
remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides database interaction with Snowflake, enabling SQL query execution, table management, and schema exploration. Includes tools for reading data, modifying data (with appropriate permissions), creating tables, listing available tables, and describing table structures.

Snowflake MCP Server


A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that provides database interaction with Snowflake. This server enables running SQL queries with tools and intereacting with a memo of data insights presented as a resource.



The server exposes a single dynamic resource:

  • memo://insights: A continuously updated data insights memo that aggregates discovered insights during analysis
    • Auto-updates as new insights are discovered via the append-insight tool


The server offers six core tools:

Query Tools

  • read_query
    • Execute SELECT queries to read data from the database
    • Input:
      • query (string): The SELECT SQL query to execute
    • Returns: Query results as array of objects
  • write_query (with --allow-write flag)
    • Execute INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries
    • Input:
      • query (string): The SQL modification query
    • Returns: { affected_rows: number }
  • create_table (with --allow-write flag)
    • Create new tables in the database
    • Input:
      • query (string): CREATE TABLE SQL statement
    • Returns: Confirmation of table creation

Schema Tools

  • list_tables
    • Get a list of all tables in the database
    • No input required
    • Returns: Array of table names
  • describe-table
    • View column information for a specific table
    • Input:
      • table_name (string): Name of table to describe (can be fully qualified)
    • Returns: Array of column definitions with names and types

Analysis Tools

  • append_insight
    • Add new data insights to the memo resource
    • Input:
      • insight (string): data insight discovered from analysis
    • Returns: Confirmation of insight addition
    • Triggers update of memo://insights resource

Usage with Claude Desktop

Installing via Smithery

To install Snowflake Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install mcp_snowflake_server --client claude

Installing via UVX

# Add the server to your claude_desktop_config.json "mcpServers": { "snowflake_pip": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp_snowflake_server", "--account", "the_account", "--warehouse", "the_warehouse", "--user", "the_user", "--password", "their_password", "--role", "the_role" "--database", "the_database", "--schema", "the_schema", # Optionally: "--allow_write" (but not recommended) # Optionally: "--log_dir", "/absolute/path/to/logs" # Optionally: "--log_level", "DEBUG"/"INFO"/"WARNING"/"ERROR"/"CRITICAL" # Optionally: "--exclude_tools", "{tool name}", ["{other tool name}"] ] } }

Installing locally

# Add the server to your claude_desktop_config.json "mcpServers": { "snowflake_local": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/absolute/path/to/mcp_snowflake_server", "run", "mcp_snowflake_server", "--account", "the_account", "--warehouse", "the_warehouse", "--user", "the_user", "--password", "their_password", "--role", "the_role" "--database", "the_database", "--schema", "the_schema", # Optionally: "--allow_write" (but not recommended) # Optionally: "--log_dir", "/absolute/path/to/logs" # Optionally: "--log_level", "DEBUG"/"INFO"/"WARNING"/"ERROR"/"CRITICAL" # Optionally: "--exclude_tools", "{tool name}", ["{other tool name}"] ] } }
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Snowflake integration implementing read and (optional) write operations as well as insight tracking

  1. Overview
    1. Components
      1. Resources
      2. Tools
    2. Usage with Claude Desktop
      1. Installing via Smithery
      2. Installing via UVX
      3. Installing locally