by RyanCardin15
- node_modules
- azure-devops-node-api
- interfaces
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* Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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* Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
* ---------------------------------------------------------
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TypeInfo = exports.TestSessionState = exports.TestSessionSource = exports.TestRunSubstate = exports.TestRunState = exports.TestRunPublishContext = exports.TestRunOutcome = exports.TestResultsSettingsType = exports.TestResultsSessionState = exports.TestResultsContextType = exports.TestResultGroupBy = exports.TestPointState = exports.TestOutcome = exports.TestLogType = exports.TestLogStoreOperationType = exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType = exports.TestLogStatusCode = exports.TestLogScope = exports.TestConfigurationState = exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = exports.SuiteExpand = exports.SessionTimelineType = exports.SessionResult = exports.Service = exports.RunType = exports.ResultObjectType = exports.ResultMetaDataDetails = exports.ResultMetadata = exports.ResultGroupType = exports.ResultDetails = exports.OperationType = exports.Metrics = exports.FlakyDetectionType = exports.CustomTestFieldType = exports.CustomTestFieldScope = exports.CoverageSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageStatus = exports.CoverageQueryFlags = exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = exports.CloneOperationState = exports.AttachmentType = void 0;
const SystemData = require("../interfaces/common/SystemDataInterfaces");
const TfsCoreInterfaces = require("../interfaces/CoreInterfaces");
* The types of test attachments.
var AttachmentType;
(function (AttachmentType) {
* Attachment type GeneralAttachment , use this as default type unless you have other type.
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["GeneralAttachment"] = 0] = "GeneralAttachment";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["AfnStrip"] = 1] = "AfnStrip";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["BugFilingData"] = 2] = "BugFilingData";
* Attachment type CodeCoverage.
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["CodeCoverage"] = 3] = "CodeCoverage";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["IntermediateCollectorData"] = 4] = "IntermediateCollectorData";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["RunConfig"] = 5] = "RunConfig";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TestImpactDetails"] = 6] = "TestImpactDetails";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles"] = 7] = "TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles"] = 8] = "TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestResultDetail"] = 9] = "TmiTestResultDetail";
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["TmiTestRunSummary"] = 10] = "TmiTestRunSummary";
* Attachment type ConsoleLog.
AttachmentType[AttachmentType["ConsoleLog"] = 11] = "ConsoleLog";
})(AttachmentType = exports.AttachmentType || (exports.AttachmentType = {}));
* Enum of type Clone Operation Type.
var CloneOperationState;
(function (CloneOperationState) {
* value for Failed State
CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
* value for Inprogress state
CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
* Value for Queued State
CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Queued"] = 0] = "Queued";
* value for Success state
CloneOperationState[CloneOperationState["Succeeded"] = 3] = "Succeeded";
})(CloneOperationState = exports.CloneOperationState || (exports.CloneOperationState = {}));
* Represents status of code coverage summary for a build
var CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus;
(function (CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus) {
* No coverage status
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["None"] = 0] = "None";
* The summary evaluation is in progress
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
* The summary evaluation is finalized and won't change
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["Finalized"] = 2] = "Finalized";
* The summary evaluation is pending
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["Pending"] = 3] = "Pending";
* Summary evaluation may be ongoing but another merge has been requested.
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["UpdateRequestQueued"] = 4] = "UpdateRequestQueued";
* No coverage modules found
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoModulesFound"] = 5] = "NoModulesFound";
* Number of Files exceeded
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NumberOfFilesExceeded"] = 6] = "NumberOfFilesExceeded";
* TNo Input Files
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoInputFiles"] = 7] = "NoInputFiles";
* Build got cancelled by user
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["BuildCancelled"] = 8] = "BuildCancelled";
* Coverage Jobs failed
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["FailedJobs"] = 9] = "FailedJobs";
* Module merge Timeout
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["ModuleMergeJobTimeout"] = 10] = "ModuleMergeJobTimeout";
* Coverage successfully completed
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["CodeCoverageSuccess"] = 11] = "CodeCoverageSuccess";
* Invalid Build Configuration
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InvalidBuildConfiguration"] = 12] = "InvalidBuildConfiguration";
* Coverage Analyzer Build not found
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["CoverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound"] = 13] = "CoverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound";
* Failed to requeue the build
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["FailedToRequeue"] = 14] = "FailedToRequeue";
* Build got Bailed out
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["BuildBailedOut"] = 15] = "BuildBailedOut";
* No Code coverage configured
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["NoCodeCoverageTask"] = 16] = "NoCodeCoverageTask";
* CoverageMerge Job failed
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MergeJobFailed"] = 17] = "MergeJobFailed";
* CoverageMergeInvoker Job failed
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MergeInvokerJobFailed"] = 18] = "MergeInvokerJobFailed";
* CoverageMonitor Job failed
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MonitorJobFailed"] = 19] = "MonitorJobFailed";
* CoverageMergeInvoker Job timeout
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["ModuleMergeInvokerJobTimeout"] = 20] = "ModuleMergeInvokerJobTimeout";
* CoverageMonitor Job timeout
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["MonitorJobTimeout"] = 21] = "MonitorJobTimeout";
* Invalid Coverage Input file
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus[CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus["InvalidCoverageInput"] = 22] = "InvalidCoverageInput";
})(CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus || (exports.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus = {}));
* Used to choose which coverage data is returned by a QueryXXXCoverage() call.
var CoverageQueryFlags;
(function (CoverageQueryFlags) {
* If set, the Coverage.Modules property will be populated.
CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["Modules"] = 1] = "Modules";
* If set, the ModuleCoverage.Functions properties will be populated.
CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["Functions"] = 2] = "Functions";
* If set, the ModuleCoverage.CoverageData field will be populated.
CoverageQueryFlags[CoverageQueryFlags["BlockData"] = 4] = "BlockData";
})(CoverageQueryFlags = exports.CoverageQueryFlags || (exports.CoverageQueryFlags = {}));
var CoverageStatus;
(function (CoverageStatus) {
CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["Covered"] = 0] = "Covered";
CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["NotCovered"] = 1] = "NotCovered";
CoverageStatus[CoverageStatus["PartiallyCovered"] = 2] = "PartiallyCovered";
})(CoverageStatus = exports.CoverageStatus || (exports.CoverageStatus = {}));
* Represents status of code coverage summary for a build
var CoverageSummaryStatus;
(function (CoverageSummaryStatus) {
* No coverage status
CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["None"] = 0] = "None";
* The summary evaluation is in progress
CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
* The summary evaluation for the previous request is completed. Summary can change in future
CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
* The summary evaluation is finalized and won't change
CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Finalized"] = 3] = "Finalized";
* The summary evaluation is pending
CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["Pending"] = 4] = "Pending";
* Summary evaluation may be ongoing but another merge has been requested.
CoverageSummaryStatus[CoverageSummaryStatus["UpdateRequestQueued"] = 5] = "UpdateRequestQueued";
})(CoverageSummaryStatus = exports.CoverageSummaryStatus || (exports.CoverageSummaryStatus = {}));
var CustomTestFieldScope;
(function (CustomTestFieldScope) {
CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["None"] = 0] = "None";
CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["TestRun"] = 1] = "TestRun";
CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["TestResult"] = 2] = "TestResult";
CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["System"] = 4] = "System";
CustomTestFieldScope[CustomTestFieldScope["All"] = 7] = "All";
})(CustomTestFieldScope = exports.CustomTestFieldScope || (exports.CustomTestFieldScope = {}));
var CustomTestFieldType;
(function (CustomTestFieldType) {
CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Bit"] = 2] = "Bit";
CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["DateTime"] = 4] = "DateTime";
CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Int"] = 8] = "Int";
CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Float"] = 6] = "Float";
CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["String"] = 12] = "String";
CustomTestFieldType[CustomTestFieldType["Guid"] = 14] = "Guid";
})(CustomTestFieldType = exports.CustomTestFieldType || (exports.CustomTestFieldType = {}));
var FlakyDetectionType;
(function (FlakyDetectionType) {
* Custom defines manual detection type.
FlakyDetectionType[FlakyDetectionType["Custom"] = 1] = "Custom";
* Defines System detection type.
FlakyDetectionType[FlakyDetectionType["System"] = 2] = "System";
})(FlakyDetectionType = exports.FlakyDetectionType || (exports.FlakyDetectionType = {}));
* Test summary metrics.
var Metrics;
(function (Metrics) {
* To get results of all matrix.
Metrics[Metrics["All"] = 1] = "All";
* Get results summary by results outcome
Metrics[Metrics["ResultSummary"] = 2] = "ResultSummary";
* Get results analysis which include failure analysis, increase/decrease in results count analysis.
Metrics[Metrics["ResultsAnalysis"] = 3] = "ResultsAnalysis";
* Get runs summary
Metrics[Metrics["RunSummary"] = 4] = "RunSummary";
})(Metrics = exports.Metrics || (exports.Metrics = {}));
var OperationType;
(function (OperationType) {
OperationType[OperationType["Add"] = 1] = "Add";
OperationType[OperationType["Delete"] = 2] = "Delete";
})(OperationType = exports.OperationType || (exports.OperationType = {}));
* Additional details with test result
var ResultDetails;
(function (ResultDetails) {
* Core fields of test result. Core fields includes State, Outcome, Priority, AutomatedTestName, AutomatedTestStorage, Comments, ErrorMessage etc.
ResultDetails[ResultDetails["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Test iteration details in a test result.
ResultDetails[ResultDetails["Iterations"] = 1] = "Iterations";
* Workitems associated with a test result.
ResultDetails[ResultDetails["WorkItems"] = 2] = "WorkItems";
* Subresults in a test result.
ResultDetails[ResultDetails["SubResults"] = 4] = "SubResults";
* Point and plan detail in a test result.
