRunState[TestRunState["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted"; /** * Tests are running. */ TestRunState[TestRunState["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * All tests have completed or been skipped. */ TestRunState[TestRunState["Completed"] = 3] = "Completed"; /** * Run is stopped and remaining tests have been aborted */ TestRunState[TestRunState["Aborted"] = 4] = "Aborted"; /** * Run is currently initializing This is a legacy state and should not be used any more */ TestRunState[TestRunState["Waiting"] = 5] = "Waiting"; /** * Run requires investigation because of a test point failure This is a legacy state and should not be used any more */ TestRunState[TestRunState["NeedsInvestigation"] = 6] = "NeedsInvestigation"; })(TestRunState = exports.TestRunState || (exports.TestRunState = {})); /** * The types of sub states for test run. It gives the user more info about the test run beyond the high level test run state */ var TestRunSubstate; (function (TestRunSubstate) { /** * Run with noState. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Run state while Creating Environment. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CreatingEnvironment"] = 1] = "CreatingEnvironment"; /** * Run state while Running Tests. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["RunningTests"] = 2] = "RunningTests"; /** * Run state while Creating Environment. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CanceledByUser"] = 3] = "CanceledByUser"; /** * Run state when it is Aborted By the System. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["AbortedBySystem"] = 4] = "AbortedBySystem"; /** * Run state when run has timedOut. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["TimedOut"] = 5] = "TimedOut"; /** * Run state while Pending Analysis. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["PendingAnalysis"] = 6] = "PendingAnalysis"; /** * Run state after being Analysed. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["Analyzed"] = 7] = "Analyzed"; /** * Run state when cancellation is in Progress. */ TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CancellationInProgress"] = 8] = "CancellationInProgress"; })(TestRunSubstate = exports.TestRunSubstate || (exports.TestRunSubstate = {})); /** * Represents the source from which the test session was created */ var TestSessionSource; (function (TestSessionSource) { /** * Source of test session uncertain as it is stale */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * The session was created from Microsoft Test Manager exploratory desktop tool. */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTDesktop"] = 1] = "XTDesktop"; /** * The session was created from feedback client. */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["FeedbackDesktop"] = 2] = "FeedbackDesktop"; /** * The session was created from browser extension. */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTWeb"] = 3] = "XTWeb"; /** * The session was created from browser extension. */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["FeedbackWeb"] = 4] = "FeedbackWeb"; /** * The session was created from web access using Microsoft Test Manager exploratory desktop tool. */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTDesktop2"] = 5] = "XTDesktop2"; /** * To show sessions from all supported sources. */ TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["SessionInsightsForAll"] = 6] = "SessionInsightsForAll"; })(TestSessionSource = exports.TestSessionSource || (exports.TestSessionSource = {})); /** * Represents the state of the test session. */ var TestSessionState; (function (TestSessionState) { /** * Only used during an update to preserve the existing value. */ TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified"; /** * The session is still being created. */ TestSessionState[TestSessionState["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted"; /** * The session is running. */ TestSessionState[TestSessionState["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * The session has paused. */ TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Paused"] = 3] = "Paused"; /** * The session has completed. */ TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Completed"] = 4] = "Completed"; /** * This is required for Feedback session which are declined */ TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Declined"] = 5] = "Declined"; })(TestSessionState = exports.TestSessionState || (exports.TestSessionState = {})); exports.TypeInfo = { AfnStrip: {}, AggregatedDataForResultTrend: {}, AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome: {}, AggregatedResultsAnalysis: {}, AggregatedResultsByOutcome: {}, AggregatedRunsByOutcome: {}, AggregatedRunsByState: {}, AttachmentType: { enumValues: { "generalAttachment": 0, "afnStrip": 1, "bugFilingData": 2, "codeCoverage": 3, "intermediateCollectorData": 4, "runConfig": 5, "testImpactDetails": 6, "tmiTestRunDeploymentFiles": 7, "tmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles": 8, "tmiTestResultDetail": 9, "tmiTestRunSummary": 10, "consoleLog": 11 } }, BatchResponse: {}, BuildConfiguration: {}, BuildCoverage: {}, BuildReference2: {}, BulkResultUpdateRequest: {}, CloneOperationInformation: {}, CloneOperationState: { enumValues: { "failed": 2, "inProgress": 1, "queued": 0, "succeeded": 3 } }, CodeCoverageSummary: {}, Coverage2: {}, CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "inProgress": 1, "finalized": 2, "pending": 3, "updateRequestQueued": 4, "noModulesFound": 5, "numberOfFilesExceeded": 6, "noInputFiles": 7, "buildCancelled": 8, "failedJobs": 9, "moduleMergeJobTimeout": 10, "codeCoverageSuccess": 11, "invalidBuildConfiguration": 12, "coverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound": 13, "failedToRequeue": 14, "buildBailedOut": 15, "noCodeCoverageTask": 16, "mergeJobFailed": 17, "mergeInvokerJobFailed": 18, "monitorJobFailed": 19, "moduleMergeInvokerJobTimeout": 20, "monitorJobTimeout": 21, "invalidCoverageInput": 22 } }, CoverageQueryFlags: { enumValues: { "modules": 1, "functions": 2, "blockData": 4 } }, CoverageStatus: { enumValues: { "covered": 0, "notCovered": 1, "partiallyCovered": 2 } }, CoverageSummaryStatus: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "inProgress": 1, "completed": 2, "finalized": 3, "pending": 4, "updateRequestQueued": 