#!/usr/bin/env python3
Test script for validating the get_recent_commits_with_jobs function on real data.
This tests the actual PyTorch HUD API response to verify that our function
correctly processes real data and returns unique commits.
import asyncio
import json
from datetime import datetime
# Import the function directly for testing
from pytorch_hud.tools.hud_data import get_recent_commits_with_jobs
async def run_test():
"""Test the get_recent_commits_with_jobs function on real data."""
print(f"Starting test at {datetime.now().isoformat()}")
# Set the number of commits to fetch
per_page = 5
print(f"Fetching {per_page} recent commits from PyTorch HUD API...")
result = await get_recent_commits_with_jobs(
# Don't include job details to minimize response size
# Print basic information about the results
print(f"\nReceived {len(result['commits'])} commits:")
for i, commit in enumerate(result['commits']):
print(f"\nCommit {i+1}:")
print(f" SHA: {commit['sha']} ({commit['short_sha']})")
print(f" Title: {commit['title']}")
print(f" Author: {commit['author']}")
print(f" Time: {commit['time']}")
print(f" PR: {commit.get('prNum')}") # May use different field name
print(f" Status: {commit['status']}")
print(" Job counts:")
for status, count in commit['job_counts'].items():
print(f" {status}: {count}")
# Check if we have duplicated commits (same SHA)
shas = [commit['sha'] for commit in result['commits']]
unique_shas = set(shas)
if len(shas) == len(unique_shas):
print("\n✅ Success: All commits have unique SHAs")
print("\n❌ Error: Found duplicate commits")
# Find the duplicates
duplicates = {}
for sha in shas:
if shas.count(sha) > 1 and sha not in duplicates:
duplicates[sha] = shas.count(sha)
for sha, count in duplicates.items():
print(f" SHA {sha} appears {count} times")
# Check pagination info
print("\nPagination information:")
for key, value in result['pagination'].items():
print(f" {key}: {value}")
# Save the result to a file for further examination
output_file = "test/fixtures/recent_commit_status_output.json"
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
json.dump(result, f, indent=2)
print(f"\nDetailed results saved to {output_file}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create a new event loop and run the test
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
print("\nTest completed successfully ✅")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nTest failed: {e} ❌")
raise e