ResultDetails[ResultDetails["Point"] = 8] = "Point";
})(ResultDetails = exports.ResultDetails || (exports.ResultDetails = {}));
* Hierarchy type of the result/subresults.
var ResultGroupType;
(function (ResultGroupType) {
* Leaf node of test result.
ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Hierarchy type of test result.
ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["Rerun"] = 1] = "Rerun";
* Hierarchy type of test result.
ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["DataDriven"] = 2] = "DataDriven";
* Hierarchy type of test result.
ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["OrderedTest"] = 3] = "OrderedTest";
* Unknown hierarchy type.
ResultGroupType[ResultGroupType["Generic"] = 4] = "Generic";
})(ResultGroupType = exports.ResultGroupType || (exports.ResultGroupType = {}));
var ResultMetadata;
(function (ResultMetadata) {
* Rerun metadata
ResultMetadata[ResultMetadata["Rerun"] = 1] = "Rerun";
* Flaky metadata
ResultMetadata[ResultMetadata["Flaky"] = 2] = "Flaky";
})(ResultMetadata = exports.ResultMetadata || (exports.ResultMetadata = {}));
* Additional details with test result metadata
var ResultMetaDataDetails;
(function (ResultMetaDataDetails) {
* Core fields of test result metadata.
ResultMetaDataDetails[ResultMetaDataDetails["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Test FlakyIdentifiers details in test result metadata.
ResultMetaDataDetails[ResultMetaDataDetails["FlakyIdentifiers"] = 1] = "FlakyIdentifiers";
})(ResultMetaDataDetails = exports.ResultMetaDataDetails || (exports.ResultMetaDataDetails = {}));
* The top level entity that is being cloned as part of a Clone operation
var ResultObjectType;
(function (ResultObjectType) {
* Suite Clone
ResultObjectType[ResultObjectType["TestSuite"] = 0] = "TestSuite";
* Plan Clone
ResultObjectType[ResultObjectType["TestPlan"] = 1] = "TestPlan";
})(ResultObjectType = exports.ResultObjectType || (exports.ResultObjectType = {}));
var RunType;
(function (RunType) {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
RunType[RunType["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
* Normal test run.
RunType[RunType["Normal"] = 1] = "Normal";
* Test run created for the blocked result when a test point is blocked.
RunType[RunType["Blocking"] = 2] = "Blocking";
* Test run created from Web.
RunType[RunType["Web"] = 4] = "Web";
* Run initiated from web through MTR
RunType[RunType["MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb"] = 8] = "MtrRunInitiatedFromWeb";
* These test run would require DTL environment. These could be either of automated or manual test run.
RunType[RunType["RunWithDtlEnv"] = 16] = "RunWithDtlEnv";
* These test run may or may not have published test results but it will have summary like total test, passed test, failed test etc. These are automated tests.
RunType[RunType["NoConfigRun"] = 32] = "NoConfigRun";
})(RunType = exports.RunType || (exports.RunType = {}));
var Service;
(function (Service) {
Service[Service["Any"] = 0] = "Any";
Service[Service["Tcm"] = 1] = "Tcm";
Service[Service["Tfs"] = 2] = "Tfs";
})(Service = exports.Service || (exports.Service = {}));
var SessionResult;
(function (SessionResult) {
* Default
SessionResult[SessionResult["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Session result with Passed
SessionResult[SessionResult["Passed"] = 1] = "Passed";
* Session result with Failed
SessionResult[SessionResult["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
})(SessionResult = exports.SessionResult || (exports.SessionResult = {}));
var SessionTimelineType;
(function (SessionTimelineType) {
* Default
SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Timeline type for Queued status
SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Queued"] = 1] = "Queued";
* Timeline type for Completed status
SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
* Timeline type for Started status
SessionTimelineType[SessionTimelineType["Started"] = 3] = "Started";
})(SessionTimelineType = exports.SessionTimelineType || (exports.SessionTimelineType = {}));
* Option to get details in response
var SuiteExpand;
(function (SuiteExpand) {
* Include children in response.
SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["Children"] = 1] = "Children";
* Include default testers in response.
SuiteExpand[SuiteExpand["DefaultTesters"] = 2] = "DefaultTesters";
})(SuiteExpand = exports.SuiteExpand || (exports.SuiteExpand = {}));
var TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus;
(function (TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus) {
* Migration Not Started
TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["NotStarted"] = 0] = "NotStarted";
* Migration InProgress
TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
* Migration Completed
TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
* Migration Failed
TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus[TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed";
})(TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus || (exports.TCMServiceDataMigrationStatus = {}));
* Represents the state of an ITestConfiguration object.
var TestConfigurationState;
(function (TestConfigurationState) {
* The configuration can be used for new test runs.
TestConfigurationState[TestConfigurationState["Active"] = 1] = "Active";
* The configuration has been retired and should not be used for new test runs.
