Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar
# Unraid API Client Summary ## Authentication The Unraid API uses the `x-api-key` header for authentication, not Bearer tokens. The API key can be generated using the `unraid-api apikey --create` command on the Unraid server. ## CORS Handling The Unraid API has CORS protection enabled. To successfully connect, the client must include an `Origin` header that matches the server's URL. For example, if the API URL is ``, the Origin header should be ``. ## Working Queries The following queries have been tested and confirmed to work: ### System Information ```graphql query { info { os { platform distro release uptime } cpu { manufacturer brand cores threads } } } ``` ### Array Status ```graphql query { array { state capacity { disks { free used total } } disks { name size status temp } } } ``` ### Docker Containers ```graphql query { docker { containers { names state id } } } ``` ## Client Implementation The UnraidClient class has been updated to: 1. Use the correct `x-api-key` header for authentication 2. Include the proper `Origin` header to handle CORS 3. Handle errors and provide detailed logging ## Next Steps 1. Implement additional queries for VMs, shares, and other resources 2. Add support for mutations (e.g., starting/stopping containers) 3. Create helper methods for common operations 4. Implement caching for improved performance