Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar
""" This schema is based on the work from https://github.com/domalab/unraid-api-client Author: Ruaan Deysel License: MIT License """ """ Indicates exactly one field must be supplied and this field must not be `null`. """ directive @oneOf on INPUT_OBJECT type Permission { resource: Resource! actions: [String!]! } type ApiKey { id: ID! name: String! description: String roles: [Role!]! createdAt: DateTime! permissions: [Permission!]! } type ApiKeyWithSecret { id: ID! key: String! name: String! description: String roles: [Role!]! createdAt: DateTime! permissions: [Permission!]! } input CreateApiKeyInput { name: String! description: String roles: [Role!] permissions: [AddPermissionInput!] """ This will replace the existing key if one already exists with the same name, otherwise returns the existing key """ overwrite: Boolean } input AddPermissionInput { resource: Resource! actions: [String!]! } input AddRoleForUserInput { userId: ID! role: Role! } input AddRoleForApiKeyInput { apiKeyId: ID! role: Role! } input RemoveRoleFromApiKeyInput { apiKeyId: ID! role: Role! } type Mutation { createApiKey(input: CreateApiKeyInput!): ApiKeyWithSecret! addPermission(input: AddPermissionInput!): Boolean! addRoleForUser(input: AddRoleForUserInput!): Boolean! addRoleForApiKey(input: AddRoleForApiKeyInput!): Boolean! removeRoleFromApiKey(input: RemoveRoleFromApiKeyInput!): Boolean! """Start array""" startArray: Array """Stop array""" stopArray: Array """Add new disk to array""" addDiskToArray(input: arrayDiskInput): Array """ Remove existing disk from array. NOTE: The array must be stopped before running this otherwise it'll throw an error. """ removeDiskFromArray(input: arrayDiskInput): Array mountArrayDisk(id: ID!): Disk unmountArrayDisk(id: ID!): Disk clearArrayDiskStatistics(id: ID!): JSON """Start parity check""" startParityCheck(correct: Boolean): JSON """Pause parity check""" pauseParityCheck: JSON """Resume parity check""" resumeParityCheck: JSON """Cancel parity check""" cancelParityCheck: JSON login(username: String!, password: String!): String shutdown: String reboot: String connectSignIn(input: ConnectSignInInput!): Boolean! connectSignOut: Boolean! enableDynamicRemoteAccess(input: EnableDynamicRemoteAccessInput!): Boolean! setAdditionalAllowedOrigins(input: AllowedOriginInput!): [String!]! setupRemoteAccess(input: SetupRemoteAccessInput!): Boolean! createNotification(input: NotificationData!): Notification! deleteNotification(id: String!, type: NotificationType!): NotificationOverview! """Deletes all archived notifications on server.""" deleteArchivedNotifications: NotificationOverview! """Marks a notification as archived.""" archiveNotification(id: String!): Notification! """Marks a notification as unread.""" unreadNotification(id: String!): Notification! archiveNotifications(ids: [String!]): NotificationOverview! unarchiveNotifications(ids: [String!]): NotificationOverview! archiveAll(importance: Importance): NotificationOverview! unarchiveAll(importance: Importance): NotificationOverview! """Reads each notification to recompute & update the overview.""" recalculateOverview: NotificationOverview! """Add a new user""" addUser(input: addUserInput!): User """Delete a user""" deleteUser(input: deleteUserInput!): User } type Query { apiKeys: [ApiKey!]! apiKey(id: ID!): ApiKey """ An Unraid array consisting of 1 or 2 Parity disks and a number of Data disks. """ array: Array! parityHistory: [ParityCheck] online: Boolean info: Info cloud: Cloud config: Config! remoteAccess: RemoteAccess! extraAllowedOrigins: [String!]! connect: Connect! """Single disk""" disk(id: ID!): Disk """Mulitiple disks""" disks: [Disk]! display: Display """All Docker containers""" dockerContainers(all: Boolean): [DockerContainer!]