5 } }, CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest: {}, CreateTestResultsRequest: {}, CreateTestRunRequest: {}, CustomTestFieldDefinition: {}, CustomTestFieldScope: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "testRun": 1, "testResult": 2, "system": 4, "all": 7 } }, CustomTestFieldType: { enumValues: { "bit": 2, "dateTime": 4, "int": 8, "float": 6, "string": 12, "guid": 14 } }, DatedTestFieldData: {}, FailingSince: {}, FetchTestResultsResponse: {}, FlakyDetection: {}, FlakyDetectionType: { enumValues: { "custom": 1, "system": 2 } }, FlakySettings: {}, LastResultDetails: {}, LegacyBuildConfiguration: {}, LegacyReleaseReference: {}, LegacyTestCaseResult: {}, LegacyTestRun: {}, LegacyTestSettings: {}, Metrics: { enumValues: { "all": 1, "resultSummary": 2, "resultsAnalysis": 3, "runSummary": 4 } }, OperationType: { enumValues: { "add": 1, "delete": 2 } }, PipelineTestMetrics: {}, PointLastResult: {}, PointsResults2: {}, QueryTestActionResultResponse: {}, ReleaseReference: {}, ReleaseReference2: {}, RequirementsToTestsMapping2: {}, Response: {}, ResultDetails: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "iterations": 1, "workItems": 2, "subResults": 4, "point": 8 } }, ResultGroupType: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "rerun": 1, "dataDriven": 2, "orderedTest": 3, "generic": 4 } }, ResultMetadata: { enumValues: { "rerun": 1, "flaky": 2 } }, ResultMetaDataDetails: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "flakyIdentifiers": 1 } }, ResultObjectType: { enumValues: { "testSuite": 0, "testPlan": 1 } }, ResultRetentionSettings: {}, ResultsByQueryResponse: {}, ResultsFilter: {}, ResultsSummaryByOutcome: {}, ResultSummary: {}, ResultUpdateRequest: {}, ResultUpdateRequestModel: {}, ResultUpdateResponse: {}, RunCreateModel: {}, RunStatistic: {}, RunSummary: {}, RunSummaryModel: {}, RunType: { enumValues: { "unspecified": 0, "normal": 1, "blocking": 2, "web": 4, "mtrRunInitiatedFromWeb": 8, "runWithDtlEnv": 16, "noConfigRun": 32 } }, RunUpdateModel: {}, Service: { enumValues: { "any": 0, "tcm": 1, "tfs": 2 } }, SessionResult: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "passed": 1, "failed": 2 } }, SessionTimelineType: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "queued": 1, "completed": 2, "started": 3 } }, SourceViewBuildCoverage: {}, SuiteExpand: { enumValues: { "children": 1, "defaultTesters": 2 } }, TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus: { enumValues: { "notStarted": 0, "inProgress": 1, "completed": 2, "failed": 3 } }, TestActionResult: {}, TestActionResult2: {}, TestActionResultModel: {}, TestAttachment: {}, TestAuthoringDetails: {}, TestCaseReference2: {}, TestCaseResult: {}, TestConfiguration: {}, TestConfigurationState: { enumValues: { "active": 1, "inactive": 2 } }, TestExecutionReportData: {}, TestExtensionField: {}, TestExtensionFieldDetails: {}, TestFailuresAnalysis: {}, TestHistoryQuery: {}, TestIterationDetailsModel: {}, TestLog: {}, TestLogReference: {}, TestLogScope: { enumValues: { "run": 0, "build": 1, "release": 2 } }, TestLogStatus: {}, TestLogStatusCode: { enumValues: { "success": 0, "failed": 1, "fileAlreadyExists": 2, "invalidInput": 3, "invalidFileName": 4, "invalidContainer": 5, "transferFailed": 6, "featureDisabled": 7, "buildDoesNotExist": 8, "runDoesNotExist": 9, "containerNotCreated": 10, "apiNotSupported": 11, "fileSizeExceeds": 12, "containerNotFound": 13, "fileNotFound": 14, "directoryNotFound": 15, "storageCapacityExceeded": 16 } }, TestLogStoreAttachment: {}, TestLogStoreEndpointDetails: {}, TestLogStoreEndpointType: { enumValues: { "root": 1, "file": 2 } }, TestLogStoreOperationType: { enumValues: { "read": 1, "create": 2, "readAndCreate": 3 } }, TestLogType: { enumValues: { "generalAttachment": 1, "codeCoverage": 2, "testImpact": 3, "intermediate": 4, "system": 5, "mergedCoverageFile": 6 } }, TestMessageLogDetails: {}, TestMessageLogEntry: {}, TestMessageLogEntry2: {}, TestOutcome: { enumValues: { "unspecified": 0, "none": 1, "passed": 2, "failed": 3, "inconclusive": 4, "timeout": 5, "aborted": 6, "blocked": 7, "notExecuted": 8, "warning": 9, "error": 10, "notApplicable": 11, "paused": 12, "inProgress": 13, "notImpacted": 14, "maxValue": 14 } }, TestParameter2: {}, TestPlan: {}, TestPlanCloneRequest: {}, TestPlanHubData: {}, TestPlansWithSelection: {}, TestPoint: {}, TestPointReference: {}, TestPointsEvent: {}, TestPointsQuery: {}, TestPointState: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "ready": 1, "completed": 2, "notReady": 3, "inProgress": 4, "maxValue": 4 } }, TestPointsUpdatedEvent: {}, TestResult2: {}, TestResultAcrossProjectResponse: {}, TestResultAttachment: {}, TestResultGroupBy: { enumValues: { "branch": 1, "environment": 2 } }, TestResultHistory: {}, TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup: {}, TestResultHistoryForGroup: {}, TestResultModelBase: {}, TestResultReset2: {}, TestResultsContext: {}, TestResultsContextType: { enumValues: { "build": 1, "release": 2, "pipeline": 3 } }, TestResultsDetails: {}, TestResultsDetailsForGroup: {}, TestResultsEx2: {}, TestResultsQuery: {}, TestResultsSession: {}, TestResultsSessionState: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "running": 1, "completed": 2, "waiting": 3, "cancelled": 4 } }, TestResultsSettings: {}, TestResultsSettingsType: { enumValues: { "all": 1, "flaky": 2, "newTestLogging": 3 } }, TestResultSummary: {}, TestResultsUpdateSettings: {}, TestResultsWithWatermark: {}, TestResultTrendFilter: {}, TestRun: {}, TestRun2: {}, TestRunCanceledEvent: {}, TestRunCreatedEvent: {}, TestRunEvent: {}, TestRunEx2: {}, TestRunOutcome: { enumValues: { "passed": 0, "failed": 1, "notImpacted": 2, "others": 3 } }, TestRunPublishContext: { enumValues: { "build": 1, "release": 2, "all": 3 } }, TestRunStartedEvent: {}, TestRunState: { enumValues: { "unspecified": 0, "notStarted": 1, "inProgress": 2, "completed": 3, "aborted": 4, "waiting": 5, "needsInvestigation": 6 } }, TestRunStatistic: {}, TestRunSubstate: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "creatingEnvironment": 1, "runningTests": 2, "canceledByUser": 3, "abortedBySystem": 4, "timedOut": 5, "pendingAnalysis": 6, "analyzed": 7, "cancellationInProgress": 8 } }, TestRunSummary2: {}, TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent: {}, TestSession: {}, TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference: {}, TestSessionSource: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "xtDesktop": 1, "feedbackDesktop": 2, "xtWeb": 3, "feedbackWeb": 4, "xtDesktop2": 5, "sessionInsightsForAll": 6 } }, TestSessionState: { enumValues: { "unspecified": 0, "notStarted": 1, "inProgress": 2, "paused": 3, "completed": 4, "declined": 5 } }, TestSettings2: {}, TestSubResult: {}, TestSuite: {}, TestSummaryForWorkItem: {}, Timeline: {}, UpdatedProperties: {}, UpdateTestRunRequest: {}, UpdateTestRunResponse: {}, WorkItemToTestLinks: {}, }; exports.TypeInfo.AfnStrip.