
by RyanCardin15
/* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------------- * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT * --------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TypeInfo = exports.YamlFileSourceTypes = exports.VariableGroupActionFilter = exports.TaskStatus = exports.SingleReleaseExpands = exports.SenderType = exports.ScheduleDays = exports.ReleaseTriggerType = exports.ReleaseStatus = exports.ReleaseReason = exports.ReleaseQueryOrder = exports.ReleaseExpands = exports.ReleaseEnvironmentExpands = exports.ReleaseDefinitionSource = exports.ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder = exports.ReleaseDefinitionExpands = exports.PullRequestSystemType = exports.PropertySelectorType = exports.PipelineProcessTypes = exports.ParallelExecutionTypes = exports.ManualInterventionStatus = exports.MailSectionType = exports.IssueSource = exports.GateStatus = exports.FolderPathQueryOrder = exports.EnvironmentTriggerType = exports.EnvironmentStatus = exports.DeployPhaseTypes = exports.DeployPhaseStatus = exports.DeploymentStatus = exports.DeploymentsQueryType = exports.DeploymentReason = exports.DeploymentOperationStatus = exports.DeploymentExpands = exports.DeploymentAuthorizationOwner = exports.ConditionType = exports.AuthorizationHeaderFor = exports.AuditAction = exports.ApprovalType = exports.ApprovalStatus = exports.ApprovalFilters = exports.ApprovalExecutionOrder = exports.AgentArtifactType = void 0; const FormInputInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/FormInputInterfaces"); var AgentArtifactType; (function (AgentArtifactType) { /** * Indicates XamlBuild artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["XamlBuild"] = 0] = "XamlBuild"; /** * Indicates Build artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["Build"] = 1] = "Build"; /** * Indicates Jenkins artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["Jenkins"] = 2] = "Jenkins"; /** * Indicates FileShare artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["FileShare"] = 3] = "FileShare"; /** * Indicates Nuget artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["Nuget"] = 4] = "Nuget"; /** * Indicates TfsOnPrem artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["TfsOnPrem"] = 5] = "TfsOnPrem"; /** * Indicates GitHub artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["GitHub"] = 6] = "GitHub"; /** * Indicates TFGit artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["TFGit"] = 7] = "TFGit"; /** * Indicates ExternalTfsBuild artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["ExternalTfsBuild"] = 8] = "ExternalTfsBuild"; /** * Indicates Custom artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["Custom"] = 9] = "Custom"; /** * Indicates Tfvc artifact */ AgentArtifactType[AgentArtifactType["Tfvc"] = 10] = "Tfvc"; })(AgentArtifactType = exports.AgentArtifactType || (exports.AgentArtifactType = {})); var ApprovalExecutionOrder; (function (ApprovalExecutionOrder) { /** * Approvals shown before gates. */ ApprovalExecutionOrder[ApprovalExecutionOrder["BeforeGates"] = 1] = "BeforeGates"; /** * Approvals shown after successful execution of gates. */ ApprovalExecutionOrder[ApprovalExecutionOrder["AfterSuccessfulGates"] = 2] = "AfterSuccessfulGates"; /** * Approvals shown always after execution of gates. */ ApprovalExecutionOrder[ApprovalExecutionOrder["AfterGatesAlways"] = 4] = "AfterGatesAlways"; })(ApprovalExecutionOrder = exports.ApprovalExecutionOrder || (exports.ApprovalExecutionOrder = {})); var ApprovalFilters; (function (ApprovalFilters) { /** * No approvals or approval snapshots. */ ApprovalFilters[ApprovalFilters["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Manual approval steps but no approval snapshots (Use with ApprovalSnapshots for snapshots). */ ApprovalFilters[ApprovalFilters["ManualApprovals"] = 1] = "ManualApprovals"; /** * Automated approval steps but no approval snapshots (Use with ApprovalSnapshots for snapshots). */ ApprovalFilters[ApprovalFilters["AutomatedApprovals"] = 2] = "AutomatedApprovals"; /** * No approval steps, but approval snapshots (Use with either ManualApprovals or AutomatedApprovals for approval steps). */ ApprovalFilters[ApprovalFilters["ApprovalSnapshots"] = 4] = "ApprovalSnapshots"; /** * All approval steps and approval snapshots. */ ApprovalFilters[ApprovalFilters["All"] = 7] = "All"; })(ApprovalFilters = exports.ApprovalFilters || (exports.ApprovalFilters = {})); var ApprovalStatus; (function (ApprovalStatus) { /** * Indicates the approval does not have the status set. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Indicates the approval is pending. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending"; /** * Indicates the approval is approved. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Approved"] = 2] = "Approved"; /** * Indicates the approval is rejected. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Rejected"] = 4] = "Rejected"; /** * Indicates the approval is reassigned. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Reassigned"] = 6] = "Reassigned"; /** * Indicates the approval is canceled. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Canceled"] = 7] = "Canceled"; /** * Indicates the approval is skipped. */ ApprovalStatus[ApprovalStatus["Skipped"] = 8] = "Skipped"; })(ApprovalStatus = exports.ApprovalStatus || (exports.ApprovalStatus = {})); var ApprovalType; (function (ApprovalType) { /** * Indicates the approval type does not set. */ ApprovalType[ApprovalType["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Indicates the approvals which executed before deployment. */ ApprovalType[ApprovalType["PreDeploy"] = 1] = "PreDeploy"; /** * Indicates the approvals which executed after deployment. */ ApprovalType[ApprovalType["PostDeploy"] = 2] = "PostDeploy"; /** * Indicates all approvals. */ ApprovalType[ApprovalType["All"] = 3] = "All"; })(ApprovalType = exports.ApprovalType || (exports.ApprovalType = {})); var AuditAction; (function (AuditAction) { /** * Indicates the audit add. */ AuditAction[AuditAction["Add"] = 1] = "Add"; /** * Indicates the audit update. */ AuditAction[AuditAction["Update"] = 2] = "Update"; /** * Indicates the audit delete. */ AuditAction[AuditAction["Delete"] = 3] = "Delete"; /** * Indicates the audit undelete. */ AuditAction[AuditAction["Undelete"] = 4] = "Undelete"; })(AuditAction = exports.AuditAction || (exports.AuditAction = {})); var AuthorizationHeaderFor; (function (AuthorizationHeaderFor) { AuthorizationHeaderFor[AuthorizationHeaderFor["RevalidateApproverIdentity"] = 0] = "RevalidateApproverIdentity"; AuthorizationHeaderFor[AuthorizationHeaderFor["OnBehalfOf"] = 1] = "OnBehalfOf"; })(AuthorizationHeaderFor = exports.AuthorizationHeaderFor || (exports.AuthorizationHeaderFor = {})); var ConditionType; (function (ConditionType) { /** * The condition type is undefined. */ ConditionType[ConditionType["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * The condition type is event. */ ConditionType[ConditionType["Event"] = 1] = "Event"; /** * The condition type is environment state. */ ConditionType[ConditionType["EnvironmentState"] = 2] = "EnvironmentState"; /** * The condition type is artifact. */ ConditionType[ConditionType["Artifact"] = 4] = "Artifact"; })(ConditionType = exports.ConditionType || (exports.ConditionType = {})); var DeploymentAuthorizationOwner; (function (DeploymentAuthorizationOwner) { DeploymentAuthorizationOwner[DeploymentAuthorizationOwner["Automatic"] = 0] = "Automatic"; DeploymentAuthorizationOwner[DeploymentAuthorizationOwner["DeploymentSubmitter"] = 1] = "DeploymentSubmitter"; DeploymentAuthorizationOwner[DeploymentAuthorizationOwner["FirstPreDeploymentApprover"] = 2] = "FirstPreDeploymentApprover"; })(DeploymentAuthorizationOwner = exports.DeploymentAuthorizationOwner || (exports.DeploymentAuthorizationOwner = {})); var DeploymentExpands; (function (DeploymentExpands) { DeploymentExpands[DeploymentExpands["All"] = 0] = "All"; DeploymentExpands[DeploymentExpands["DeploymentOnly"] = 1] = "DeploymentOnly"; DeploymentExpands[DeploymentExpands["Approvals"] = 2] = "Approvals"; DeploymentExpands[DeploymentExpands["Artifacts"] = 4] = "Artifacts"; })(DeploymentExpands = exports.DeploymentExpands || (exports.DeploymentExpands = {})); var DeploymentOperationStatus; (function (DeploymentOperationStatus) { /** * The deployment operation status is undefined. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * The deployment operation status is queued. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Queued"] = 1] = "Queued"; /** * The deployment operation status is scheduled. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Scheduled"] = 2] = "Scheduled"; /** * The deployment operation status is pending. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Pending"] = 4] = "Pending"; /** * The deployment operation status is approved. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Approved"] = 8] = "Approved"; /** * The deployment operation status is rejected. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Rejected"] = 16] = "Rejected"; /** * The deployment operation status is deferred. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Deferred"] = 32] = "Deferred"; /** * The deployment operation status is queued for agent. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["QueuedForAgent"] = 64] = "QueuedForAgent"; /** * The deployment operation status is phase in progress. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["PhaseInProgress"] = 128] = "PhaseInProgress"; /** * The deployment operation status is phase succeeded. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["PhaseSucceeded"] = 256] = "PhaseSucceeded"; /** * The deployment operation status is phase partially succeeded. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["PhasePartiallySucceeded"] = 512] = "PhasePartiallySucceeded"; /** * The deployment operation status is phase failed. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["PhaseFailed"] = 1024] = "PhaseFailed"; /** * The deployment operation status is canceled. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Canceled"] = 2048] = "Canceled"; /** * The deployment operation status is phase canceled. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["PhaseCanceled"] = 4096] = "PhaseCanceled"; /** * The deployment operation status is manualintervention pending. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["ManualInterventionPending"] = 8192] = "ManualInterventionPending"; /** * The deployment operation status is queued for pipeline. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["QueuedForPipeline"] = 16384] = "QueuedForPipeline"; /** * The deployment operation status is cancelling. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["Cancelling"] = 32768] = "Cancelling"; /** * The deployment operation status is EvaluatingGates. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["EvaluatingGates"] = 65536] = "EvaluatingGates"; /** * The deployment operation status is GateFailed. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["GateFailed"] = 131072] = "GateFailed"; /** * The deployment operation status is all. */ DeploymentOperationStatus[DeploymentOperationStatus["All"] = 258047] = "All"; })(DeploymentOperationStatus = exports.DeploymentOperationStatus || (exports.DeploymentOperationStatus = {})); var DeploymentReason; (function (DeploymentReason) { /** * The deployment reason is none. */ DeploymentReason[DeploymentReason["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * The deployment reason is manual. */ DeploymentReason[DeploymentReason["Manual"] = 1] = "Manual"; /** * The deployment reason is automated. */ DeploymentReason[DeploymentReason["Automated"] = 2] = "Automated"; /** * The deployment reason is scheduled. */ DeploymentReason[DeploymentReason["Scheduled"] = 4] = "Scheduled"; /** * The deployment reason is RedeployTrigger. */ DeploymentReason[DeploymentReason["RedeployTrigger"] = 8] = "RedeployTrigger"; })(DeploymentReason = exports.DeploymentReason || (exports.DeploymentReason = {})); var DeploymentsQueryType; (function (DeploymentsQueryType) { DeploymentsQueryType[DeploymentsQueryType["Regular"] = 1] = "Regular"; DeploymentsQueryType[DeploymentsQueryType["FailingSince"] = 2] = "FailingSince"; })(DeploymentsQueryType = exports.DeploymentsQueryType || (exports.DeploymentsQueryType = {})); var DeploymentStatus; (function (DeploymentStatus) { /** * The deployment status is undefined. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * The deployment status is not deployed. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["NotDeployed"] = 1] = "NotDeployed"; /** * The deployment status is in progress. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * The deployment status is succeeded. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["Succeeded"] = 4] = "Succeeded"; /** * The deployment status is partiallysucceeded. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["PartiallySucceeded"] = 8] = "PartiallySucceeded"; /** * The deployment status is failed. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["Failed"] = 16] = "Failed"; /** * The deployment status is all. */ DeploymentStatus[DeploymentStatus["All"] = 31] = "All"; })(DeploymentStatus = exports.DeploymentStatus || (exports.DeploymentStatus = {})); var DeployPhaseStatus; (function (DeployPhaseStatus) { /** * Phase status not set. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Phase execution not started. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted"; /** * Phase execution in progress. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * Phase execution partially succeeded. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["PartiallySucceeded"] = 4] = "PartiallySucceeded"; /** * Phase execution succeeded. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["Succeeded"] = 8] = "Succeeded"; /** * Phase execution failed. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["Failed"] = 16] = "Failed"; /** * Phase execution canceled. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["Canceled"] = 32] = "Canceled"; /** * Phase execution skipped. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["Skipped"] = 64] = "Skipped"; /** * Phase is in cancelling state. */ DeployPhaseStatus[DeployPhaseStatus["Cancelling"] = 128] = "Cancelling"; })(DeployPhaseStatus = exports.DeployPhaseStatus || (exports.DeployPhaseStatus = {})); var DeployPhaseTypes; (function (DeployPhaseTypes) { /** * Phase type not defined. Don't use this. */ DeployPhaseTypes[DeployPhaseTypes["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Phase type which contains tasks executed on agent. */ DeployPhaseTypes[DeployPhaseTypes["AgentBasedDeployment"] = 1] = "AgentBasedDeployment"; /** * Phase type which contains tasks executed by server. */ DeployPhaseTypes[DeployPhaseTypes["RunOnServer"] = 2] = "RunOnServer"; /** * Phase type which contains tasks executed on deployment group machines. */ DeployPhaseTypes[DeployPhaseTypes["MachineGroupBasedDeployment"] = 4] = "MachineGroupBasedDeployment"; /** * Phase type which contains tasks which acts as Gates for the deployment to go forward. */ DeployPhaseTypes[DeployPhaseTypes["DeploymentGates"] = 8] = "DeploymentGates"; })(DeployPhaseTypes = exports.DeployPhaseTypes || (exports.DeployPhaseTypes = {})); var EnvironmentStatus; (function (EnvironmentStatus) { /** * Environment status not set. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Environment is in not started state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["NotStarted"] = 1] = "NotStarted"; /** * Environment is in progress state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * Environment is in succeeded state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["Succeeded"] = 4] = "Succeeded"; /** * Environment is in canceled state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["Canceled"] = 8] = "Canceled"; /** * Environment is in rejected state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["Rejected"] = 16] = "Rejected"; /** * Environment is in queued state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["Queued"] = 32] = "Queued"; /** * Environment is in scheduled state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["Scheduled"] = 64] = "Scheduled"; /** * Environment is in partially succeeded state. */ EnvironmentStatus[EnvironmentStatus["PartiallySucceeded"] = 128] = "PartiallySucceeded"; })(EnvironmentStatus = exports.EnvironmentStatus || (exports.EnvironmentStatus = {})); var EnvironmentTriggerType; (function (EnvironmentTriggerType) { /** * Environment trigger type undefined. */ EnvironmentTriggerType[EnvironmentTriggerType["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Environment trigger type is deployment group redeploy. */ EnvironmentTriggerType[EnvironmentTriggerType["DeploymentGroupRedeploy"] = 1] = "DeploymentGroupRedeploy"; /** * Environment trigger type is Rollback. */ EnvironmentTriggerType[EnvironmentTriggerType["RollbackRedeploy"] = 2] = "RollbackRedeploy"; })(EnvironmentTriggerType = exports.EnvironmentTriggerType || (exports.EnvironmentTriggerType = {})); /** * Specifies the desired ordering of folders. */ var FolderPathQueryOrder; (function (FolderPathQueryOrder) { /** * No order. */ FolderPathQueryOrder[FolderPathQueryOrder["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Order by folder name and path ascending. */ FolderPathQueryOrder[FolderPathQueryOrder["Ascending"] = 1] = "Ascending"; /** * Order by folder name and path descending. */ FolderPathQueryOrder[FolderPathQueryOrder["Descending"] = 2] = "Descending"; })(FolderPathQueryOrder = exports.FolderPathQueryOrder || (exports.FolderPathQueryOrder = {})); var GateStatus; (function (GateStatus) { /** * The gate does not have the status set. */ GateStatus[GateStatus["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * The gate is in pending state. */ GateStatus[GateStatus["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending"; /** * The gate is currently in progress. */ GateStatus[GateStatus["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * The gate completed successfully. */ GateStatus[GateStatus["Succeeded"] = 4] = "Succeeded"; /** * The gate execution failed. */ GateStatus[GateStatus["Failed"] = 8] = "Failed"; /** * The gate execution cancelled. */ GateStatus[GateStatus["Canceled"] = 16] = "Canceled"; })(GateStatus = exports.GateStatus || (exports.GateStatus = {})); var IssueSource; (function (IssueSource) { IssueSource[IssueSource["None"] = 0] = "None"; IssueSource[IssueSource["User"] = 1] = "User"; IssueSource[IssueSource["System"] = 2] = "System"; })(IssueSource = exports.IssueSource || (exports.IssueSource = {})); var MailSectionType; (function (MailSectionType) { MailSectionType[MailSectionType["Details"] = 0] = "Details"; MailSectionType[MailSectionType["Environments"] = 1] = "Environments"; MailSectionType[MailSectionType["Issues"] = 2] = "Issues"; MailSectionType[MailSectionType["TestResults"] = 3] = "TestResults"; MailSectionType[MailSectionType["WorkItems"] = 4] = "WorkItems"; MailSectionType[MailSectionType["ReleaseInfo"] = 5] = "ReleaseInfo"; })(MailSectionType = exports.MailSectionType || (exports.MailSectionType = {})); /** * Describes manual intervention status */ var ManualInterventionStatus; (function (ManualInterventionStatus) { /** * The manual intervention does not have the status set. */ ManualInterventionStatus[ManualInterventionStatus["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * The manual intervention is pending. */ ManualInterventionStatus[ManualInterventionStatus["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending"; /** * The manual intervention is rejected. */ ManualInterventionStatus[ManualInterventionStatus["Rejected"] = 2] = "Rejected"; /** * The manual intervention is approved. */ ManualInterventionStatus[ManualInterventionStatus["Approved"] = 4] = "Approved"; /** * The manual intervention is canceled. */ ManualInterventionStatus[ManualInterventionStatus["Canceled"] = 8] = "Canceled"; })(ManualInterventionStatus = exports.ManualInterventionStatus || (exports.ManualInterventionStatus = {})); var ParallelExecutionTypes; (function (ParallelExecutionTypes) { ParallelExecutionTypes[ParallelExecutionTypes["None"] = 0] = "None"; ParallelExecutionTypes[ParallelExecutionTypes["MultiConfiguration"] = 1] = "MultiConfiguration"; ParallelExecutionTypes[ParallelExecutionTypes["MultiMachine"] = 2] = "MultiMachine"; })(ParallelExecutionTypes = exports.ParallelExecutionTypes || (exports.ParallelExecutionTypes = {})); var PipelineProcessTypes; (function (PipelineProcessTypes) { PipelineProcessTypes[PipelineProcessTypes["Designer"] = 1] = "Designer"; PipelineProcessTypes[PipelineProcessTypes["Yaml"] = 2] = "Yaml"; })(PipelineProcessTypes = exports.PipelineProcessTypes || (exports.PipelineProcessTypes = {})); var PropertySelectorType; (function (PropertySelectorType) { /** * Include in property selector. */ PropertySelectorType[PropertySelectorType["Inclusion"] = 0] = "Inclusion"; /** * Exclude in property selector. */ PropertySelectorType[PropertySelectorType["Exclusion"] = 1] = "Exclusion"; })(PropertySelectorType = exports.PropertySelectorType || (exports.PropertySelectorType = {})); var PullRequestSystemType; (function (PullRequestSystemType) { PullRequestSystemType[PullRequestSystemType["None"] = 0] = "None"; PullRequestSystemType[PullRequestSystemType["TfsGit"] = 1] = "TfsGit"; PullRequestSystemType[PullRequestSystemType["GitHub"] = 2] = "GitHub"; })(PullRequestSystemType = exports.PullRequestSystemType || (exports.PullRequestSystemType = {})); var ReleaseDefinitionExpands; (function (ReleaseDefinitionExpands) { /** * Returns top level properties of object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Include environments in return object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["Environments"] = 2] = "Environments"; /** * Include artifacts in return