TestConfigurationState[TestConfigurationState["Inactive"] = 2] = "Inactive";
})(TestConfigurationState = exports.TestConfigurationState || (exports.TestConfigurationState = {}));
* Test Log Context
var TestLogScope;
(function (TestLogScope) {
* Log file is associated with Run, result, subresult
TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Run"] = 0] = "Run";
* Log File associated with Build
TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Build"] = 1] = "Build";
* Log File associated with Release
TestLogScope[TestLogScope["Release"] = 2] = "Release";
})(TestLogScope = exports.TestLogScope || (exports.TestLogScope = {}));
* Test Log Status codes.
var TestLogStatusCode;
(function (TestLogStatusCode) {
* Operation is successful
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["Success"] = 0] = "Success";
* Operation failed
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed";
* Operation failed due to file already exist
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileAlreadyExists"] = 2] = "FileAlreadyExists";
* Invalid input provided by user
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidInput"] = 3] = "InvalidInput";
* Invalid file name provided by user
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidFileName"] = 4] = "InvalidFileName";
* Error occurred while operating on container
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["InvalidContainer"] = 5] = "InvalidContainer";
* Blob Transfer Error
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["TransferFailed"] = 6] = "TransferFailed";
* TestLogStore feature is not enabled
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FeatureDisabled"] = 7] = "FeatureDisabled";
* Build for which operation is requested does not exist
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["BuildDoesNotExist"] = 8] = "BuildDoesNotExist";
* Run for which operation is requested does not exist
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["RunDoesNotExist"] = 9] = "RunDoesNotExist";
* Container cannot be created
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["ContainerNotCreated"] = 10] = "ContainerNotCreated";
* Api is not supported
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["APINotSupported"] = 11] = "APINotSupported";
* File size is greater than the limitation
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileSizeExceeds"] = 12] = "FileSizeExceeds";
* Container is not found for which operation is requested
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["ContainerNotFound"] = 13] = "ContainerNotFound";
* File cannot be found
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["FileNotFound"] = 14] = "FileNotFound";
* Directory cannot be found
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["DirectoryNotFound"] = 15] = "DirectoryNotFound";
* Storage capacity exceeded
TestLogStatusCode[TestLogStatusCode["StorageCapacityExceeded"] = 16] = "StorageCapacityExceeded";
})(TestLogStatusCode = exports.TestLogStatusCode || (exports.TestLogStatusCode = {}));
* Specifies set of possible log store endpoint type.
var TestLogStoreEndpointType;
(function (TestLogStoreEndpointType) {
* Endpoint type is scoped to root
TestLogStoreEndpointType[TestLogStoreEndpointType["Root"] = 1] = "Root";
* Endpoint type is scoped to file
TestLogStoreEndpointType[TestLogStoreEndpointType["File"] = 2] = "File";
})(TestLogStoreEndpointType = exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType || (exports.TestLogStoreEndpointType = {}));
* Specifies set of possible operation type on log store.
var TestLogStoreOperationType;
(function (TestLogStoreOperationType) {
* Operation is scoped to read data only.
TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["Read"] = 1] = "Read";
* Operation is scoped to create data only.
TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["Create"] = 2] = "Create";
* Operation is scoped to read and create data.
TestLogStoreOperationType[TestLogStoreOperationType["ReadAndCreate"] = 3] = "ReadAndCreate";
})(TestLogStoreOperationType = exports.TestLogStoreOperationType || (exports.TestLogStoreOperationType = {}));
* Test Log Types
var TestLogType;
(function (TestLogType) {
* Any gereric attachment.
TestLogType[TestLogType["GeneralAttachment"] = 1] = "GeneralAttachment";
* Code Coverage files
TestLogType[TestLogType["CodeCoverage"] = 2] = "CodeCoverage";
* Test Impact details.
TestLogType[TestLogType["TestImpact"] = 3] = "TestImpact";
* Temporary files
TestLogType[TestLogType["Intermediate"] = 4] = "Intermediate";
* Subresult Attachment
TestLogType[TestLogType["System"] = 5] = "System";
* merged Coverage file
TestLogType[TestLogType["MergedCoverageFile"] = 6] = "MergedCoverageFile";
})(TestLogType = exports.TestLogType || (exports.TestLogType = {}));
* Valid TestOutcome values.
var TestOutcome;
(function (TestOutcome) {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
* Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["None"] = 1] = "None";
* Test was executed w/o any issues.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Passed"] = 2] = "Passed";
* Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed";
* Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests...
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Inconclusive"] = 4] = "Inconclusive";
* The test timed out
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Timeout"] = 5] = "Timeout";
* Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Aborted"] = 6] = "Aborted";
* Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Blocked"] = 7] = "Blocked";
* Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotExecuted"] = 8] = "NotExecuted";
* To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Warning"] = 9] = "Warning";
* There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Error"] = 10] = "Error";
* Test is Not Applicable for execution.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotApplicable"] = 11] = "NotApplicable";
* Test is paused.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["Paused"] = 12] = "Paused";
* Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["InProgress"] = 13] = "InProgress";
* Test is not impacted. Added fot TIA.
