Worldpay MCP Server

type: object properties: outcome: type: string enum: - 3dsDeviceDataRequired - authorized - 3dsChallenged - sentForSettlement - sentForCancellation - refused - 3dsAuthenticationFailed - 3dsUnavailable - fraudHighRisk - sentForRefund - sentForPartialRefund transactionReference: maxLength: 64 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[-A-Za-z0-9_!@#$%()*=.:;?\[\]{}~`/+]*$ type: string description: ' A unique reference generated by you that is used to identify a payment throughout its lifecycle. ' advice: $ref: ./Advice.yaml riskFactors: type: array description: ' Any risk factors which have been identified for the authorization. This section will not appear if no risks are identified. ' items: $ref: ./RiskFactor.yaml fraud: $ref: ./Fraud.yaml exemption: $ref: ./PaymentsExemption.yaml token: $ref: ./Token.yaml refusalDescription: type: string description: Additional context on the refusal. refusalCode: type: string description: Response code for the request. threeDS: $ref: ./Verification.yaml paymentInstrument: $ref: ./PaymentsResponsePaymentInstrument.yaml