PyTorch HUD MCP Server

  • test
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Test script demonstrating the use of the consolidated PyTorch HUD APIs for better context management. This script shows how to use the get_recent_commits_with_jobs endpoint with different options to get specific pieces of information without overwhelming the context window with unnecessary data. """ import asyncio import json import time from typing import Dict, Any # Import the MCP functions directly for testing from import ( get_job_details, get_recent_commits_with_jobs ) def print_response(name: str, response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Helper to print responses in a readable format""" print(f"\n===== {name} =====") json_str = json.dumps(response, indent=2) # Print truncated response if it's too long if len(json_str) > 500: print(json_str[:500] + "...") else: print(json_str) # Also print the size of the response in bytes print(f"Response size: {len(json_str)} bytes") async def test_api(): print("Testing PyTorch HUD Consolidated APIs") # Set up test parameters repo_owner = "pytorch" repo_name = "pytorch" branch = "main" commit_sha = "679e7d257e6429a131b18406be84318f0554bc16" # Example commit SHA # 1. Get basic commit data print("\nStep 1: Get basic commit data") start_time = time.time() basic_data = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs(repo_owner, repo_name, branch) print_response("Basic Data", basic_data) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # 2. Get commit summary (lightweight, without jobs) print("\nStep 2: Get commit summary without job data") start_time = time.time() commit_summary = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner, repo_name, commit_sha, include_commit_details=True ) print_response("Commit Summary", commit_summary) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # 3. Get filtered jobs (only failures) print("\nStep 3: Get filtered jobs (only failures)") start_time = time.time() filtered_jobs = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner, repo_name, branch, include_failures=True, per_page=5 ) print_response("Filtered Jobs (Failures)", filtered_jobs) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # 4. Get detailed failure information with failure lines print("\nStep 4: Get detailed failure information") start_time = time.time() failure_details = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner, repo_name, branch, include_failures=True, include_commit_details=True, per_page=3 ) print_response("Failure Details", failure_details) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # 5. Get GPU job failures print("\nStep 5: Get GPU job failures") start_time = time.time() gpu_jobs = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner, repo_name, branch, include_failures=True, job_name_filter_regex="cuda|gpu", per_page=3 ) print_response("GPU Job Failures", gpu_jobs) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # 6. Get OOM failures print("\nStep 6: Get OOM failures") start_time = time.time() oom_failures = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs( repo_owner, repo_name, branch, include_failures=True, failure_line_filter_regex="OOM|OutOfMemoryError|out of memory", per_page=3 ) print_response("OOM Failures", oom_failures) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") # Try to get some job ID from the results to use in next step job_id = None for commit in failure_details.get("commits", []): if "jobs" in commit and commit["jobs"]: for job in commit["jobs"]: if "id" in job: job_id = job["id"] break if job_id: break if job_id: # 7. Get details for a specific job print(f"\nStep 7: Get details for a specific job (ID: {job_id})") start_time = time.time() job_details = await get_job_details(job_id) print_response("Job Details", job_details) print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds") print("\nAll tests completed!") if __name__ == "__main__":