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 14] = "NotImpacted";
TestOutcome[TestOutcome["MaxValue"] = 14] = "MaxValue";
})(TestOutcome = exports.TestOutcome || (exports.TestOutcome = {}));
var TestPointState;
(function (TestPointState) {
* Default
TestPointState[TestPointState["None"] = 0] = "None";
* The test point needs to be executed in order for the test pass to be considered complete. Either the test has not been run before or the previous run failed.
TestPointState[TestPointState["Ready"] = 1] = "Ready";
* The test has passed successfully and does not need to be re-run for the test pass to be considered complete.
TestPointState[TestPointState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
* The test point needs to be executed but is not able to.
TestPointState[TestPointState["NotReady"] = 3] = "NotReady";
* The test is being executed.
TestPointState[TestPointState["InProgress"] = 4] = "InProgress";
TestPointState[TestPointState["MaxValue"] = 4] = "MaxValue";
})(TestPointState = exports.TestPointState || (exports.TestPointState = {}));
* Group by for results
var TestResultGroupBy;
(function (TestResultGroupBy) {
* Group the results by branches
TestResultGroupBy[TestResultGroupBy["Branch"] = 1] = "Branch";
* Group the results by environment
TestResultGroupBy[TestResultGroupBy["Environment"] = 2] = "Environment";
})(TestResultGroupBy = exports.TestResultGroupBy || (exports.TestResultGroupBy = {}));
var TestResultsContextType;
(function (TestResultsContextType) {
TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Build"] = 1] = "Build";
TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Release"] = 2] = "Release";
TestResultsContextType[TestResultsContextType["Pipeline"] = 3] = "Pipeline";
})(TestResultsContextType = exports.TestResultsContextType || (exports.TestResultsContextType = {}));
var TestResultsSessionState;
(function (TestResultsSessionState) {
* Default
TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Session state with Running
TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Running"] = 1] = "Running";
* Session state with Completed
TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed";
* Session state with Waiting
TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Waiting"] = 3] = "Waiting";
* Session state with Cancelled
TestResultsSessionState[TestResultsSessionState["Cancelled"] = 4] = "Cancelled";
})(TestResultsSessionState = exports.TestResultsSessionState || (exports.TestResultsSessionState = {}));
var TestResultsSettingsType;
(function (TestResultsSettingsType) {
* Returns All Test Settings.
TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["All"] = 1] = "All";
* Returns Flaky Test Settings.
TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["Flaky"] = 2] = "Flaky";
* Returns whether to log new tests or not
TestResultsSettingsType[TestResultsSettingsType["NewTestLogging"] = 3] = "NewTestLogging";
})(TestResultsSettingsType = exports.TestResultsSettingsType || (exports.TestResultsSettingsType = {}));
* The types of outcomes for test run.
var TestRunOutcome;
(function (TestRunOutcome) {
* Run with zero failed tests and has at least one impacted test
TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Passed"] = 0] = "Passed";
* Run with at-least one failed test.
TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Failed"] = 1] = "Failed";
* Run with no impacted tests.
TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["NotImpacted"] = 2] = "NotImpacted";
* Runs with All tests in other category.
TestRunOutcome[TestRunOutcome["Others"] = 3] = "Others";
})(TestRunOutcome = exports.TestRunOutcome || (exports.TestRunOutcome = {}));
* The types of publish context for run.
var TestRunPublishContext;
(function (TestRunPublishContext) {
* Run is published for Build Context.
TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["Build"] = 1] = "Build";
* Run is published for Release Context.
TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["Release"] = 2] = "Release";
* Run is published for any Context.
TestRunPublishContext[TestRunPublishContext["All"] = 3] = "All";
})(TestRunPublishContext = exports.TestRunPublishContext || (exports.TestRunPublishContext = {}));
* The types of states for test run.
var TestRunState;
(function (TestRunState) {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
TestRunState[TestRunState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
* The run is still being created. No tests have started yet.
TestRunState[TestRunState["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted";
* Tests are running.
TestRunState[TestRunState["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress";
* All tests have completed or been skipped.
TestRunState[TestRunState["Completed"] = 3] = "Completed";
* Run is stopped and remaining tests have been aborted
TestRunState[TestRunState["Aborted"] = 4] = "Aborted";
* Run is currently initializing This is a legacy state and should not be used any more
TestRunState[TestRunState["Waiting"] = 5] = "Waiting";
* Run requires investigation because of a test point failure This is a legacy state and should not be used any more
TestRunState[TestRunState["NeedsInvestigation"] = 6] = "NeedsInvestigation";
})(TestRunState = exports.TestRunState || (exports.TestRunState = {}));
* The types of sub states for test run. It gives the user more info about the test run beyond the high level test run state
var TestRunSubstate;
(function (TestRunSubstate) {
* Run with noState.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Run state while Creating Environment.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CreatingEnvironment"] = 1] = "CreatingEnvironment";
* Run state while Running Tests.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["RunningTests"] = 2] = "RunningTests";
* Run state while Creating Environment.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CanceledByUser"] = 3] = "CanceledByUser";
* Run state when it is Aborted By the System.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["AbortedBySystem"] = 4] = "AbortedBySystem";
* Run state when run has timedOut.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["TimedOut"] = 5] = "TimedOut";
* Run state while Pending Analysis.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["PendingAnalysis"] = 6] = "PendingAnalysis";
* Run state after being Analysed.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["Analyzed"] = 7] = "Analyzed";
* Run state when cancellation is in Progress.
