Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar
# Unraid API Documentation ## Credits This documentation is based on and references the work from: - Repository: [domalab/unraid-api-client](https://github.com/domalab/unraid-api-client) - Author: Ruaan Deysel - License: MIT - Description: Use the Unraid API Client to query Unraid's GraphQL API - Created: 2025-03-03 ## Overview This document provides a comprehensive guide to the Unraid GraphQL API. The API allows developers to interact with various components of an Unraid server, including array management, disk operations, user administration, Docker containers, virtual machines, and more. ## Table of Contents - [Authentication](#authentication) - [Core Resources](#core-resources) - [Array Management](#array-management) - [Disk Operations](#disk-operations) - [User Management](#user-management) - [Docker Management](#docker-management) - [Virtual Machines](#virtual-machines) - [Remote Access](#remote-access) - [Notifications](#notifications) - [API Reference](#api-reference) - [Queries](#queries) - [Mutations](#mutations) - [Subscriptions](#subscriptions) - [Custom Types](#custom-types) - [Enumerations](#enumerations) ## Authentication The API uses API keys for authentication. You can create an API key using the `createApiKey` mutation: ```graphql mutation { createApiKey(input: { name: "My API Key", description: "API key for my application", roles: [admin] }) { id key name roles } } ``` ## Core Resources ### Array Management The Unraid array is the core storage component of the system. The API provides operations to: - Start and stop the array - Add and remove disks - Monitor array status - Perform parity checks Example query to get array information: ```graphql query { array { state capacity { kilobytes { free used total } } parities { id name size } disks { id name size status } } } ``` ### Disk Operations The API allows detailed access to disk information and operations: - View detailed disk information (size, temperature, status) - Mount and unmount disks - Monitor disk statistics Example query to get all disks: ```graphql query { disks { device name size temperature smartStatus interfaceType } } ``` ### User Management Manage users and their permissions: - Add and delete users - Assign roles and permissions - Manage API keys Example to create a new user: ```graphql mutation { addUser(input: { name: "john", password: "securepassword", description: "John Doe" }) { id name roles } } ``` ### Docker Management Interact with Docker containers: - View container information - Manage Docker networks Example to get all Docker containers: ```graphql query { dockerContainers { id names image state status ports { ip privatePort publicPort type } } } ``` ### Virtual Machines Manage virtual machines running on Unraid: - View VM information - Check VM status Example to get all VMs: ```graphql query { vms { domain { uuid name state } } } ``` ### Remote Access Configure remote access to the Unraid server: - Set up dynamic remote access - Configure access URLs - Manage allowed origins ### Notifications The API provides a comprehensive notification system: - Create and manage notifications - Filter notifications by importance - Archive and unarchive notifications Example to create a notification: ```graphql mutation { createNotification(input: { title: "Disk Warning", subject: "High Temperature", description: "Disk temperature is above threshold", importance: WARNING }) { id title importance } } ``` ## API Reference ### Queries The API provides the following top-level queries: | Query | Description | |-------|-------------| | `apiKeys` | List all API keys | | `apiKey(id: ID!)` | Get a specific API key | | `array` | Get information about the Unraid array | | `parityHistory` | Get historical parity check data | | `disk(id: ID!)` | Get information about a specific disk | | `disks` | Get information about all disks | | `dockerContainers(all: Boolean)` | Get Docker containers | | `dockerNetworks(all: Boolean)` | Get Docker networks | | `info` | Get system information | | `me` | Get current user information | | `notifications` | Get system notifications | | `shares` | Get network shares | | `unassignedDevices` | Get unassigned devices | | `users(input: usersInput)` | Get all users | | `vms` | Get virtual machines | ### Mutations The API provides the following top-level mutations: | Mutation | Description | |----------|-------------| | `createApiKey(input: CreateApiKeyInput!)` | Create a new API key | | `addPermission(input: AddPermissionInput!)` | Add a permission | | `addRoleForUser(input: AddRoleForUserInput!)` | Add a role to a user | | `addRoleForApiKey(input: AddRoleForApiKeyInput!)` | Add a role to an API key | | `startArray` | Start the array | | `stopArray` | Stop the array | | `addDiskToArray(input: arrayDiskInput)` | Add a disk to the array | | `removeDiskFromArray(input: arrayDiskInput)` | Remove a disk from the array | | `startParityCheck(correct: Boolean)` | Start a parity check | | `pauseParityCheck` | Pause a running parity check | | `resumeParityCheck` | Resume a paused parity check | | `cancelParityCheck` | Cancel a running parity check | | `addUser(input: addUserInput!)` | Add a new user | | `deleteUser(input: deleteUserInput!)` | Delete a user | | `createNotification(input: NotificationData!)` | Create a notification | | `archiveNotification(id: String!)` | Archive a notification | ### Subscriptions The API provides real-time updates via subscriptions: | Subscription | Description | |--------------|-------------| | `array` | Get real-time updates about the array | | `parityHistory` | Get real-time updates about parity check progress | | `dockerContainer(id: ID!)` | Get real-time updates about a specific Docker container | | `dockerContainers` | Get real-time updates about all Docker containers | | `notificationAdded` | Get notified when a new notification is added | | `user(id: ID!)` | Get real-time updates about a specific user | | `users` | Get real-time updates about all users | ## Custom Types The API uses several custom types: | Type | Description | |------|-------------| | `JSON` | Represents JSON values | | `Long` | Represents 52-bit integers | | `UUID` | Represents a Universally Unique Identifier | | `DateTime` | Represents a date-time string at UTC | | `Port` | Represents a valid TCP port (0-65535) | | `URL` | Represents a standard URL format | ## Enumerations Key enumerations used in the API: | Enumeration | Description | |-------------|-------------| | `Resource` | Available resources for permissions (e.g., `api_key`, `array`, `disk`) | | `Role` | Available roles for API keys and users (`admin`, `connect`, `guest`) | | `ArrayState` | Possible states of the array (e.g., `STARTED`, `STOPPED`) | | `ArrayDiskStatus` | Possible statuses for disks in the array | | `DiskInterfaceType` | Types of disk interfaces (`SAS`, `SATA`, `USB`, etc.) | | `ContainerState` | Possible states for Docker containers (`RUNNING`, `EXITED`) | | `VmState` | Possible states for virtual machines | | `Importance` | Importance levels for notifications (`ALERT`, `INFO`, `WARNING`) | ## Common Use Cases and Examples ### System Monitoring #### CPU, RAM and System Information Monitor CPU usage, RAM usage, and general system information: ```graphql query { info { cpu { manufacturer brand cores threads speed speedmax } memory { total free used active available swaptotal swapused swapfree } system { manufacturer model serial } os { uptime distro release kernel } } } ``` #### CPU and Motherboard Temperature The schema doesn't have direct temperature sensors for CPU and motherboard, but you can access device information which might contain this data: ```graphql query { info { devices { pci { id vendorname productname } } cpu { manufacturer brand cores temperature # Note: This field may not be directly available } } } ``` #### Array Usage and Disk Information Monitor array usage, disk health, and status: ```graphql query { array { state capacity { kilobytes { free used total } } parities { id name size temp numErrors } disks { id name size temp numErrors fsUsed fsFree fsSize status } caches { id name size temp numErrors } } } ``` #### Individual Disk Information Get detailed information about a specific disk: ```graphql query { disk(id: "yourDiskId") { device name size temperature smartStatus partitions { name fsType size } } } ``` #### Monitor Parity Check Status Get information about parity checks: ```graphql query { parityHistory { date duration speed status errors } # For active parity check status, use the array subscription # subscription { # array { # state # # Additional fields related to parity check status # } # } } ``` #### Real-time System Monitoring with Subscriptions Use subscriptions for real-time monitoring: ```graphql subscription { info { cpu { cores threads speed } memory { total used free } } array { state capacity { kilobytes { used free } } } } ``` ### Container and VM Management #### Docker Container Control List and control Docker containers: ```graphql query { dockerContainers { id names image state status ports { ip privatePort publicPort } autoStart } } # To control containers, you would need appropriate mutations # Note: The schema doesn't show specific container start/stop mutations # but you can use Docker-related mutations that might be available ``` #### Virtual Machine Control Monitor virtual machines: ```graphql query { vms { domain { uuid name state } } } # To control VMs, you would need appropriate mutations # Note: The schema doesn't show specific VM start/stop mutations ``` #### Docker Networks Examine Docker networks: ```graphql query { dockerNetworks { id name driver scope internal attachable } } ``` ### Notification Management Create and manage notifications: ```graphql mutation { createNotification(input: { title: "Disk Warning", subject: "High Temperature", description: "Disk temperature is above threshold", importance: WARNING }) { id title importance } } query { notifications { overview { unread { info warning alert total } } list(filter: { importance: WARNING, type: UNREAD, offset: 0, limit: 10 }) { id title subject description timestamp } } } ``` ### User Management ```graphql query { users { id name description roles } } mutation { addUser(input: { name: "newuser", password: "securepassword", description: "New operator" }) { id name roles } } ``` ### Other Common Operations #### Start/Stop Array ```graphql mutation { startArray } mutation { stopArray } ``` #### Parity Check Control ```graphql mutation { # Start a parity check startParityCheck(correct: false) # Set to true to correct errors # Pause a running parity check # pauseParityCheck # Resume a paused parity check # resumeParityCheck # Cancel a running parity check # cancelParityCheck } ``` ## Best Practices 1. **Rate Limiting**: Be mindful of the rate at which you make API requests to avoid performance impacts. 2. **Error Handling**: Always handle potential errors in your API responses. 3. **Permissions**: Only assign the minimum permissions required for your application. 4. **Subscriptions**: Use subscriptions for real-time data instead of polling with queries. 5. **API Keys**: Keep your API keys secure and rotate them periodically. ## Additional Resources For more information about GraphQL and how to use it effectively, refer to the following resources: - [Official GraphQL Documentation](https://graphql.org/learn/) - [Unraid Documentation](https://docs.unraid.net/) - [GraphQL Clients](https://graphql.org/code/#graphql-clients)