PyTorch HUD MCP Server

  • test
import unittest from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, AsyncMock import os import sys # Add the parent directory to the path so we can import the modules sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from import get_recent_commits_with_jobs class TestJobSummary(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): @patch('') async def test_hidden_failures(self, mock_api): """Test that jobs with success conclusion but failure lines are counted as failures.""" # Create a test case with hidden failures test_data = { "shaGrid": [ { "sha": "test_sha", "commitTitle": "Test Commit", "author": "Test Author", "jobs": [ { "id": "job1", "conclusion": "success", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": [] # No failure lines = real success }, { "id": "job2", "conclusion": "success", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": ["Error in test"] # Has failure lines = hidden failure }, { "id": "job3", "conclusion": "failure", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": ["Explicit failure"] # Explicit failure } ] } ], "jobNames": ["job1", "job2", "job3"] } # Mock the API response mock_api.get_hud_data.return_value = test_data # Create a mock context with async methods mock_ctx = MagicMock() = AsyncMock() # Call the function with mock context to get commit status info result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( "pytorch", "pytorch", "main", ctx=mock_ctx ) # Verify the commit and job counts self.assertEqual(len(result["commits"]), 1) commit = result["commits"][0] # Check job counts self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["total"], 3) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["success"], 2) # Both jobs with success conclusion self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["failure"], 1) # Only explicit failures counted # Make sure the API was called correctly mock_api.get_hud_data.assert_called_once() @patch('') async def test_workflow_filtering(self, mock_api): """Test that workflow-related job filtering works correctly.""" # Create a test case with workflow information in URLs test_data = { "shaGrid": [ { "sha": "test_sha", "commitTitle": "Test Commit", "author": "Test Author", "jobs": [ { "id": "job1", "conclusion": "success", "status": "completed", "name": "workflow1_job1", "htmlUrl": "", "durationS": 60, "failureLines": [] # No failure lines = real success }, { "id": "job2", "conclusion": "success", "status": "completed", "name": "workflow1_job2", "htmlUrl": "", "durationS": 90, "failureLines": ["Error in test"] # Has failure lines = hidden failure }, { "id": "job3", "conclusion": "failure", "status": "completed", "name": "workflow2_job1", "htmlUrl": "", "durationS": 120, "failureLines": ["Explicit failure"] # Explicit failure } ] } ], "jobNames": ["workflow1_job1", "workflow1_job2", "workflow2_job1"] } # Mock the API response mock_api.get_hud_data.return_value = test_data # Create a mock context with async methods mock_ctx = MagicMock() = AsyncMock() # Call the function with job name regex to filter by workflow1 result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( "pytorch", "pytorch", "main", include_success=True, include_failures=True, job_name_filter_regex="workflow1", ctx=mock_ctx ) # Verify the results self.assertEqual(len(result["commits"]), 1) commit = result["commits"][0] # Check job counts for all jobs self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["total"], 3) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["success"], 2) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["failure"], 1) # Check that only workflow1 jobs are included in the jobs array self.assertEqual(len(commit["jobs"]), 2) job_names = [job.get("name") for job in commit["jobs"]] self.assertIn("workflow1_job1", job_names) self.assertIn("workflow1_job2", job_names) self.assertNotIn("workflow2_job1", job_names) @patch('') async def test_test_failure_line_filtering(self, mock_api): """Test that filtering by test failure patterns works correctly.""" # Create a test case with various failure patterns test_data = { "shaGrid": [ { "sha": "test_sha", "commitTitle": "Test Commit", "author": "Test Author", "jobs": [ { "id": "job1", "name": "test_job1", "conclusion": "success", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": [] # No failure lines = real success }, { "id": "job2", "name": "test_job2", "conclusion": "failure", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": ["FAIL: test_function"] # Test failure }, { "id": "job3", "name": "test_job3", "conclusion": "failure", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": ["ERROR: test_another_function"] # Another test failure }, { "id": "job4", "name": "build_job", "conclusion": "failure", "status": "completed", "htmlUrl": "", "failureLines": ["Some error but not a test-related error"] # Build failure } ] } ], "jobNames": ["test_job1", "test_job2", "test_job3", "build_job"] } # Mock the API response mock_api.get_hud_data.return_value = test_data # Create a mock context with async methods mock_ctx = MagicMock() = AsyncMock() # Call the function to find test failures result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( "pytorch", "pytorch", "main", include_failures=True, failure_line_filter_regex="(?:FAIL|ERROR):\\s+test_", # Regex to match test failures ctx=mock_ctx ) # Verify the results self.assertEqual(len(result["commits"]), 1) commit = result["commits"][0] # Check counts - should include all failures, but we only extract specific ones self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["failure"], 3) # Check that only the test failure jobs are included in jobs array self.assertEqual(len(commit["jobs"]), 2) job_names = [job.get("name") for job in commit["jobs"]] self.assertIn("test_job2", job_names) self.assertIn("test_job3", job_names) self.assertNotIn("build_job", job_names) # Build job should be filtered out if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()