TestRunSubstate[TestRunSubstate["CancellationInProgress"] = 8] = "CancellationInProgress";
})(TestRunSubstate = exports.TestRunSubstate || (exports.TestRunSubstate = {}));
* Represents the source from which the test session was created
var TestSessionSource;
(function (TestSessionSource) {
* Source of test session uncertain as it is stale
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
* The session was created from Microsoft Test Manager exploratory desktop tool.
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTDesktop"] = 1] = "XTDesktop";
* The session was created from feedback client.
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["FeedbackDesktop"] = 2] = "FeedbackDesktop";
* The session was created from browser extension.
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTWeb"] = 3] = "XTWeb";
* The session was created from browser extension.
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["FeedbackWeb"] = 4] = "FeedbackWeb";
* The session was created from web access using Microsoft Test Manager exploratory desktop tool.
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["XTDesktop2"] = 5] = "XTDesktop2";
* To show sessions from all supported sources.
TestSessionSource[TestSessionSource["SessionInsightsForAll"] = 6] = "SessionInsightsForAll";
})(TestSessionSource = exports.TestSessionSource || (exports.TestSessionSource = {}));
* Represents the state of the test session.
var TestSessionState;
(function (TestSessionState) {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Unspecified"] = 0] = "Unspecified";
* The session is still being created.
TestSessionState[TestSessionState["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted";
* The session is running.
TestSessionState[TestSessionState["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress";
* The session has paused.
TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Paused"] = 3] = "Paused";
* The session has completed.
TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Completed"] = 4] = "Completed";
* This is required for Feedback session which are declined
TestSessionState[TestSessionState["Declined"] = 5] = "Declined";
})(TestSessionState = exports.TestSessionState || (exports.TestSessionState = {}));
exports.TypeInfo = {
AfnStrip: {},
AggregatedDataForResultTrend: {},
AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome: {},
AggregatedResultsAnalysis: {},
AggregatedResultsByOutcome: {},
AggregatedRunsByOutcome: {},
AggregatedRunsByState: {},
AttachmentType: {
enumValues: {
"generalAttachment": 0,
"afnStrip": 1,
"bugFilingData": 2,
"codeCoverage": 3,
"intermediateCollectorData": 4,
"runConfig": 5,
"testImpactDetails": 6,
"tmiTestRunDeploymentFiles": 7,
"tmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles": 8,
"tmiTestResultDetail": 9,
"tmiTestRunSummary": 10,
"consoleLog": 11
BatchResponse: {},
BuildConfiguration: {},
BuildCoverage: {},
BuildReference2: {},
BulkResultUpdateRequest: {},
CloneOperationInformation: {},
CloneOperationState: {
enumValues: {
"failed": 2,
"inProgress": 1,
"queued": 0,
"succeeded": 3
CodeCoverageSummary: {},
Coverage2: {},
CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"inProgress": 1,
"finalized": 2,
"pending": 3,
"updateRequestQueued": 4,
"noModulesFound": 5,
"numberOfFilesExceeded": 6,
"noInputFiles": 7,
"buildCancelled": 8,
"failedJobs": 9,
"moduleMergeJobTimeout": 10,
"codeCoverageSuccess": 11,
"invalidBuildConfiguration": 12,
"coverageAnalyzerBuildNotFound": 13,
"failedToRequeue": 14,
"buildBailedOut": 15,
"noCodeCoverageTask": 16,
"mergeJobFailed": 17,
"mergeInvokerJobFailed": 18,
"monitorJobFailed": 19,
"moduleMergeInvokerJobTimeout": 20,
"monitorJobTimeout": 21,
"invalidCoverageInput": 22
CoverageQueryFlags: {
enumValues: {
"modules": 1,
"functions": 2,
"blockData": 4
CoverageStatus: {
enumValues: {
"covered": 0,
"notCovered": 1,
"partiallyCovered": 2
CoverageSummaryStatus: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"inProgress": 1,
"completed": 2,
"finalized": 3,
"pending": 4,
"updateRequestQueued": 5
CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest: {},
CreateTestResultsRequest: {},
CreateTestRunRequest: {},
CustomTestFieldDefinition: {},
CustomTestFieldScope: {
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"none": 0,
"testRun": 1,
"testResult": 2,
"system": 4,
"all": 7
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"bit": 2,
"dateTime": 4,
"int": 8,
"float": 6,
"string": 12,
"guid": 14
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FailingSince: {},
FetchTestResultsResponse: {},
FlakyDetection: {},
FlakyDetectionType: {
enumValues: {
"custom": 1,
"system": 2
FlakySettings: {},
LastResultDetails: {},
LegacyBuildConfiguration: {},
LegacyReleaseReference: {},
LegacyTestCaseResult: {},
LegacyTestRun: {},
LegacyTestSettings: {},
Metrics: {
enumValues: {
"all": 1,
"resultSummary": 2,
"resultsAnalysis": 3,
"runSummary": 4
OperationType: {
enumValues: {
"add": 1,
"delete": 2
PipelineTestMetrics: {},
PointLastResult: {},
PointsResults2: {},
QueryTestActionResultResponse: {},
ReleaseReference: {},
ReleaseReference2: {},
RequirementsToTestsMapping2: {},
Response: {},
ResultDetails: {
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"none": 0,
"iterations": 1,
"workItems": 2,
"subResults": 4,
"point": 8