! docker: Docker! """Docker network""" dockerNetwork(id: ID!): DockerNetwork! """All Docker networks""" dockerNetworks(all: Boolean): [DockerNetwork]! flash: Flash network: Network notifications: Notifications! owner: Owner registration: Registration server: Server servers: [Server!]! services: [Service!]! """Network Shares""" shares: [Share] unassignedDevices: [UnassignedDevice] """Current user account""" me: Me """User account""" user(id: ID!): User """User accounts""" users(input: usersInput): [User!]! vars: Vars """Virtual machines""" vms: Vms } """Available resources for permissions""" enum Resource { api_key array cloud config connect connect__remote_access customizations dashboard disk display docker flash info logs me network notifications online os owner permission registration servers services share vars vms welcome } """Available roles for API keys and users""" enum Role { admin connect guest } type Subscription { array: Array! parityHistory: ParityCheck! ping: String! info: Info! online: Boolean! config: Config! display: Display dockerContainer(id: ID!): DockerContainer! dockerContainers: [DockerContainer] dockerNetwork(id: ID!): DockerNetwork! dockerNetworks: [DockerNetwork]! flash: Flash! notificationAdded: Notification! notificationsOverview: NotificationOverview! owner: Owner! registration: Registration! server: Server service(name: String!): [Service!] share(id: ID!): Share! shares: [Share!] unassignedDevices: [UnassignedDevice!] me: Me user(id: ID!): User! users: [User]! vars: Vars! vms: Vms } input arrayDiskInput { """Disk ID""" id: ID! """The slot for the disk""" slot: Int } type Array implements Node { id: ID! """Array state before this query/mutation""" previousState: ArrayState """Array state after this query/mutation""" pendingState: ArrayPendingState """Current array state""" state: ArrayState! """Current array capacity""" capacity: ArrayCapacity! """Current boot disk""" boot: ArrayDisk """Parity disks in the current array""" parities: [ArrayDisk!]! """Data disks in the current array""" disks: [ArrayDisk!]! """Caches in the current array""" caches: [ArrayDisk!]! } enum ArrayState { """Array is running""" STARTED """Array has stopped""" STOPPED """Array has new disks""" NEW_ARRAY """A disk is being reconstructed""" RECON_DISK """A disk is disabled in the array""" DISABLE_DISK """Array is disabled""" SWAP_DSBL """Too many changes to array at the same time""" INVALID_EXPANSION """Parity isn't the biggest, can't start array""" PARITY_NOT_BIGGEST """Array has too many missing data disks""" TOO_MANY_MISSING_DISKS """Array has new disks they're too small""" NEW_DISK_TOO_SMALL """Array has no data disks""" NO_DATA_DISKS } enum ArrayDiskStatus { """ no disk present, no disk configured """ DISK_NP """ enabled, disk present, correct, valid """ DISK_OK """ enabled, but missing """ DISK_NP_MISSING """ enabled, disk present, but not valid """ DISK_INVALID """ enablled, disk present, but not correct disk """ DISK_WRONG """ disabled, old disk still present """ DISK_DSBL """ disabled, no disk present """ DISK_NP_DSBL """ disabled, new disk present """ DISK_DSBL_NEW """ new disk """ DISK_NEW } enum ArrayPendingState { """Array is starting""" starting """Array is stopping""" stopping """Array has no data disks""" no_data_disks """Array has too many missing data disks""" too_many_missing_disks } type ArrayCapacity { kilobytes: Capacity! disks: Capacity! } type Capacity { free: String! used: String! total: String! } type ArrayDisk { """ Disk indentifier, only set for present disks on the system """ id: ID! """ Array slot number. Parity1 is always 0 and Parity2 is always 29. Array slots will be 1 - 28. Cache slots are 30 - 53. Flash is 54. """ idx: Int! name: String device: String """ (KB) Disk Size total """ size: Long! status: ArrayDiskStatus """ Is the disk a HDD or SSD. """ rotational: Boolean """ Disk temp - will be NaN if array is not started or DISK_NP """ temp: Int """ Count of I/O read requests sent to the device I/O drivers. These statistics may be cleared at any time. """ numReads: Long! """ Count of I/O writes requests sent to the device I/O drivers. These statistics may be cleared at any time. """ numWrites: Long! """ Number of unrecoverable errors reported by the device I/O drivers. Missing data due to unrecoverable array read errors is filled in on-the-fly using parity reconstruct (and we attempt to write this data back to the sector(s) which failed). Any unrecoverable write error results in disabling the disk. """ numErrors: Long! """ (KB) Total Size of the FS (Not present on Parity type drive) """ fsSize: Long """ (KB) Free Size on the FS (Not present on Parity type drive)""" fsFree: Long """ (KB) Used Size on the FS (Not present on Parity type drive)""" fsUsed: Long exportable: Boolean """ Type of Disk - used to differentiate Cache / Flash / Array / Parity """ type: ArrayDiskType! """ (%) Disk space left to warn """ warning: Int """ (%) Disk space left for critical """ critical: Int """ File system type for the disk """ fsType: String """ User comment on disk """ comment: String """ File format (ex MBR: 4KiB-aligned) """ format: String """ ata | nvme | usb | (others)""" transport: String } enum ArrayDiskType { """Data disk""" Data """Parity disk""" Parity """Flash disk""" Flash """Cache disk""" Cache } enum ArrayDiskFsColor { """Disk is OK and running""" green_on """Disk is OK and not running""" green_off yellow_on yellow_off red_on red_off } type ParityCheck { date: String! duration: Int! speed: String! status: String! errors: String! } """ The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf). """ scalar JSON """The `Long` scalar type represents 52-bit integers""" scalar Long """ A field whose value is a generic Universally Unique Identifier: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier. """ scalar UUID """ A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the `date-time` format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. """ scalar DateTime """ A field whose value is a valid TCP port within the range of 0 to 65535: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol#TCP_ports """ scalar Port """ A field whose value conforms to the standard URL format as specified in RFC3986: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt. """ scalar URL type Welcome { message: String! } interface Node { id: ID! } type ApiKeyResponse { valid: Boolean! error: String } enum MinigraphStatus { PRE_INIT CONNECTING CONNECTED PING_FAILURE ERROR_RETRYING } type MinigraphqlResponse { status: MinigraphStatus! timeout: Int error: String } type CloudResponse { status: String! ip: String error: String } type RelayResponse { status: String! timeout: String error: String } type Cloud { error: String apiKey: ApiKeyResponse! relay: RelayResponse minigraphql: MinigraphqlResponse! cloud: CloudResponse! allowedOrigins: [String!]! } enum ConfigErrorState { UNKNOWN_ERROR INVALID NO_KEY_SERVER WITHDRAWN } type Config implements Node { id: ID! valid: Boolean error: ConfigErrorState } input ConnectUserInfoInput { preferred_username: String! email: String! avatar: String } input ConnectSignInInput { apiKey: String! idToken: String userInfo: ConnectUserInfoInput accessToken: String refreshToken: String } input AllowedOriginInput { origins: [String!]