Test Runner MCP

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Integrates with Dependabot for automated dependency updates

  • Allows running and parsing Flutter tests, with enhanced support including environment setup, error handling, and detailed output processing

  • Integrates with GitHub Actions for continuous integration, including automated testing on Node.js 18.x and 20.x, test results uploaded as artifacts

Test Runner MCP

*** Note: this mcp server can be used by agents to potentially run arbitrary commands, this is something which can actually be quite helpful as intelligent agents will often automatically and naturally take debugging steps to achieve specified task; especially if every instance of execution for this tool is approved individually. Though I would not recommend allowing always approve execution***

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for running and parsing test results from multiple testing frameworks. This server provides a unified interface for executing tests and processing their outputs, supporting:

  • Bats (Bash Automated Testing System)
  • Pytest (Python Testing Framework)
  • Flutter Tests
  • Jest (JavaScript Testing Framework)
  • Go Tests


npm install test-runner-mcp


The following test frameworks need to be installed for their respective test types:



Add the test-runner to your MCP settings (e.g., in claude_desktop_config.json or cline_mcp_settings.json):

{ "mcpServers": { "test-runner": { "command": "node", "args": ["/path/to/test-runner-mcp/build/index.js"], "env": { "NODE_PATH": "/path/to/test-runner-mcp/node_modules", // Flutter-specific environment (required for Flutter tests) "FLUTTER_ROOT": "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/3.27.2/flutter", "PUB_CACHE": "/Users/username/.pub-cache", "PATH": "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/3.27.2/flutter/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" } } } }

Note: For Flutter tests, ensure you replace:

  • /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/3.27.2/flutter with your actual Flutter installation path
  • /Users/username/.pub-cache with your actual pub cache path
  • Update PATH to include your system's actual paths

You can find these values by running:

# Get Flutter root flutter --version # Get pub cache path echo $PUB_CACHE # or default to $HOME/.pub-cache # Get Flutter binary path which flutter

Running Tests

Use the run_tests tool with the following parameters:

{ "command": "test command to execute", "workingDir": "working directory for test execution", "framework": "bats|pytest|flutter|jest|go", "outputDir": "directory for test results", "timeout": "test execution timeout in milliseconds (default: 300000)", "env": "optional environment variables" }

Example for each framework:

// Bats { "command": "bats test/*.bats", "workingDir": "/path/to/project", "framework": "bats", "outputDir": "test_reports" } // Pytest { "command": "pytest test_file.py -v", "workingDir": "/path/to/project", "framework": "pytest", "outputDir": "test_reports" } // Flutter { "command": "flutter test test/widget_test.dart", "workingDir": "/path/to/project", "framework": "flutter", "outputDir": "test_reports", "FLUTTER_ROOT": "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/3.27.2/flutter", "PUB_CACHE": "/Users/username/.pub-cache", "PATH": "/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/3.27.2/flutter/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" } // Jest { "command": "jest test/*.test.js", "workingDir": "/path/to/project", "framework": "jest", "outputDir": "test_reports" } // Go { "command": "go test ./...", "workingDir": "/path/to/project", "framework": "go", "outputDir": "test_reports" }

Flutter Test Support

The test runner includes enhanced support for Flutter tests:

  1. Environment Setup
    • Automatic Flutter environment configuration
    • PATH and PUB_CACHE setup
    • Flutter installation verification
  2. Error Handling
    • Stack trace collection
    • Assertion error handling
    • Exception capture
    • Test failure detection
  3. Output Processing
    • Complete test output capture
    • Stack trace preservation
    • Detailed error reporting
    • Raw output preservation

Output Format

The test runner produces structured output while preserving complete test output:

interface TestResult { name: string; passed: boolean; output: string[]; rawOutput?: string; // Complete unprocessed output } interface TestSummary { total: number; passed: number; failed: number; duration?: number; } interface ParsedResults { framework: string; tests: TestResult[]; summary: TestSummary; rawOutput: string; // Complete command output }

Results are saved in the specified output directory:

  • test_output.log: Raw test output
  • test_errors.log: Error messages if any
  • test_results.json: Structured test results
  • summary.txt: Human-readable summary



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Build the project:
    npm run build

Running Tests

npm test

The test suite includes tests for all supported frameworks and verifies both successful and failed test scenarios.


The project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration:

  • Automated testing on Node.js 18.x and 20.x
  • Test results uploaded as artifacts
  • Dependabot configured for automated dependency updates


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Facilitates unified execution and result parsing for various testing frameworks, including Bats, Pytest, Flutter, Jest, and Go, through a Model Context Protocol interface.

  1. Installation
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Usage
        1. Configuration
        2. Running Tests
        3. Flutter Test Support
      2. Output Format
        1. Development
          1. Setup
          2. Running Tests
          3. CI/CD
        2. Contributing
          1. License