
by RyanCardin15
/* * --------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * --------------------------------------------------------- * * --------------------------------------------------------- * Generated file, DO NOT EDIT * --------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.TypeInfo = exports.State = exports.Severity = exports.SarifJobStatus = exports.ResultType = exports.MetadataOperation = exports.MetadataChangeType = exports.ExpandOption = exports.DismissalType = exports.Confidence = exports.ComponentType = exports.AnalysisConfigurationType = exports.AlertType = void 0; var AlertType; (function (AlertType) { /** * The code has an unspecified vulnerability type */ AlertType[AlertType["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * The code uses a dependency with a known vulnerability. */ AlertType[AlertType["Dependency"] = 1] = "Dependency"; /** * The code contains a secret that has now been compromised and must be revoked. */ AlertType[AlertType["Secret"] = 2] = "Secret"; /** * The code contains a weakness determined by static analysis. */ AlertType[AlertType["Code"] = 3] = "Code"; })(AlertType = exports.AlertType || (exports.AlertType = {})); var AnalysisConfigurationType; (function (AnalysisConfigurationType) { /** * Default analysis configuration that is not attached to any other configuration data */ AnalysisConfigurationType[AnalysisConfigurationType["Default"] = 0] = "Default"; /** * Ado Pipeline, contains branch, pipeline, phase, and ADOPipelineId */ AnalysisConfigurationType[AnalysisConfigurationType["AdoPipeline"] = 1] = "AdoPipeline"; })(AnalysisConfigurationType = exports.AnalysisConfigurationType || (exports.AnalysisConfigurationType = {})); /** * This enum defines the dependency components. */ var ComponentType; (function (ComponentType) { ComponentType[ComponentType["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; ComponentType[ComponentType["NuGet"] = 1] = "NuGet"; /** * Indicates the component is an Npm package. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Npm"] = 2] = "Npm"; /** * Indicates the component is a Maven artifact. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Maven"] = 3] = "Maven"; /** * Indicates the component is a Git repository. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Git"] = 4] = "Git"; /** * Indicates the component is not any of the supported component types by Governance. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Other"] = 5] = "Other"; /** * Indicates the component is a Ruby gem. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["RubyGems"] = 6] = "RubyGems"; /** * Indicates the component is a Cargo package. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Cargo"] = 7] = "Cargo"; /** * Indicates the component is a Pip package. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Pip"] = 8] = "Pip"; /** * Indicates the component is a loose file. Not a package as understood by different package managers. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["File"] = 9] = "File"; /** * Indicates the component is a Go package. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Go"] = 10] = "Go"; /** * Indicates the component is a Docker Image */ ComponentType[ComponentType["DockerImage"] = 11] = "DockerImage"; /** * Indicates the component is a CocoaPods pod. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Pod"] = 12] = "Pod"; /** * Indicates the component is found in a linux environment. A package understood by linux based package managers like apt and rpm. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Linux"] = 13] = "Linux"; /** * Indicates the component is a Conda package. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Conda"] = 14] = "Conda"; /** * Indicates the component is a Docker Reference. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["DockerReference"] = 15] = "DockerReference"; /** * Indicates the component is a Vcpkg Package. */ ComponentType[ComponentType["Vcpkg"] = 16] = "Vcpkg"; })(ComponentType = exports.ComponentType || (exports.ComponentType = {})); var Confidence; (function (Confidence) { /** * High confidence level for alert */ Confidence[Confidence["High"] = 0] = "High"; /** * Other confidence level for alert */ Confidence[Confidence["Other"] = 1] = "Other"; })(Confidence = exports.Confidence || (exports.Confidence = {})); var DismissalType; (function (DismissalType) { /** * Dismissal type unknown */ DismissalType[DismissalType["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * Dismissal indicating alert has been fixed */ DismissalType[DismissalType["Fixed"] = 1] = "Fixed"; /** * Dismissal