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedDataForResultTrend.fields = { resultsByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome }, runSummaryByState: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState }, testResultsContext: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext } }; exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome.fields = { outcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsAnalysis.fields = { notReportedResultsByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome }, previousContext: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext }, resultsByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome }, runSummaryByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByOutcome }, runSummaryByState: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState } }; exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome.fields = { outcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByOutcome.fields = { outcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState.fields = { resultsByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState } }; exports.TypeInfo.BatchResponse.fields = { responses: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Response }, }; exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.BuildCoverage.fields = { configuration: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration } }; exports.TypeInfo.BuildReference2.fields = { createdDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.BulkResultUpdateRequest.fields = { requests: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateRequest } }; exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationInformation.fields = { completionDate: { isDate: true, }, creationDate: { isDate: true, }, resultObjectType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultObjectType }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationState } }; exports.TypeInfo.CodeCoverageSummary.fields = { coverageDetailedSummaryStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CoverageSummaryStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.Coverage2.fields = { dateCreated: { isDate: true, }, dateModified: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest.fields = { testMessageLogEntry: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry } }; exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestResultsRequest.fields = { results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestRunRequest.fields = { results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult }, testRun: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestRun }, testSettings: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestSettings } }; exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldDefinition.fields = { fieldType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldType }, scope: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldScope } }; exports.TypeInfo.DatedTestFieldData.fields = { date: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince.fields = { date: { isDate: true, }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.FetchTestResultsResponse.fields = { actionResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult }, attachments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment }, results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetection.fields = { flakyDetectionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetectionType } }; exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings.fields = { flakyDetection: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetection } }; exports.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails.fields = { dateCompleted: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration.fields = { completedDate: { isDate: true, }, createdDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference.fields = { environmentCreationDate: { isDate: true, }, releaseCreationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult.fields = { buildReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration }, creationDate: { isDate: true, }, customFields: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField }, dateCompleted: { isDate: true, }, dateStarted: { isDate: true, }, failingSince: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince }, lastUpdated: { isDate: true, }, releaseReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference }, resultGroupType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType }, stackTrace: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField } }; exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestRun.fields = { buildReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration }, completeDate: { isDate: true, }, creationDate: { isDate: true, }, customFields: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField }, dueDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdated: { isDate: true, }, releaseReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference }, startDate: { isDate: true, }, testMessageLogEntries: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogDetails } }; exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestSettings.fields = { createdDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.PipelineTestMetrics.fields = { resultSummary: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultSummary }, runSummary: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunSummary }, summaryAtChild: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PipelineTestMetrics } }; exports.TypeInfo.PointLastResult.fields = { lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.PointsResults2.fields = { lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.QueryTestActionResultResponse.fields = { testActionResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult }, testAttachments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, environmentCreationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference2.fields = { environmentCreationDate: { isDate: true, }, releaseCreationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.RequirementsToTestsMapping2.