
by lishenxydlgzs


A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for running AWS Athena queries. This server enables AI assistants to execute SQL queries against your AWS Athena databases and retrieve results.


  1. Configure AWS credentials using one of the following methods:
    • AWS CLI configuration
    • Environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
    • IAM role (if running on AWS)
  2. Add the server to your MCP configuration:
{ "mcpServers": { "athena": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@lishenxydlgzs/aws-athena-mcp"], "env": { // Required "OUTPUT_S3_PATH": "s3://your-bucket/athena-results/", // Optional AWS configuration "AWS_REGION": "us-east-1", // Default: AWS CLI default region "AWS_PROFILE": "default", // Default: 'default' profile "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "", // Optional: AWS access key "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "", // Optional: AWS secret key "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN": "", // Optional: AWS session token // Optional server configuration "QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS": "300000", // Default: 5 minutes (300000ms) "MAX_RETRIES": "100", // Default: 100 attempts "RETRY_DELAY_MS": "500" // Default: 500ms between retries } } } }
  1. The server provides the following tools:
  • run_query: Execute a SQL query using AWS Athena
    • Parameters:
      • database: The Athena database to query
      • query: SQL query to execute
      • maxRows: Maximum number of rows to return (default: 1000, max: 10000)
    • Returns:
      • If query completes within timeout: Full query results
      • If timeout reached: Only the queryExecutionId for later retrieval
  • get_status: Check the status of a query execution
    • Parameters:
      • queryExecutionId: The ID returned from run_query
    • Returns:
      • state: Query state (QUEUED, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or CANCELLED)
      • stateChangeReason: Reason for state change (if any)
      • submissionDateTime: When the query was submitted
      • completionDateTime: When the query completed (if finished)
      • statistics: Query execution statistics (if available)
  • get_result: Retrieve results for a completed query
    • Parameters:
      • queryExecutionId: The ID returned from run_query
      • maxRows: Maximum number of rows to return (default: 1000, max: 10000)
    • Returns:
      • Full query results if the query has completed successfully
      • Error if query failed or is still running


Running a query:

{ "database": "my_database", "query": "SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT 10", "maxRows": 10 }

Checking query status:

{ "queryExecutionId": "12345-67890-abcdef" }

Getting results for a completed query:

{ "queryExecutionId": "12345-67890-abcdef", "maxRows": 10 }


  • Node.js >= 16
  • AWS credentials with appropriate Athena permissions
  • S3 bucket for query results




GitHub Repository

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Run SQL queries with AWS Athena to access data available from AWS Glue catalog.

  1. Usage
    1. Examples
      1. Requirements
        1. License
          1. Repository