Worldpay MCP Server

required: - storedCardUsage - type type: object allOf: - $ref: ./PaymentsCustomerAgreement.yaml - type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - subscription storedCardUsage: type: string description: ' Set to `first` to store a card or `subsequent` to use a previously stored card. ' enum: - first - subsequent schemeReference: maxLength: 56 minLength: 1 pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9]*$ type: string description: >- Optional field available only for `subsequent` storedCardUsage. Unique reference provided by card schemes used to link the `first` and `subsequent` payments. This value is bundled with the Worldpay token if created as part of the `first` payment and therefore not required here as well. example: MCCOLXT1C0104