PyTorch HUD MCP Server

  • test
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Unit tests for log download tools """ import os import tempfile import unittest import requests from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, AsyncMock from import download_log_to_file class LogDownloadTest(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): """Test suite for log download tools""" def setUp(self): """Set up test environment""" self.sample_log_content = """ 2025-03-06 10:15:22 INFO: Starting PyTorch build 2025-03-06 10:15:25 INFO: Configuring build environment 2025-03-06 10:15:30 WARNING: CUDA version might be outdated 2025-03-06 10:16:10 ERROR: Compilation error in aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ """ self.sample_job_id = "98765432" self.sample_s3_url = f"{self.sample_job_id}" async def test_download_log_to_file(self): """Test downloading log to file""" # Mock the API client with patch('') as mock_api: # Configure mocks mock_api.download_log.return_value = self.sample_log_content mock_api.get_s3_log_url.return_value = self.sample_s3_url # Create a context mock with async methods ctx_mock = MagicMock() = AsyncMock() ctx_mock.error = AsyncMock() # Run with a temporary directory as cwd with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Change to the temp directory original_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(temp_dir) try: # Verify temp_logs directory doesn't exist yet self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("temp_logs")) # Call the function result = await download_log_to_file(self.sample_job_id, ctx=ctx_mock) # Verify the result self.assertTrue(result["success"]) self.assertEqual(result["job_id"], self.sample_job_id) self.assertEqual(result["url"], self.sample_s3_url) # Verify file was created self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("temp_logs")) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(result["file_path"])) # Verify file content with open(result["file_path"], 'r') as f: content = self.assertEqual(content, self.sample_log_content) # Verify size and line count self.assertEqual(result["size_bytes"], len(self.sample_log_content)) self.assertEqual(result["line_count"], self.sample_log_content.count('\n') + 1) # Verify API calls mock_api.download_log.assert_called_once_with(self.sample_job_id) mock_api.get_s3_log_url.assert_called_once_with(self.sample_job_id) # Verify context logging"Downloading log for job {self.sample_job_id}") finally: # Restore original directory os.chdir(original_dir) async def test_download_log_error_handling(self): """Test download log error handling""" # Mock the API client with patch('') as mock_api: # Configure mocks for failure mock_api.download_log.side_effect = Exception("Download failed") mock_api.get_s3_log_url.return_value = self.sample_s3_url # Create a context mock with async methods ctx_mock = MagicMock() = AsyncMock() ctx_mock.error = AsyncMock() # Run with a temporary directory as cwd with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Change to the temp directory original_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(temp_dir) try: # Call the function result = await download_log_to_file(self.sample_job_id, ctx=ctx_mock) # Verify error result self.assertFalse(result["success"]) self.assertEqual(result["job_id"], self.sample_job_id) self.assertIn("error", result) self.assertIn("Download failed", result["error"]) # Verify context error logging ctx_mock.error.assert_called_with("Failed to download log: Download failed") finally: # Restore original directory os.chdir(original_dir) async def test_download_log_to_file_network_error(self): """Test downloading log with network errors""" # Mock the API client with patch('') as mock_api: # Configure mocks for network error mock_api.download_log.side_effect = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError("Connection refused") mock_api.get_s3_log_url.return_value = self.sample_s3_url # Create a context mock with async methods ctx_mock = MagicMock() = AsyncMock() ctx_mock.error = AsyncMock() # Run with a temporary directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Change to the temp directory original_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(temp_dir) try: # Call the function result = await download_log_to_file(self.sample_job_id, ctx=ctx_mock) # Verify error result self.assertFalse(result["success"]) self.assertEqual(result["job_id"], self.sample_job_id) self.assertIn("error", result) self.assertIn("Connection refused", result["error"]) finally: # Restore original directory os.chdir(original_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()