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enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"rerun": 1,
"dataDriven": 2,
"orderedTest": 3,
"generic": 4
ResultMetadata: {
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"rerun": 1,
"flaky": 2
ResultMetaDataDetails: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"flakyIdentifiers": 1
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enumValues: {
"testSuite": 0,
"testPlan": 1
ResultRetentionSettings: {},
ResultsByQueryResponse: {},
ResultsFilter: {},
ResultsSummaryByOutcome: {},
ResultSummary: {},
ResultUpdateRequest: {},
ResultUpdateRequestModel: {},
ResultUpdateResponse: {},
RunCreateModel: {},
RunStatistic: {},
RunSummary: {},
RunSummaryModel: {},
RunType: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": 0,
"normal": 1,
"blocking": 2,
"web": 4,
"mtrRunInitiatedFromWeb": 8,
"runWithDtlEnv": 16,
"noConfigRun": 32
RunUpdateModel: {},
Service: {
enumValues: {
"any": 0,
"tcm": 1,
"tfs": 2
SessionResult: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"passed": 1,
"failed": 2
SessionTimelineType: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"queued": 1,
"completed": 2,
"started": 3
SourceViewBuildCoverage: {},
SuiteExpand: {
enumValues: {
"children": 1,
"defaultTesters": 2
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enumValues: {
"notStarted": 0,
"inProgress": 1,
"completed": 2,
"failed": 3
TestActionResult: {},
TestActionResult2: {},
TestActionResultModel: {},
TestAttachment: {},
TestAuthoringDetails: {},
TestCaseReference2: {},
TestCaseResult: {},
TestConfiguration: {},
TestConfigurationState: {
enumValues: {
"active": 1,
"inactive": 2
TestExecutionReportData: {},
TestExtensionField: {},
TestExtensionFieldDetails: {},
TestFailuresAnalysis: {},
TestHistoryQuery: {},
TestIterationDetailsModel: {},
TestLog: {},
TestLogReference: {},
TestLogScope: {
enumValues: {
"run": 0,
"build": 1,
"release": 2
TestLogStatus: {},
TestLogStatusCode: {
enumValues: {
"success": 0,
"failed": 1,
"fileAlreadyExists": 2,
"invalidInput": 3,
"invalidFileName": 4,
"invalidContainer": 5,
"transferFailed": 6,
"featureDisabled": 7,
"buildDoesNotExist": 8,
"runDoesNotExist": 9,
"containerNotCreated": 10,
"apiNotSupported": 11,
"fileSizeExceeds": 12,
"containerNotFound": 13,
"fileNotFound": 14,
"directoryNotFound": 15,
"storageCapacityExceeded": 16
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TestLogStoreEndpointDetails: {},
TestLogStoreEndpointType: {
enumValues: {
"root": 1,
"file": 2
TestLogStoreOperationType: {
enumValues: {
"read": 1,
"create": 2,
"readAndCreate": 3
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"generalAttachment": 1,
"codeCoverage": 2,
"testImpact": 3,
"intermediate": 4,
"system": 5,
"mergedCoverageFile": 6
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TestMessageLogEntry: {},
TestMessageLogEntry2: {},
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"unspecified": 0,
"none": 1,
"passed": 2,
"failed": 3,
"inconclusive": 4,
"timeout": 5,
"aborted": 6,
"blocked": 7,
"notExecuted": 8,
"warning": 9,
"error": 10,
"notApplicable": 11,
"paused": 12,
"inProgress": 13,
"notImpacted": 14,
"maxValue": 14
TestParameter2: {},
TestPlan: {},
TestPlanCloneRequest: {},
TestPlanHubData: {},
TestPlansWithSelection: {},
TestPoint: {},
TestPointReference: {},
TestPointsEvent: {},
TestPointsQuery: {},
TestPointState: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"ready": 1,
"completed": 2,
"notReady": 3,
"inProgress": 4,
"maxValue": 4
TestPointsUpdatedEvent: {},
TestResult2: {},
TestResultAcrossProjectResponse: {},
TestResultAttachment: {},
TestResultGroupBy: {
enumValues: {
"branch": 1,
"environment": 2
TestResultHistory: {},
TestResultHistoryDetailsForGroup: {},
TestResultHistoryForGroup: {},
TestResultModelBase: {},
TestResultReset2: {},
TestResultsContext: {},
TestResultsContextType: {
enumValues: {
"build": 1,
"release": 2,
"pipeline": 3
TestResultsDetails: {},
TestResultsDetailsForGroup: {},
TestResultsEx2: {},
TestResultsQuery: {},
TestResultsSession: {},
TestResultsSessionState: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"running": 1,
"completed": 2,
"waiting": 3,
"cancelled": 4
TestResultsSettings: {},
TestResultsSettingsType: {
enumValues: {
"all": 1,
"flaky": 2,
"newTestLogging": 3
TestResultSummary: {},
TestResultsUpdateSettings: {},
TestResultsWithWatermark: {},
TestResultTrendFilter: {},
TestRun: {},
TestRun2: {},
TestRunCanceledEvent: {},
TestRunCreatedEvent: {},
TestRunEvent: {},
TestRunEx2: {},
TestRunOutcome: {
enumValues: {
"passed": 0,
"failed": 1,
"notImpacted": 2,
"others": 3
TestRunPublishContext: {
enumValues: {
"build": 1,
"release": 2,
"all": 3
TestRunStartedEvent: {},
TestRunState: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": 0,
"notStarted": 1,
"inProgress": 2,
"completed": 3,
"aborted": 4,
"waiting": 5,
"needsInvestigation": 6
TestRunStatistic: {},
TestRunSubstate: {
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"none": 0,
"creatingEnvironment": 1,
"runningTests": 2,
"canceledByUser": 3,
"abortedBySystem": 4,
"timedOut": 5,
"pendingAnalysis": 6,
"analyzed": 7,
"cancellationInProgress": 8
TestRunSummary2: {},
TestRunWithDtlEnvEvent: {},
TestSession: {},
TestSessionExploredWorkItemReference: {},
TestSessionSource: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": 0,
