Worldpay MCP Server

required: - challenge - deviceData - mode - type type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - integrated mode: type: string enum: - always challenge: $ref: ./Challenge.yaml deviceData: $ref: ./DeviceData.yaml previousSuspiciousActivity: type: boolean description: Has the account been flagged for suspicious activity. userType: type: string enum: - guestUser - registeredUser - federatedAccount - issuerCredentials - thirdPartyAuthentication - fidoAuthenticator accountHistory: $ref: ./AccountHistory.yaml reorder: type: boolean description: Repeat of a previous order. preOrderDate: type: string description: Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available. transactionHistory: $ref: ./TransactionHistory.yaml giftCardsPurchase: $ref: ./PaymentsGiftCardsPurchase.yaml description: An object containing 3DS authentication preferences.