Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar
import os import aiohttp import json import logging import urllib.parse from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Union, List from dotenv import load_dotenv # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Get logging configuration from environment log_level_name = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO") log_level = getattr(logging, log_level_name.upper(), logging.INFO) # Configure logging logger = logging.getLogger("unraid_client") logger.setLevel(log_level) class UnraidApiError(Exception): """Exception raised for Unraid API errors""" def __init__(self, message: str, status_code: Optional[int] = None, response_text: Optional[str] = None): self.message = message self.status_code = status_code self.response_text = response_text super().__init__(self.message) class UnraidClient: """Client for communicating with the Unraid GraphQL API""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Unraid API client""" self.api_url = os.getenv("UNRAID_API_URL") self.api_key = os.getenv("UNRAID_API_KEY") if not self.api_url or not self.api_key: raise ValueError("UNRAID_API_URL and UNRAID_API_KEY must be set in .env file") # Parse the URL to get the origin for CORS parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.api_url) origin = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}" self.headers = { "x-api-key": self.api_key, # Use x-api-key header for authentication "Content-Type": "application/json", "Origin": origin, "Accept": "application/json" } logger.info(f"Initialized Unraid client with API URL: {self.api_url}") async def execute_query(self, query: str, variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Execute a GraphQL query against the Unraid API Args: query: The GraphQL query or mutation to execute variables: Optional variables for the GraphQL query Returns: The JSON response from the API Raises: UnraidApiError: If the API request fails or returns GraphQL errors """ if variables is None: variables = {} payload = { "query": query, "variables": variables } # Enhanced logging for templated queries query_type = "mutation" if "mutation" in query.strip()[:20].lower() else "query" operation_name = _extract_operation_name(query) if variables: logger.debug(f"Executing GraphQL {query_type} '{operation_name}' with variables: {json.dumps(variables)}") else: logger.debug(f"Executing GraphQL {query_type} '{operation_name}'") if log_level == logging.DEBUG: # Only log full queries at DEBUG level logger.debug(f"Full GraphQL {query_type}:\n{query}") try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.post( self.api_url, json=payload, headers=self.headers, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=60) # 60 second timeout ) as response: response_text = await response.text() if response.status != 200: # Try to parse the response as JSON for more detailed error info error_details = "Unknown error" try: error_json = json.loads(response_text) if "errors" in error_json: error_details = "; ".join([error.get("message", "Unknown error") for error in error_json["errors"]]) elif "message" in error_json: error_details = error_json["message"] except: error_details = response_text error_message = f"API request failed with status {response.status}: {error_details}" logger.error(error_message) logger.error(f"Request payload: {json.dumps(payload)}") logger.error(f"Response: {response_text}") raise UnraidApiError( error_message, status_code=response.status, response_text=response_text ) try: result = json.loads(response_text) except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.error(f"Invalid JSON response: {response_text}") raise UnraidApiError("Invalid JSON response from API", response_text=response_text) # Check for GraphQL errors if "errors" in result: errors = result["errors"] error_message = "; ".join([error.get("message", "Unknown error") for error in errors]) logger.error(f"GraphQL errors: {error_message}") logger.error(f"Request payload: {json.dumps(payload)}") logger.error(f"Full response: {json.dumps(result)}") raise UnraidApiError(f"GraphQL query failed: {error_message}") if "data" not in result: logger.error(f"No data in response: {result}") raise UnraidApiError("No data in API response") # Check for null values in the data that might indicate errors if result["data"] is None: logger.error(f"Null data in response: {result}") raise UnraidApiError("Null data in API response") # Check if any of the expected fields are missing # Handle nested fields like "docker.containers" if '.' in operation_name: # For nested paths like "docker.containers" current_data = result["data"] field_path = operation_name.split('.') valid_path = True for i, key in enumerate(field_path): if key and key in current_data: current_data = current_data[key] # If we're at the last level and it exists, we're good if i == len(field_path) - 1: break else: if key: # Only log if key is not empty path_so_far = '.'.join(field_path[:i]) logger.error(f"Expected field '{key}' missing in path '{path_so_far}' of response data: {result['data']}") valid_path = False break if not valid_path: # Log full response for debugging but continue execution logger.warning(f"Invalid path in response, but continuing execution: {result['data']}") else: # Original behavior for non-nested fields if operation_name and operation_name not in result["data"]: logger.error(f"Expected field '{operation_name}' missing in response data: {result['data']}") # Log warning but don't raise exception to allow continuing execution logger.warning(f"Missing field in response, but continuing execution") # Log successful query results if "data" in result: data_keys = list(result["data"].keys()) logger.debug(f"Received response for '{operation_name}' with data keys: {', '.join(data_keys)}") return result except aiohttp.ClientError as e: logger.error(f"HTTP client error: {str(e)}") raise UnraidApiError(f"API request failed: {str(e)}") except UnraidApiError: # Re-raise UnraidApiError exceptions raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) raise # System Information Methods async def get_system_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get basic system information Returns: Dictionary containing system information including OS, CPU, memory, and versions """ query = """ query { info { os { platform distro release uptime hostname kernel } cpu { manufacturer brand cores threads speed speedmax } memory { total free used active available swaptotal swapused swapfree } versions { unraid kernel openssl php docker } system { manufacturer model version serial } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["info"] # Array Management Methods async def get_array_status(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get array status information Returns: Dictionary containing array status, capacity, and disk information """ query = """ query { array { state capacity { kilobytes { free used total } disks { free used total } } parities { id name size temp numErrors status } disks { id name size status temp numReads numWrites numErrors fsSize fsFree fsUsed } caches { id name size status temp } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["array"] async def get_parity_history(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get parity check history Returns: List of dictionaries containing parity check history """ query = """ query { parityHistory { date duration speed status errors } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["parityHistory"] async def add_disk_to_array(self, disk_id: str, slot: Optional[int] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Add a disk to the array Args: disk_id: The ID of the disk to add slot: Optional slot number for the disk Returns: Dictionary containing the result of the operation """ variables = {"id": disk_id} if slot is not None: variables["slot"] = slot mutation = """ mutation AddDiskToArray($id: ID!, $slot: Int) { addDiskToArray(input: {id: $id, slot: $slot}) { state disks { id name status } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation, {"input": variables}) return result["data"]["addDiskToArray"] async def remove_disk_from_array(self, disk_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Remove a disk from the array Args: disk_id: The ID of the disk to remove Returns: Dictionary containing the result of the operation """ mutation = """ mutation RemoveDiskFromArray($id: ID!) { removeDiskFromArray(input: {id: $id}) { state disks { id name status } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation, {"input": {"id": disk_id}}) return result["data"]["removeDiskFromArray"] # Disk Operations Methods async def get_disks(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about all disks Returns: List of dictionaries containing disk information """ query = """ query { disks { device name size temperature smartStatus vendor } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["disks"] async def get_disk(self, disk_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get information about a specific disk Args: disk_id: The ID of the disk Returns: Dictionary containing disk information """ query = """ query GetDisk($id: ID!) { disk(id: $id) { device name size temperature smartStatus vendor } } """ variables = {"id": disk_id} result = await self.execute_query(query, variables) return result["data"]["disk"] # Docker Management Methods async def get_docker_containers(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about Docker containers Returns: List of dictionaries containing container information """ query = """ query { docker { containers { id names image state status ports { ip privatePort publicPort type } autoStart created command } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["docker"]["containers"] async def get_docker_networks(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about Docker networks Returns: List of dictionaries containing network information """ query = """ query { dockerNetworks { id name driver scope internal attachable } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["dockerNetworks"] async def start_container(self, container_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Start a Docker container by name WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL/UNSUPPORTED - This operation is not officially supported by the Unraid GraphQL API. The current API schema does not include mutations for starting Docker containers. This method is included for future compatibility but will likely fail with current Unraid versions. Args: container_name: The name of the container to start Returns: Dictionary with success status and message """ mutation = """ mutation ($name: String!) { docker { startContainer(name: $name) { success message } } } """ variables = {"name": container_name} logger.info(f"Starting Docker container: {container_name}") logger.debug(f"Using mutation: {mutation}") logger.debug(f"With variables: {variables}") try: # Note: This operation might not be supported by all Unraid GraphQL API versions # Some Unraid API implementations may return an error for this operation result = await self.execute_query(mutation, variables) logger.info(f"Start container result: {result}") # Check if the operation is supported if "errors" in result and any("not found" in error.get("message", "").lower() for error in result["errors"]): logger.warning("Docker container control operations may not be supported by this Unraid GraphQL API version") return {"error": "Docker