"xtDesktop": 1,
"feedbackDesktop": 2,
"xtWeb": 3,
"feedbackWeb": 4,
"xtDesktop2": 5,
"sessionInsightsForAll": 6
TestSessionState: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": 0,
"notStarted": 1,
"inProgress": 2,
"paused": 3,
"completed": 4,
"declined": 5
TestSettings2: {},
TestSubResult: {},
TestSuite: {},
TestSummaryForWorkItem: {},
Timeline: {},
UpdatedProperties: {},
UpdateTestRunRequest: {},
UpdateTestRunResponse: {},
WorkItemToTestLinks: {},
exports.TypeInfo.AfnStrip.fields = {
creationDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedDataForResultTrend.fields = {
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dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
runSummaryByState: {
isDictionary: true,
dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState
testResultsContext: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultDetailsByOutcome.fields = {
outcome: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome
exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsAnalysis.fields = {
notReportedResultsByOutcome: {
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dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
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typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestResultsContext
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dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
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dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByOutcome
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isDictionary: true,
dictionaryKeyEnumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByState
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestOutcome
exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedRunsByOutcome.fields = {
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunOutcome
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dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AggregatedResultsByOutcome
state: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestRunState
exports.TypeInfo.BatchResponse.fields = {
responses: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Response
exports.TypeInfo.BuildConfiguration.fields = {
creationDate: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.BuildCoverage.fields = {
configuration: {
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CloneOperationState
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coverageDetailedSummaryStatus: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CoverageDetailedSummaryStatus
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CoverageSummaryStatus
exports.TypeInfo.Coverage2.fields = {
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isDate: true,
dateModified: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestMessageLogEntryRequest.fields = {
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typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TestMessageLogEntry
exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestResultsRequest.fields = {
results: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
exports.TypeInfo.CreateTestRunRequest.fields = {
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isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
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typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestRun
testSettings: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestSettings
exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldDefinition.fields = {
fieldType: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldType
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.CustomTestFieldScope
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date: {
isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.FailingSince.fields = {
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isDate: true,
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.FlakyDetectionType
exports.TypeInfo.FlakySettings.fields = {
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isDate: true,
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exports.TypeInfo.LegacyReleaseReference.fields = {
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultGroupType
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typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyBuildConfiguration
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exports.TypeInfo.PointLastResult.fields = {
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isDate: true,
exports.TypeInfo.PointsResults2.fields = {
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exports.TypeInfo.ResultsByQueryResponse.fields = {
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isDate: true,
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typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.LegacyTestCaseResult
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultMetadata
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isDate: true,
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enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TestConfigurationState
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field: {
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