Worldpay MCP Server

required: - method - narrative - paymentInstrument - value type: object properties: method: type: string description: The method of instruction. enum: - card paymentInstrument: required: - type type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of instrument. discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: plain: ./PaymentsCardPlainPaymentInstrument.yaml token: ./TokenPaymentInstrument.yaml checkout: ./SessionPaymentInstrument.yaml networkToken: ./PaymentsNetworkTokenPaymentInstrument.yaml narrative: $ref: ./Narrative.yaml tokenCreation: $ref: ./TokenCreation.yaml value: $ref: ./Value.yaml debtRepayment: type: boolean description: >- A flag which identifies a payment as being for the purpose of repaying a debt. fraud: $ref: ./PaymentsFraud.yaml threeDS: $ref: ./PaymentsThreeDS.yaml exemption: $ref: ./Exemption.yaml settlement: $ref: ./Settlement.yaml customer: $ref: ./Customer.yaml shipping: $ref: ./Shipping.yaml customerAgreement: $ref: ./PaymentsCustomerAgreement.yaml recipient: $ref: ./PaymentsRecipient.yaml consumerBillPayment: type: boolean description: >- An attribute that identifies a bill payment paid by providers on behalf of consumers. If you are registered with Visa as a Consumer of the Bill Payment Service (CBPS), you must set this to `true` for any payments associated with the CBPS.