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, deletionDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.Response.fields = {}; exports.TypeInfo.ResultRetentionSettings.fields = { lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultsByQueryResponse.fields = { testResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultsFilter.fields = { executedIn: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Service }, maxCompleteDate: { isDate: true, }, testResultsContext: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultsSummaryByOutcome.fields = { aggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultSummary.fields = { resultSummaryByRunState: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultsSummaryByOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateRequest.fields = { actionResultDeletes: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult }, actionResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult }, attachments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment }, testCaseResult: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateRequestModel.fields = { actionResultDeletes: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel }, actionResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel } }; exports.TypeInfo.ResultUpdateResponse.fields = { lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.RunCreateModel.fields = { buildReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration }, releaseReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference }, runSummary: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunSummaryModel } }; exports.TypeInfo.RunStatistic.fields = { resultMetadata: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultMetadata } }; exports.TypeInfo.RunSummary.fields = { runSummaryByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome, }, runSummaryByState: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState, } }; exports.TypeInfo.RunSummaryModel.fields = { testOutcome: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.RunUpdateModel.fields = { logEntries: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogDetails }, runSummary: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunSummaryModel }, substate: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunSubstate } }; exports.TypeInfo.SourceViewBuildCoverage.fields = { configuration: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, dateCompleted: { isDate: true, }, dateStarted: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResult2.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, dateCompleted: { isDate: true, }, dateStarted: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel.fields = { completedDate: { isDate: true, }, startedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestAttachment.fields = { attachmentType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AttachmentType }, createdDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestAuthoringDetails.fields = { lastUpdated: { isDate: true, }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseReference2.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, lastRefTestRunDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult.fields = { completedDate: { isDate: true, }, createdDate: { isDate: true, }, failingSince: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince }, iterationDetails: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestIterationDetailsModel }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, releaseReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference }, resultGroupType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType }, startedDate: { isDate: true, }, subResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSubResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestConfiguration.fields = { lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestExecutionReportData.fields = { reportData: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DatedTestFieldData } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionField.fields = { field: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionFieldDetails } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestExtensionFieldDetails.fields = { type: { enumType: SystemData.TypeInfo.SqlDbType } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestFailuresAnalysis.fields = { previousContext: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestHistoryQuery.fields = { groupBy: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultGroupBy }, maxCompleteDate: { isDate: true, }, resultsForGroup: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryForGroup } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestIterationDetailsModel.fields = { actionResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestActionResultModel }, completedDate: { isDate: true, }, startedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestLog.fields = { logReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogReference }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestLogReference.fields = { scope: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogScope }, type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogType } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStatus.fields = { status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStatusCode } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStoreAttachment.fields = { attachmentType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AttachmentType }, createdDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStoreEndpointDetails.fields = { endpointType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStoreEndpointType }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestLogStatusCode } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogDetails.fields = { dateCreated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry.fields = { dateCreated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry2.fields = { dateCreated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestParameter2.