Specif-ai MCP Server


remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides installation and execution of the MCP server via Bun package manager and runtime, with specific commands for using bunx to run the server for improved performance.

  • Uses Mermaid diagrams to visualize installation options and usage flows for the MCP server.

  • Supports running the MCP server in Node.js environments with specific installation methods and version requirements.


A CLI tool that runs an MCP (Model Context Protocol) server over stdio for Specif-ai.

Installation & Usage Overview


You can install the binary directly using our installation script:

# Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.sh | sh # Install specific version curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.sh | sh -s -- -v 1.2.3
# Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.ps1 | iex # Install specific version iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.ps1 | iex -v 1.2.3

or manually download the binary for your platform from the Releases page.

Package Manager Installation

You can install globally using npm:

# Latest version npm install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest # Specific version npm install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3

Or using bun:

# Latest version bun install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest # Specific version bun install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3


To check for updates:

# Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.sh | sh -s -- -c # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.ps1 | iex -c

To update to the latest version:

# Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.sh | sh # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.ps1 | iex

To update to a specific version:

# Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.sh | sh -s -- -v 1.2.3 # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.ps1 | iex -v 1.2.3

Example MCP Client Configuration

with npx with latest version:

{ "specif-ai": { "command": "npx", "args": ["--yes", "@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } }

with npx with specific version:

{ "specif-ai": { "command": "npx", "args": ["--yes", "@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } }

with bunx with latest version:

{ "specif-ai": { "command": "bunx", "args": ["@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } }

with bunx with specific version:

{ "specif-ai": { "command": "bunx", "args": ["@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } }

with direct binary or package manager global installation:

{ "specif-ai": { "command": "specif-ai-mcp-server", "args": [], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } }


  • --help, -h: Display help information
  • --version: Display version information

See the setup instructions for each

  1. Cline
  2. Cursor

Setting Project Path

Once the server is running, you can set the project path using the set-project-path tool. This tool accepts a path to the directory containing your specification files. After setting the path, the server will load all documents from that directory.

Example tool usage:

{ "name": "set-project-path", "arguments": { "path": "./path/to/project" } }

Available Tools

The server provides several tools for interacting with your specification documents:

Tool NameDescription
set-project-pathSet or change the project directory path
get-brdsGet Business Requirement Documents
get-prdsGet Product Requirement Documents
get-nfrsGet Non-Functional Requirements
get-uirsGet User Interface Requirements
get-bpsGet Business Process Documents
get-user-storiesGet User Stories for a specific PRD
get-tasksGet Tasks for a specific User Story
get-taskGet details of a specific Task


For binary installation:

  • curl (Unix) or PowerShell (Windows)
  • sudo access (Unix, for system-wide installation)

For package manager installation:

  • Node.js >= 16.0.0
  • Bun >= 1.0.0 (if using Bun runtime)



You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

A CLI tool that runs a Model Context Protocol server over stdio, enabling interaction with specification documents like business requirements, product requirements, and user stories for the Specif-ai platform.

  1. Installation & Usage Overview
    1. Installation
      1. Direct Binary Installation (Recommended)
      2. Package Manager Installation
    2. Updates
      1. Example MCP Client Configuration
        1. Options
      2. Specifai MCP integration with popular IDE and extension
        1. Setting Project Path
        2. Available Tools
      3. Requirements
        1. License