PyTorch HUD MCP Server

  • test
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Test script for validating the get_failure_details function in the PyTorch HUD MCP server. This test verifies that the function correctly identifies and reports both explicit failures and hidden failures (those with success conclusion but failure lines). """ import json import unittest import requests from unittest.mock import patch from import get_recent_commits_with_jobs from pytorch_hud.server.mcp_server import get_recent_commits_with_jobs_resource class TestFailureDetails(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): """Tests for failure detection in get_recent_commits_with_jobs function.""" @patch('') async def test_hidden_failures_detected(self, mock_get_hud_data): """Test that failures are correctly detected.""" # Create sample with hidden failures hidden_failure_sample = { "shaGrid": [ { "sha": "e6800bda7fabaf1de7c0586c9851c2326e142993", "commitTitle": "Test commit with hidden failures", "author": "test-user", "time": "2025-03-06T22:10:53Z", "prNum": 12345, "jobs": [ # Normal success job {"id": "job1", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success"}, # Hidden failure - conclusion is "success" but has failure lines { "id": "job2", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "failureLines": ["Error: Build failed with code 1"], "htmlUrl": "" }, # Normal failure job { "id": "job3", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "failure", "failureLines": ["Test failed: Expected 5 but got 6"], "htmlUrl": "" }, # In progress job {"id": "job4", "status": "in_progress", "conclusion": None} ] } ], "jobNames": ["job1", "job2", "job3", "job4"] } # Setup mock mock_get_hud_data.return_value = hidden_failure_sample # Call function with failures filter result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner="pytorch", repo_name="pytorch", branch_or_commit_sha="main", include_failures=True ) # Verify commit info self.assertEqual(len(result["commits"]), 1) commit = result["commits"][0] # Verify job counts self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["total"], 4) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["success"], 2) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["failure"], 1) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["pending"], 1) # Check that the jobs array contains only the failure job (since we used include_failures=True) self.assertEqual(len(commit.get("jobs", [])), 1) self.assertEqual(commit["jobs"][0]["id"], "job3") self.assertEqual(commit["status"], "red") @patch('') async def test_all_success_jobs(self, mock_get_hud_data): """Test a case where all jobs are successful.""" # Create sample with only success jobs success_sample = { "shaGrid": [ { "sha": "e6800bda7fabaf1de7c0586c9851c2326e142993", "commitTitle": "Test commit with all successes", "author": "test-user", "time": "2025-03-06T22:10:53Z", "prNum": 12345, "jobs": [ {"id": "job1", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success"}, {"id": "job2", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success"}, {"id": "job3", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success"} ] } ], "jobNames": ["job1", "job2", "job3"] } # Setup mock mock_get_hud_data.return_value = success_sample # Call function result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner="pytorch", repo_name="pytorch", branch_or_commit_sha="main", include_success=True ) # Verify commit info self.assertEqual(len(result["commits"]), 1) commit = result["commits"][0] # Verify job counts self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["total"], 3) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["success"], 3) self.assertEqual(commit["job_counts"]["failure"], 0) # Since we used include_success=True, all successful jobs should be included self.assertEqual(len(commit.get("jobs", [])), 3) self.assertEqual(commit["status"], "green") @patch('pytorch_hud.server.mcp_server.get_recent_commits_with_jobs') async def test_failure_details_resource(self, mock_get_recent_commits): """Test that the resource endpoint properly awaits the async function for failure details.""" # Create mock return value that looks like get_recent_commits_with_jobs output mock_result = { "repo": "pytorch/pytorch", "branch_or_commit_sha": "main", "commits": [ { "sha": "abcdef", "title": "Test Commit", "author": "test-user", "status": "red", "job_counts": { "total": 3, "success": 1, "failure": 2 }, "jobs": [ {"id": "job1", "name": "test_job1", "conclusion": "failure", "failureLines": ["Error 1", "Error 2"]}, {"id": "job2", "name": "test_job2", "conclusion": "failure", "failureLines": ["Error 3"]} ] } ], "pagination": { "page": 1, "per_page": 10, "total_commits": 1, "returned_commits": 1 }, "filters": { "include_success": False, "include_pending": False, "include_failures": True }, "_metadata": { "timestamp": "2025-03-07T12:00:00Z" } } # Set up mock to return our sample data mock_get_recent_commits.return_value = mock_result # Call the resource endpoint with failure filter result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs_resource( "pytorch", "pytorch", "main", include_success=False, include_pending=False, include_failures=True, page=1, per_page=10 ) # Verify the resource endpoint was called with the correct arguments mock_get_recent_commits.assert_called_once_with( repo_owner="pytorch", repo_name="pytorch", branch_or_commit_sha="main", include_success=False, include_pending=False, include_failures=True, include_commit_details=True, job_name_filter_regex=None, failure_line_filter_regex=None, page=1, per_page=10, ctx=None ) # Result should be a JSON string - parse it back to verify contents result_data = json.loads(result) # Check that it contains the expected fields - failures would be in the commits[0].jobs self.assertIn("commits", result_data) self.assertEqual(len(result_data["commits"]), 1) self.assertIn("jobs", result_data["commits"][0]) self.assertEqual(len(result_data["commits"][0]["jobs"]), 2) # Reset the mock for the second test mock_get_recent_commits.reset_mock() # Use failure line filter regex to simulate the include_lines="summary" feature mock_get_recent_commits.return_value = mock_result # Call the endpoint but we don't need to check the returned value await get_recent_commits_with_jobs_resource( "pytorch", "pytorch", "main", include_success=False, include_pending=False, include_failures=True, failure_line_filter_regex="^Error", # This should filter to just the first error line page=1, per_page=10 ) # Verify called again with the proper arguments including the failure line filter mock_get_recent_commits.assert_called_once_with( repo_owner="pytorch", repo_name="pytorch", branch_or_commit_sha="main", include_success=False, include_pending=False, include_failures=True, include_commit_details=True, job_name_filter_regex=None, failure_line_filter_regex="^Error", page=1, per_page=10, ctx=None ) class TestFailureDetailsResourceHTTP(unittest.TestCase): """Test the HTTP endpoint for failure details resource. Note: These tests require the MCP server to be running locally. Skip these tests if the server is not running. """ def setUp(self): """Check if the MCP server is running.""" try: response = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/health", timeout=1) self.server_running = response.status_code == 200 except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout): self.server_running = False def test_failure_details_resource_http(self): """Test the HTTP endpoint for failure details resource.""" if not self.server_running: self.skipTest("MCP server is not running") # Make request to the universal resource endpoint for failures response = "http://localhost:8000/tools/get_recent_commits_with_jobs_resource", json={ "repo_owner": "pytorch", "repo_name": "pytorch", "branch_or_commit_sha": "3960f978325222392d89ecdeb0d5baf968f654a7", "include_failures": True, "include_success": False, "include_pending": False, "per_page": 5 } ) # Verify response self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) result = response.json() # Basic validation of structure self.assertIn("result", result) data = json.loads(result["result"]) self.assertIn("commits", data) # Check if we have any commits with jobs if data["commits"] and len(data["commits"]) > 0: # Check if the first commit has jobs if "jobs" in data["commits"][0]: # With job filtering, we should only see failure jobs for job in data["commits"][0]["jobs"]: self.assertEqual(job.get("conclusion"), "failure") if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()