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, dateModified: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan.fields = { endDate: { isDate: true, }, startDate: { isDate: true, }, updatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanCloneRequest.fields = { destinationTestPlan: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlanHubData.fields = { testPlan: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan }, testPoints: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint }, testSuites: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPlansWithSelection.fields = { plans: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPlan } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint.fields = { lastResetToActive: { isDate: true, }, lastResultDetails: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LastResultDetails }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPointReference.fields = { state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPointsEvent.fields = { testPoints: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPointsQuery.fields = { points: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPoint } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestPointsUpdatedEvent.fields = { testPoints: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestPointReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResult2.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, dateCompleted: { isDate: true, }, dateStarted: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdated: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAcrossProjectResponse.fields = { testResult: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultAttachment.fields = { attachmentType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AttachmentType }, creationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistory.fields = { resultsForGroup: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup.fields = { latestResult: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultHistoryForGroup.fields = { results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultModelBase.fields = { completedDate: { isDate: true, }, startedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultReset2.fields = { dateModified: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext.fields = { contextType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContextType }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsDetails.fields = { resultsForGroup: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsDetailsForGroup } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsDetailsForGroup.fields = { results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult }, resultsCountByOutcome: { isDictionary: true, dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome, dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsEx2.fields = { creationDate: { isDate: true, }, dateTimeValue: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsQuery.fields = { results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestCaseResult }, resultsFilter: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ResultsFilter } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsSession.fields = { endTimeUTC: { isDate: true, }, result: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SessionResult }, startTimeUTC: { isDate: true, }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsSessionState }, }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsSettings.fields = { flakySettings: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultSummary.fields = { aggregatedResultsAnalysis: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsAnalysis }, teamProject: { typeInfo: TfsCoreInterfaces.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference }, testFailures: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestFailuresAnalysis }, testResultsContext: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsUpdateSettings.fields = { flakySettings: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsWithWatermark.fields = { changedDate: { isDate: true, }, pointsResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PointsResults2 } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestResultTrendFilter.fields = { maxCompleteDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestRun.fields = { buildConfiguration: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration }, completedDate: { isDate: true, }, createdDate: { isDate: true, }, dueDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference }, runStatistics: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunStatistic }, startedDate: { isDate: true, }, substate: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunSubstate } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestRun2.fields = { completeDate: { isDate: true, }, creationDate: { isDate: true, }, deletedOn: { 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lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, source: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSessionSource }, startDate: { isDate: true, }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestSessionState } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference.fields = { endTime: { isDate: true, }, startTime: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSettings2.fields = { createdDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSubResult.fields = { completedDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, }, resultGroupType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType }, startedDate: { isDate: true, }, subResults: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSubResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite.fields = { children: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestSuite }, lastPopulatedDate: { isDate: true, }, lastUpdatedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.TestSummaryForWorkItem.fields = { summary: { typeInfo: 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