
by RyanCardin15
/* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------------- * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT * --------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TypeInfo = exports.SourceControlTypes = exports.ProjectVisibility = exports.ProjectChangeType = exports.ProcessType = exports.ProcessCustomizationType = exports.ConnectedServiceKind = void 0; var ConnectedServiceKind; (function (ConnectedServiceKind) { /** * Custom or unknown service */ ConnectedServiceKind[ConnectedServiceKind["Custom"] = 0] = "Custom"; /** * Azure Subscription */ ConnectedServiceKind[ConnectedServiceKind["AzureSubscription"] = 1] = "AzureSubscription"; /** * Chef Connection */ ConnectedServiceKind[ConnectedServiceKind["Chef"] = 2] = "Chef"; /** * Generic Connection */ ConnectedServiceKind[ConnectedServiceKind["Generic"] = 3] = "Generic"; })(ConnectedServiceKind = exports.ConnectedServiceKind || (exports.ConnectedServiceKind = {})); /** * Type of process customization on a collection. */ var ProcessCustomizationType; (function (ProcessCustomizationType) { /** * Process customization can't be computed. */ ProcessCustomizationType[ProcessCustomizationType["Unknown"] = -1] = "Unknown"; /** * Customization based on project-scoped xml customization */ ProcessCustomizationType[ProcessCustomizationType["Xml"] = 0] = "Xml"; /** * Customization based on process inheritance */ ProcessCustomizationType[ProcessCustomizationType["Inherited"] = 1] = "Inherited"; })(ProcessCustomizationType = exports.ProcessCustomizationType || (exports.ProcessCustomizationType = {})); var ProcessType; (function (ProcessType) { ProcessType[ProcessType["System"] = 0] = "System"; ProcessType[ProcessType["Custom"] = 1] = "Custom"; ProcessType[ProcessType["Inherited"] = 2] = "Inherited"; })(ProcessType = exports.ProcessType || (exports.ProcessType = {})); var ProjectChangeType; (function (ProjectChangeType) { ProjectChangeType[ProjectChangeType["Modified"] = 0] = "Modified"; ProjectChangeType[ProjectChangeType["Deleted"] = 1] = "Deleted"; ProjectChangeType[ProjectChangeType["Added"] = 2] = "Added"; })(ProjectChangeType = exports.ProjectChangeType || (exports.ProjectChangeType = {})); var ProjectVisibility; (function (ProjectVisibility) { ProjectVisibility[ProjectVisibility["Unchanged"] = -1] = "Unchanged"; /** * The project is only visible to users with explicit access. */ ProjectVisibility[ProjectVisibility["Private"] = 0] = "Private"; /** * Enterprise level project visibility */ ProjectVisibility[ProjectVisibility["Organization"] = 1] = "Organization"; /** * The project is visible to all. */ ProjectVisibility[ProjectVisibility["Public"] = 2] = "Public"; ProjectVisibility[ProjectVisibility["SystemPrivate"] = 3] = "SystemPrivate"; })(ProjectVisibility = exports.ProjectVisibility || (exports.ProjectVisibility = {})); var SourceControlTypes; (function (SourceControlTypes) { SourceControlTypes[SourceControlTypes["Tfvc"] = 1] = "Tfvc"; SourceControlTypes[SourceControlTypes["Git"] = 2] = "Git"; })(SourceControlTypes = exports.SourceControlTypes || (exports.SourceControlTypes = {})); exports.TypeInfo = { ConnectedServiceKind: { enumValues: { "custom": 0, "azureSubscription": 1, "chef": 2, "generic": 3 } }, Process: {}, ProcessCustomizationType: { enumValues: { "unknown": -1, "xml": 0, "inherited": 1 } }, ProcessType: { enumValues: { "system": 0, "custom": 1, "inherited": 2 } }, ProjectChangeType: { enumValues: { "modified": 0, "deleted": 1, "added": 2 } }, ProjectInfo: {}, ProjectMessage: {}, ProjectVisibility: { enumValues: { "private": 0, "organization": 1, "public": 2 } }, SourceControlTypes: { enumValues: { "tfvc": 1, "git": 2 } }, TeamProject: {}, TeamProjectCollection: {}, TeamProjectReference: {}, TemporaryDataCreatedDTO: {}, WebApiConnectedService: {}, WebApiConnectedServiceDetails: {}, WebApiProject: {}, }; exports.TypeInfo.Process.fields = { type: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProcessType } }; exports.TypeInfo.ProjectInfo.fields = { lastUpdateTime: { isDate: true, }, visibility: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProjectVisibility } }; exports.TypeInfo.ProjectMessage.fields = { project: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.ProjectInfo }, projectChangeType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProjectChangeType } }; exports.TypeInfo.TeamProject.fields = { lastUpdateTime: { isDate: true, }, visibility: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProjectVisibility } }; exports.TypeInfo.TeamProjectCollection.fields = { processCustomizationType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProcessCustomizationType } }; exports.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference.fields = { lastUpdateTime: { isDate: true, }, visibility: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProjectVisibility } }; exports.TypeInfo.TemporaryDataCreatedDTO.fields = { expirationDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.WebApiConnectedService.fields = { project: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.TeamProjectReference } }; exports.TypeInfo.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails.fields = { connectedServiceMetaData: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.WebApiConnectedService } }; exports.TypeInfo.WebApiProject.fields = { lastUpdateTime: { isDate: true, }, visibility: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ProjectVisibility } };