indicating user is accepting a risk for the alert */ DismissalType[DismissalType["AcceptedRisk"] = 2] = "AcceptedRisk"; /** * Dismissal indicating alert is a false positive and will likely not be fixed. */ DismissalType[DismissalType["FalsePositive"] = 3] = "FalsePositive"; })(DismissalType = exports.DismissalType || (exports.DismissalType = {})); var ExpandOption; (function (ExpandOption) { /** * No Expands. */ ExpandOption[ExpandOption["None"] = 0] = "None"; /** * Return validationFingerprints in Alert. */ ExpandOption[ExpandOption["ValidationFingerprint"] = 1] = "ValidationFingerprint"; })(ExpandOption = exports.ExpandOption || (exports.ExpandOption = {})); /** * The type of change that occurred to the metadata. */ var MetadataChangeType; (function (MetadataChangeType) { MetadataChangeType[MetadataChangeType["None"] = 0] = "None"; MetadataChangeType[MetadataChangeType["Created"] = 1] = "Created"; MetadataChangeType[MetadataChangeType["Updated"] = 2] = "Updated"; MetadataChangeType[MetadataChangeType["Deleted"] = 3] = "Deleted"; })(MetadataChangeType = exports.MetadataChangeType || (exports.MetadataChangeType = {})); /** * The operation to be performed on the metadata. */ var MetadataOperation; (function (MetadataOperation) { MetadataOperation[MetadataOperation["Add"] = 0] = "Add"; MetadataOperation[MetadataOperation["Remove"] = 1] = "Remove"; })(MetadataOperation = exports.MetadataOperation || (exports.MetadataOperation = {})); /** * This enum defines the different result types. */ var ResultType; (function (ResultType) { /** * The result was found from an unspecified analysis type */ ResultType[ResultType["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * The result was found from dependency analysis */ ResultType[ResultType["Dependency"] = 1] = "Dependency"; /** * The result was found from static code analysis */ ResultType[ResultType["VersionControl"] = 2] = "VersionControl"; })(ResultType = exports.ResultType || (exports.ResultType = {})); var SarifJobStatus; (function (SarifJobStatus) { /** * The job type when it is new */ SarifJobStatus[SarifJobStatus["New"] = 0] = "New"; /** * The job type when it is queued */ SarifJobStatus[SarifJobStatus["Queued"] = 1] = "Queued"; /** * The job type when it is completed */ SarifJobStatus[SarifJobStatus["Completed"] = 2] = "Completed"; /** * The job type when it fails */ SarifJobStatus[SarifJobStatus["Failed"] = 3] = "Failed"; })(SarifJobStatus = exports.SarifJobStatus || (exports.SarifJobStatus = {})); var Severity; (function (Severity) { Severity[Severity["Low"] = 0] = "Low"; Severity[Severity["Medium"] = 1] = "Medium"; Severity[Severity["High"] = 2] = "High"; Severity[Severity["Critical"] = 3] = "Critical"; Severity[Severity["Note"] = 4] = "Note"; Severity[Severity["Warning"] = 5] = "Warning"; Severity[Severity["Error"] = 6] = "Error"; })(Severity = exports.Severity || (exports.Severity = {})); var State; (function (State) { /** * Alert is in an indeterminate state */ State[State["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; /** * Alert has been detected in the code */ State[State["Active"] = 1] = "Active"; /** * Alert was dismissed by a user */ State[State["Dismissed"] = 2] = "Dismissed"; /** * The issue is no longer detected in the code */ State[State["Fixed"] = 4] = "Fixed"; /** * The tool has determined that the issue is no longer a risk */ State[State["AutoDismissed"] = 8] = "AutoDismissed"; })(State = exports.State || (exports.State = {})); exports.TypeInfo = { Alert: {}, AlertAnalysisInstance: {}, AlertMetadata: {}, AlertMetadataChange: {}, AlertStateUpdate: {}, AlertType: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "dependency": 1, "secret": 2, "code": 3 } }, AnalysisConfiguration: {}, AnalysisConfigurationType: { enumValues: { "default": 0, "adoPipeline": 1 } }, AnalysisInstance: {}, AnalysisResult: {}, Branch: {}, ComponentType: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "nuGet": 1, "npm": 2, "maven": 3, "git": 4, "other": 5, "rubyGems": 6, "cargo": 7, "pip": 8, "file": 9, "go": 10, "dockerImage": 11, "pod": 12, "linux": 13, "conda": 14, "dockerReference": 15, "vcpkg": 16 } }, Confidence: { enumValues: { "high": 0, "other": 1 } }, Dependency: {}, DependencyResult: {}, Dismissal: {}, DismissalType: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "fixed": 1, "acceptedRisk": 2, "falsePositive": 3 } }, ExpandOption: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "validationFingerprint": 1 } }, Metadata: {}, MetadataChange: {}, MetadataChangeType: { enumValues: { "none": 0, "created": 1, "updated": 2, "deleted": 3 } }, MetadataOperation: { enumValues: { "add": 