Unraid MCP Server

by jmagar

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Provides tools for monitoring Docker containers and networks on an Unraid server, including listing containers and accessing detailed information about specific containers.

  • Interfaces with Unraid's GraphQL API to facilitate all server interactions, handling authentication and providing consistent error reporting.

  • Allows querying information about the Plex media server container running on Unraid, mentioned as an example use case for container-specific details.

Unraid MCP Server

A Python-based MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that enables AI assistants to interact with an Unraid server through the official Unraid GraphQL API.


USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: This software provides access to your Unraid server through AI assistants. While this implementation is configured as read-only to enhance safety, you should still exercise caution when using it.

  • This is an unofficial tool and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Unraid, Inc.
  • All operations are limited to read-only actions to prevent system modifications
  • Always maintain proper backups of your data
  • Review all information and suggestions provided by AI assistants before taking action
  • The developers are not responsible for any issues that may arise from using this software

Even with read-only access, monitoring tools can potentially expose sensitive system information. By using this software, you acknowledge and accept these limitations and risks.


  • System Information: Get detailed information about your Unraid server
  • Array Management: Monitor array status
  • Docker Management: List Docker containers and networks
  • VM Management: List virtual machines
  • Disk Information: Get detailed information about disks and unassigned devices
  • Notification Management: View and manage system notifications
  • Share Management: View and manage network shares
  • User Management: List users
  • API Key Management: List API keys
  • Parity History: View parity check history
  • Shares: Browse user shares on the Unraid server
  • Plugins: View installed plugins and their status
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling with diagnostic information
  • Logging: Detailed logging for troubleshooting
  • Templated Resources: Access specific containers and VMs by name


  • Python 3.10 or later
  • An Unraid server with the API enabled
  • API key with appropriate permissions


Installing via Smithery

To install Unraid MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @jmagar/unraid-mcp --client claude

Manual Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/jmagar/unraid-mcp.git cd unraid-mcp
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a .env file with your Unraid API credentials:
    cp .env.template .env # Edit .env with your actual API URL and key

Unraid API Setup

To use this MCP server, you need to set up the Unraid API on your Unraid server:

  1. Enable developer mode and the GraphQL sandbox using the CLI:
    unraid-api developer
    Follow the prompts to enable the sandbox.
  2. Create an API key with the necessary permissions:
    unraid-api apikey --create
    Follow the prompts to set the name, description, roles, and permissions.
  3. Configure your .env file with:
    • UNRAID_API_URL: The GraphQL URL (e.g., http://your-unraid-server-ip/graphql)
    • UNRAID_API_KEY: The API key you created
  4. Test the API using the GraphQL sandbox at http://your-unraid-server-ip/graphql

Note: The Unraid API uses the x-api-key header for authentication, not Bearer tokens.


  • If you get CORS errors, make sure your client includes the correct Origin header that matches the server's URL.
  • Ensure your API key has the necessary roles and permissions for the queries you're trying to execute.
  • Check that the GraphQL sandbox is enabled and accessible.


Running the MCP Server

Run the server in stdio mode for integration with AI assistants:

# Run in stdio mode (for direct integration with AI assistants) python run_server.py

The stdio mode is useful for:

  • Direct integration with AI assistants that support the MCP protocol
  • Testing with the Anthropic Python SDK
  • Integration with Claude in Cursor

When running in stdio mode, the server reads from standard input and writes to standard output, following the MCP protocol format. This allows for direct communication with AI assistants without requiring HTTP transport.

Server Architecture

The server is built using the FastMCP framework and consists of:

  1. Unraid API Client (unraid_client.py):
    • Handles GraphQL communication with the Unraid server
    • Manages authentication and error handling
    • Provides consistent error reporting
  2. MCP Server (server.py):
    • Defines resources and tools according to MCP specification
    • Exposes Unraid functionality to AI assistants
    • Handles request validation and error diagnostics

Available Resources

Resource URIDescription
unraid://system/infoSystem information (CPU, memory, uptime)
unraid://system/pluginsInstalled plugins
unraid://docker/containersList of all Docker containers
unraid://docker/{container_name}Details of a specific container
unraid://array/statusCurrent array status
unraid://vms/listList of all virtual machines
unraid://vms/{vm_name}Details of a specific VM
unraid://storage/sharesUser shares information

Available Tools

System Management

Tool NameDescription
get_system_infoGet detailed system information
get_network_infoGet network interface information

Array Management

Tool NameDescription
get_array_statusGet array status in a human-readable way
get_parity_historyGet parity check history

Docker Management

Tool NameDescription
get_docker_containersGet information about Docker containers
get_docker_networksGet information about Docker networks
list_containersList Docker containers in a human-readable way

VM Management

Tool NameDescription
get_vmsGet information about virtual machines
get_vm_detailsGet detailed information about a specific VM
list_vmsList virtual machines in a human-readable way

Notification Management

Tool NameDescription
get_notificationsGet notifications from the Unraid server
create_notificationCreate a new notification
archive_notificationArchive a notification

Share Management

Tool NameDescription
get_sharesGet information about network shares
get_share_detailsGet detailed information about a specific share

Disk Management

Tool NameDescription
get_disksGet information about all disks
get_disk_detailsGet information about a specific disk
get_unassigned_devicesGet information about unassigned devices

User Management

Tool NameDescription
get_usersGet information about all users

API Key Management

Tool NameDescription
get_api_keysGet information about all API keys

Integration with Claude

To use the MCP server with Claude API or other AI assistants that support stdio mode:

  1. Create a configuration file (e.g., unraid_mcp_config.json):
    { "mcpServers": { "unraid": { "command": "/path/to/python", "args": ["/path/to/unraid-mcp/run_server.py"], "env": { "UNRAID_API_URL": "http://your-unraid-server:port/graphql", "UNRAID_API_KEY": "your-api-key", "LOG_LEVEL": "INFO", "CLAUDE_MCP_SERVER": "true" }, "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } }

Note: For Windows users, make sure to use double backslashes in paths (e.g., C:\\Users\\username\\unraid-mcp\\run_server.py)

Example Queries

  • "What's the current CPU usage on my Unraid server?"
  • "List all of my Docker containers"
  • "Tell me about my Plex container" (uses container_details resource)
  • "Start the Plex container"
  • "What's the status of my array?"
  • "How much free space do I have on my Unraid server?"
  • "Show me details about my Windows VM" (uses vm_details resource)
  • "What plugins do I have installed?"


Check the log file (unraid_mcp.log) for detailed error information.

Common issues:

  • Incorrect API URL or key in .env file
  • Network connectivity issues to Unraid server
  • Insufficient permissions for the API key
  • Developer mode not enabled on Unraid server
  • API key not having the necessary roles


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Python-based server that enables AI assistants to interact with an Unraid server through the official Unraid GraphQL API, providing read-only access to system information, Docker containers, VMs, storage, and more.

  1. Disclaimer
    1. Features
      1. Prerequisites
        1. Installation
          1. Installing via Smithery
          2. Manual Installation
        2. Unraid API Setup
          1. Troubleshooting
        3. Usage
          1. Running the MCP Server
        4. Server Architecture
          1. Available Resources
            1. Available Tools
              1. System Management
              2. Array Management
              3. Docker Management
              4. VM Management
              5. Notification Management
              6. Share Management
              7. Disk Management
              8. User Management
              9. API Key Management
            2. Integration with Claude
              1. Example Queries
                1. Troubleshooting
                  1. Contributing
                    1. License
                      1. References