MCP Servers for Bun
Bun is an all-in-one JavaScript runtime & toolkit designed for speed, complete with a bundler, test runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager.
Why this server?
Provides runtime and build support for the MCP server, enabling execution without transpilation and allowing compilation into standalone executables for easier deployment.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that provides tools for interacting with Linear issue tracking system, currently supporting issue search with plans to expand to issue creation, updates, comments, and project management.11231TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Used for fast testing and development in the project
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA TypeScript-based template for building Model Context Protocol servers, featuring fast testing, automated version management, and a clean structure for MCP tool implementations.1142TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Used for fast testing and development of the MCP server
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA production-ready template for building Model Context Protocol servers in TypeScript, offering fast development with Bun, Biome linting, and automated version management.114JavaScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Uses Bun for fast testing and development of the MCP server.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityA production-ready template for creating Model Context Protocol servers with TypeScript, providing tools for efficient testing, development, and deployment.11411JavaScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Integrates with Bun for running the MCP inspector and development workflows, providing scripts for testing, building, and watching the project.
gerredVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables AI agents to control Minecraft bots through a standardized JSON-RPC interface.10616TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Provides installation and execution of the MCP server via Bun package manager and runtime, with specific commands for using bunx to run the server for improved performance.
Specif-ai MCP Serverofficial
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA CLI tool that runs a Model Context Protocol server over stdio, enabling interaction with specification documents like business requirements, product requirements, and user stories for the Specif-ai platform.91TypeScriptWhy this server?
Used as the JavaScript runtime to execute the MCP server code.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol tool that enables Claude to interact with Microsoft Outlook for macOS, allowing users to read/send emails, manage calendar events, and access contacts through natural language commands.32TypeScriptWhy this server?
Built for the Bun JavaScript runtime environment, using it for dependency management, script execution, and server operation.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol server that provides database interaction capabilities through SQLite, enabling users to run SQL queries, analyze business data, and automatically generate business insight memos.68TypeScriptWhy this server?
Used for running the deployment script and local development
-securityAlicense-qualityA lightweight MCP server that interacts with the Neon REST API, deployable on Cloudflare Workers for streamlined database management and integration.3TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
The README shows a command for running the web server using Bun as an alternative runtime: 'bun src/notes-web-server.ts --dynamodb ...'
Why this server?
Uses Bun for running the MCP server, utilized as the runtime environment for the application. The '--watch' flag suggests it provides hot reloading functionality during development.
-securityFlicense-qualityProvides curated documentation access via the Gemini API, enabling users to query and interact with technical docs effectively by overcoming context and search limitations.11TypeScriptWhy this server?
Used as the JavaScript runtime for the MCP server, selected for its speed and all-in-one capabilities.
-securityFlicense-qualityA configurable MCP server that dynamically loads capabilities from a remote configuration to bridge MCP clients with remote APIs for executing actions, accessing resources, and utilizing prompt templates.1934TypeScriptWhy this server?
Supports Bun runtime and package manager for JavaScript/TypeScript development environments
-securityFlicense-qualityCreate sandboxed local development environments directly from Github and execute tests, see coverage and more! Supports Python, Node, Bun and many test runners.21Python