Worldpay MCP Server

type: object properties: method: type: string description: The shipping method used. enum: - billingAddress - verifiedAddress - otherAddress - store - digital - unshippedTickets - other timeFrame: type: string enum: - electronic - sameDay - nextDay - twoDaysPlus email: maxLength: 128 minLength: 1 type: string description: The email address used for an electronic delivery. phone: maxLength: 20 minLength: 4 pattern: ^[0-9]*$ type: string description: The phone number used for delivery. firstName: maxLength: 22 minLength: 1 type: string description: First name used on the shipping address. lastName: maxLength: 22 minLength: 1 type: string description: Last name used on the shipping address. address: $ref: ./PaymentsShippingAddress.yaml