0, "remove": 1 } }, Result: {}, ResultType: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "dependency": 1, "versionControl": 2 } }, SarifJobStatus: { enumValues: { "new": 0, "queued": 1, "completed": 2, "failed": 3 } }, SarifUploadStatus: {}, SearchCriteria: {}, Severity: { enumValues: { "low": 0, "medium": 1, "high": 2, "critical": 3, "note": 4, "warning": 5, "error": 6 } }, State: { enumValues: { "unknown": 0, "active": 1, "dismissed": 2, "fixed": 4, "autoDismissed": 8 } }, UxFilters: {}, }; exports.TypeInfo.Alert.fields = { alertType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AlertType }, confidence: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Confidence }, dismissal: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Dismissal }, firstSeenDate: { isDate: true, }, fixedDate: { isDate: true, }, introducedDate: { isDate: true, }, lastSeenDate: { isDate: true, }, severity: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Severity }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.State } }; exports.TypeInfo.AlertAnalysisInstance.fields = { analysisConfiguration: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisConfiguration }, firstSeen: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisInstance }, fixedIn: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisInstance }, lastSeen: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisInstance }, recentAnalysisInstance: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisInstance }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.State } }; exports.TypeInfo.AlertMetadata.fields = { metadata: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Metadata } }; exports.TypeInfo.AlertMetadataChange.fields = { metadataChange: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.MetadataChange } }; exports.TypeInfo.AlertStateUpdate.fields = { dismissedReason: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DismissalType }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.State } }; exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisConfiguration.fields = { analysisConfigurationType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisConfigurationType } }; exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisInstance.fields = { configuration: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisConfiguration }, createdDate: { isDate: true, }, results: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisResult } }; exports.TypeInfo.AnalysisResult.fields = { result: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Result }, state: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.State } }; exports.TypeInfo.Branch.fields = { deletedDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.Dependency.fields = { componentType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ComponentType } }; exports.TypeInfo.DependencyResult.fields = { dependency: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Dependency } }; exports.TypeInfo.Dismissal.fields = { dismissalType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.DismissalType }, requestedOn: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.Metadata.fields = { op: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.MetadataOperation } }; exports.TypeInfo.MetadataChange.fields = { changeType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.MetadataChangeType } }; exports.TypeInfo.Result.fields = { dependencyResult: { typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.DependencyResult }, resultType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.ResultType }, severity: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Severity } }; exports.TypeInfo.SarifUploadStatus.fields = { processingStatus: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.SarifJobStatus } }; exports.TypeInfo.SearchCriteria.fields = { alertType: { enumType: exports.TypeInfo.AlertType }, confidenceLevels: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Confidence }, fromDate: { isDate: true, }, modifiedSince: { isDate: true, }, severities: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Severity }, states: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.State }, toDate: { isDate: true, } }; exports.TypeInfo.UxFilters.fields = { branches: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Branch }, confidenceLevels: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Confidence }, packages: { isArray: true, typeInfo: exports.TypeInfo.Dependency }, severities: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.Severity }, states: { isArray: true, enumType: exports.TypeInfo.State } };