* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
* ---------------------------------------------------------
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TypeInfo = exports.RunState = exports.RunResult = exports.RepositoryType = exports.GetLogExpandOptions = exports.GetArtifactExpandOptions = exports.ConfigurationType = void 0;
const VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
var ConfigurationType;
(function (ConfigurationType) {
* Unknown type.
ConfigurationType[ConfigurationType["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
ConfigurationType[ConfigurationType["Yaml"] = 1] = "Yaml";
* Designer JSON.
ConfigurationType[ConfigurationType["DesignerJson"] = 2] = "DesignerJson";
* Just-in-time.
ConfigurationType[ConfigurationType["JustInTime"] = 3] = "JustInTime";
* Designer-JSON.
ConfigurationType[ConfigurationType["DesignerHyphenJson"] = 2] = "DesignerHyphenJson";
})(ConfigurationType = exports.ConfigurationType || (exports.ConfigurationType = {}));
* Expansion options for GetArtifact and ListArtifacts.
var GetArtifactExpandOptions;
(function (GetArtifactExpandOptions) {
* No expansion.
GetArtifactExpandOptions[GetArtifactExpandOptions["None"] = 0] = "None";
* Include signed content.
GetArtifactExpandOptions[GetArtifactExpandOptions["SignedContent"] = 1] = "SignedContent";
})(GetArtifactExpandOptions = exports.GetArtifactExpandOptions || (exports.GetArtifactExpandOptions = {}));
* $expand options for GetLog and ListLogs.
var GetLogExpandOptions;
(function (GetLogExpandOptions) {
GetLogExpandOptions[GetLogExpandOptions["None"] = 0] = "None";
GetLogExpandOptions[GetLogExpandOptions["SignedContent"] = 1] = "SignedContent";
})(GetLogExpandOptions = exports.GetLogExpandOptions || (exports.GetLogExpandOptions = {}));
var RepositoryType;
(function (RepositoryType) {
RepositoryType[RepositoryType["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
RepositoryType[RepositoryType["GitHub"] = 1] = "GitHub";
RepositoryType[RepositoryType["AzureReposGit"] = 2] = "AzureReposGit";
RepositoryType[RepositoryType["GitHubEnterprise"] = 3] = "GitHubEnterprise";
RepositoryType[RepositoryType["AzureReposGitHyphenated"] = 2] = "AzureReposGitHyphenated";
})(RepositoryType = exports.RepositoryType || (exports.RepositoryType = {}));
* This is not a Flags enum because we don't want to set multiple results on a build. However, when adding values, please stick to powers of 2 as if it were a Flags enum. This will make it easier to query multiple results.
var RunResult;
(function (RunResult) {
RunResult[RunResult["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
RunResult[RunResult["Succeeded"] = 1] = "Succeeded";
RunResult[RunResult["Failed"] = 2] = "Failed";
RunResult[RunResult["Canceled"] = 4] = "Canceled";
})(RunResult = exports.RunResult || (exports.RunResult = {}));
* This is not a Flags enum because we don't want to set multiple states on a build. However, when adding values, please stick to powers of 2 as if it were a Flags enum. This will make it easier to query multiple states.
var RunState;
(function (RunState) {
RunState[RunState["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown";
RunState[RunState["InProgress"] = 1] = "InProgress";
RunState[RunState["Canceling"] = 2] = "Canceling";
RunState[RunState["Completed"] = 4] = "Completed";
})(RunState = exports.RunState || (exports.RunState = {}));
exports.TypeInfo = {
Artifact: {},
ConfigurationType: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": 0,
"yaml": 1,
"designerJson": 2,
"justInTime": 3,
"designerHyphenJson": 2
CreatePipelineConfigurationParameters: {},
CreatePipelineParameters: {},
GetArtifactExpandOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"signedContent": 1
GetLogExpandOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": 0,
"signedContent": 1
Log: {},
LogCollection: {},
Pipeline: {},
PipelineConfiguration: {},
Repository: {},
RepositoryResource: {},
RepositoryType: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": 0,
"gitHub": 1,
"azureReposGit": 2,
"gitHubEnterprise": 3,
"azureReposGitHyphenated": 2
Run: {},
RunResources: {},
RunResult: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": 0,
"succeeded": 1,
"failed": 2,
"canceled": 4
RunState: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": 0,
"inProgress": 1,
"canceling": 2,
"completed": 4
SignalRConnection: {},
exports.TypeInfo.Artifact.fields = {
signedContent: {
typeInfo: VSSInterfaces.TypeInfo.SignedUrl
exports.TypeInfo.CreatePipelineConfigurationParameters.fields = {
type: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ConfigurationType
exports.TypeInfo.CreatePipelineParameters.fields = {
configuration: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.CreatePipelineConfigurationParameters
exports.TypeInfo.Log.fields = {
createdOn: {
isDate: true,
lastChangedOn: {
isDate: true,
signedContent: {
typeInfo: VSSInterfaces.TypeInfo.SignedUrl
exports.TypeInfo.LogCollection.fields = {
logs: {
isArray: true,
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Log
signedContent: {
typeInfo: VSSInterfaces.TypeInfo.SignedUrl
exports.TypeInfo.Pipeline.fields = {
configuration: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.PipelineConfiguration
exports.TypeInfo.PipelineConfiguration.fields = {
type: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ConfigurationType
exports.TypeInfo.Repository.fields = {
type: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.RepositoryType
exports.TypeInfo.RepositoryResource.fields = {
repository: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Repository
exports.TypeInfo.Run.fields = {
createdDate: {
isDate: true,
finishedDate: {
isDate: true,
resources: {
typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RunResources
result: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.RunResult
state: {
enumType: exports.TypeInfo.RunState
exports.TypeInfo.RunResources.fields = {
repositories: {
isDictionary: true,
dictionaryValueTypeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.RepositoryResource
exports.TypeInfo.SignalRConnection.fields = {
signedContent: {
typeInfo: VSSInterfaces.TypeInfo.SignedUrl