Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar
# Smithery configuration file: https://smithery.ai/docs/config#smitheryyaml startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: - unraidApiUrl - unraidApiKey properties: unraidApiUrl: type: string description: The GraphQL endpoint URL for the Unraid server, e.g. http://your-unraid-server:port/graphql unraidApiKey: type: string description: The API key used for authenticating with the Unraid API logLevel: type: string default: INFO description: Logging level such as DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, etc. claudeMode: type: boolean default: true description: Enable or disable Claude mode integration commandFunction: # A JS function that produces the CLI command based on the given config to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => { const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, { UNRAID_API_URL: config.unraidApiUrl, UNRAID_API_KEY: config.unraidApiKey, LOG_LEVEL: config.logLevel || 'INFO', CLAUDE_MODE: config.claudeMode ? 'true' : 'false' }); return { command: 'python', args: ['run_server.py', 'stdio'], env: env }; } exampleConfig: unraidApiUrl: http://your-unraid-server:port/graphql unraidApiKey: your-secret-api-key logLevel: INFO claudeMode: true