! } enum WAN_ACCESS_TYPE { DYNAMIC ALWAYS DISABLED } enum WAN_FORWARD_TYPE { UPNP STATIC } type RemoteAccess { accessType: WAN_ACCESS_TYPE! forwardType: WAN_FORWARD_TYPE port: Port } input SetupRemoteAccessInput { accessType: WAN_ACCESS_TYPE! forwardType: WAN_FORWARD_TYPE port: Port } input EnableDynamicRemoteAccessInput { url: AccessUrlInput! enabled: Boolean! } enum DynamicRemoteAccessType { STATIC UPNP DISABLED } type DynamicRemoteAccessStatus { enabledType: DynamicRemoteAccessType! runningType: DynamicRemoteAccessType! error: String } type Connect implements Node { id: ID! dynamicRemoteAccess: DynamicRemoteAccessStatus! } type Disk { device: String! type: String! name: String! vendor: String! size: Long! bytesPerSector: Long! totalCylinders: Long! totalHeads: Long! totalSectors: Long! totalTracks: Long! tracksPerCylinder: Long! sectorsPerTrack: Long! firmwareRevision: String! serialNum: String! interfaceType: DiskInterfaceType! smartStatus: DiskSmartStatus! temperature: Long! partitions: [DiskPartition!] } type DiskPartition { name: String! fsType: DiskFsType! size: Long! } enum DiskFsType { xfs btrfs vfat zfs } enum DiskInterfaceType { SAS SATA USB PCIe UNKNOWN } enum DiskSmartStatus { OK UNKNOWN } type Display { id: ID! case: Case date: String number: String scale: Boolean tabs: Boolean users: String resize: Boolean wwn: Boolean total: Boolean usage: Boolean banner: String dashapps: String theme: Theme text: Boolean unit: Temperature warning: Int critical: Int hot: Int max: Int locale: String } type Case { icon: String url: String error: String base64: String } enum ContainerPortType { TCP UDP } type ContainerPort { ip: String privatePort: Int publicPort: Int type: ContainerPortType } enum ContainerState { RUNNING EXITED } type ContainerHostConfig { networkMode: String! } type ContainerMount { type: String! name: String! source: String! destination: String! driver: String! mode: String! rw: Boolean! propagation: String! } type DockerContainer { id: ID! names: [String!] image: String! imageId: String! command: String! created: Int! ports: [ContainerPort!]! """ (B) Total size of all the files in the container """ sizeRootFs: Long labels: JSON state: ContainerState! status: String! hostConfig: ContainerHostConfig networkSettings: JSON mounts: [JSON] autoStart: Boolean! } type Docker implements Node { id: ID! containers: [DockerContainer!] networks: [DockerNetwork!] } type DockerNetwork { name: String id: ID created: String scope: String driver: String enableIPv6: Boolean! ipam: JSON internal: Boolean! attachable: Boolean! ingress: Boolean! configFrom: JSON configOnly: Boolean! containers: JSON options: JSON labels: JSON } type Flash { guid: String vendor: String product: String } type Info implements Node { """Count of docker containers""" apps: InfoApps baseboard: Baseboard cpu: InfoCpu devices: Devices display: Display id: ID! """Machine ID""" machineId: ID memory: InfoMemory os: Os system: System time: DateTime! versions: Versions } type InfoApps { """How many docker containers are installed""" installed: Int """How many docker containers are running""" started: Int } type Baseboard { manufacturer: String! model: String version: String serial: String assetTag: String } type InfoCpu { manufacturer: String! brand: String! vendor: String! family: String! model: String! stepping: Int! revision: String! voltage: String speed: Float! speedmin: Float! speedmax: Float! threads: Int! cores: Int! processors: Long! socket: String! cache: JSON! flags: [String!] } type Devices { gpu: [Gpu] network: [Network] pci: [Pci] usb: [Usb] } type Gpu { id: ID! type: String! typeid: String! vendorname: String! productid: String! blacklisted: Boolean! class: String! } type Network implements Node { iface: String ifaceName: String ipv4: String ipv6: String mac: String internal: String operstate: String type: String duplex: String mtu: String speed: String carrierChanges: String id: ID! accessUrls: [AccessUrl!] } type Pci { id: ID! type: String typeid: String vendorname: String vendorid: String productname: String productid: String blacklisted: String class: String } type Usb { id: ID! name: String } enum Temperature { C F } enum Theme { white } type InfoMemory { max: Long! total: Long! free: Long! used: Long! active: Long! available: Long! buffcache: Long! swaptotal: Long! swapused: Long! swapfree: Long! layout: [MemoryLayout!] } type MemoryLayout { size: Long! bank: String type: MemoryType clockSpeed: Long formFactor: MemoryFormFactor manufacturer: String partNum: String serialNum: String voltageConfigured: Long voltageMin: Long voltageMax: Long } enum MemoryType { DDR2 DDR3 DDR4 } enum MemoryFormFactor { DIMM } type Os { platform: String distro: String release: String codename: String kernel: String arch: String hostname: String codepage: String logofile: String serial: String build: String uptime: DateTime } type System { manufacturer: String model: String version: String serial: String uuid: String sku: String } type Versions { kernel: String openssl: String systemOpenssl: String systemOpensslLib: String node: String v8: String npm: String yarn: String pm2: String gulp: String grunt: String git: String tsc: String mysql: String redis: String mongodb: String apache: String nginx: String php: String docker: String postfix: String postgresql: String perl: String python: String gcc: String unraid: String } enum URL_TYPE { LAN WIREGUARD WAN MDNS OTHER DEFAULT } input AccessUrlInput { type: URL_TYPE! name: String ipv4: URL ipv6: URL } type AccessUrl { type: URL_TYPE! name: String ipv4: URL ipv6: URL } enum NotificationType { UNREAD ARCHIVE } input NotificationFilter { importance: Importance type: NotificationType offset: Int! limit: Int! } enum Importance { ALERT INFO WARNING } type Notifications implements Node { id: ID! """A cached overview of the notifications in the system & their severity.""" overview: NotificationOverview! list(filter: NotificationFilter!): [Notification!]! } type Notification implements Node { id: ID! """Also known as 'event'""" title: String! subject: String! description: String! importance: Importance! link: String type: NotificationType! """ISO Timestamp for when the notification occurred""" timestamp: String formattedTimestamp: String } input NotificationData { title: String! subject: String! description: String! importance: Importance! link: String } type NotificationOverview { unread: NotificationCounts! archive: NotificationCounts! } type NotificationCounts { info: Int! warning: Int! alert: Int! total: Int! } type Owner { username: String url: String avatar: String } type KeyFile { location: String contents: String } type Registration { guid: String type: registrationType keyFile: KeyFile state: RegistrationState expiration: String updateExpiration: String } enum ServerStatus { online offline never_connected } type ProfileModel { userId: ID username: String url: String avatar: String } type Server { owner: ProfileModel! guid: String! apikey: String! name: String! status: ServerStatus! wanip: String! lanip: String! localurl: String! remoteurl: String! } type Uptime { timestamp: String } type Service implements Node { id: ID! name: String online: Boolean uptime: Uptime version: String } """Network Share""" type Share { """Display name""" name: String """(KB) Free space""" free: Long """(KB) Used Size""" used: Long """(KB) Total size""" size: Long """Disks that're included in this share""" include: [String] """Disks that're excluded from this share""" exclude: [String] cache: Boolean nameOrig: String """User comment""" comment: String allocator: String splitLevel: String floor: String cow: String color: String luksStatus: String } type Mount { name: String directory: String type: String permissions: String } type Partition { devlinks: String devname: String devpath: String devtype: String idAta: String idAtaDownloadMicrocode: String idAtaFeatureSetAam: String idAtaFeatureSetAamCurrentValue: String idAtaFeatureSetAamEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetAamVendorRecommendedValue: String idAtaFeatureSetApm: String idAtaFeatureSetApmCurrentValue: String idAtaFeatureSetApmEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetHpa: String idAtaFeatureSetHpaEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetPm: String idAtaFeatureSetPmEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetPuis: String idAtaFeatureSetPuisEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurity: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurityEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurityEnhancedEraseUnitMin: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurityEraseUnitMin: String idAtaFeatureSetSmart: String idAtaFeatureSetSmartEnabled: String idAtaRotationRateRpm: String idAtaSata: String idAtaSataSignalRateGen1: String idAtaSataSignalRateGen2: String idAtaWriteCache: String idAtaWriteCacheEnabled: String idBus: String idFsType: String idFsUsage: String idFsUuid: String idFsUuidEnc: String idModel: String idModelEnc: String idPartEntryDisk: String idPartEntryNumber: String idPartEntryOffset: String idPartEntryScheme: String idPartEntrySize: String idPartEntryType: String idPartTableType: String idPath: String idPathTag: String idRevision: String idSerial: String idSerialShort: String idType: String idWwn: String idWwnWithExtension: String major: String minor: String partn: String subsystem: String usecInitialized: String } type UnassignedDevice { devlinks: String devname: String devpath: String devtype: String idAta: String idAtaDownloadMicrocode: String idAtaFeatureSetAam: String idAtaFeatureSetAamCurrentValue: String idAtaFeatureSetAamEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetAamVendorRecommendedValue: String idAtaFeatureSetApm: String idAtaFeatureSetApmCurrentValue: String idAtaFeatureSetApmEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetHpa: String idAtaFeatureSetHpaEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetPm: String idAtaFeatureSetPmEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetPuis: String idAtaFeatureSetPuisEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurity: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurityEnabled: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurityEnhancedEraseUnitMin: String idAtaFeatureSetSecurityEraseUnitMin: String idAtaFeatureSetSmart: String idAtaFeatureSetSmartEnabled: String idAtaRotationRateRpm: String idAtaSata: String idAtaSataSignalRateGen1: String idAtaSataSignalRateGen2: String idAtaWriteCache: String idAtaWriteCacheEnabled: String idBus: String idModel: String idModelEnc: String idPartTableType: String idPath: String idPathTag: String idRevision: String idSerial: String idSerialShort: String idType: String idWwn: String idWwnWithExtension: String major: String minor: String subsystem: String usecInitialized: String partitions: [Partition] temp: Int name: String mounted: Boolean mount: Mount } """The current user""" type Me implements UserAccount { id: ID! name: String! description: String! roles: [Role!]! permissions: [Permission!] } interface UserAccount { id: ID! name: String! description: String! roles: [Role!]! permissions: [Permission!] } input usersInput { slim: Boolean } input addUserInput { name: String! password: String! description: String } input deleteUserInput { name: String! } """A local user account""" type User implements UserAccount { id: ID! """A unique name for the user""" name: String! description: String! roles: [Role!]! """If the account has a password set""" password: Boolean permissions: [Permission!] } type Vars implements Node { id: ID! """Unraid version""" version: String maxArraysz: Int maxCachesz: Int """Machine hostname""" name: String timeZone: String comment: String security: String workgroup: String domain: String domainShort: String hideDotFiles: Boolean localMaster: Boolean enableFruit: String """Should a NTP server be used for time sync?""" useNtp: Boolean """NTP Server 1""" ntpServer1: String """NTP Server 2""" ntpServer2: String """NTP Server 3""" ntpServer3: String """NTP Server 4""" ntpServer4: String domainLogin: String sysModel: String sysArraySlots: Int sysCacheSlots: Int sysFlashSlots: Int useSsl: Boolean """Port for the webui via HTTP""" port: Int """Port for the webui via HTTPS""" portssl: Int localTld: String bindMgt: Boolean """Should telnet be enabled?""" useTelnet: Boolean porttelnet: Int useSsh: Boolean portssh: Int startPage: String startArray: Boolean spindownDelay: String queueDepth: String spinupGroups: Boolean defaultFormat: String defaultFsType: String shutdownTimeout: Int luksKeyfile: String pollAttributes: String pollAttributesDefault: String pollAttributesStatus: String nrRequests: Int nrRequestsDefault: Int nrRequestsStatus: String mdNumStripes: Int mdNumStripesDefault: Int mdNumStripesStatus: String mdSyncWindow: Int mdSyncWindowDefault: Int mdSyncWindowStatus: String mdSyncThresh: Int mdSyncThreshDefault: Int mdSyncThreshStatus: String mdWriteMethod: Int mdWriteMethodDefault: String mdWriteMethodStatus: String shareDisk: String shareUser: String shareUserInclude: String shareUserExclude: String shareSmbEnabled: Boolean shareNfsEnabled: Boolean shareAfpEnabled: Boolean shareInitialOwner: String shareInitialGroup: String shareCacheEnabled: Boolean shareCacheFloor: String shareMoverSchedule: String shareMoverLogging: Boolean fuseRemember: String fuseRememberDefault: String fuseRememberStatus: String fuseDirectio: String fuseDirectioDefault: String fuseDirectioStatus: String shareAvahiEnabled: Boolean shareAvahiSmbName: String shareAvahiSmbModel: String shareAvahiAfpName: String shareAvahiAfpModel: String safeMode: Boolean startMode: String configValid: Boolean configError: ConfigErrorState joinStatus: String deviceCount: Int flashGuid: String flashProduct: String flashVendor: String regCheck: String regFile: String regGuid: String regTy: String regState: RegistrationState """Registration owner""" regTo: String regTm: String regTm2: String regGen: String sbName: String sbVersion: String sbUpdated: String sbEvents: Int sbState: String sbClean: Boolean sbSynced: Int sbSyncErrs: Int sbSynced2: Int sbSyncExit: String sbNumDisks: Int mdColor: String mdNumDisks: Int mdNumDisabled: Int mdNumInvalid: Int mdNumMissing: Int mdNumNew: Int mdNumErased: Int mdResync: Int mdResyncCorr: String mdResyncPos: String mdResyncDb: String mdResyncDt: String mdResyncAction: String mdResyncSize: Int mdState: String mdVersion: String cacheNumDevices: Int cacheSbNumDisks: Int fsState: String """Human friendly string of array events happening""" fsProgress: String """ Percentage from 0 - 100 while upgrading a disk or swapping parity drives """ fsCopyPrcnt: Int fsNumMounted: Int fsNumUnmountable: Int fsUnmountableMask: String """Total amount of user shares""" shareCount: Int """Total amount shares with SMB enabled""" shareSmbCount: Int """Total amount shares with NFS enabled""" shareNfsCount: Int """Total amount shares with AFP enabled""" shareAfpCount: Int shareMoverActive: Boolean csrfToken: String } enum mdState { SWAP_DSBL STARTED } enum registrationType { BASIC PLUS PRO STARTER UNLEASHED LIFETIME INVALID TRIAL } enum RegistrationState { TRIAL BASIC PLUS PRO STARTER UNLEASHED LIFETIME """Trial Expired""" EEXPIRED """GUID Error""" EGUID """Multiple License Keys Present""" EGUID1 """Invalid installation""" ETRIAL """No Keyfile""" ENOKEYFILE """No Keyfile""" ENOKEYFILE1 """Missing key file""" ENOKEYFILE2 """No Flash""" ENOFLASH ENOFLASH1 ENOFLASH2 ENOFLASH3 ENOFLASH4 ENOFLASH5 ENOFLASH6 ENOFLASH7 """BLACKLISTED""" EBLACKLISTED """BLACKLISTED""" EBLACKLISTED1 """BLACKLISTED""" EBLACKLISTED2 """Trial Requires Internet Connection""" ENOCONN } type Vms { id: ID! domain: [VmDomain!] } enum VmState { NOSTATE RUNNING IDLE PAUSED SHUTDOWN SHUTOFF CRASHED PMSUSPENDED } """A virtual machine""" type VmDomain { uuid: ID! """A friendly name for the vm""" name: String """Current domain vm state""" state: VmState! }