container control operations may not be supported by this Unraid GraphQL API version"} return result["data"]["docker"]["startContainer"] except UnraidApiError as e: logger.error(f"API error starting container {container_name}: {str(e)}") logger.error(f"Status code: {e.status_code}, Response: {e.response_text}") # Check if this is due to the operation not being supported if "not found" in str(e).lower() or "unknown field" in str(e).lower(): return {"error": "Docker container control operations are not supported by this Unraid GraphQL API version"} raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unexpected error starting container {container_name}: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) raise async def stop_container(self, container_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Stop a Docker container by name WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL/UNSUPPORTED - This operation is not officially supported by the Unraid GraphQL API. The current API schema does not include mutations for stopping Docker containers. This method is included for future compatibility but will likely fail with current Unraid versions. Args: container_name: The name of the container to stop Returns: Dictionary with success status and message """ mutation = """ mutation ($name: String!) { docker { stopContainer(name: $name) { success message } } } """ variables = {"name": container_name} logger.info(f"Stopping Docker container: {container_name}") logger.debug(f"Using mutation: {mutation}") logger.debug(f"With variables: {variables}") try: # Note: This operation might not be supported by all Unraid GraphQL API versions # Some Unraid API implementations may return an error for this operation result = await self.execute_query(mutation, variables) logger.info(f"Stop container result: {result}") # Check if the operation is supported if "errors" in result and any("not found" in error.get("message", "").lower() for error in result["errors"]): logger.warning("Docker container control operations may not be supported by this Unraid GraphQL API version") return {"error": "Docker container control operations may not be supported by this Unraid GraphQL API version"} return result["data"]["docker"]["stopContainer"] except UnraidApiError as e: logger.error(f"API error stopping container {container_name}: {str(e)}") logger.error(f"Status code: {e.status_code}, Response: {e.response_text}") # Check if this is due to the operation not being supported if "not found" in str(e).lower() or "unknown field" in str(e).lower(): return {"error": "Docker container control operations are not supported by this Unraid GraphQL API version"} raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unexpected error stopping container {container_name}: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) raise # VM Management Methods async def get_vms(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get information about virtual machines Returns: Dictionary containing VM information """ query = """ query { vms { domain { uuid name state } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["vms"] # User Management Methods async def get_current_user(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get information about the current user Returns: Dictionary containing user information """ query = """ query { me { id name description roles permissions { resource actions } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["me"] async def get_users(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about all users Returns: List of user objects """ query = """ query { users { id name description roles } } """ logger.info("Getting users") logger.debug(f"Using query: {query}") try: result = await self.execute_query(query) logger.debug(f"Get users result: {result}") if "data" in result and "users" in result["data"]: return result["data"]["users"] else: logger.warning("Failed to get users: Invalid response format") return [] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error getting users: {str(e)}") raise # Notification Methods async def get_notifications(self, importance=None, notification_type="UNREAD", offset=0, limit=10) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get system notifications Args: importance: Filter by importance (ALERT, INFO, WARNING) notification_type: Filter by type (UNREAD, ARCHIVE) offset: Pagination offset limit: Pagination limit Returns: Dictionary containing notifications """ variables = { "filter": { "type": notification_type, "offset": offset, "limit": limit } } if importance: variables["filter"]["importance"] = importance query = """ query GetNotifications($filter: NotificationFilter!) { notifications { overview { unread { info warning alert total } archive { info warning alert total } } list(filter: $filter) { id title subject description importance timestamp type link } } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query, variables) return result["data"]["notifications"] async def create_notification(self, title: str, subject: str, description: str, importance: str, link: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a system notification Args: title: Notification title subject: Notification subject description: Notification description importance: Notification importance (ALERT, INFO, WARNING) link: Optional link for the notification Returns: Dictionary containing the created notification """ variables = { "input": { "title": title, "subject": subject, "description": description, "importance": importance } } if link: variables["input"]["link"] = link mutation = """ mutation CreateNotification($input: NotificationData!) { createNotification(input: $input) { id title subject importance timestamp } } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation, variables) return result["data"]["createNotification"] async def archive_notification(self, notification_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Archive a notification Args: notification_id: The ID of the notification to archive Returns: Dictionary containing the archived notification """ mutation = """ mutation ArchiveNotification($id: String!) { archiveNotification(id: $id) { id title type } } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation, {"id": notification_id}) return result["data"]["archiveNotification"] async def unread_notification(self, notification_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Mark a notification as unread Args: notification_id: The ID of the notification to mark as unread Returns: Dictionary containing the notification """ mutation = """ mutation UnreadNotification($id: String!) { unreadNotification(id: $id) { id title type } } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation, {"id": notification_id}) return result["data"]["unreadNotification"] # Parity Check Methods async def start_parity_check(self, correct: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Start a parity check Args: correct: Whether to correct errors found during the check Returns: Dictionary containing the result of the operation """ mutation = """ mutation StartParityCheck($correct: Boolean) { startParityCheck(correct: $correct) } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation, {"correct": correct}) return result["data"]["startParityCheck"] async def pause_parity_check(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Pause a running parity check Returns: Dictionary containing the result of the operation """ mutation = """ mutation { pauseParityCheck } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation) return result["data"]["pauseParityCheck"] async def resume_parity_check(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Resume a paused parity check Returns: Dictionary containing the result of the operation """ mutation = """ mutation { resumeParityCheck } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation) return result["data"]["resumeParityCheck"] async def cancel_parity_check(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Cancel a running parity check Returns: Dictionary containing the result of the operation """ mutation = """ mutation { cancelParityCheck } """ result = await self.execute_query(mutation) return result["data"]["cancelParityCheck"] # Share Management Methods async def get_shares(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about network shares Returns: List of dictionaries containing share information """ query = """ query { shares { name free used size include exclude cache comment } } """ result = await self.execute_query(query) return result["data"]["shares"] # API Key Management Methods async def get_api_keys(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about all API keys Returns: List of API key objects """ query = """ query { apiKeys { id name description roles createdAt } } """ logger.info("Getting API keys") logger.debug(f"Using query: {query}") try: result = await self.execute_query(query) logger.debug(f"Get API keys result: {result}") if "data" in result and "apiKeys" in result["data"]: return result["data"]["apiKeys"] else: logger.warning("Failed to get API keys: Invalid response format") return [] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error getting API keys: {str(e)}") raise # Unassigned Devices Methods async def get_unassigned_devices(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get information about unassigned devices Returns: List of unassigned device objects """ query = """ query { unassignedDevices { id name size partitions { name size fsType } } } """ logger.info("Getting unassigned devices") logger.debug(f"Using query: {query}") try: result = await self.execute_query(query) logger.debug(f"Get unassigned devices result: {result}") if "data" in result and "unassignedDevices" in result["data"]: return result["data"]["unassignedDevices"] else: logger.warning("Failed to get unassigned devices: Invalid response format") return [] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error getting unassigned devices: {str(e)}") raise def _extract_operation_name(query: str) -> str: """Extract operation name from a GraphQL query for better logging Args: query: The GraphQL query string Returns: The operation name or a fallback """ # Clean the query query = query.strip() # Check if it's a mutation or query is_mutation = query.startswith("mutation") try: # Extract all operation names in the query operations = [] current_level = 0 capture = False current_op = "" # Skip the first opening brace (the query/mutation definition) skip_first_brace = True for line in query.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue for char in line: if char == '{': if skip_first_brace: skip_first_brace = False continue current_level += 1 if current_level == 1: capture = True elif char == '}': current_level -= 1 if current_level == 0 and current_op: operations.append(current_op.strip()) current_op = "" capture = False elif capture and current_level == 1 and char not in '()': current_op += char # Clean up operations clean_operations = [] for op in operations: # Remove any parameters op = op.split('(')[0].strip() # Split by whitespace and take the first part op = op.split()[0].strip() if op: clean_operations.append(op) if not clean_operations: return "unknown_operation" # Join operations with dots to represent nesting return ".".join(clean_operations) except Exception as e: # Log the error but don't fail the whole operation logger.debug(f"Error extracting operation name: {str(e)}") return "unknown_operation"