Worldpay MCP Server

type: object properties: granted: type: boolean description: Was an exemption returned by Worldpay's TRA assessment. enum: - true - false placement: type: string description: >- Indicates whether the exemption has been placed in a payment authorization request or 3DS authentication request. enum: - authorization x-enumDescriptions: authorization: Exemption applied in the payment authorization. type: type: string description: The type of applied exemption. enum: - lowRisk - lowValue x-enumDescriptions: lowValue: Applied a `lowValue` exemption lowRisk: Applied a `lowRisk` exemption result: type: string description: The result of the exemption placement request. enum: - honored - outOfScope - rejected - unknown x-enumDescriptions: rejected: >- Possible __reason__: `issuerRejected`, `highRisk`, `invalid`, `unsupportedScheme`, `notSubscribed`, `unsupportedAcquirer` or `unknown` honored: 'Possible __reason__: `issuerHonored` or `unknown`' outOfScope: >- Possible __reason__: `merchantInitiatedTransaction`, `oneLegOut`, `moto`, `contactless` or `unknown` unknown: 'Possible __reason__: `unknown`' reason: type: string description: The reason returned by the card issuer. enum: - issuerHonored - merchantInitiatedTransaction - oneLegOut - issuerHonored - moto - contactless - issuerRejected - highRisk - invalid - unsupportedScheme - unsupportedAcquirer - unknown description: An object containing information about the exemption.