Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import json import logging from unraid_client import UnraidClient, UnraidApiError """ Example script demonstrating how to use the UnraidClient to interact with an Unraid server. Before running this script, make sure you have: 1. Set up your .env file with UNRAID_API_URL and UNRAID_API_KEY 2. Enabled the Unraid API on your server using 'unraid-api developer' 3. Created an API key using 'unraid-api apikey --create' """ # Configure logging logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger("example_usage") async def print_json(data): """Pretty print JSON data""" print(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) async def safe_api_call(coroutine, section_name): """Safely execute an API call and handle exceptions""" print(f"\n=== {section_name} ===") try: return await coroutine except UnraidApiError as e: print(f"API Error in {section_name}: {e}") return None except Exception as e: print(f"Unexpected error in {section_name}: {e}") return None async def main(): # Initialize the client try: client = UnraidClient() print("Unraid client initialized") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to initialize client: {e}") return # Example 1: Get system information system_info = await safe_api_call(client.get_system_info(), "System Information") if system_info: try: print(f"Unraid Version: {system_info['versions']['unraid']}") print(f"Hostname: {system_info['os']['hostname']}") print(f"CPU: {system_info['cpu']['brand']} ({system_info['cpu']['cores']} cores)") print(f"Memory: {system_info['memory']['total'] / (1024**3):.2f} GB") except KeyError as e: print(f"Missing expected data in system_info: {e}") # Example 2: Get array status array_status = await safe_api_call(client.get_array_status(), "Array Status") if array_status: try: print(f"Array State: {array_status['state']}") if 'disks' in array_status: print(f"Number of array disks: {len(array_status['disks'])}") except KeyError as e: print(f"Missing expected data in array_status: {e}") # Get disk information disks = await safe_api_call(client.get_disks(), "Disk Information") if disks: try: print(f"Found {len(disks)} disks") for i, disk in enumerate(disks[:2]): # Show first 2 disks only print(f"Disk {i+1}: {disk.get('name', 'Unknown')}, " f"Size: {disk.get('size', 'Unknown')}, " f"Temp: {disk.get('temperature', 'Unknown')}°C") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing disk information: {e}") # Example 3: Get Docker containers containers = await safe_api_call(client.get_docker_containers(), "Docker Containers") if containers: try: print(f"Found {len(containers)} containers") for i, container in enumerate(containers[:3]): # Show first 3 containers only names = container.get('names', ['Unknown']) name = names[0] if names else 'Unknown' print(f"Container {i+1}: {name}, Status: {container.get('state', 'Unknown')}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing container information: {e}") # Example 4: Get VMs vms_data = await safe_api_call(client.get_vms(), "Virtual Machines") if vms_data: try: if 'domain' in vms_data: vms = vms_data['domain'] if isinstance(vms_data['domain'], list) else [vms_data['domain']] print(f"Found {len(vms)} VMs") for i, vm in enumerate(vms[:3]): # Show first 3 VMs only print(f"VM {i+1}: {vm.get('name', 'Unknown')}, State: {vm.get('state', 'Unknown')}") else: print("No VMs found or unexpected response format") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing VM information: {e}") # Example 5: Get shares shares = await safe_api_call(client.get_shares(), "Network Shares") if shares: try: print(f"Found {len(shares)} shares") for i, share in enumerate(shares[:3]): # Show first 3 shares only print(f"Share {i+1}: {share.get('name', 'Unknown')}, " f"Size: {share.get('size', 'Unknown')}, " f"Used: {share.get('used', 'Unknown')}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing share information: {e}") # Example 6: Get notifications notifications = await safe_api_call(client.get_notifications(limit=5), "Notifications") if notifications: try: if 'list' in notifications: print(f"Found {len(notifications['list'])} unread notifications") for i, notification in enumerate(notifications['list'][:3]): # Show first 3 notifications only print(f"Notification {i+1}: {notification.get('title', 'Unknown')} - " f"{notification.get('importance', 'Unknown')}") else: print("No notifications found or unexpected response format") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing notification information: {e}") # Example 7: Get current user user = await safe_api_call(client.get_current_user(), "Current User") if user: try: print(f"User: {user.get('name', 'Unknown')}") roles = user.get('roles', []) print(f"Roles: {', '.join(roles) if roles else 'None'}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing user information: {e}") # Example 8: Get parity history parity_history = await safe_api_call(client.get_parity_history(), "Parity Check History") if parity_history: try: if not parity_history: print("No parity check history found") else: for i, check in enumerate(parity_history[:3]): # Show first 3 parity checks only print(f"Check {i+1}: Date: {check.get('date', 'Unknown')}, " f"Status: {check.get('status', 'Unknown')}, " f"Errors: {check.get('errors', 'Unknown')}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing parity history: {e}") print("\nExample script completed") if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())