MCP Servers for GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline directly from GitHub.
Why this server?
Integrates with GitHub Actions for continuous integration, including automated testing on Node.js 18.x and 20.x, test results uploaded as artifacts
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityFacilitates unified execution and result parsing for various testing frameworks, including Bats, Pytest, Flutter, Jest, and Go, through a Model Context Protocol interface.15TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
The MCP server uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment, running tests across Python versions, checking code formatting, performing type checking, security scans, and generating coverage reports.
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP server for collecting code from files and directories into a single markdown document.24PythonMIT LicenseWhy this server?
The README mentions GitHub Actions tools for Babashka, including setup-babashka and babashka-docker-action, which are recommended for using Babashka in GitHub Actions workflows.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityEnables execution and management of Babashka scripts using the Model Context Protocol, offering features like caching, command history access, and configurable timeouts for enhanced scripting workflows.12JavaScriptWhy this server?
Integrates with GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipelines, including automated testing, container image building, and deployment workflows.
-securityAlicense-qualityAn MCP server that assists with the orchestration of new software projects by applying standardized templates and best practices in design patterns and software architecture.1PythonMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Enables CI/CD pipeline integration for automating migration checks on pull requests, particularly when model or migration files are modified.
-securityFlicense-qualityA Model Context Protocol service that wraps Django's migration commands as MCP endpoints, making it easy to manage migrations across multiple services and integrate with CI/CD pipelines.Python