Worldpay MCP Server

required: - href - type type: object allOf: - $ref: ./PaymentsPaymentInstrument.yaml - type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - token href: type: string description: An http address that contains your link to an Access Token. cvc: maxLength: 4 minLength: 3 pattern: '[0-9]*$' type: string description: >- CVC is a unique set of 3 or 4 numbers on the back of the card. Our API checks to see if the CVC supplied matches the CVC held by the issuing bank. example: '123' cvcSessionHref: type: string description: >- Href to the Checkout session providing the Card Verification Code (CVC).__Note:__ Provide a value in `cvcSessionHref` or `cvc`, never both. example: