#!/usr/bin/env python3
Unit tests for job details tools
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from test.utils import create_async_mock_context
from pytorch_hud.tools.hud_data import get_job_details
class JobDetailsTest(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
"""Test suite for job details tools"""
def setUp(self):
"""Set up test environment"""
# Mock API responses - these match the real API structure
self.expected_log_url = "https://ossci-raw-job-status.s3.amazonaws.com/log/123456"
self.expected_artifacts = {
"artifacts": [
{"name": "artifact1.txt", "url": "https://api.github.com/artifacts/123"},
{"name": "artifact2.zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/artifacts/456"}
async def test_get_job_details(self):
"""Test getting job details"""
# Create API mock
api_mock = MagicMock()
api_mock.get_s3_log_url.return_value = self.expected_log_url
api_mock.get_artifacts.return_value = self.expected_artifacts
# Mock the API client
with patch('pytorch_hud.tools.hud_data.api', api_mock):
# Call the function
job_id = "123456"
result = await get_job_details(job_id)
# Verify the result
self.assertEqual(result["job_id"], job_id)
self.assertEqual(result["log_url"], self.expected_log_url)
self.assertEqual(result["artifacts"], self.expected_artifacts)
# Make sure the API methods were called correctly
api_mock.get_artifacts.assert_called_once_with("s3", job_id)
async def test_get_job_details_with_failures(self):
"""Test getting job details with API failures"""
# Create API mock with artifacts failure
api_mock = MagicMock()
api_mock.get_s3_log_url.return_value = self.expected_log_url
api_mock.get_artifacts.side_effect = Exception("Failed to get artifacts")
# Mock the API client
with patch('pytorch_hud.tools.hud_data.api', api_mock):
# Call the function
job_id = "123456"
result = await get_job_details(job_id)
# Verify the result handles the failure gracefully
self.assertEqual(result["job_id"], job_id)
self.assertEqual(result["log_url"], self.expected_log_url)
self.assertIsNone(result["artifacts"]) # Should be None due to failure
# Make sure the API methods were still called
api_mock.get_artifacts.assert_called_once_with("s3", job_id)
# Removed test_get_job_details_with_all_failures as we no longer have multiple API calls that can fail
async def test_get_job_details_with_context(self):
"""Test getting job details with MCP context"""
# Create API mock
api_mock = MagicMock()
api_mock.get_s3_log_url.return_value = self.expected_log_url
api_mock.get_artifacts.return_value = self.expected_artifacts
# Create a mock context with async methods
ctx_mock = create_async_mock_context()
# Mock the API client
with patch('pytorch_hud.tools.hud_data.api', api_mock):
# Call the function with context
job_id = "123456"
result = await get_job_details(job_id, ctx=ctx_mock)
# Verify the result
self.assertEqual(result["job_id"], job_id)
self.assertEqual(result["log_url"], self.expected_log_url)
# Verify context was used for logging
ctx_mock.info.assert_called_with(f"Fetching detailed information for job {job_id}")
if __name__ == "__main__":