object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["Artifacts"] = 4] = "Artifacts"; /** * Include triggers in return object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["Triggers"] = 8] = "Triggers"; /** * Include variables in return object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["Variables"] = 16] = "Variables"; /** * Include tags in return object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["Tags"] = 32] = "Tags"; /** * Include last release in return object. */ ReleaseDefinitionExpands[ReleaseDefinitionExpands["LastRelease"] = 64] = "LastRelease"; })(ReleaseDefinitionExpands = exports.ReleaseDefinitionExpands || (exports.ReleaseDefinitionExpands = {})); var ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder; (function (ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder) { /** * Return results based on release definition Id ascending order. */ ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder[ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder["IdAscending"] = 0] = "IdAscending"; /** * Return results based on release definition Id descending order. */ ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder[ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder["IdDescending"] = 1] = "IdDescending"; /** * Return results based on release definition name ascending order. */ ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder[ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder["NameAscending"] = 2] = "NameAscending"; /** * Return results based on release definition name descending order. */ ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder[ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder["NameDescending"] = 3] = "NameDescending"; })(ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder = exports.ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder || (exports.ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder = {})); var ReleaseDefinitionSource; (function (ReleaseDefinitionSource) { /** * Indicates ReleaseDefinition source not defined. */ ReleaseDefinitionSource[ReleaseDefinitionSource["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Indicates ReleaseDefinition created using REST API. */ ReleaseDefinitionSource[ReleaseDefinitionSource["RestApi"] = 1] = "RestApi"; /** * Indicates ReleaseDefinition created using UI. */ ReleaseDefinitionSource[ReleaseDefinitionSource["UserInterface"] = 2] = "UserInterface"; /** * Indicates ReleaseDefinition created from Ibiza. */ ReleaseDefinitionSource[ReleaseDefinitionSource["Ibiza"] = 4] = "Ibiza"; /** * Indicates ReleaseDefinition created from PortalExtension API. */ ReleaseDefinitionSource[ReleaseDefinitionSource["PortalExtensionApi"] = 8] = "PortalExtensionApi"; })(ReleaseDefinitionSource = exports.ReleaseDefinitionSource || (exports.ReleaseDefinitionSource = {})); var ReleaseEnvironmentExpands; (function (ReleaseEnvironmentExpands) { /** * Return top level properties of object. */ ReleaseEnvironmentExpands[ReleaseEnvironmentExpands["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Expand environment with tasks. */ ReleaseEnvironmentExpands[ReleaseEnvironmentExpands["Tasks"] = 1] = "Tasks"; })(ReleaseEnvironmentExpands = exports.ReleaseEnvironmentExpands || (exports.ReleaseEnvironmentExpands = {})); var ReleaseExpands; (function (ReleaseExpands) { ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["None"] = 0] = "None"; ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["Environments"] = 2] = "Environments"; ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["Artifacts"] = 4] = "Artifacts"; ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["Approvals"] = 8] = "Approvals"; ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["ManualInterventions"] = 16] = "ManualInterventions"; ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["Variables"] = 32] = "Variables"; ReleaseExpands[ReleaseExpands["Tags"] = 64] = "Tags"; })(ReleaseExpands = exports.ReleaseExpands || (exports.ReleaseExpands = {})); var ReleaseQueryOrder; (function (ReleaseQueryOrder) { /** * Return results in descending order. */ ReleaseQueryOrder[ReleaseQueryOrder["Descending"] = 0] = "Descending"; /** * Return results in ascending order. */ ReleaseQueryOrder[ReleaseQueryOrder["Ascending"] = 1] = "Ascending"; })(ReleaseQueryOrder = exports.ReleaseQueryOrder || (exports.ReleaseQueryOrder = {})); var ReleaseReason; (function (ReleaseReason) { /** * Indicates the release triggered reason not set. */ ReleaseReason[ReleaseReason["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Indicates the release triggered manually. */ ReleaseReason[ReleaseReason["Manual"] = 1] = "Manual"; /** * Indicates the release triggered by continuous integration. */ ReleaseReason[ReleaseReason["ContinuousIntegration"] = 2] = "ContinuousIntegration"; /** * Indicates the release triggered by schedule. */ ReleaseReason[ReleaseReason["Schedule"] = 3] = "Schedule"; /** * Indicates the release triggered by PullRequest. */ ReleaseReason[ReleaseReason["PullRequest"] = 4] = "PullRequest"; })(ReleaseReason = exports.ReleaseReason || (exports.ReleaseReason = {})); var ReleaseStatus; (function (ReleaseStatus) { /** * Release status not set. */ ReleaseStatus[ReleaseStatus["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Release is in draft state. */ ReleaseStatus[ReleaseStatus["Draft"] = 1] = "Draft"; /** * Release status is in active. */ ReleaseStatus[ReleaseStatus["Active"] = 2] = "Active"; /** * Release status is in abandoned. */ ReleaseStatus[ReleaseStatus["Abandoned"] = 4] = "Abandoned"; })(ReleaseStatus = exports.ReleaseStatus || (exports.ReleaseStatus = {})); var ReleaseTriggerType; (function (ReleaseTriggerType) { /** * Release trigger type not set. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["Undefined"] = 0] = "Undefined"; /** * Artifact based release trigger. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["ArtifactSource"] = 1] = "ArtifactSource"; /** * Schedule based release trigger. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["Schedule"] = 2] = "Schedule"; /** * Source repository based release trigger. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["SourceRepo"] = 3] = "SourceRepo"; /** * Container image based release trigger. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["ContainerImage"] = 4] = "ContainerImage"; /** * Package based release trigger. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["Package"] = 5] = "Package"; /** * Pull request based release trigger. */ ReleaseTriggerType[ReleaseTriggerType["PullRequest"] = 6] = "PullRequest"; })(ReleaseTriggerType = exports.ReleaseTriggerType || (exports.ReleaseTriggerType = {})); var ScheduleDays; (function (ScheduleDays) { /** * Scheduled day not set. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Scheduled on Monday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Monday"] = 1] = "Monday"; /** * Scheduled on Tuesday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Tuesday"] = 2] = "Tuesday"; /** * Scheduled on Wednesday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Wednesday"] = 4] = "Wednesday"; /** * Scheduled on Thursday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Thursday"] = 8] = "Thursday"; /** * Scheduled on Friday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Friday"] = 16] = "Friday"; /** * Scheduled on Saturday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Saturday"] = 32] = "Saturday"; /** * Scheduled on Sunday. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["Sunday"] = 64] = "Sunday"; /** * Scheduled on all the days in week. */ ScheduleDays[ScheduleDays["All"] = 127] = "All"; })(ScheduleDays = exports.ScheduleDays || (exports.ScheduleDays = {})); var SenderType; (function (SenderType) { SenderType[SenderType["ServiceAccount"] = 1] = "ServiceAccount"; SenderType[SenderType["RequestingUser"] = 2] = "RequestingUser"; })(SenderType = exports.SenderType || (exports.SenderType = {})); var SingleReleaseExpands; (function (SingleReleaseExpands) { /** * Return top level properties of object. */ SingleReleaseExpands[SingleReleaseExpands["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Expand release with tasks. */ SingleReleaseExpands[SingleReleaseExpands["Tasks"] = 1] = "Tasks"; })(SingleReleaseExpands = exports.SingleReleaseExpands || (exports.SingleReleaseExpands = {})); var TaskStatus; (function (TaskStatus) { /** * The task does not have the status set. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * The task is in pending status. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Pending"] = 1] = "Pending"; /** * The task is currently in progress. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["InProgress"] = 2] = "InProgress"; /** * The task completed successfully. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Success"] = 3] = "Success"; /** * The task execution failed. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Failure"] = 4] = "Failure"; /** * The task execution canceled. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Canceled"] = 5] = "Canceled"; /** * The task execution skipped. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Skipped"] = 6] = "Skipped"; /** * The task completed successfully. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Succeeded"] = 7] = "Succeeded"; /** * The task execution failed. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["Failed"] = 8] = "Failed"; /** * The task execution partially succeeded. */ TaskStatus[TaskStatus["PartiallySucceeded"] = 9] = "PartiallySucceeded"; })(TaskStatus = exports.TaskStatus || (exports.TaskStatus = {})); var VariableGroupActionFilter; (function (VariableGroupActionFilter) { VariableGroupActionFilter[VariableGroupActionFilter["None"] = 0] = "None"; VariableGroupActionFilter[VariableGroupActionFilter["Manage"] = 2] = "Manage"; VariableGroupActionFilter[VariableGroupActionFilter["Use"] = 16] = "Use"; })(VariableGroupActionFilter = exports.VariableGroupActionFilter || (exports.VariableGroupActionFilter = {})); var YamlFileSourceTypes; (function (YamlFileSourceTypes) { YamlFileSourceTypes[YamlFileSourceTypes["None"] = 0] = "None"; YamlFileSourceTypes[YamlFileSourceTypes["TFSGit"] = 1] = "TFSGit"; })(YamlFileSourceTypes = exports.YamlFileSourceTypes || (exports.YamlFileSourceTypes = {})); exports.TypeInfo = { AgentArtifactDefinition: {}, AgentArtifactType: { enumValues: { "xamlBuild": 0, "build": 1, "jenkins": 2, "fileShare": 3, "nuget": 4, "tfsOnPrem": 5, "gitHub": 6, "tfGit": 7, "externalTfsBuild": 8, "custom": 9, "tfvc": 10 } }, AgentBasedDeployPhase: {}, AgentDeploymentInput: {}, ApprovalExecutionOrder: { enumValues: { "beforeGates": 1, "afterSuccessfulGates": 2, "afterGatesAlways": 4 } }, ApprovalFilters: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "manualApprovals": 1, "automatedApprovals": 2, "approvalSnapshots": 4, "all": 7 } }, ApprovalOptions: {}, ApprovalStatus: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "pending": 1, "approved": 2, "rejected": 4, "reassigned": 6, "canceled": 7, "skipped": 8 } }, ApprovalType: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "preDeploy": 1, "postDeploy": 2, "all": 3 } }, ArtifactContributionDefinition: {}, ArtifactMetadata: {}, ArtifactSourceTrigger: {}, ArtifactTypeDefinition: {}, ArtifactVersion: {}, ArtifactVersionQueryResult: {}, AuditAction: { enumValues: { "add": 1, "update": 2, "delete": 3, "undelete": 4 } }, AuthorizationHeaderFor: { enumValues: { "revalidateApproverIdentity": 0, "onBehalfOf": 1 } }, AutoTriggerIssue: {}, AzureKeyVaultVariableGroupProviderData: {}, AzureKeyVaultVariableValue: {}, BuildVersion: {}, Change: {}, CodeRepositoryReference: {}, Condition: {}, ConditionType: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "event": 1, "environmentState": 2, "artifact": 4 } }, ContainerImageTrigger: {}, ContinuousDeploymentTriggerIssue: {}, Deployment: {}, DeploymentApprovalCompletedEvent: {}, DeploymentApprovalPendingEvent: {}, DeploymentAttempt: {}, DeploymentAuthorizationInfo: {}, DeploymentAuthorizationOwner: { enumValues: { "automatic": 0, "deploymentSubmitter": 1, "firstPreDeploymentApprover": 2 } }, DeploymentCompletedEvent: {}, DeploymentExpands: { enumValues: { "all": 0, "deploymentOnly": 1, "approvals": 2, "artifacts": 4 } }, DeploymentJob: {}, DeploymentManualInterventionPendingEvent: {}, DeploymentOperationStatus: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "queued": 1, "scheduled": 2, "pending": 4, "approved": 8, "rejected": 16, "deferred": 32, "queuedForAgent": 64, "phaseInProgress": 128, "phaseSucceeded": 256, "phasePartiallySucceeded": 512, "phaseFailed": 1024, "canceled": 2048, "phaseCanceled": 4096, "manualInterventionPending": 8192, "queuedForPipeline": 16384, "cancelling": 32768, "evaluatingGates": 65536, "gateFailed": 131072, "all": 258047 } }, DeploymentQueryParameters: {}, DeploymentReason: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "manual": 1, "automated": 2, "scheduled": 4, "redeployTrigger": 8 } }, DeploymentsQueryType: { enumValues: { "regular": 1, "failingSince": 2 } }, DeploymentStartedEvent: {}, DeploymentStatus: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "notDeployed": 1, "inProgress": 2, "succeeded": 4, "partiallySucceeded": 8, "failed": 16, "all": 31 } }, DeployPhase: {}, DeployPhaseStatus: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "notStarted": 1, "inProgress": 2, "partiallySucceeded": 4, "succeeded": 8, "failed": 16, "canceled": 32, "skipped": 64, "cancelling": 128 } }, DeployPhaseTypes: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "agentBasedDeployment": 1, "runOnServer": 2, "machineGroupBasedDeployment": 4, "deploymentGates": 8 } }, EnvironmentStatus: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "notStarted": 1, "inProgress": 2, "succeeded": 4, "canceled": 8, "rejected": 16, "queued": 32, "scheduled": 64, "partiallySucceeded": 128 } }, EnvironmentTrigger: {}, EnvironmentTriggerType: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "deploymentGroupRedeploy": 1, "rollbackRedeploy": 2 } }, ExecutionInput: {}, Folder: {}, FolderPathQueryOrder: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "ascending": 1, "descending": 2 } }, GatesDeployPhase: {}, GateStatus: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "pending": 1, "inProgress": 2, "succeeded": 4, "failed": 8, "canceled": 16 } }, IgnoredGate: {}, IssueSource: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "user": 1, "system": 2 } }, MachineGroupBasedDeployPhase: {}, MailMessage: {}, MailSectionType: { enumValues: { "details": 0, "environments": 1, "issues": 2, "testResults": 3, "workItems": 4, "releaseInfo": 5 } }, ManualIntervention: {}, ManualInterventionStatus: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "pending": 1, "rejected": 2, "approved": 4, "canceled": 8 } }, ManualInterventionUpdateMetadata: {}, MultiConfigInput: {}, MultiMachineInput: {}, PackageTrigger: {}, ParallelExecutionInputBase: {}, ParallelExecutionTypes: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "multiConfiguration": 1, "multiMachine": 2 } }, PipelineProcess: {}, PipelineProcessTypes: { enumValues: { "designer": 1, "yaml": 2 } }, PropertySelector: {}, PropertySelectorType: { enumValues: { "inclusion": 0, "exclusion": 1 } }, PullRequestConfiguration: {}, PullRequestSystemType: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "tfsGit": 1, "gitHub": 2 } }, PullRequestTrigger: {}, Release: {}, ReleaseAbandonedEvent: {}, ReleaseApproval: {}, ReleaseApprovalHistory: {}, ReleaseApprovalPendingEvent: {}, ReleaseCondition: {}, ReleaseCreatedEvent: {}, ReleaseDefinition: {}, ReleaseDefinitionApprovals: {}, ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment: {}, ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate: {}, ReleaseDefinitionExpands: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "environments": 2, "artifacts": 4, "triggers": 8, "variables": 16, "tags": 32, "lastRelease": 64 } }, ReleaseDefinitionQueryOrder: { enumValues: { "idAscending": 0, "idDescending": 1, "nameAscending": 2, "nameDescending": 3 } }, ReleaseDefinitionRevision: {}, ReleaseDefinitionSource: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "restApi": 1, "userInterface": 2, "ibiza": 4, "portalExtensionApi": 8 } }, ReleaseDefinitionSummary: {}, ReleaseDeployPhase: {}, ReleaseEnvironment: {}, ReleaseEnvironmentCompletedEvent: {}, ReleaseEnvironmentExpands: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "tasks": 1 } }, ReleaseEnvironmentStatusUpdatedEvent: {}, ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata: {}, ReleaseExpands: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "environments": 2, "artifacts": 4, "approvals": 8, "manualInterventions": 16, "variables": 32, "tags": 64 } }, ReleaseGates: {}, ReleaseGatesPhase: {}, ReleaseNotCreatedEvent: {}, ReleaseQueryOrder: { enumValues: { "descending": 0, "ascending": 1 } }, ReleaseReason: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "manual": 1, "continuousIntegration": 2, "schedule": 3, "pullRequest": 4 } }, ReleaseReference: {}, ReleaseRevision: {}, ReleaseSchedule: {}, ReleaseStartMetadata: {}, ReleaseStatus: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "draft": 1, "active": 2, "abandoned": 4 } }, ReleaseTask: {}, ReleaseTaskAttachment: {}, ReleaseTasksUpdatedEvent: {}, ReleaseTriggerBase: {}, ReleaseTriggerType: { enumValues: { "undefined": 0, "artifactSource": 1, "schedule": 2, "sourceRepo": 3, "containerImage": 4, "package": 5, "pullRequest": 6 } }, ReleaseUpdatedEvent: {}, ReleaseUpdateMetadata: {}, RunOnServerDeployPhase: {}, ScheduleDays: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "monday": 1, "tuesday": 2, "wednesday": 4, "thursday": 8, "friday": 16, "saturday": 32, "sunday": 64, "all": 127 } }, ScheduledReleaseTrigger: {}, SenderType: { enumValues: { "serviceAccount": 1, "requestingUser": 2 } }, ServerDeploymentInput: {}, SingleReleaseExpands: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "tasks": 1 } }, SourcePullRequestVersion: {}, SourceRepoTrigger: {}, SummaryMailSection: {}, TaskStatus: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "pending": 1, "inProgress": 2, "success": 3, "failure": 4, "canceled": 5, "skipped": 6, "succeeded": 7, "failed": 8, "partiallySucceeded": 9 } }, VariableGroup: {}, VariableGroupActionFilter: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "manage": 2, "use": 16 } }, YamlFileSource: {}, YamlFileSourceTypes: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "tfsGit": 1 } }, YamlPipelineProcess: {}, }; exports.TypeInfo.AgentArtifactDefinition.fields = { artifactType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AgentArtifactType } }; exports.TypeInfo.AgentBasedDeployPhase.fields = { deploymentInput: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AgentDeploymentInput }, phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.AgentDeploymentInput.fields = { parallelExecution: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExecutionInput } }; exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalOptions.fields = { executionOrder: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalExecutionOrder } }; exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactContributionDefinition.fields = { inputDescriptors: { isArray: true, typeInfo: FormInputInterfaces.TypeInfo.InputDescriptor } }; exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactMetadata.fields = { instanceReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildVersion } }; exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactSourceTrigger.fields = { triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactTypeDefinition.fields = { inputDescriptors: { isArray: true, typeInfo: FormInputInterfaces.TypeInfo.InputDescriptor } }; exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactVersion.fields = { defaultVersion: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildVersion }, versions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.BuildVersion } }; exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactVersionQueryResult.fields = { artifactVersions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactVersion } }; exports.TypeInfo.AutoTriggerIssue.fields = { issueSource: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.IssueSource }, releaseTriggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.AzureKeyVaultVariableGroupProviderData.fields = { lastRefreshedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.AzureKeyVaultVariableValue.fields = { expires: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.BuildVersion.fields = { sourcePullRequestVersion: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.SourcePullRequestVersion } }; exports.TypeInfo.Change.fields = { timestamp: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.CodeRepositoryReference.fields = { systemType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PullRequestSystemType } }; exports.TypeInfo.Condition.fields = { conditionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ConditionType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ContainerImageTrigger.fields = { triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ContinuousDeploymentTriggerIssue.fields = { issueSource: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.IssueSource }, releaseTriggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.Deployment.fields = { completedOn: { isDate: true, }, conditions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Condition }, deploymentStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentStatus }, lastModifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, operationStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentOperationStatus }, postDeployApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, preDeployApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, queuedOn: { isDate: true, }, reason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentReason }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference }, scheduledDeploymentTime: { isDate: true, }, startedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentApprovalCompletedEvent.fields = { approval: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentApprovalPendingEvent.fields = { approval: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, approvalOptions: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalOptions }, completedApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, deployment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Deployment }, pendingApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentAttempt.fields = { job: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask }, lastModifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, operationStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentOperationStatus }, postDeploymentGates: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseGates }, preDeploymentGates: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseGates }, queuedOn: { isDate: true, }, reason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentReason }, releaseDeployPhases: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDeployPhase }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentStatus }, tasks: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentAuthorizationInfo.fields = { authorizationHeaderFor: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AuthorizationHeaderFor } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentCompletedEvent.fields = { deployment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Deployment }, environment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironment } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentJob.fields = { job: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask }, tasks: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentManualInterventionPendingEvent.fields = { approval: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, deployment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Deployment }, manualIntervention: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ManualIntervention }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentQueryParameters.fields = { deploymentStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentStatus }, expands: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentExpands }, maxModifiedTime: { isDate: true, }, minModifiedTime: { isDate: true, }, operationStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentOperationStatus }, queryOrder: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseQueryOrder }, queryType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentsQueryType } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentStartedEvent.fields = { environment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironment }, release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhase.fields = { phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.EnvironmentTrigger.fields = { triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.EnvironmentTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ExecutionInput.fields = { parallelExecutionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ParallelExecutionTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.Folder.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, lastChangedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.GatesDeployPhase.fields = { phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.IgnoredGate.fields = { lastModifiedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.MachineGroupBasedDeployPhase.fields = { phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.MailMessage.fields = { replyBy: { isDate: true, }, sections: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.MailSectionType }, senderType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SenderType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ManualIntervention.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ManualInterventionStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.ManualInterventionUpdateMetadata.fields = { status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ManualInterventionStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.MultiConfigInput.fields = { parallelExecutionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ParallelExecutionTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.MultiMachineInput.fields = { parallelExecutionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ParallelExecutionTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.PackageTrigger.fields = { triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ParallelExecutionInputBase.fields = { parallelExecutionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ParallelExecutionTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.PipelineProcess.fields = { type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PipelineProcessTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.PropertySelector.fields = { selectorType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PropertySelectorType } }; exports.TypeInfo.PullRequestConfiguration.fields = { codeRepositoryReference: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CodeRepositoryReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.PullRequestTrigger.fields = { pullRequestConfiguration: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PullRequestConfiguration }, triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.Release.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, environments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironment }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, reason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReason }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseStatus }, variableGroups: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.VariableGroup } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseAbandonedEvent.fields = { release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval.fields = { approvalType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalType }, createdOn: { isDate: true, }, history: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApprovalHistory }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApprovalHistory.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApprovalPendingEvent.fields = { approval: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, approvalOptions: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalOptions }, completedApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, deployment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Deployment }, environments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironment }, pendingApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseCondition.fields = { conditionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ConditionType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseCreatedEvent.fields = { release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinition.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, environments: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment }, lastRelease: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, pipelineProcess: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PipelineProcess }, source: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionSource }, triggers: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerBase } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals.fields = { approvalOptions: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ApprovalOptions } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment.fields = { conditions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Condition }, deployPhases: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhase }, environmentTriggers: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.EnvironmentTrigger }, postDeployApprovals: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals }, preDeployApprovals: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals }, schedules: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseSchedule } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate.fields = { environment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionRevision.fields = { changedDate: { isDate: true, }, changeType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AuditAction } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionSummary.fields = { releases: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDeployPhase.fields = { deploymentJobs: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentJob }, manualInterventions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ManualIntervention }, phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes }, startedOn: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironment.fields = { conditions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseCondition }, createdOn: { isDate: true, }, deployPhasesSnapshot: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhase }, deploySteps: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentAttempt }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, nextScheduledUtcTime: { isDate: true, }, postApprovalsSnapshot: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals }, postDeployApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, preApprovalsSnapshot: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseDefinitionApprovals }, preDeployApprovals: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseApproval }, scheduledDeploymentTime: { isDate: true, }, schedules: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseSchedule }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.EnvironmentStatus }, variableGroups: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.VariableGroup } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironmentCompletedEvent.fields = { environment: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironment }, reason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentReason } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironmentStatusUpdatedEvent.fields = { environmentStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.EnvironmentStatus }, latestDeploymentOperationStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentOperationStatus }, latestDeploymentStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseEnvironmentUpdateMetadata.fields = { scheduledDeploymentTime: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.EnvironmentStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseGates.fields = { deploymentJobs: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentJob }, ignoredGates: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.IgnoredGate }, lastModifiedOn: { isDate: true, }, stabilizationCompletedOn: { isDate: true, }, startedOn: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.GateStatus }, succeedingSince: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseGatesPhase.fields = { deploymentJobs: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DeploymentJob }, ignoredGates: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.IgnoredGate }, manualInterventions: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ManualIntervention }, phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes }, stabilizationCompletedOn: { isDate: true, }, startedOn: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseStatus }, succeedingSince: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseNotCreatedEvent.fields = { releaseReason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReason } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReference.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, reason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReason } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseRevision.fields = { changedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseSchedule.fields = { daysToRelease: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ScheduleDays } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseStartMetadata.fields = { artifacts: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ArtifactMetadata }, reason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseReason } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask.fields = { dateEnded: { isDate: true, }, dateStarted: { isDate: true, }, finishTime: { isDate: true, }, startTime: { isDate: true, }, status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.TaskStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTaskAttachment.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTasksUpdatedEvent.fields = { job: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask }, tasks: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTask } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerBase.fields = { triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseUpdatedEvent.fields = { release: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Release } }; exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseUpdateMetadata.fields = { status: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.RunOnServerDeployPhase.fields = { deploymentInput: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ServerDeploymentInput }, phaseType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DeployPhaseTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.ScheduledReleaseTrigger.fields = { schedule: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseSchedule }, triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ServerDeploymentInput.fields = { parallelExecution: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ExecutionInput } }; exports.TypeInfo.SourcePullRequestVersion.fields = { pullRequestMergedAt: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.SourceRepoTrigger.fields = { triggerType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ReleaseTriggerType } }; exports.TypeInfo.SummaryMailSection.fields = { sectionType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.MailSectionType } }; exports.TypeInfo.VariableGroup.fields = { createdOn: { isDate: true, }, modifiedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.YamlFileSource.fields = { type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.YamlFileSourceTypes } }; exports.TypeInfo.YamlPipelineProcess.fields = { fileSource: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.YamlFileSource }, type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.PipelineProcessTypes } };